DEDICATED TO JUSTICE C, . r .AIt aa ~~Iaih MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 103 EIGHT PAGE~S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT MITCHELLDENIES DFOR REPRIMAND HAS NOT 'CONSIDERED REPORT THAT IE WOULD) NOT BE REAPPOINTED PERKINS EXPLAINS Airvraft Committee Adopts Resol'ution To Question Wilkes on Army Air Craft' Washington, Feb. 19, (By A. P.).- Yesterday's widely advertised story that a presidential reprimand was im- minent for Brig.-General Mitchell, the stormy petrel of the air service, ex- ploded today with a force that left those who have stood sponsor for it scurrying to cover. General Mitchell himself, placed on the stand before the House aircraft committee, testified that he never had received a summons to the White House, reports of which were dissem- mated from the committee rooms.- Later, Representative Perkins, New Jersey, the committee examiner, plaC- ed on the grill by those newspaper correspondents who had assumed re- sponsibility for the story without at- tempting to verify it in other quarters, issued a statement saying that when he circulated the report yesterday he had believed himself reliably inform- ed. General Mitchell, instead of going to the White Ilouse for the heralded reprimand, appeared once more be- fore the air craft committee, reaf- firmed his opposition to the air policy of the war and navy department and asserted he had received no summons from the President. lie declared he had no knowlddge as to the origin of the report, that he had been or would be summoned to the White Mouse, and, answering ques- tions of committee members, said he had given no consideration to the re- port that he would not be reappoint- ed March 26 to his present position as assistant army air chief. He added, however, that he had been informed that Major General Patrick, chief of the air service, had recommended his reappointment. When called to the witness stand, Representative Reid, Republican, II1- nois, asked: "Is this General Mitch- ell or ex-general?" The assistant army air chief smil- ed, but did not reply. If Iro is not re- appointe'I to his present post, he will revert to the rank of colonel. After hearing the general, the com- mittee unanimously adopted a resolu- tion to call Mr. Wilkes for question- ing en army air craft and then voted to table a resolution by Mr. Reid to protest against possible presidential reprimand of the witness. The Illi- nois member contended that, by de- laying action on his approval, the com- I inittee would permit General Mitchell to be sent to the "sticks." THEATRES WILL CLOSE TOMORROW AFTERNOON 4 T The Majestic and Arcade the- atres wil omit their matinee 1 performances tomorrow during the funeral services of Presi- dent Marion L. Burton. The performances will be resumed, however, at 7 o'clock. ASK 205 TO LEAVE fLITERARY COLLEGE! ATTACK LAUNCHED 'ON MUSCLE SHOALS CI TTERPR ROAD ENGINEERS' ELEVENTIH ANNUAL CO NREBNCE ENO'S METHODS OF SNOW REMOVAL ON hIGhWAYS FEATURES FINAL MEETINt POINT OF ORDER RAISED LEADER OF OPPOSING FORCES BY i f 3 I DECISION WITH-HELD 600 MEN ATTEND 40 Receive One Hour Deduction Credit for Absence From Classes o0i 206 ARE WARNED Two hundred and, five students will be asked to withdraw from the liter- ary college of the University at once; because of poor scholarship, it was decided Wednesday night at a meet- ing of the Administrative board of that college. This number shows an increase of 37 over the number ofj students who were asked to leave at the end of the first semester last year. Of the 205 students who have been1 asked to leave at once, 25 were wom- en. Last year only seven women stu- dents were asked to withdraw. One hundred and eighteen students who were dismissed were freshmen. Five hundred and twenty-two stu- dents are now on probation. This! number includes those whose period of probation was extended by the board. The figures for students who have been placed on probation show a decerease of 24 students over the number which were on probation at the end of the first semester last year. An increase of 10 is noted in the{ number of students who are now onI the warning list. Two hundred and sixty students have been warned that their work must show improvement or they will be placed on probation.1 In addition to this deliquent list 189 students have been sent attend- ance warnings, 40 of this number having received a deduction of oneE hour of credit for excessive absence. Students who have been placed on probation are on trial to prove their} fitness to do the work in University courses, and for that reason are re- quired to devote their time to studies. Students render themselves liable to suspension who, while on probation, engage in any University activity. , Attendance was the deciding factor in many cases of deliquent studentsI where there was a matter of doubt., If a student's attendance record show- ed an unusual number of absences, the decision was against him. N~ovel APpealE .Planned To A id Delinquent Boys Expect One Side to Force Roll Call By Appealing toSenate Proper Washington, Feb. 19.-(By A. P.)- Opponents of the Underwood Muscle Shoals leasini bill launched an attack today in the Senate on the conference report which they contended should be rejected on the grounds that the conferees had exceeded their author- A point of order was made against the report by Senator Norris, Rer ub- lican, Nebraska, leader of the op- posing forces, who contended that new legislation had been injected in the measure in conference. Senator Un- derwood, Democrat, Alabama, author of the bill, defending the report, de-, clared it was germane to the House and Senate bills and that the con- ferees had kept within their rights. President Cummins, of the Senate, withheld decision, on the point of order, and the question went over un- til tomorrow. Whatever his ruling may be, one side or the other in the fight is ex- pected to appeal the decision to the Senate proper, forcing a roll call which will be regarded as a test vote. Adjournment of the eleventh an- nual Conference on Highway Engin-+ eering yesterday morning marked the close of the most successful meetingsI in the history of the Conference, ac-F cording to those in charge. Over 600 representing every state in the middle 3 west, attend the sessions during the I week. The gathering was,arranged by the engineering college, in cooperation with the Michigan State Highway De- partment and the Michigan Association of Road Commissioners and Engin- eers. During the final session, held yes- terday morning, in the West Engin- eering building, V. R. Burton, super- vising engineer, Michigan State High- way department, presented a paper Conference Votes to Oppose Ming Bill, Whieh Takes Road Authority From Counties MONDAY LEGAL IIOLIDAY- j ALL CLASSES SUSPENDED Ij No classesin any college of the University will meet onj Monday, Feb. 23, the day being a legal holiday in commemora- tion of the birthday of George Washington, the University convocation scheduled for thatj day has been cancelled, and President Robert Falconer of Toronto university, who was toj have delivered the address, willj not come to Ann Arbor.j The convocation was cancell- ed due to the death of Presidentj Marion L. Burton. A memorial gathering in his honor is now j being planned by a committeej composed of Secretary Shirley1 W. Smith, President-Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins, and Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the 'en-j gineering college. C LUB CELEBRATES 25TH ANNIVERSARY Passes Resolution Expressing Sorrow At Passing of President Burton Many Tributes Received From ProminentMen Telegrams of condolence continued to arrive in Ann Arbor all day yester- day, not only from personal friends of the late President, but from alumni and men of international prominence. In addition to these expressions of sympathy, tribute was paid by lower- ing flags to half mast. Flags on all public buildings were lowered in De- troit, while the same procedure was observed here. The press in its edi- torial columns also recognized the great loss suffered. Among the telegrams received at the Burton residence yesterday was that of Mr. and Mrs Henry Ford, at present in Fort Myers, Florida. Oth- ers who wired their sympathy were Vilhjalmur Stefansson, noted ex- plorer; Dr. Charles Mayo, of Roches- ter, Minn., and many noted educators and alumni groups. Dr. Stefansson's telegram recalls the time of President Burton's last public, appearance. The explorer was introduced by the President last fall for an address in Hill auditorium, and the day followinig this appearance President Burton was stricken. Verbal tributes to the ability of the President have been abundant. Those who had known him only by his at- tainments were no less ready to voice their admiration of his ability and character. The student body of Ohiol State university, appreciating the ex-, tent of the loss of President Burton, has expressed its sympathy by a large floral offering. Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric de- partment said of him yesterday: "One element of President Burton's make- up has not as yet, I think, received the attention it deserves. I mean his in- tense intellectual curiosity. In this he resembled ex-President Roosevelt. 'Why didn't I know of this before? Why didn't someone tell me I should read this book?' were questions that were often on his lips." 'And they were not merely the ut- terances of one who was jealous of the learning of others, but a genuine and sincere desire to learn and pro- pagate the best that is known and thought in the world. No one who ever went to him. I imagine, ever came away without intellectual and moral enrichment, and a conviction that he had been with one who walked in his house with a perfect heart." The following telegram, indicating the admiration and esteem in which the President was held by students of other universities and colleges, was received by The Daily last night: "The Indiana Daily Students, on be- half of the students of Indiana uni- BURTON TO LIE IN STATE TODA9Y UINDER DOME 0OF MEMORIAL HALL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN VARIOUS SCHOOLS TO BEAR PALL FROM HO E FUNERAL PRIVATE Ann Arbor National Guard Unit To Stand Guard Over Body Of President Eight students, representative of the various schools and colleges of the University, will bear the pall of Presi- dent Marion L. Burton at 8:30 o'clock this morning to Alumni Memorial hall, where it will lie in state until 5 o'clock. Two lines formed of mem- bers of the University R. O. T. C. unit will act as an honor guard, reaching from the Presidential residence to the building where the body will rest for the day. Dignitaries of the Univer- sity and those who have come to Ann Arbor to pay their last respects to the dead will also attend the occasion. It is planned to locate the casket under the dome of the hall, where townspeople and the general public may view it from 9:30 until 1 o'clock. Students and members of the faculty are requested to attend from 1 o'clock rntil 5 o'clock, classes having been dismissed for the occasion. Visitors will enter by the main en- trance of Alumni Memorial hall, and leave by the north entrance, to avoid confusion. Floral tributes will be re- ceived at the building in the morning. A guard of honor, composed of men- bers of the Ann Arbor National Guard, has been appointed by Governor Gros- beck to represent the state in guard- ing the body. They will be under the command of Captain Harold Furlong. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with Rev- erends Lloyd C. Douglas, of Akron, Ohio, and Herbert A. Jump, of Ann Arbor, collaborating in the services. Reverend Douglas was formerly President Burton's pastor at the Con- gregational church here, and Rever- end Jump succeeded him. As was the case in observing the last rites in the death of former Pres- ident James Burrill Angel, lines formed of students will mark the fun- eral pathway to Forest Hill cemetery, where the body will be finally laid to rest. The procession will extend along South University Avenue to Church street, from there to College HOBBS PRESIDES f f SWEDISH DISCUSS PHYSICIST' ES X-RAY iProfessor First Manne Slegbahn elivers Lecture Since Arrival in Ann Arbor Commons Accepts Italian T r ea iy London, Feb. 19.-lhe House of Commons this afternoon passed, on i's third reading, the Anglo-Italian, treaty bill embodying the cessions of Jubiland to Italy. (The ceded terri- tory is a big strip of Kenya colony, British East Africa, adjoing' Italian Somaliland.) Lietenant Colonel Amery, secretary for the colonies, announced on behalf of the government that as soon as the treaty was ratified it would be regis- tered with the League of Nations. I O CLW 4he.ITa cI - _COAt- - AE- --rxldicts colder weather today, es-I pecially i nthe extreme east p0or- tlion; he also looks for a cloudy sky,I witl possible snow.' WHAT ITS FOR The Classified column is the best means of finding the lost, and returning the found. Bring your troubles to Chicago, Feb. 19, (By A. P.).-Plans for the .production of "The Passion! Play" several times a year in Chica- go, the proceeds from which would be turned to the juvenile court to aid in its work of reclaiming boys who have drifted into lawlessness, was an- nounced today by Cornelius C. Craine, superintendent of the Big Brotherst Society, the sponsor. The play will be given in five acts and 14 scenes, in the home of the Chi-? cago Civic Opera company. The first performance is announced for Marchj 15. Principals in the cast have been chosen with a view to continuing them in their roles year after year, Mr. Craine said. "Our workers in the juvenile and boys courts have noticed an increase in juvenile crime," Mr. Craine asserted. "The Big Brothers, an association of business and professional men here who reclaim boy delinquents, decided4 to do something to offset the influ-E ences. We collected a sum of money with which to hire the proper stage producers, actors and writers who could produce 'The Passion Play' in as reverential manner as possible. We think the play would impress and regenerate thousands of young- sters in the crowds and it would equip the Big Brothers with a sum oft money for the expansion of their edu- cative work among delinquent boys.' "Every cent of profit is to go to this anti-crime work among the boys who come into Chicago's courts."a Berlin, Feb. 19.-At the annual con- vention of the National Agrarian Fed- eration demand for a protective tariff on agrieultural nroducts was made by TRACES HISTORY Dr. Manne Siegbahn, professor of physics at the University of Upsala, Sweden, made his first talk since ar- riving in Ann Arbor yesterday. His1 subject was "The Reflection and Re- fraction of X-Rays." Dr. Siegbahn ranks among those foremost today in the field of X-ray; and crystal analysis. This field open- ed a dozen years ago and much of the work of measurement and analy- sis of crystals by X-ray methods has come from his laboratory. In his talk yesterday, Dr. Siegbahnj gave a short hstory of the develop- ment of the X-ray from its discovery by Roentgen to the present day. To- day, he stated, the accurate know- ledge of X-rays makes it applicable to many fields of modern activities. 'lhe early study of the X-ray was from various sources upon various substances. It was then believed the X-rays were essentially different from light, since it was impossible to dis- cover in connection with them the re- flection and refraction phenomena characteristic to the wave motions of light. In 1913, however, Von Lane suggest- ed that x-rays might be similar to ex- tremely fine grained light, which' would show reflection effects if they were directed upon a substance with minute regularity of form, such as crystal. This idea proved true, and I since that time all modern X-ray de-I velopment has been based on it. The main part of Dr. Siegbahn's lecture, however, was concerned with a recently discovered minute devia- tion from the law of X-ray diffrac- tion in crystals. This is Dr. Siegbahn's first visit to this country. One of h'is objects in coming here at this time is to deliver a lecture before the national meetingt of the American Physical society at Columbia the latter part of next week.! Dr. Siegbahn was introduced by! Prof. George A. Lindsay of the phy- sics department, who studied withj him at Lund university, Sweden, sev- eral years ago. i 1 i t f 1 1 fi I i I {i , (f t 1 j;1 < 1 . i t ' i 1 i t f 4 t 1 Ifi I i I it ! on the subject of "Snow Removal1 Methods and Equipment." In con- Appreciations of President Marion junction with Mr. Burton's discus-, L. Burton, ending in a resolution re-. sion, the reports of the representa- cording the profound feeling of the tives of the Boards of County Road Research club at his death, tinged the commissioner, pertaining to "County ,quarter-centennial celebration din- Snow Removal Methods," were read. ner of the organization held last night Hon. Frank F. Rogers, state highway at the Union with a deep spirit of commissioner of Michigan, addressed sadness and grief. the engineers in a dlsdussion on "Resolved, that the Research club' of the University,' read the resolution "Highways Adequate to Serve Futureadpebyarsnvoeolwigts Traffic in Congested Districts." adopted by a rising vote following its Before adjournment, the visiting presentation by Prof. J. G. Winter of commissioners and engineers passed a the Latin department, "record its pro- resolution favoring the annual con- foun sense of loss at the passg IPresident Burton. Stricken with ill- ference and requesting University of- ness in the full vigor of manhood and ficials to make arrangements for ae in the flood-tide of glorious achieve- similar meeting next year.- They ment, he faced death, as he did life, voted, however, to oppose the Ming with high courage and steadfast faith bill, which is now before the state in the'ultimate good. legislature, or any similar bill attempt- "Endowed with a keen and fertile ing to take authority from the coun- mind, intense energy, a powerful per- ties in the administration of high- sonality, and the magic of persuasiveV ways. speech,.he spent himself to the utter- State supervising and resident en- , most in making real and visible to all gineers of the Michigan State High- men's eyes that ideal of a great Uni- way department will remain in Ann versity, in which scholarship should Arbor until noon today in special ses- flourish and the results of research sion. should give force and direction to the The engineers will treat technical betterment of life. His signal contri- problems in connection with definite bution to the growth of the University situations met in Michigan. G. C. ( remains as an enduring monument." Dillman, deputy commissioner-chief Regent Junius E. Beal and Dean engineer, Michigan State Highway de- Alfred 11. Lloyd r of the graduate partment, is the presiding officer. school gave tributes to the late presi-' _dent from the Regents and the fac- ulties respectively. "It is a glorious COOLIDGE BRANDS thing for us to treasure the fine mem ory of his presence here," said the Regent. "le was a man high in spirit S OCIAISIICand in ideals. He is one whose placej s insured among the immortals." Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology Washington, Feb. 19. - Declaring department presided at the gathering that in some instances the federal in- and read letters from absent members. heritance tax, when added to similar j Prof. G. Carl Huber of the medical state levies, amounts to virtually con- school acted as toastmaster at the fiscation, President Coolidge in an ad- 1 regular program which had been plan- dress today, opening the national in- ned and which was carried on only in heritance state tax conference, urged Ithe dense atmosphere of sorrow. gradual retirement by the government The speakers were Professor- from this field of taxation. Emeritus W. P. Lombard of the phy- Representative Green, Iowa, chair- I siology department, who talked on man of the House ways and means "The Club in Retrospect;" Prof. Rob- committee, addressing a night session ert M. Wenley of the philosophy de- of the conference, which was called partment, who spoke on "Pillars of by the National Tax association, took the Club;" and Prof. Frederick G. an opposite view, asserting that with- Novy of the' medical school, who con- out federal inheritance tax "similar cluded the program, talking on "The' taxesbimposed by the states would in- I Future of the Club." evitably fail." "If we are to adopt socialism," Mr. f U TQ ill VteQ Coolidge said in his address, "it should se Wote be presented to the people of this On Increase Of country as socialism,, and not underI the guise of a law to collect revenue." Salaries T -l a,-- I versity, convey through you their' heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your' great leader, President Marion L. Bur- ton. The irreparable loss you have suffered extends far beyond the con- fines of your own campus to all the world where the life of a great schol- ar, counsellor, and gentleman still works influence in the lives of fellow creatures. We share the sorrow and the loss of Michigan students. Your bereavement is ours.-The Indiana Daily Student." Paying a magnificent tribute to President Burton yesterday, Regent J. E. Beal characterized him as one who had won the love, admiration, and respect of everyone. "Grief has strick- en the entire campus and town, and has even extended to distant points throughout the nation," said the Re- gent. "It is indeed inspiring to witness the great respect which even the com- monest laborer has shown for the President. Although they have never come into personal contact with him, they all realize that he accomplished wonderful things for the town as well as for the University. "Remarkable interest was shown by him in all the affairs of the town, and in spite of the pressure of his Uni- versity work, he frequently took time to attend the meetings of the Chamber of Commerce, lending his aid when- ever possible in their endeavors. Everyone in the town feels the great loss and knows that a friend who can- not be replaced is gone. " Examples of loyality and admira- tion of the members-of the University faculties to the President have fre- quently come to the notice of the Re- gents.Many professors and instruc-a1 tors, although offered very substantial salary increases elsewhere, remained Ihere because of their ;love for Presi- dent Burton and of the benefit they would derive through working under his direction. "Through his untiring efforts andl zeal, the University has attained buildings and equipment which can be duplicated by few institutions in the country. Shortly before his fail- ing health prevented activity, he had launched a campaign for increased standing of the faculty members. He had as his obiect the adding of a num- gvenue, then to Washtenaw avenue, entering Geddes avenue to reach the cemetery. The distance approximates a mile, and it is requested that the students form in a single line along the march of the funeral cortege. The funeral will be of a private na- ture, and has been in charge of a committee made up of President Emer- itus Harry B. Hutchins, Dean Morti- mer E. Cooley, of the engineering col- lege, and Shirley Smith, secretary of the University. Members of the immediate family who will attend the services are Mrs. Burton, her son Paul, who is a fresh- man in the engineering college; her daughter Jane, a student in the local high school; and Dr. Charles Emer- son Burton, brother of President Bur- ton. Dr. Burton and his wife arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday morning. Dr. Donald Cowling, president of Carleton college, and President Bur- ton's closest friend, also arrived here yesterday, while President W. .O. Thompson, of Ohio State University, is expected today. Mrs. George R. Stewart, daughter of the President, and now residing in Berkeley, Cal., will not be able to attend the funeral, her physicians having advised against the journey. Honorary pallbearers for the fun- eral will include Gov. Alex. J. Groes- beck, the Board of Regents, and a delegation of five members from both houses of the state legislature. Lipton Gives Mast Of Shamrock For N. Y.U Flag Pole Now York, Feb. 19.-Sir Thomas Lipton, internationally known yacht- man, has given to New York univers- ity the mast of his yacht "Shamrock IV" to be used as a flag pole on the campus, the university council an- nounced today. Formal presentation will be made next June by Sir Thomas personally. The mast flag pole will be placed on Batter hill, a part of the campus, which was a British stronghold dur- ina' the nevoltnanr war. Tho Uni- Hold Hearing On Child [labor Bill Lansing, Feb. 1.-(By A.P.) - A public hearing on the proposed child labor amendment to the federal con-I stitution was held befcra the joint House and Senate labor committees r BE Est store "Bac D. E popul sold have copie 175 c since Rel strugi tonight to give opponents and propon- ick furrowU" inst ents a chance to get in last minute arguments. The House will vote to- C ampusApprovalmorrow morning on whether it will re- ject or ratify the amendment. imates secured from the book- Women from all parts of the state, s of Ann Arbor show that representing various organizations, kfurrow," a book written by G. were here to plead with the legisla- aton, '23 is pm'oving unusually ture to turn down the Culver resolu- ar here. Several stores have tion rejecting the proposed constitu- out their original shipments and tional change. placed orders for additional s to be sent at once. More than San Jose, Costa Rica, Feb. 19.-For- opies of the book have been sold mcer President Alfredo Gonzalezy Flor- Saturday. I es again has been r minated as candi- presenting rural life and the ! date for Dresident. Washington, Feb. 19.-A move will be made in the House, probably to- morrow, to accept a Senate amend-: mnent to the legislative appropriations I bill increasing the salaries of senators and representatives from $7,500 to $10,000.E After conference today with Repub- lican and Democratic members, Rep- resentative Dickinson, Republican, Iowa, in charge of the bill, announced that, in compliance with what ap- peared to be the will of a majorly of the House, he would propose that in-' stead of sending the bill to conference as is customary, the House accept all Senate amendments. There was an admitted reluctance on the part of some members to be placed on record in favor of a salary increase, and it was indicated that an effort would be made to forestall a roll call vote. There also was some talk of amending the Senate amendment to make the increase effective with the 70th, instead of the next, Congress, ;le of the American farmer to I