PANE EIGHT M 4MIi M FAQ!ICIUT HURSAY' FERUAY 10 105 ____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY 19, D25 _ _ - . 'DAILY OFFICIA L DULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all nembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tbo Presideut until j3:30 y. im. (11;30 a. m. Saturday. French 114: There will he a. new section (frPt tion} Tuesday and 'Thursday at. 9:00, for those students who could11 not get time. (l cards in 104 NV. Volume 6 THU RSDAY, FE1B1R1UARY 19, 1923 Nu mber 102 F i I FFraud Charged To the Members of the Faculties and Jo the Students of thec University: All University classes will meet as usual this week with the exceptiont of those scheduled for the afternoon of Friday. On Friday afternoon no classes will meet and all offices will be closed. To All Members of the University: The bodly of the late President Burton will lie in state in Alumni Memi- orial Hall Friday, February 20, from 9:30 o'clock in the mHorning until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. It is suggested that so far as is convenient the general ,public coning to Alumni Memorial Hall do so before 1:00 o'clock and that members of the F4aculties and the student body conic during thej afternoon hours when all university classes are suspended. B.4. T. (C.: All menmbers of the R. 0. T. C. will assemble at the R. 0. T. C. building in uniform Friday morning, February 20th, at 8:00 A. At. for the purpose of forming a guard of honor at the time of the removal of the body of the late President Murton from his home to the Alumni Memorial Building where1 it is to lie. in state. All R. 0. T. C. students attending this formation have been officially excused from 8:00 o'clock classes Friday. Win. T. Carpenter. Because of the death of President Burton it has been decided to omit the Washington's Birthday Exercises this year. IF. E. Roblbins.x ru(l1 114 (second course in conversa- -,ekh r ), Rom 202, taught by Mr. Patterson, I into( AMr.Pargmnit's se ,lion attIhait A. (G. (Canfield. WHAT'"S GOING ON - Notices to appear in this columrnmust f i l ).e left in the boy: at oite Da)uly office * ) S praavi,.'d for tt~nI purpose before 4 a dock precerdtimto te day of issue. - - -- ? anticipaites slightly warmer iveather TI RSI)AY today. Ii :tfd 3!. ihiauuis speaks oil 1"Plau.- ping for Beauty'' in N. S. auditor- f90:(01-C'ongre1, t loaal lDrallwtic. social ium. in church parlors. I 1:31-3 :00-Lo oim('mmiittee meets ill room 2, University hall.-___ 0:15--4)r. Sielnuhuhn lectures onl "Tihe I BALYnSI LSS STAFF IReflection and Refraction of X- TDAILY IRay" in room 1041, New Physics __ Sabortory positions are now openIj ( t1-.r ilassek ~"e on the business staff of the Igionatl Planning with Special Refer- Daily. The work involved w~ill mice to the Regional Plan of New;v be of value alike to those who York" in N. S. auditorium,.attopriipt nsoecm ':0ApaEpio uhod ii. pus activity andi to those who iation at the Union.j want some practical experience 7 :15-Scaulbbard and Blade imeets in in the business department of a roomi 306, Union. daily newspaper. All persons 7 : 1.---l1rofesser Paton speaks oil the interested are requested to re- "C. P. A. and Accounting Field" i port at once to The Daily busi- roo 30, nio.Hess office in the Press building. 7:14--Portia Literary society hold try. o uts in its club rooms in Angel-____________________ 7 :0---t.hristia:: Scienuce society meiets! !in Lane hall.f Students interested in getting 7:30--Notim: picture entitled 'Power" advice on choosing their lifej shown in N. S. auditorium, work may come to Lane hall 7:30W-Prescotl Iub~ meets ini room 3034 any after'noon this week to con- Chemistry building. sult with the vocational guid- -4 ance (lepartment. Information FID1AY I will be given to all studlents 3:00--I11. 0. 'I. C.. meets at President up)on any field of life work. 0 TYPEWRITER H eadquarters For P~ortable and best grade rebuilt and second-hand machines, including CORONA, REMINGTON, UN DER WOOD L. C. SMITH- and ROYAL Buy from us and save Forty Dollars or more. if desired. Renting and Repairing a specialty. allowed on purchase of any make. Easy terms Initial rent 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store Open evenings. F' I University Lecture:' Dr. Manne Siegbahu, Professor of Physics at the University of Upsala, will lecture Thursday afternoon, Feb. 19, at 4:15 in the lecture room, 1041 New Physics Laboratory. The subJct of his lecture will be "The Reflection and Refraction of X-Rays:.. it . Randall. Loan Committee Meeting: There will be a meeting of the University Committee on Student Loans Thursday, February 19th in Room 2, University H-all. Students who have pending applications should appear before the Committee at the following hours: School of Education, Medical School, Law School, andl Dental Col- lege at 1:30; Literary College at 2:00 and Engineering College at 3:30. J. A. Bursley, Chairman. sr~ I Fine Arts 101 and 128: Classes will not meet on Friday, hebruary Loth. B. MI. IDonaldson. :, :;>; ::::: ::::"> ;.";.;. .. Burton's home. 1:1.3- ignma zDella Phil meetsa Dr. Anton Iloefle, former German ma Kappa house. 1minister of posts, is under arrest. in j :30-I'ohoia, Literary circle Berin, charged with spendiniglm'ore{ in Liane hall. than 60,100,000 gold marks for recur- . + ities of (quest i oile "l inbili ty. 11 (ellies tht. he en teredo infto a con- : -pir'acy to defrautiIhe CGermian gov- party's leader iin the 1Marx-Strescmian cabinet. Prof. R. XW. Cowdllaof 01.t1erhetoric .Just A B1«. departmn~t Omli principal speak- ~~~~ISY)UNE e'r of the social in ecu ingof I i131 Back ''(E 'ON VEI EN YTY LO( Quill society Wedimosda y im~. at the CNEINL O Green ree oinn. IEn1'or1 ainnmont was supplied by the members of the 1111iiiSout h University Ave. ciety. .it Sig. iuesIRead the Freneb 251: Class in 'French 254 meets Saturday, 10:00-12:00.,1Ro01m 300SW. :r lHugo P. Thleime. Spanisia 111: The section at 9 :00 ,now meeting in Room 203 Mason H-all, will meet In Room 100 South Wing, beginning Friday. February 20. N.11'. Eddy. History 142. The -History of Hispanica America: Quin Section I of this course 'will meet Thursday at 9, in Room 1009 Angell Ilall, Section It, Thursday at 11, ihi. Room 1213 Angell Hall, Section III, Friday'at 8, in Poom 35 Angei-Hall. Arthur S. Alton:. iiy' 7 U- ,,u Want Ads; -isiness Proposition ', AT T1HE. PRICES YOU CAN PAY, IN A CATED STORE',THAT CATERS TO YOUR TRADEI Phione 1160-R1 I UUU EEU ® a EE U iU SECOND Political Science,21?2, Joun':a Club: The regular mneeting of the Journal Club will be held today.'a ,Ro I SEMESTER TEXT-BO)OKS 406 Library. J. S. Reeves. I! 3 U U Zoology 31 (OrganIc Evolution): U A, make-up examination for those students who were absent fromt the U final, will be given in Room Z23 on Saturday, Feb. 28, at 9 o'clock. Doctor's!W excuses must be presented to allow students to take this examination. Jacob E. Beighard. Amercan Association of University Women : U The meeting of the Ann Arbor Branch of the American Association of I University Women announced for Saturday will not be held. Mrs. J. 0. Schlotterbeck, President. 'Senior, Wom1en : All Senior women must have their measurements taken for caps and gowns by Saturday, February 21: on the second floor of Mack's. E. S. Meisel, Cal) and Gown Conixlttee. I Prescott Club Mleeting:I The monthly meeting of the Pres cott,,Club will be heldt tonight in Rtoomn w03 Chemistry Building at 7:30. Dr. Carl D. LaRue will speak on his trip up the Amazon. C. C. Glover ,Secretary. Po-onia. Literary Circle: Polonia Literary Circle will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in Lane 1Mall, as customary. All members are requested to be ptresent. An election of officers'will be helot. Leo J. Now ickl. Univ-ersity Club of Ann Arbor: The. February Club Night of the University Club, set for Fridlay evening., February 20, is postponed; further notice will be given of the date to be set.j for the later meeting. Evans Houlbrook, Chairmian of Program Committee. Scabbard and Blade Fraternity: The regular monthly business meeting of the Scabbard and Blade will be held Thursday evening at 7:15 P. M. in Room 306 of the Michigan Union. Material for the National Scabbard and Blade rifle match ha~s been received and will be considered at this time. Mil1ton 1M. lMaddin.1 WILL SAVE YOU AHxtR'S BOOKS THAT MONEY CJNIVERS ITY 300K STORE 7#,espos It's gratifying to note the generous response our announcement of a special service has brought. And it's even more gratifying to note the universal approval of the styles and patterns and fabrics as displayed by our special representative from Fashion Park. If you've.:ever found it difficult to get a suit to fit you perfectly-if you're a man who likes your clothes to act the part you play-if you want the best at prices you can well afford to pay-drop in at the Allenel Hotel, room 1, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Today and T Fomorrow IN***,,a.,,,... E...........m*..u umU@ - El I Artistic Jewelry In Distinctive and Exclusive Designs A rnold' S Fashion Park Clothiers II I II State Street Jeweler 302 S. State St. Phon~e 689-R 1i 1 ft i. 4 Europe, Oriet ALL LINES AND STEAMRS BOOK NOW. liePoslt 'holds space. on U. S. ,fries, White Star, Cunard,'anadan Pacific, French, Hautburg American, Holland American, North Ger- man Lloyd, Royal Viail, Adnmiral Orientatl, Pacific Mil, T. X. N., M~unson, Lanibport & Hlolt, Grace, Fabre, Italian-iNationial, etc. All third class student. tours, Ix. S. lines, Beahes, Henrys, Stu- dents Traxel Club of. New York, Hubbell's Second Yea~r College Tour-36 . days, .4, countries. $330 withi extensions anywhere, etc.. also Cook's or any other tour. Round trio rates to England $150 up, France $1602 tp, Ger- many $175 up, Italy $178 up. LOCAL AGENT THE 1925 DOBBS HA'T S ' " Are on Display p These are Hats Distinctively Different NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION T1°hat's the mission of the Remingyton Portable It will save your time, in college and out of college. It is the favorite with college students, as it is with every class of user-the recognized leader, in sales and popularity. And the reason is obvious-it is the most compact, complete and convenient portable type- writer. If you take any user's advice your choice 11 11 11 I