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February 19, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-19

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inu ..wrrr yauc

All iffit

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UT-teriiz Is Aiamned
Backfield Mentfor
At Badger School


Non-A ecognitionFanTOH deI 9 oiE
Gymnastic Sua, 'ISPOSIPflNIf

I'(: I1FI to on of Soeveral
Yost field house will be deser ted
Friday afternoon and Saturday follow-
ing an order issued by Direct or Field-
ing I.J. Yost yesterday afternoon to
the effect that all teams under the
supitervision of t he Tloardl in Control


11,111-11 B (~Jv~ oI th j itads IHIrd.
Wor'kot i r ConteAi
IIC (Illesdlay

Ma iMo ih cwefl Inianay at
N ly i flhzMo '

All athletic activities uinder
the auspices of the Board in
Control of Athletics of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will be dis-
conti1rtied Friday afternoon of
this wreek. Illinois wrestling
team may be scheduled for Mon-
Hockey has been indefinitely
po stpon ed.


oJ itn I1eui,.sYwer t e ma Fin m111( e Uover3 ci-1
the, weekend in respect for thde late
President Burton, whose funesral will
be held Saturday....,.
As a result of the ord r two Mich-
ig,,an athletic contests will 1)e0lade-;
finitely postponed. The basketball
>rame with Purdlue scheduled tor F~ri-,
dlay night 'in the field house will noti
take place "and the wrestling meet (l4,A S A FRlAT1E.NTi
Slt urday right will also bie postponed~. Thde winners of the original lea,
Coach Ma1tIher will endeavor to rear- are no-w ila, lug. Giames for Thur
Lange the basketball glame when he night are as follows : 7 :00- E
ineets Coach Lambert of Purdue ait; Kappa Epsilon vs. Pi Kappa All
the Illinois-Wisconsin game Saturday Alpha Sigma. Phi vs. Phi Kappa;
night at Uirbana. Coach Barker will Sigmia Delta vs. Phi Lambda Kal
also attempt to make arrangements 1Phzi Sigma Kappa vs. Delta Si
for a meet with Illinois Monday night.' Phi.
in the field house. IJockey gamnes Fri-
day andlSaturday wil t Minnesota have; IN4"I ?1E 1 ENT LEAC I
al. o heen calledl off. ; he following games are sched
Many other activities of te variousr toihinheIdpnn ea
teas il asohepostpoind. '1The 7 :45 -nighthawks vs. 636; Agoniek
Varsity track team was scheduled to Fletcher Hall; Zig Zatg vs. Outca
hold trials for the 1Ilinois relay meet Wick Wacks vs. House of Hannan
fihe following Saturday, the 'frcshmmin
track squad was scheduled to hold ,,.
wire mecet with the Wisconsin y trl- CL4ASS ItB B;ASKETz' BALL1
ing. s Friday afternoon and the Var-} The fraternity class B Basket
,4 ltv swimming team was to have met t ournament gets undler way this+
1the freslhnan suadl Sat urday .after- n'ing when twenty teams take
ncoon in the V. M. C. A. pool. Va rsityI floor. The schedule for tonig
batseball p~r+ctice will also ble postpon2- games is as follows: 7:00-Delta
'd'lover the wveekendl. silon vs. Theta Chi; Tau Epsilon
Winter football practice which was vs. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Mu ID
s heduiled to have started yesterday vs. Phi Sigma Delta; Kappa Nil
0fternoon will not he begun untilj Beta Theta Phi.
Mlonday afternoon inasmuch as the; 8:30--Phi Beta Delta vs. Sigma
only ot her lpractice scheduled for the pha Mul; Alpha Chi Rho vs. Si
week was to have been held Friday ;Chi; Phi Sigma. Kappa vs. Deltal
aft ernoon and al single practice f.h1is: ma Phi; Ni Sigma Nu vs. Alpha K~
week was not thought adIvisab~le. ; paILambda.
9:15-Phi Lambda Kappa vs.
Walter Koppisch,. famous Columbia Delta Epsilon; Phi Clhi vs. Alpha1
foot ball and11 track capta in, has an- Clii.
noltzncedl his int ention of comnpetig
for a Wace o n ~t ion''vn.v i x it A TPONT717' TIA ITV A I 'JL.J'*J414i3i.L 1JJV ~IM r± IIJ

iga'Forsnwr . t3 star 1111uarterbm (I ont the
Michig;an foot ball tea m. lH ex ti jwa
yesterday nLenied a. ss<i a: i feat bI
coach at the L11iversity ofi}\t5(oniin
1,led according to the annomicnw(mnt madre,
gne: Ilast night by the Badger at hletic curm-
s vs.
tsts; J The council eon forred with Coach
S. George Little, the new atblot ic d iree-

Coach mann's var -:itv and fresh - imicigan's wresi hg i oan will
Man swimmers Putt in a hardi after- probiahuly face tie poweri il iliis4
loon oi0ipractice yest erday in prepa ra- nat te'ai i, whic h defetI eeitiho ("'li .
tion for the Varsity-fres hman meet cago Maroon grapmplers 2 T2 hast eek.
which is to be held next Wedlnesdlay' in the field house londay7 night. in the,
afte noo . Co ch ann as empo - jfifth Conference tmeet oii the 'Wolver-
afte n o o . C o ch l a n n h a s te m p - jin e sch ed u le. T h( e l e I w a,s slated
arils deseroted( his first string men andti for Saturdlay, but thbe cancella tion of
i,? giving the yearlings time benefit of; all contests mad (e necessariy the
his tutoring, change.
The Varsity mentor donned a suit The Illini. who tied vwith Indiana. for
yosterol'a va nd swam with his mnen, t he cham~pionsh ip last, year, p)ossess a
pointing out their mistakes to them a strong mat tean this year, holding de-
while in the water by imitation andl!(cisive victories over lPjidue andi (hi-
correet: form. The Varsity tanksters! cago. The Wvoiveriaoes tailed to make
are really worried over the outcome a good show ing' against the 1Suckers
of the contest andl are training theirj last year, and there Js little htope'otf
utmost to round into proper condition giving Coach Pilb eh n'~en a close imat:-
to hand the first year men a defeat. Itic this year.
The freshman team with Shiort', Dar- It was holed that. more mon would'
nell, Batter, Tanner and Rose in the report to Coac*h 1.,rker at the end of'
free style and relay events are heavy the first sem;ester, l:ut biust cad, many)
favorites over the varsity in these of the men tht\~ 't wee outed onito
races. Shorr also should leadi Whit-j add strengthi to the Maize and Blue
?ting'han in the 200 yard breast stroke squad were lost to te team.
with R..IHalsted a possible third. The In the meet with the Ilini, iVlichi-
Varsity will have a decided edge in ganl is counting on points fromn Baker
the" backstroke, Captain Kerr easily and Goldstein. BaKer, the Wolverine
'outclassing any of the freshman swim-' 115 poundter',lhas not yet been defeat-
mess. IVuch interest however will 1)e e(, having won all Iisi:,mni' (1108ithi
attached to the race for the second p)o-! large time aldvanitatges. t ildst ('if, the
sition of the HIalst ed brothers, R. Hal- Mfichigan heavyweight, has slrowedl up

D eslit e 'he f151 . bat the gym nastic
('S~ ii \S ot 'recognlized0(by the at ii-
leti it.5asociaton , fthe nuttmber of mten
1) te t iu'fg regla]" , Iy ills riI'ease~l to
ieo ha half a bun Ire :1. The athi-
1(1(' is ,,,zocm iaton(didl not recognize the
taiii becmuse tis ;; tiestiln wats
b'eg>to I le is a toni ion too late
in th ;'o,. , tiits m igit. next to() ha-
G inllliler ofi hi' 'Ymna St S Sare plan-
1111k t enter thc Mic hig-an A. A. (!.
]fl Iisic l'iljy. to he sheld in1Det roit
thle 1,a!4t o :ei n tt ']hot The
en i; hs it~s III havCit ed to take
par in -iaNatioen aI(I mhnsup hc
a1c to Ia> Ii eld iii A:ti i tea pallis, l inn.,
fte oairy lpa it of :%pril. Of C'ouirse,
1 hce menl will stot. be a I owed exlpense
i1,1Qly for t1he trip, but a. few o1fI Item
2 " lannling I to lake it. with their
mOWO fiitt.

Miciga'sVarsity hockey team
swill not meet the Minnesota sextet to-
morrow and sa'iurday at the Coliseum
- c -o rcing to schedhule, dlue to the can-
colla tion 6 all athbletic activities over
the week-end.
'rhe tilts with tile Gopher team have
not. been slated for any (definite time
as yet., but it is possible that the ath-t
letic associaion may be0 able to sched-
ule a. play-off later in the season. The
Wvolverines are to start their annual
northern trip next weekend, in the
r cours~e of' which they will play botti

--%WM 4 1 a %0 9 -W U U V Y1 W

(Ltcat ~Fall 3'o)Annun~ice -D~ate
Par it oG &aes WVithi


('i<renee, whl1o wonf his mitchi easily A re-vamped lineup will take the
ill Cle Ohlio St ate me,"Wais declared I.ice the next time Barss' sextet takes
set ii h a+ lie 051(1 of the first, se- I lie ive. Ineligibility hit the squad
ii: ,s r.aucinig Coach'BeiIr to uise]hardt, ]wit h the result that several
1I 't r :uen inl t-me [ cgi ailesa changes will be necessary. Denton
nat ut'ras 1"15 pounder, Was torcedl to Ianad l1cG inulis, regular wings, are
fil l(le v"Italt('y 1 i'it by Cl"Ilnage illi 1,5:.l1out onl scmolla stic difficulties.
hule to".1 a meet. I loope i, can excellent wing prospect,
' he Wolverine grzmpler , are scime- was ineligible last: semester and was
fIlf .d to10 11eet: three umocre (Conierenc' unable to brmn his gradles up smiffic-
I ernls lore t he ciose of th1le 1925 iently to enable him to p~lay this term.
wr' At i ag seasoll. The LBadgers will rj'h(e samec is true of Gabler, who had
lilt'cik lie I'l it'higain tealli here Felb. 28, 1)0been(cotunted(linon heavily for defens-
"'ad ''Ie 11;1 SI na 'apllers wvill -jolrii'iIve material. Reynolds and MacDuff
('V o An Arho h~te r week'oll owing, will probably p~lay wings, with Li-nd-

;SI 1coi a center. ' ibilsky may also

Pay for Your SulOs eription today.

Pay for yoti~ StibSOSi lit 1(111 tOtifly.
lILlY a wimtg l)OSit ion.

vii Ullt, IJIMI'i vul 'illy (;1}',111:.

VA 11GV1V 1!i t!i LA1L 1 A1J V 14UUTIZ5li

1k -----


tor at the Mladison schmool, aild it wwasst ers whmile John is Ca ptain Kerr's 'es. Pieston made <a bmiilll i ]ni siwi,
largely_ upon his recoumienclat iom timat teanmmate on the Varsity.E in his first peac a n1105 t 1w 1'Vatrsity,
Lterit z was select ed.. 110 will hlave Pa ponguht and Starret t should have (leofeit ing thle Iowa 175 lpounlder ono
ballI chrge f te bakfied cadidtestiings their own way in the (live over decision.
eve- netflPwinpacicsait.T-f'?ray of thme 192 8aggrega- .Outside 01' these three weigitl# ;tslhio'
the teritz was with Northlwesterni'l last tidon. Siediman of the Varsity should 1 'Wolverines can count on but: Ilttle.
=ht's season, where lie was highly siw'cess- atlso win out over "'Cap'' Star'rett;l arbel ,125 poxundr and(Sita'm(
Tjfil with the Purple backfield inlatertiafr(-i'rmtan plunger. Tobin, a new mani the t'earn, has not rcat'hted hi last
Phit whc iha ld to the sqluadl, will battle withI Starrett J year's formt, on accolt or iullis
elta for second place in the underwateri Karhel has been del'eated int two averi-
vs. Yale and Harvard hockey sextettes event. d ime matches, losing both I itto', bY
are anxiously awaiting the play-off (:close time ad vantages.j
Al- of their thi'ee gamue serie's. Thme (rimn- Don't delay-p your Subseription Tle 145 pound class Il1s15 lloven lthe(
gmia son p~rove(d successful in the first en- today. eaket. sp iith ician lt. u
Su-counter wil](1 Eli camne to the foreE
dap- Pmovided Koppisch mtakes goodl le 1[13Q1 td;lt1 1 14Il111111111111111 111liH 1111I111iM l
will be one of several this year's foot-
Phi ball men to mrow _on the crew.
Rho -
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Hecre are the sort of pajamas College Men like-
made of a cotton pongee in white, tan, orchid and
blue, two piece. style, well tailored, fastened with
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yet priced only $1.50.
(Main Floor)



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