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February 19, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-19

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THUIr I AY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925.

; ,

- -,


rIra ginning his duties as an instructor, he
~' ~ wuiwd tot rd iu .ulties, since the
-- _ __--- ____==---- ---__=-- - as practically new,,
Ofi~r 'Pt~~ ' et .r ts thiest.
~ QI~t~t~ ~ d~roialinstructors.
_________ ----- Professor Ziwet has been an exanm-
1 . l~A~cn~dPesixciusivday c' ! pie of a true scholar, one who W\aS
t:~~i~ ~ ~ t ,,- a~~b~ tionlof all inews
di j.~ti~'Jied o i urnot otherw~se proficient not only in his chosen w, ork.
i, H~ a1[ I"dt1, lcal ne~ws pb.mathematics, but in languages andi
- ---------'--- literature. He has not allowed his'
i~ I n' t efig:~l~~ Ann Arbor, profession to blot out all interest in
N RH Hi ,-a'H x~al t $~ ~irr tp~~al rate
'. '~e r~fl~d iy Tird <l t P lost- other subjects, and is therefcre. one
ii at I ~ g ntro; 1 of the many examplres:which ca n h
A~n Aa ~ ~ ~ l. oed to refute the popullar idea of the
oii~hs41 ' ielegi' professor. T[at. he has been'
:A14 ai ? nlfletl witth .' higixn is. th-n, £.:r-
,_.___ i Jr- r- loss ,ill be fell-



~i'ikpioui 9 ,21 1aial1 76-M~


Asa ri it'enlatician he has few
rtlimisUis time has not been ,zment

; . x.., 1 LVN F,, iliJ1K- U
A ' {' { GN entirely with the everyday humdrum
of -thei c~acsroom.' He has served in
adtiIIrt(v rious capacities with the United
Coyt IX :or Mates Lake Survey and the Coast
(,~ogCW ~a . lr" '. and (''eodetic Survey, and besides has,
Ienry r~k, I Spa ;;. w t 3r. w eli t oolks on theoretical Mochan-'
Spo't t:"kA.,....\Wb~ II nr:l "p alytical geometry and algebra.
.. it .51~i s colleagues have termed him "'one
~~~~taI~~~~~~~ ,d i i~,,. (j .~ib he' i-mst helpful men that ta uni11--
s i '7P'had.
1 , ; hrl y (i 1sr;5a Wi11h he departure of I> oifzl ;orz
nubZ1 dy J T ninvcri1tS hilt.. 01rhi' . d~y decree dni
'Wl rd i l, t Cn tof ig' ry r ii , IInba er of
VSintnec.oav.711 A-i 'tcvn l ' 1', il:z ye h"'lpcd to brinm; ti;e 11-
alhi outw rh Egn I (;s'~fl~ St Iha ii 'j ticc, PHI nr ilfl 1 ; ' vel al)d
~lxis izahetS S. Ken }ed a,, ,t T.'In b ore,
I(iiaet l;bnrai 4 't rley (4,(ru t C L i 111 1 i ; p1 itea v
Wiii~a ,i'il r-i'O Ltiiii Iv.XVi~i~t I t7 _t ' . ' Iit y hTlld I V!' stlt denit body.
.. . . . ----.wx:: .-- -----aiwr. - ona -
'ilqioe %)j mb<T' o n America~n politicali
IiU1NES ANAER ~ Wm./yI(I iYOE v 1@ for many years re-
VIM. T), RO1SSE t;ga1r i r Ii 'inadequate salaies at-
A',l,>rthine. . .. .. ..... . . .K . .Ta , _f ,, lf -hedto l he higher governmental
Ii vriii. . ... ..... .. . ........ 1 i io outt' tihe greatest flaws in the
H, _iri............ a\ \ I I'ladwil waYem. The Sene by its
Adv ii'mg .,.. ...,.... . X. R t
1~ii~it'i'.ii ,.,,,,,..,.,.j'~tt . no. lon~to hiP i~3ti 'Csulpply bill, has
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - W:iiiit At~-n~M a~ br rd step in providing
r~v +.7,'S; ]. tritweralmofor the men
I', :rttz Thomas Ob ,as ,td upi;on w n;t~ the -i re~tcst burdean
1'ix Ct 1. i\Yi vtIfl : t r }r'sp t i 1for ip b'nation's wel-
r rman T lteh ing MarLaret Sadburg fa 'f=
W. Iti Ilnlak<rt1 . *K<Seor)nltIr+cv '%i 1-° ihe S n
Taylor " Kanier~ lla~ke>'I "i ,stnial incrnases in the
salaries of the administrative and leg-
JSlatixe oflicials at Washington. The
$.3,o00 ncrease allotted to the vice
TII'S)A. IllT3IWA11V 19, 1925 president, members of the cabinet,
# - -- and the speaker of the H-ouse is not.
E,'I I hior- -QFORGF: 1. DAVIS excessive in view of the fact that such,
,men often leave more lucrative pro-

- -The Yale Daily News.
== °There is one obvious danger in go-
Due to the death of President Bur- ing beyond the mere establishment of
ton all music and dIramatic activitiesj an Honor System and proposing deft-
have been discontinued for the week, nite working principles . That is that
including Mr. Christian's Organ Re-!I the presence of a sermonizing ten-j
citi the Matinee Musical concert, the dency in discussing the system's ap-'
Student's Recital and Miss Jessie Bon- j plication be as disastrous as an ele-
.telle's lecture which was to have! ment of compulsion in the original
been delivered before the Ann Arbor outline. In advocating a plan at all
branceh of the American Association of we expressed regret that any such a
I nizversity 'Women Saturday afternoon thing should be necessary. But it is.
at the Alpha Phi sorority house. It! Similarly, in considering tile actual
is also fitting that the Music and; working it would be our national in-
lDrama column should be temporarily clination to allow private judgment toj
omitted. determine conduct and its conse-
quences for the individual. W~e object
Association of American Universities, strenuously to being our brother's
to "'which they will be available at the keeper; but if his peculiarities are
choice of the students, will secure the such that they interfere with us, then
distiibultion of the visitors throughout 1 he has exceeded the most liberal in-I
the U nited States and will thus make terpretation of personal rights and"
for more representative survey of the can justly be curbed.
country andl its universities. As an By no stretch of the imagination
added factor toward the accomplish- can an undergraduate violator of an
inept of this end, three months of ( Honor System be looked upon as iso-
ravel in the United States are also lated in his actions and their results, i
t lrotided by the fellowships, which are and therefore possessed of the right
to be about $3,000 in amount and are' to his own code or lack of code. In
intended to cover a period of two the first place he is a flagrant exam-
years study. Ipie and enticement. He secures!
~or ng as it does but a short time ' obvious, coveted results by very sim-
' tier theei eturn to England of the Iple methods which are taboo to the
1 lon 11. A. L. Fisher, former Britishi majority. And much as it is to be
linister of education who recently deplored it is still absolutely true thatj
isited the United States, the es- men who have a code of hionor, and
tahiishment of the fellowships may who, left to themselves, live up to it,
well be interpreted, if not as' the di- will become careless and self-excus- !
sect result of his efforts to further !ing in the atmosphere created by suc-
the aus of the nglsh pea I cessful violators. Their very presence
ti s d e g r a d i ngti n t h ati so mepa rk iw e a k
wniol ntruleastasanfacthiongwhichenough to forsake (not to alter) thleir
willhe nstumenal n frtheingtheconvictions on account of it.
growth of this international organiza- A man who breaks the Honor Sys-
tion. tem is a thief. His stealing varies
If .the .fellott;ships are as successful 'in its degree of harmfulness but he
iai gieing tile English students as ! is inevitably stealing. He nmay merely

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iiich'ofAreria<as heRhoesschl-improve his mark and lower the rel-
nrships have been giving to their! ative position of some student inter-
holdlers of the richlness of England, (ested in his class' stand. But he has
they wvill have been worth while. If immediately robbed him of a right.
they go a step beyond this and aid inI whose importance it is not for the
bridging the two great English speak-; non-conformist to pass upon. In one
iug nations into a closer relationship, of, many courses in which final marks
they will have added materially to are dependent in part on the average
their success. success of the class, a violator can
by raising his own grades cause some-
THE WO'NEN1 AGAIN one whose fate is hanging in the bal-
Someimesthe women of America ance actually to fail. And a number
Sometmes iof violators can cause a number to
are carried away too easily by their fail- Their ii iliberty ofcoen-


All your need for life
insurance is in the fu-
ture, but your only time
to buy it is now-when
you don't need zI.

Try some of our

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fessins to1a criicepithir ine t, nda


'[hetnr {.littoi fUneriya-e fbrgieS to the country' Only by pay- emo'tions and see visions of ideal con-i
li i uedaewiIithe wishes "ii "In!) mtch" salary c'an a "top ' 6itions -which they decide to bring
~fM'.Ih io sIb Os.tribute ! e itan lbe secrred. In spite of ;about by legislation. In most casesj
I tp i-otII &~Jtt I! o I11 tuhuryof healtuitieQJinonsbad b smetheir greatest mistake is not in the,
(I Mi'Ia ln ;lepor~ f\ich- few of the citizenry, it is hardly rca- mrto emrtt h possible re-
~iawe1='" i ri-a momt ini[cre st of ! onable to expect thtat men who. have
acive+enw i:om ar;ulY'form but, ratlier.,in tomuch anxiety
a~slf.I ttu oeI~nftI for the immediate accomplishment of
that -poi :t sh('ld neit be interrupted field through executive ability should the new state of affairs by the enact-
i-''ii- tsII ie Is ruin their private incomne and subject ,nment of a new law.
'[Ia' of'tlw' head of the institu- 'themselves to the physical strain in- It must be admitted that it was the 3
I lut r ii'exirial. t creates a crisis1 volved in the multitudinous duties of women who eventually. brought about
Swhich can bela government position. If the sal- lte passage of the Volstead act and
. 1 "I' :'fy vryone unites in ;cries are not on a high enough level ;the advent of prohibition in the Unitedj
i-i~~ tiOz1 hal.:2asthey would have America's public officials must of ne-'ter Te ioer wkofh'
tol rasdet Pu.tzr' ;:eenspared. (cessity be either, extremely wealh yrcmen'y Christian Temperance Unionji
Vt iiIutr~Ilit 1'uve'at ~sholdre- imen or ambitiotus politicians, neither ; and their insistent demands for free-1
:~;-o~t'' I it is ifeworgiv'flfo of\'Iil' am eseeillyconucie o dm froml the lionor curse for the sake
P i ummii iPiou-''qi't yhave a cfliciency i-nd tie best interests of of their homes and families, clinched
a - ua P m.~sfiet-;imilii y F~t'I meber tt'ocrcyby the granting of woman suffrage
itt' e uien iod; t-i'ioolyought to! With regard to the salaries of sena- wr h li atr nscrn h
I li iin thlis, os ersnaie, n eeae acceptance of the law. Again within,
A wQit Burton had ideals for i from the several territories, the pro- 'the past few weeks, a national gather-
: P ami :nd Michigan men. It was; posed bill provides for an increase o of --oe tWsintnepes
"? :e of these that he was wiling $2,500. It is even more important that. ed the sentiment of practically the en-
,'.;ifc, all. Students and faculty the legislators be given considerable tire sex in a resolution against an-
iui"1 liMaryo the trust he placed 'a lary increases, since, with the ad- other war and for the World Court.
voent of direct primaries, the cost of I must be admitted that in both of
_________pre-election and election campaigns these matters the women have de-
makes practically prohibitive the en- clrI hmevsinfvro eom
EV~1OF OR UST It :Ixt of a Pool' man into congr es- which are basically humane and ethi-
lab-m IIa til;urg Ceinan coflis ~,'pp1I~~uitp~lracs.sally right.
--It'; id mtIti( than 2U0 ,0t1,i 'rTite gal "ry increase bill is signifi-
'iil~'aiz 11' 't op last sum- ati hti ak rwn e-o The latest exhibition of this spirit
c~htzdthe abazeof±T , ;ofthe women for the b~etterment of
I~~~~~~~~~ Je'th '1I;bhn hm lz ~ ncy in American +gov ernment I to society through an improvement of
tt'iiI:ailr~t-t jtI: to something over! turn toward the English starni Od rofI
zzcha deugeof h- ;the conditions of the home and fain-t
i~tlfhIi~I.Pt-h a delugewaofthu-''whih epaiid ernmhs en ofG,1v 1pc 'Iilwsthat staged in the legislative
ii: i- 'adbt l z old inctinveni- +e ficec a ee ealpUtz
--. " r 'iI"I 0111,1 -i'portion ofa~ ~ I -1 - -- halls"o'f the state capitol building at'ul1tr zE= } lge clfte+a zr i asn usa.Tegleisa
hi i-'is h)P iOt '~ii(' eianuttR-l'n~a the mai floor of the House as well<
io~~~~~~~~~~~ t1+'f a i mecnr a t&'( cte snate arform w hchi were overflowing with a huge dele-
l~~~~t-th 'Senate a- reoformn- i whicth;eargation of women who were frankly1
nttr I51b a ln enneddi llbace opposed to the resolution which
101 tenpt;~n ft il federal administration will have,1
i t.l''ii ory ivx tiomatioin be rugtaot threatens to bring about theD rejection
pt-P -of the chid labor amendment to the
4 a I ,I.t_.' + 1 ar t al h-vies, Itheaters, ____________________
ap ai' rtalU- t I e s It appears Iittpli~O11'1P federal constitution by the State of
!i v st ichtg an. The group, which Repre-
1 , b1 '. t' 'ti l nc( thisc
laus manty year's a number of Ainer- -
a bx-'- heIttel. (P i ttt hH 1 rit~ly ea stdexushae benenale ~sentative Charles Culver, who inrto-r
imt~PI- iFrwar hgwtr ak1l ,.o t 1 t av eneabe oiduced the resolution for the rejection, t
Iti ii" fit igwte ar.study EniglishlitPe, customns, ant i in--rfrrdt s h igest lobby thatl
(to the visit to Eur teliectual methods of approach under hsvt~ h asml nrcn
a , mrias'oldI, a 'sie teaseblin een
"I-,~ mn3'Ameicas wuldthe Lutelage of English professors years, at least caused a hitch mu the c
.,cti(ant factor in the; wti h 14A4 ~
and wti h hails of ener'able old roamfrteHuevedodfr
. I tthI tilt~tnu oaIsad Lnuglnh unriversities tihrough. tile porm~rte~~ueviu ee
tI ~ tta" t'tt4v a( tlt t jti iii' ftite I - action on the umatter to a later date.
'taI> a hi~I1 Rhodes scholar'ships wh1ichi are an- While objectors to the amendment-
tia-a i a-'itseve ohewie.Onnually awarded to those who are build uip false illusions of the many
to xagerteconsideredt best fite~d torepresent t a
it-'te already warped concept mria tI te hardships it will work upon the farm-d
+ii 0z of hecitzes o tieuaina ytm nEg em's, whose children they declare wille
'slK - asofth itzes f lai nd. Through this agency, there has be'rhbtdfo "doing the chores"
mayprosrtr been aroused a certain respect for theiv
a."~i ai - dpith little more than a high type of scholarship which 1 Ihaslig uti ayoterwy~o
I l'ti aU ptographs or a whet- alasbenmautiey nls the farm" until they have reached the !
i= i-)r ntoxcatig beer-age of 18 years, the women of thet
i-nt ~ o ntxctn ee-universities as well as a sympathy for Istt e h mnmn nispoe
;es. So a large proportion spend the British people an(I a desire to in- sigta asaeseedfo the amndetanit nroe
their sojourn merely spreading money r ih sasfgadfrtemn
around, mkigno atmtto , cuctesmeo-te ete1haate-children who might otherwise be ruin-n
makig atempt in-istics of both into American institu-
crease their store of worthwhile ex-'tins ed both in body and in spirit by start-b
r'erlence. It is this tendency thattinsve. fte ierslt ruh ing to work in tihe factories at too
gives continentals their conception of' about through these scholarships in yonnae hl oiiin x
the "typical" American philanderer, th taneto abte prto aggerate their fear of the amendment
n-nd it is hard to criticize the manner unheratinet fandbmutal beneit be- as but another step toward the cen-a
*'h-they exploit the trade. , -tralization of- power at Washington,n

duct will then have become robbery,
'will interfere with the welfare of
others and will be, as it must inevita-
bly..be in the case of violators of the
'Honor System, rightly subject to sup-
fThere should be no doubt in the
mind of any man who wants to bring
about the forceful disciplining of such
an offender. I-I is not playing the
part commonly imuplied in the term
reformer. He is not adopting the at-
titude of holier than thou. Hle need
have nothing to do with holiness or
unholiness. H-e is standing up for
his rights and the rights of others to
an even.-chance both at maintenance
of their code, and at such pleasure,
honor, or benefit as may be derived
from recognized classroom success.
A nonymous communications will be
-disregarded. The names of communi-
r'ants will, however, be regarded as
confidential uon request.
To the Editor:
-The campaign for hess filth is an
admirable one and will be effective to
just such an extent as it molds public
opinion. For in spite of the fact that
in all similar campaigns the managers
are always upbraided as flue instiga-
tors of evil, it must be remembered
that the theatrical business, partic-
ularly in New York is today and al-
ways has been primarily a cornmer-
cial enterprise, anti that the much
blamed managers are first a-nd last
business men. As such they must
perforce cater to public demand and
it. cannot be denied that plays which
are lacking in virtue are decidedly not
so in box-office receipts.
.When the Actors Equity nmakes
moves against the situation it is more
than justified, but when it aims its
attack upon the producers alone, it1
seems to be attacking from the wrong
angle. The problem is not one ofj
right or wrong nor do the majority
of the managers consider it as such.
It is simply a matter of creating pub-
lie denmand for a higher class of
drama. True, by presenting a better
class of productions the managers
could create a higher demand, but I
while the situation exists as it does
they cannot be altogether blamed for
their attitude.
The solution of the problem will be
reached when a method of instilling a
more cultured taste in the public has
been found.
-V. L. D.r
It's not so much the problemn of
when tile girl's buy their clothes for
next winter as ho0w many they buy

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