SOUVENIR rh tMORNING HOP EXTRA t_ E DIT I O N VOL. XXXV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1925 PRICE TEN CENTS HOP IS BRILLIANT SUCCESS STUNNING GOWS THE GRAND MARCH DECODAIONS FOR FODNISIH DADINI A.NNOAL FESIIVAL SETTING FOR HOP CN111 SPREM MISS MARXTERTO\IN DRESS COWLENCS SPNCH WAS USUAL OF BROCADED TAFFTA, ti ' CONCOCTION BUT LOOKED LEADS MARCH*r b f PRETTY BLINDING ARRAY MUSIC IS CONTINUOUS Ostrich, in Combination With Dark Sb-Committeemen Were Plentiful and Shades of Velvet, Much in 4"in the Way Except to Give Evidence Out Favors By Murchison Mabie By Mr. Jason Cowles It is the accepted thing for a mas- A 1921 will go down in history culine writer to offer apologies before as the year when the J-Hop decora- he essays to plunge into the be-rib- lis eren thly oparedori bonedmorass of feminine fashion. ronrse n ebuyrg aororae bae Hout having pored diligently over alessels aindwerauro rtaesoon- Vogue for the past week, I am prob aeslsndwrusthtfto - ably better fortified for the task than r;^she asiums aru hadWa the average male. The Hop was a erman last year, this year's layout is beautiful affair and so forth and so a gorgeous and beautiful thing Hot forth-but I leave this preliminary it has no more connection with Ara- raving to Mr. Jason Cowles, and turn After circling throughout the hall in an expansive grand march, the 850 couples attending the Hop finally bia than a Chop Suey joint. to the gowns. formed, at 10 o'clock last night, a huge block "M". During a few minutes pause, a flashlight picture of the As I entered the supposed Arabian crowd was taken, the orchestras then resuming their playing and the couples dancing once more. Music and the 1 hall room (I'm glad somebody told me dance ruled supreme until 3 o'clock this morning when "Home Sweet Home" marked the passing into history of FINDS HOP INVISIBLE It was Arabian before I entered) it another J-Hop. was natural that I should first turn my inquiring gaze on Miss Mary At- Madame Ossip Gabrilowitsch, herton, who, with Charles Oakman, led OPE[uAm'ulW I I T l aSID ELIGH TSte Hope being a singein the gand gdmarch She was beautiful IUJI.HEC II a te HplbeigIIsige i Tall and graceful, she wore her stun- L-U VVher own right, wife of a conduc- ning frock of green and gold brocaded One sub-committeeman took a dirty ochstratheDetroitdaSymphony taffeta with an air quite indescrib- I L n R IvIiluI spill while holding the rope whichI INIU BIT A K o Mark Twain), came to the party able. The gown, which showed a formed the block "M". "Naw," he re- kexpecting to get an idea of what marked French infuence, had a tight- marked with grave grin as he picked - college dances are like, ly-fitted bodice; and the skirt, of pic- Objectionable References to China himself up, "didn't hurt a bit. Ha. Fourteen Juniors Handle Immense turesque bouffancy, was trimmed with Omte;Rmidroa"FurenJnosHnl mes "But I find," she said, "that qe Omitted; Remainder of Ha"Preparation Needed to Insure it's much too dark to see any- brilliant flowers applique, and edged Show Unaltered Success ino varioloedrrbbo.Sucneeehadlything at all. I can't see how in varicolored ribbon. I need hardly Mrs. Carritt, wife of Prof. N. F. they dance, and I can't see what say that her slippers, of silver kid, CRITICS ACCLAIM SHOW Carritt, of Oxford and Michigan, view- BEGAN 3 MONTHS AGO they're wearing. And I think the were the very sole of fashion. ed her first J-Hop with mingled won- - orchestras stop at awfully funny But a fashion review can't consist By Mr. Jason Cowles der and amusement "How do you like Three months ago the newly-elect- places." of one gown. Turning, my breath was teHp"sm n asked "What?" quite taken away when my eyes fell For the benefit of those who have the Hop?" some o s ed J-Hop committee met for the first When the lights were turned shet repkedtakewbyyurphsenupay 1:3yths iseill on an exquisite creation of pink crepe not been able to see this year's opera, she replied, taken by surprise, time, under the direction of Charles G. up at 11:30 the visibility im- de Chine, with panne velvet petals of the Mimes of the University of Mich- Oakman, '26, general chairman, and proved. Before the evening had finished, a a somewhat darker shade scattered igan will present on Saturday after- laid the initial plans for the dance. sparngl abot a bilowin skrt.number of people were heard to ask sparingly about a billowing skirt. noon, "Tickled To Death," by Don- feebly where they could get a breath Since that time fourteen juniors have Not having a connection with any of The ensemble was completed by a huge bow of pink velvet placed square- aid E. L. Snyder, '25. of fresh air The committee, it seems, devoted most of their energy to the the booths, we were forced to free- ly across a alptant bosom. Critics were practically unanimous forgot this important detail. completion of these plans, the devel- lance about, smiling at people we knew Py *c s~ p*itntbso- ( until they asked us in to sit down. Stumbling on half blinded by the in acclaiming this year's show as the opment of new ideas, and working out After we had done that t do Dean Bursley was anxiously buzzing , they had to sight, our vision was returned to us best that Director E. Mortimer Shuter around during the early part of the details that make the Michigan offer us some of their punch and when we noticed a stunning Roman- has ever turned out. Clever dancing, g Junior Hop as perfect as a dance can candy. stripped shawl drawn tightly about a singing, and acting combined with evening, trying to collect a little pb-JuirHpapefcasadnean ady g b lie opinion on the question: Is the be. The punch, which is standard for J- young lady and obscuring a gown brilliant lines and dazzling costumes, Hop too dark for decency? Five juniors were elected by the lit- Hops (at least it seems to be the same which later turned out to be of gold produced an opera that Michigan may Apparently his researches resultedort of brocade, simply cut, and trimmed with well be proud of. And when this de- As s erary college, three by the engineer- stew somehow dark fur. Her coiffre (can bobbedlihflwoessuued it te in a big affirmative majority, as the colgadoeiahbnh e-se oeo reminiscent of rotten lightful whole is suffused with the gg college, and one each by the re- almonds-although, to be sure, it hair be coiffed?) was a new one on warm glow oMr. nyder's ymnasia wer e both flooded with light. maining five colleges. The work of dis- sparkles and gleams fetchingly in the me. The dark hair, cut closely be- the result is one of the most pleasing tributing applications and notifying fraternity punch bowls hind, was brushed in a long wave afternoons, theatrically speaking, that those whose cards had been accepted There was no dearth of subcom- straight back over the ears. one can imagine. mitteemen. Undoubtedly previous It is quite impossible in the space The story deals with the adven IT E. VVI I T HPPEiED was all done before the vacation, un- adve- i KoeigHops have suffered from this cause, wasigned to attempt any further indi- tures of an American archaeological der the direction of Harry B. Koenig, and the present entrepreneurs resol- vidal descriptions. Suffice it to say expedition in China, and the many While 850 couples danced away the '26. More than 1,200 applications were ed to eon the safe side. The result that skirts evidenced a deided trend amusing complications that arise be- night, two Daily men drove throughrece upwards, and that the mode seemed to fore the final curtain are enough toI give out but 700 tickets, anyone on the floor, you could be sure tend rather toward a severe simplicity keep the most sophisticated and cri- the dark on treacherous roads covered Fifty-two booths were distributed to without even looking that he had a in line. Ostrich was much in evid- tical audience in a perfect gale o with ice to Detroit and back to make the fraternities and independent red ribbon on his shirt, and the he ence as trmmng, usually in combina- laughter. possible the picture of the Hop in this groups by Charles Grube, '26. Again had bummed a dance off of some poor tion with velvet of the darker shades, Among the high spots in the show morning's extra. Leaving Ann Arbor the demand exceeded the number of boy that had coughed up $7.50 to get or with heavily beaded or brocaded are some of the beautifully arranged at 1145 o'clock with a photograph of booths that could be supplied by the in. silks. As to the beauty of the young spectacles, such as the "Lanterns of the grand march, the two men made committee, and a number of fraterni- We couldn't see that they had much ladies on which there gowns were the Night" scene in which the retard time to the Motor City. ties had to double up. to do, although a lot of them held the hung-I have little to say. I am not, chorus appears dressed in lantern They delivered the picture to the J. More than 20 of the leading orches- ropes for the block "M" at the end of in fact, an unbiased judge. Better to suits with flashlights shining through S. Van Alsteyne Engraving company,tras of the country made bids to play the grand march. After that they dis- leave each man to his own individual them; the scene in which the entire who made the cut which was rushed at this year's Hop. From that number persed, only to appear an hour or so opinion and avoid dispute. chorus carries $80 ostrich fans; and back to The Daily office by automo- three were selected by Gene K. Buck, later with a lot of tin horns and pa- the thrilling finale in which all of the bile, and locked in the forms by 3:25 26D, chairman of the music commit- per caps and confetti-which they dis- A ctress Unable marines come marching on. o'clock this morning, tee. All three are well-known to tributed with appalling generosity. My The settings and costumes, although _ _ _(Continued on Page Eight) horn wouldn't blow, by the way. To Attend Party excellent in past operas, are even bet- Patrons of the Hop were pleased All in all, a pretty little party. The ter in this one. to discover that there were orchestras Police reserves were on hand to music was nothing sort of continuous. Miss Eleanor Boardman, well known Chinese students who are bringing located at various points of the gym- prevent the commoners from rushing First one band and then the other. star of the movies, was not among hometown girls to the Hop need not nasiums. the gymnasiums to obtain a view of The committee was certainly wonder- those present at the Hop. Business hesitate to take them to the Opera, the splendor, gayety and costumes. ful to have put on such an incompar- duties in New York prevented her from as all unseemly references to that During the 20th century, Hops have ably swank fiesta with only two accepting the invitation which was is-J country have been cut, according to been held every year except three- Feb. 14, 1896, there were two J-Hops month's work. Hats off, the flag is sued. the authorities. 1914, 1918, 1921. 1 due to dissension among fraternities. passing by.