TIWRSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY r 1 by co)mlparison with earlier letters Ford Speaks he .> hangcsthat took place in H am il- 'I is the course of a few dlecades. Upon LC Wer I I liltorll,A.! Ford poinlted out, had(1 } > j l13(n auhitious from an early age t ~ e was a clerkIlie had am-, ons buiThey were those of a more ,! 1uro mind, rather than those of a Thal: Ajexan 1(MI E I itil ~ boy of 1thirteen. a grea^t infiucncee ( I' a ~r , W\hile I lamilton served in the army Pecili3 inthelate:-day Oj tOOtnder Washzington, the two began, general's life, vvr > t1110 (8>i t P41(11 their cooperation which datedl from; Wor thington Ford in a lee; ti-y(t't the Annapolis convention. Gradually day afternoon i3, nge"Ilal.A i'.iie younger man, Mr. ford said, ex- Ford, who is ain c(ti f, cof GifO t edr1 ed is1 indlepen(lent attitude over the chiusett s Ilistoric C, .. i3a ;an (1 1, ..(jolde'r pan, until "Trhe names of these toil, 5 ]olio IOaI l t ti' of l IItwo nmen are inseparably linked," con- H amnilton, andII[ a i as ii0a (I lted Mr.Foi'd. Wat hington." Mr. Peead also (livered a, lecture 3 Hie legall by roading a nowv~ly dil -hor,- in Novemnber, 1923. Covered letter. from Iailti on to friend in . outh (Carolina. h(, :now 0 Don't delay-Pay your Subscription by references to par't.; o01 1 hALT-rtoday. 0(1 Physical-Chemical Measurement " sis," by Professor Meleche; "Labora- BRaks As Expert Will Offer Four New Courses In Summer Session11 Courses in physic1al iom(lstry Avtill ire offered f or'the first 1timee d r'ing- the sumiia il illhe I925 Slllflfel 5se - -1(1,L. e ()ilM s \w ill 1)"? i,? ii illM nbis-ujeet t 111'. (ill tB direct ion of Prof . l". i. art ejl , All'. . 14L. l oliges. Proi'. A.. i. Ferguson lid L, 0. Chase. i ..e :c-rseu l :;e W t't re 10to Irec i :'edl t:i iltll riln(le t1 I _>r il "l lee~tro'e-ein- ed Pysial-hemcalMeauremnt, Iss,"by rofssorMeldic "Lbor- in "Research' in Organic Chemistry," and a 'ourse0 in "'Adlvanced heoreti- tory' Research in Inorganic Ch emis- b y IProfessor -Sehoepile. c,.l and IPhlysical Chemlistriy."';try"byIx'Professor Sip'aton, 1rof. 1). In adcliiion to the generail courses .ILielity, and AMri. ° odes I"aora - }I fatyefte, Ind., Feb. 1$,--The Am,- ti c hem istry. the fol lowin~g courses tor y ]Resea rb nl (Y (a I xis ry,' a:3n Railswaly associatio011has select- G ill he offered dclui 'llthe I1925 Sum- lr \ P1-c le;ssoris l eatonl, i-artell, Fe "- c A lUt'U 00 [fl vC'sit y as the seat of ;. Cr :;css1 I 'ltileltarv The'oi cl- ll va idAr. l11 edges; *Origina~l In- tm iii tant rc ;Cicle work in colnneo- c a! anfl hIIf ;'iCil l ('eillist ly,' by I 1 1 r (- t t n018 11Aiiilyi ('01 ('heul 15 r -." , ioiWth11air bra k es, for which $100,- P' ::o(I aiselI ; Organlic (Cheml11ty\ 1;v PIrcfessor A lehe ; and a(cour.i'W', ;\'ill1lhe expended. 1 , I; of. C. S. Sclioepfle ; "Organic P:"e :aloii,'by Professor Selloepti _____________e______________________ "Thio1e ic chn -of Chemistry,"' byt 'ro;".\W. tG. Sicatonl ; "SelectedI Chap- I tcr: lvo 1'l1aorg-alicieChemistry,'' by Iri ;o'050'Sieaton ; "Advanced Qua n- (tatif, ( Ali ! sis.' by Prof. C. C. le- A r hn Ioe-Mid . I?.i Tanner; "Gas Analy-1X_ , and Return THIS L A S 1#IS 40LUMN COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING At 3 P.Ms 4 HATS--that will give you that well-dressed appeara-nCe. CAPS-in all the newest spring styles. SHIRTS--Collar attached ARROW Shirt; ifnial colors. Real srnai t. NECKWEAR-Large variety of college striper. Students -r Teachers -w Artists. Arno~ld Stat e SI 1'e~t eweller '12(, outh IStatei For Typew ister Ropairiig (All loaies) D ,.lerin Voodstoe;itl 1 p;'xielf01:, iund(str.-Wd (1and Poi-1,tble Ainrg macihines. Antn Arb-or Tlypevmrter]' i i g lady (desires lady('sinio to tour- England, H olland, Facetc(. lb is, June 0and July. E i"We exibellso", less than $50O. Write b"xG7'' ,,, Michigan I: ily, P11' interv~e w. 0 I't Xi . ''PI p loll h d lma chin es. icst -( Ifor8( c' Jel Ior for sale. Pi'e'te 3-i2-R . 11 AAI I LON Jl1 NIFISS COLL GE hE-IADQU CARTErPS Ntoand so :0 Ild 1(1Coruna, Reni1- illgloil and, indi wood 'portables. I.. C . Smith.i, iliniC1wood, Royal, Reining- U(0 «I MOd 0 rid fact ory rebulilt h1I) chines.' },tv ye4(.81) or monoe by buying fromn t - IVI. i!-sy tern0l; Ui desir'edi. li ejfll B a N"d ~i -pairing a speciaity. E).1). MORIT LL 17 Nickel's Arcade 'I'lw Typewriter & Stationery Store. 1OpE f,en evenng'S. stab)lislhed 1908; Al isis Catlherinie 'eroot. daughte]Ar ff Senator- Irvine Lenroot,.o1 Wscon- sin, 11c1ds an impliort ant position as as- sistant to the chief (If tile ChildIren's bureau (If toie Denrtuient of Labor, A~~~~a1 k, c o h i onsidlcreklan a a- thority on ehild weltare. Ma iion, \Vis., Feb). 18.-The totl enrollmcnt in the Untiversity of ANis- consin at thle beginning of tihe1new- semestcr was 7122 st udents, accordl- ing to figurtes announced by the regis-. tr'ar today. There is a dececase of abhout 500) from last semesters figure This special 1925 excursion rate, offered1 to travelers in' our improved third class [Tourist Sectionil, New York 'to South- ampton and return, places an enjoyable and profitable trip to Europe within the reach of all. For a few dollars additional, passengers may proceed via Cherbourg or-Hamburg. Person- ally conducted tours in England, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Italy at inclusive rates of $325 upward may be arranged. In'vestigate now! Make your reservationh early! For further information apply to 177 'No0i h f ( h III ..i e (hl go I UNITED MERI LINES HAMBURG pjoint service C -Aw .Ih E. J. Weie- r 1 19 South Main St. Im mmmw I '/IT d~aI3 : ., -"'skn.