THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THMM WILLAMS PEAK ON CITY ZONINGi Noted Autlirity Explains P~urpose and Legal Problemis Itating to City 1"lanzni WILL LECTURE TODAY -Frank B. Williams, noted zoning and city planning authority, delivered the second of a series of lectures on zon- ing at 4:15 o'clock yesterday in thej Natural Science auditorium. "Zoning," saidl Mr. Williams, "ac- cording to the city planner, is the put- ting of land in the different parts of a given community to the use for which it is best fitted, for the promo- tion of public health and convenience, and to preserve such land to use for which it has been set aside." Mr. Williams explained the process of planning and zoning a city and discussed the main objects of a zon- ing ordinance. "The objects of zoning a city is to promote the public health, to promote the public safety, to provide economy and efficiency by relating the zonesi1 t~o each other, and to preserve the land values. "Zoning raises certain legal prob- lems which are of considerable diffi- culty. The landowner on one side of the zoning line is not allowed to (d0 wNith his land as the owner of land on the other side. To cope with this situation a board of appeals is creat- ed, to which objections dan be made. The board of appeals must see, how-j o ver, that property values are not im- paired by the erection of buildings in such cases." Mr. Williams will give two lectures today, both fu the Natural Science auditorium, one at ,11 o'clock on "Planning for Beauty" and th-a other at 4:15 o'clock on "Regional Planning; with Especial Reference to the Plan- ning of New York." Seeks Funds I 1' trifed Iieada man, and cites as evidence the trace J e d of hair that can be seen at the back oft the head in the photographs. If uzscoverea mfl .such is actually the case, it will be a' r emarkable upset in jarchaeological Northern a e circles. '?4r~1 ,# ______Frederick M. Gaige, curator of in- The head of a man, the face, set in; sects on the staff of the museum, isj an expression of extreme fear, has of the opinion that the head is simply bcen found in a lonely lake in north-1J a "death mask," the wcfk of some ern Michigan, between Petoskey and sculptor which was thrown into the Charlevoix by Rev. J. M. Rogers, of .lake a few feet from shore. Thisj Mackinaw City. Five pictures of the would account for the marked expres-' head, from various angles, have been sino1errsow ntepoo received by the (ivision of archeolo- !graphs. gy of the museum of zoology of the Asilacaeourd svrl University. years ago when a "petrified head" was Reverend Rogers sent the photos, brought up by a -dredge in the Hud- ttogether with a description of the find, son river. Thlis turned out to be the to Priof. Earl V. Moore, of the school !noel(Iha faRmneprr of rusi, wo trnedthemater verwhich had been thrown into the stream to the museum. Prof. W. B. Hins- from an artist's studio near the bank:.1 dale, direc:tor of the archaeological division, has written for the head, and it will be shipped to Ann Arbor for investigati -n as soon as possible. Read the Want Ads Reverend Rogers was of the opinion that his findI wa~ the petrified head of i 'Faculty~, Cleveland Bergdoll was a world War sked by a New York editor for his ihero or a democratic statesman. ; c inion of Babe Ruth. He cabled back B a ly In lies ITo the studlents the results of tlwir query, " Who is she?" "J ~examination suggested that -.whiat is F'or.Kin ivledgefundamu1ental knowledg to Broadway PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS is o' little importance to the profes- s11n1al mii. For that matter even New Orleans, Feb. 18.-The faculty men of letters are not always as vad th.\ an 1 d 1cf Newcomb college fared badly when informed as they mighut be on currehL eh aI p~ut through an intelligence test here suhbiects. Bernard1 Sh=:w was once recently by the young women students - of that institution. Tfhe women chall- __________ ________________________________ ('nged 2:3 professors to a test after flunking a similar examination given by th eductors 1"Al Jolson is a wrestling champion," flN wrote one of the professors. Another j stated that Filet Mignon is an operaE by Puccini. 'Still another member of the faculty, when asked for a defini- ioo bilatn, epidta ti rekxaration that ladies put into Shoe Laces otia e j ~ teyes to make them shine." One T oh at e:i~iator wasn't rIe wh2'the.r Grover Sfop. Polish Penc I ly7ie argest sellingToilet Soaps TabletsM111k qualTtyletnc I Mol'ignor IV]I. T~t 7,loigec, who0, TnCt to Cardinal Alc raier, is the be:i knownm nmcmbcr of the woman Catholic clergy in Belgium, is coining to the United States to begin a earn ipaigmi for furth- er tunds fo- rest orat ion of dlevasifat ed regionis. 1 I , i t t 1' a " f I i The best ice Cream you ever had. it's made here ~'i~ ithe world~ degrees Superlative in quality, the world-.famous 3 give best service and longest wear. Buy Plain ends, Per doz. $I.00 Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20 a eAt all dealers dozen American Lead Pencil Co. 220 Fifth Ave., N.Y. T, 'ill Needles Thread ule Paste Talcilmn owd er ();al("OYTE TRYOUTS I .All secondl semester Freshmen( wishing to try out for the Busi- ness Staff of "The Gargoyle" are urged to report any afternoon this. -week at the Gargoyle oflive ithe Press Bldg. fromn 2 to 4 P'. M. _____________ ____-____I. in our new plant in many COLLEGE GROCE Y delicious flavors. Order 51(a E. William Freshmen and others wbo are interested in trying out, for the business staff of the Mlichigana- ('usian aime request ed lo report to the 'Epsiani offices in thle _ i l i li I' !l I; it next time. PHONE 423 Ann Arbor Dairy Co. i i ~... fl D.,tt.l4 b W .S t .mS4 ...nnll 4 i A Great Com edyXVt Your Favorite grars 1 f Open Evenings Campus Credo "Beta and Gamma Ray Theories" was the subject of discussion at a meeting of the Students' Mathematical society! yesterday aft ernoon in 'the Chemistry b~uilding. 11 HOME OF PURE3 MI LK +.w .-.' I '} . j ,9 , ,, ,s .-k ;, ,J Y' i. kri .: t i i': , ~ oluc1nin1 is the most: FR IDAY-SATURDAY ly since there a me i'amaic cjtic Oilreturn Engagement of the World's Most Spectacular Sea Story by --"The wonmen':;s ndl Drama column RAFAEL SABATINI est ing to mie. I' he women's page information ab~out the campiius which-_r I always turn to ola column which -g and many times -"In .my opinion is the most worth- " section of The ,t is all I read."? Featuring MILTON SILLS 6UlIDANE ENID BENNETTP a - ,yWALLACE BEERY ESARNGED AndSp~otl Cs have signed up: ' 1guidance depart- tChristian associ- tevee o h ing conqultations r faculty men who 4 them information f work in which !" ...: A >enter. ..r ' meetings of the 75b 'dl for information f a profession will )nahlit y will be the~yG on at these meet- jsemester faculty ess these gathier-_:. all business mneii-- s who have agreedl li vocaltional guidl- interviewing st u t ..- next weem to ar- ;p f'or comnsultations, ohave not already egist er in the vo- plan at Lane hall, by Harold L~. Wil- n of the vocational I nt. 0- - 1p ; e h1e1ld tonignh t it It draimmaof fierce, vivid color ' I urpose of discuss- an d a ujazing adventure, thbroughl ' p)ersonality. Only tue which stalks one of tile truly{ great and masterful .figures' of II' v 4M Iol 1inad -r eth orto ;JESSE L. LASKy, A nigs he ot of IncQludling revelry In Paris Christie at Its gayest A Comedy laugh or a thrill Rinogranas every- secolhi. Novelties En"tire Change-: of r ogram-b y ,f9: ,"4 ;: , . I--- ; pp ,,k- VBcaToNAL I NTERIE II All students who with the vocational ment of the Student aition are being in' purpose of arrang with business men o will be able to give relative to fields o they are planning to Wit himn a week im m en who have ask o e Tli~i h i e o be arranged. lPers( subject fol.(iselussi ings. Later in the speakers will addr ingy. A meeting of and faculty member; to (cooperate with t0 ance (lepacrtmenitin dlents will lbe held range definite (dates Any sudlents wi done so can now r cartional gutidance is iI- ,was arnouncedl1I hams, '25E, chaiirma gutilancee departmei A meeting will b Lane hall for time p ing leadership and rz II III