FRI DAY, ' IE1RiUARY 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY N~IA~QW~~Ufin'E-Chancellor Faces Trial A lILV~lILI/I IUV Teapot"Scanda S tirs Germany FOHEIJSIC CON1IEST I , ~i i lFeb.19-c rman govern- .iial Essay onJ Somie Prase bHOLD FINALS IN MAY F nrollmnent, of more than 200 Michi- Sgan high schools in the "National SOratorical Contest," which is being herd c~ 1rAl es are in allui'oar over a ,"'l eaa net Dom(," mcandlal. Thle ter- m1 a; aite taping the hnatter mnucht Iitero se: iO;)i-1y titan the Aime,':ans dlid 111 ri i Is ti'cir:IIZst Iaces. Gll. a v I act, ek a nellor Of the So- cisili..t e:pi mewhinch wvas in 1;ower f:-olr' liS'',% _91J. toIa) rdi, 19~20, is fac- ing tt1 oi ;(: (1151 2 olhaving a id- ('( -Ill :; l~Iti :E? the o ~'ernfliE't. 1Whit Hu!i i1.";:E. ,'i'. ac aciwls is ircica~ted by I I t ' E' I The Campus Credo Today's clluest ion : Do you thinkt that cultural opportunities are great- er in English universities than in M American universities? Where asked: The Union. in American universities are as good I every case, the great factor is w e; i . .iirs, who have considered the ques- as those in English universities. The Our wealth enables us to have a - re I ti the problem of cultural educa- only difference is, I believe, that the# number of unrivalled libraries wl1 * has the same difficulty in England English student takes more advantage' offer all opportunities possible. that it has in America. Augustine of the opportunities offered than the "In a second important considera- Birrell, especially, has done 'much to average American student does." ;shtenifomroyopinsf Stion, that of the faculties, the same ap- satrm omrrs pnoso 1. W. Soderberg, '27,-"Yes. The at- English education." plies. Our money draws great ior- L. G. Burgnon, '28-"No, because mosphere in E~nglish, universities is a' eign lecturers. And even in the ateAmrcnsholr mr pt good1 deal more cultural than in te B ence of foreign savants, it may safely j 4t~e They offer a much wider field American. Here we stress the prac- be said that our owan -. ative faculties I to choose from in the cultural line." tical side, that of making a living." are as illustrious as those of the old L. Rosenthal, '26,-"No. The aver-( country schools, fogy, it stands to rea - age American state university, being son that by reason of sheer size we Evanston, . P -7Fe 19.-A Chicago the instrument of a. wealtheir common- ought to produce more great thinkers physician, w'owli to remain an- ity than the average English commun- than a country of England's popula- (onymous, has given - 1,0,000 to the new ity itusullyhasgrate lirar Vatio, ven if the proportion were medical school of Northwestern uni- ci lities, and we may consider the size I smaller." versity. ,, 1sponsored by leading newspapers Ii: " 1. K I:a, 1: (' Sc is I 1s.t party I a f u:P iiiAswrs: Lye . Thayer, 5, of the library as a far gauge of the Ted ornberger, '27-"No. Appar- a ithroughout the country to iHt'0a5P fa: c a ii i n i from t he Reich- t''.. . _ "1lbelieve the cultural opportunities cultural opportunities. Here, as in1 ently, to judge by modern English a- Su' ' study of the Constitution in Itight sta.N ° schools, has been reported by (direcf.- rh1o ra ci l tt rs ro;nud the in-! ors of the national contest. vc,,raaLi1(nt o rci ovtmett fund. For' Students compelting in the prelim - long it ha'' blen the mra t ice of t he - inary contests will be required to G( ri,tS A ocari'iiieaatil (ettattiteni ato'{ swrite an essay on some phase of the Iinva theiir antde fund.. ( udertIhe 1blcwnceujecs3ontittinaacV e a l.gnimnatrjofpons I~i~lowng sbjcs: cosittonl aic egn eth n ni; r f oss ~. In Its A/eaning TODIAY' A D SATURDA ( 6Vrnment1 the contitution, and lthe which ti iyshas to a igest cash re-RE U NN j GMT 1 lation of Washington, Hamilton,)e av ealu nst e 1thrioug h the fumntoff ; Jlefferson, Marshall, Madison, Webtr RBa ma t Hot er' and othler' financial 4Vor Lincoln to t he Constitution. ag ut s a ]a-,.-9, st. 'The goveinment t Essays are to be etirely original ace i e in retunt qest :ca lle se~u-- nd reqluire no mrore than 10 minutes, iiic;%. Unqutestiona bly the Wold 's.9 Nost 1*for declamation. The general Igreat- A few months ago, the Bfarmat merit of the sub1jct mutst be of such }Brthns failed, tIhe government lost +5Specacular Sea Dra ma Compelling a character as to increase interest about. %,15,000,000 and the Prussian! 'in and respect for the constitution. ;State batik several more millions. 'hel h IPI 3do The Michigan hight schools have Reicistag 51a(d the Prussian diet, each ,i divided into zones, the winners of bIedia commission to inquire into money front, the Barnmats. C I ohc ilmei h tg ias ~eafiso h ~ra iohrs ~.AtnHfe xmnse fIA l W oS ejk competing for prizes ranging from The first ste to be taken was the ports, resigned temporarily from the X50(0 down. Tile school prodIucing tihe arrest of'1 te four Barma t brothers. ihhata, andlhils trial is rumored, state champion will receive a plaque Prelitminary investigations showed that!fr lio-1hewsntacedf FRANK LLOYD bearing a replica of the maedals won. wholesale corrupt ion involving sever- proiting financially, it. remained a fact p.j Other schools with representatives al pi'oiititeit Socialists had been pr'at- tiat the tsrmat transactions were api- eeit h - in tlho zone finals will receive diplom- ti{.ed. A newspaper pulblishled a letter proved by hint. as giving the record of their candi-which (clearly revealed thie fact that!01 ther revelations ittpicating Soi- ttli~r1 h (iieate. ofeo-Chancellor Bauer had accepted asts were threateneod. g. eatest romlantic final eliminations will meet May 8 in Id\ra Menorial Continental hall, Washing- - by ton, I). C., to decide the tnational chlam-- W ion. -President Coolidge will speak, 1 Sand justices of the United States su- t : ~,eme court. will act as judges of the I£An Livat4ion I o~ -oationls. Prizes will be distributed as fol-. e4I lows: first place, $2000; second, 1,-colg 1 0 hid,$500; fourti, $40Nffh $40 it,$5;and seventh, $300. EN of broad vision and initi-SA A 12 1 j ative will find many excellent The modelnl j Many Tnbutesopportunities in the home oraniza-IDu s Recivd Fomtion and branch offices of the Insur-' Promient endace Company of North America. r (Conipued from Page One) This is the Oldest American Fire and I Snday in dedicating their serices to ipratpr ntedvlp { the memory, of: President Burton. Marine Insurance Company. It has a, Several pastors intend to devote a full 41;sermon, others a part, while some anp . echurches will offer special prayers to ment of American commercial andj a'the fatmily. t Re-ftv. Herert A. Juml, pator of the industrial affairs. F^irst. Congregational church, has en- tit led his GE 'inion "President lBUrrot" r Inquiries are invited 1 Likewise a sermon will he delivered 4t ~iin President Burton'ink the U'nitarian INSURANCE COMPANY of_ gjchinrch by the Rev. Sidney S. Rob-NO T A E IC- 91i bins.NO T A ERC1 t- Rev. Carl A. Iraner, St. Paul's3r&WantSs t°uhtherarn. andl Rev.: Arthur Wa. Stal-I ksr er, h it't Methodist c h,urch, wll use Sa. part of lTeir sermons to speak of t.1he President., Itnthe former churchi ,i h t p etal 4, Spcace AMgtr as well as int the St. Andrew's Meth- uoist hurch, special prayers are to betofrdfrtefml.-!Iyo logfrtepnrosorndhelryfcnqs.yo ofyeeredor "} l hoer, T.,Feb.19,--T urs Ithe inost darng gentleman Frovr I e.1.-h ~~ untold adventure and ronuane unfold ta ie lidawv i rea cl ubs of1) irtt toutli olleg;e left ortthdatsa ralwhreevet l t ie awaveitw liuetdylttat'toii i e(I(5~ before you-withi the love of combat dleck. a 1 1of0notherniiNew York, New I)lamtp-,~ hiie, ana Verniont. ; Featuring IiConsider Doctor ILOgIL For piu L~ardSTAR ING TOD Y 4as Sir Oliver Tressilian and Sakr-el-Bahr, SMatinee tam sNight E I E N T a3%" 10 DlC IIs the fairest maid that ever set manly hearts a-flutter .k _ WALLACEBERR and .g 2nd 3,000 Corsairs, Pirates, Galley rely a Mile of a Girl , A Slaves and Fighting Men make up the Brings a Mightij AMan /Icat to Ruin 7 -AIM ibscribe for The AlMiana Py M vtieea r