THE WEATHER WARMER TODAY AN40W ~ore Iailj MEMBER .SSOCIATED PRESS and WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXV. No. 9 EIGET PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIiURSDAY, OCTOi ER 2, 1924 EIGHT PAGTES PRICE, FIVE CENTS MICHiGAN KIWANIS MrT FOR ANN IAI Ants U age War On Expedition In Quest Of Fossil Specimens BR/AND CALLS ON ~ii RTIICl TO Varsity Band To Appear Tomorrow Finn] robo h thI I n bl i U wo III~~~~~~~~~ L IIU1.M I I 1HI Y ,difficult economic problems, but organizations will undertake is to re- place at 1:30 o'clock Friday. Din- spect. The Varsity band will be on nt teros o IFrance. will he everready- to lelp in mind 2000,000 voters that 32 states ner in the evening will be served in hand to give the freshmen their first "T he rofhessr their solution. have laws which permit qualified Waterman gymnasium with the pro- introduction to Michigan songs. Mom- ymee ut of theivjerty toward voters to vote by mail if they are out gramof te eenin imediaelyfol-thestudent of this subject is to teacht gram of the evening immed y - hers of the cheer leading squad will primarily, facts, but added to this of their home precincts but within lowing. Victor M. Johnson, Int also he present to instruct the year- must be an appreciation of engineer- their home states. tional president, will speak on The lings in the proper manner, of giving n jd sffort and In cddition to urging all students practical Side of Kiwanis, and Pres. the various Michigan yells. inrutgmet,a hsincere snt, to vote the clubs will appeal to the Marion L. Burton will deliver thei After the program all freshmen iterest on the part of the student A r ea llI NIJS U alumni members and to relatives and closing address. classes with the exception of the lit- inreso e s - close friends to go to the polls, or Prizes are to be awarded to the erary class will leave. 'Thre freshmen Sil r loncsay a mascls fins!ogot hepllo Pries reto e warel sec earyclss il leve Th feshenof recreation in(, a point of contact Business mnc and citizens of Ann ot 1y mail i' nat at home on elec- various clubs by V. 0. Nelson, sec- literary class will then proceed wi wit h others Arbor are considerin iend ofgth tion day. The intensive drive for a retary of local club, and a dance in the election of class officers. Members Bithloean Patterson of the Engineer- ."ichign band to the Ilinoi ichiga big Dote will continue until Novem- Brurgymnsu ilcnld ofth Studlent oauncih will take charge Da atron 1 h igmie-Mhia bn oteIlmis1cignlcr 4th. the conference. of the election. ing school, the second speaker of the football game at Urbana, according Robert Ilumnier, '2e, was aphoted evening, stressed the last point made. to a report given out yesterday by the to take charge of all preparations for y aofessord ailey,thatof being all Chamber of Commerce. Under edi Belser, Coliwell, CE0GG ITY TSTINTS Praditronns Day. 1 pointed Alexander rectorsp of the local chamber be An Ilinpis committee to handle ow of the Detroit Edison as a mn..n tween $,40 and $1,500 is to be raised Do Research Work all arrangements preparatory to the f this type. with which the 77 piece band will be Illinois game on October 18 was ap- "There are many opportunities for sent to Urbana to represent Michigan. I pointed, consisting of E'lward Fox. the engineer to carry the work far It is estimated that 100,000 specta- C l 'elser, 2A anoG 25E, in charge of the block "M," beyond the stage it has now reached, tors will fill the new Illinois stadium Colwel, '20A, spent the past summer Students of the department of geo- Charles Merriam, '25E. cheerleaders and while many will be content to at its dedication by the Michigan team in New Mexico where they were sent graphy of the University are and have Irvin Deister '25, pep meeting, and earn a comfortable living by making NOV. 18, and it is the ish of the citi- to o research work for the America been engaged in procuring data in the president of the council, use of what is already known, there zens of Ann Arbor that Michigan's oesearc, wi wom order to remedy the conditions of the - will alvays be a group who will con- band shall be tresent to compete with College of Architecture of the Univer- large areas of unproductiVe land and sider it their duty to experiment the 300 piece band which it is report- sity has been co-operating for the past some of the established agricultural he ed xii repsent Ihnoh Te bs earchosen areas on which production is declin-O Over 75 engineersheard the speak- ness men of Chicago have completely E yr tets are cose ing. There are in the state of Michi- ers and were entertained by sing- outfitted thea300 men who will play on from thearchitectural college to be gan vast areas of unproductive, land ing, fencing exhibitions, and refresh- e lini and. tsent to the southwest part of the General conditions are fairly well I fJLIU LlOH90Y 110960 , ets urnimg the evening According to the rules and regula- country to nmake surveys on interest known but detailed infor wtiontonrn tions of the Big Ten conference, no ing buildings which are still in exist which constructive dcin anbinb - money is permitted to be spent for ence, although constructed more than whih cnstuctveaciion can be WVilliam W. Bishop, librarian of the y pptBle n owl u- bae ssal akng eas o nrityrnreturnedrtoinAnn ArborIsending any persons to out-of-town !'acentury ago. Belser and Cowell dur- this problem the Land Economic sur- yesterday after attending ameeting ngI goa payd nf vey has been organized. of the executive board of the Ameri- osed to be directly connected with ial study of the old missions of e A land-utilization map of Lyndon can Library association=Monday and [ the team. or this reason the busi- I Mexico in an attempt to trace cer- township has already been made by I Tuesday in Chicago. Americin li- LBW EST LU UITEST ness men and citizens of Ann Arbor tao features of modern architecture these student geographers. The map ( braries in Paris and the League of _are taking it upon themselves to pay to these od buildings. They are now shows the actual uses to which the Nations' library at Geneva were the Washington Court House, Ohio, for the fare, sleeping accommodations, pieparing summers land is put. As a result of this de- subjects of two reports made by Mr. Oct. 1.-(By A. P.)--Two records for and Saturday meals of the 77 Michi- work-. tailed mapping, quantitative figures i Bishop. gai band men.- are obtained as to the actual pro- Certain projects tobe financed by for distance and the other for endu- IH arm ony Features gress of farming in the region. Simi- the Carnegie corporation of New rance, were announced here tonight ! lar maps are made showing the topo- York were also brought before the when all three balloons, the "Wash- Democratic M eet graphic, soil and assessed valuations in Board. These include plans for a ington C. H," the "Detroit," and the Tl-- the area. Thus a picture of the physic- iboard for the education and activi- "Goodyear," which took the air yes- Gran Raids, Oct. 1.--The Demo- al and econonmic conditions are pro ties of librarians. A secretary and tetrday from here at 4:20 oclock re-[1( crats of Michigan today buried their I cured. two assistants are to oe employed. pOrted. The "Detroit" established a idifferences, for the good of the cause In addition, data is secured from The Carnegie corporation has contri- distance decord of 302 miles, landing Camp Davis, University surveying and held a state convention so har..- farmers as to the livestock, kinds of Ibuted $108,000 to the American Ii- at Gondola post office, Virginia, at camp at Douglas Lake, continued monious it was tedious. The sparkle S r ato a brary association this year 5:25 o'clock this morning, while the to grow this year as it does of conflict was entirely lacking on and inquiries as to changthese whings A commission on libraries for adult "Washington C. H." made the en- I every year. The much needed hous- the convention floor. The Ku Klux are made. This shows thesmeasure education was appointed of which Mr. durance record of 13 hours and 48 ing facilities for the keeper were met Klan controversy retained just of progress of the area. interesting ishop is one of the six embers minutes, landing at 6:20 o'clock to- with this year in the form of a very enough light to fizzle weakly out be- This commission will study the part night near Summer hill, Cambria comfortable cottage, built especially fore a resolution committee that results were ound in thLyndon tow which libraries may play in brnging county, Pennsylvania. The distance to withstand the coldest days of win- promptly stamped on it and cast it ship and it is felt that detailed sum- about the ideal condition of adult edu- was given as approximately 265 miles ter. A workshop was also built this aside. The wet and dry issue died veys of this kind may also be applied cation. L. L. Dickerson, formerly in air line, east of here. The former year. without a struggle. to larger sections. chagitohalothtlabastruggle. ear charge of all the libraries of the distance record was 280 miles, air of- The students rented a piano and The party leaders, who were Washington, Oct. 1. - Washington United States and secretary of this ficials said. The "Goodyear" landed installed a radio in the club house against injecting either prohibition or cinched its first pennant in 40 years commission, will visit Ann Arbortlast night near Latrobe, Pennsyl- so that it was possible to have night- the Klan into the proceedings, be- Monday. soon to study the work f the library vania. -ly sings and keep in touch with the cause they feared the effect on the extension service of the University. Pilots of the "Detroit" said their world at large regardless of the campaign of Dean Cooley, the party's - ---- -flight was a "thriller," as they had I weather conditions. candidate for U. S. senator and on CYLa Follette Tour s ral narrow escapes trout entan- I For the first time in its history the rest of the party ticket, they had A NEW POLICY LaFolteT u severa arwecae rmeta- Pitef A NEW POL glements with trees while crossing I Camp Davis entertained the biologi- their way without trouble. Opening Unknown mountains in West Virginia. The cal camp and later in the season the- Shags were filled with enual onanti- hin n-iann i n rnrnpfl th comn- -lncr.r, Ct r: n ip- M hs en VSENWOR .e s ir y ei 1I PRESIDENT v UNIVERSIT -- LITS NAMELA1WRENCE idENT:. OTHER CGSSES DOOSE OFFICERS FOR YEAR OF CALIFORNIA. I 'Y VISITS HEREI II Pros. B. I. Wheeler of the I University of California, accom- panied by Mrs. Wheeler, has ar- rived in Ann Arbor, and plans to remain here for about ten days. His son, B. W. Wheeler, is a new instructor in the Euro- pean history department. President Wheeler has had long connections with the Uni- I versity. He received an honor- LL. D. degree here 15 years ago, I and was the speaker at Com- imencement 10 years ago. At I that time he said, "I regard I Michigan as representing the I very best type of university." IJ INCAMPUS VOTE Engineers Give President Impressive Majority; Davis Lags in Third Place KIWANIANS TO BALLOT At the end of the first day of bal- loting in the presidential straw bal- lot, being conducted at the University by the Detroit Times, the count stood: Coolidge, 342; LaFollette, 78; Davis, 48. The overwhelming majority of the] present incumbent is partially ex-4 plained by the fact that these votes were all taken in the school of engi- neering. Engineers, are the most con- servative of-all acsdegnt, grops, andd would be most likey to support theI conservative candidate, stated the of- ficial in charge of the vote. More than 1,000 votes have been taken in< the literary and law schools, and willl be counted today. The results willI appear in The. Daily tomorrow,. This straw ballot has been con- ducted in connection with the var- ious class elections. No f'eshmen have voted as yet; the straw ballot will be extended to them at the time of their class elections next week. I An effort will be made to spread the ballot among the Kiwanans, who are meeting in convention here this week. As delegates from all parts ofI the state are present, this should prove a particularly representative ballot for the state. The vote on the campus will be continued until every student has had an opportunity to vote. The finalf count will run far into the thousands, exclusive of the downtown ballot, and should give a definite idea of the wayI the universities of the country willY stand next November. UNION WILL RECEIVE WORLD. SERIES NEWSI Starting at 2 o'clock next Saturday1 and every afternoon thereafter as long as the world srie baseball games last, play by play reports oft the games will be received over the radio in the Taproom of the Union. Last year reports of the world seriesI were received on the ticker in thet billiard room but in order to accomo-1 date larger crowds the new plan of having the reports come to the cafe- teria is being tried this year. 1 The radio is being specially ar- ranged by J. A. Barkovitch, '25E, and t K. Donnel, and reports will come in over the Union's own set. The bowling alleys at the Union opened yesterday for the winter, and will be open for use every day from 12:30 to 11 o'clock. On Saturdays they will open at 10:30 in the morn-I ing =and will remain open until 11 o'clock. WALDO K. GREINER CHOSEN TO LEAD SENIOR CLASS OF ENGINEERS MAC ELLVEN VICTOR Business Adminisration .Juniors Will Hold Election This After- noon Richard L. Lawrence was elected president of the senior literary class yesterday afternoon in University hall. Other chief officers named were: Waldo K. Greiner, president of the senior engineering class; Harold S. Cassidy, president of i the senior ar- chitectural class; David MacEllven, president of the senior law class, and Louis D. Becker, president of the senior medical class. Literary Officers The following officers were chosen to fill positions in the senior, junior, and sophomore literary classes; sen- ior class, Richard L. Lawrence, presi- dent; Elsa Olmacher, vice president; Dorothy McFarlane, secretary; Frank S. Roberts, treasurer'. Junior class, Richard Doyle, president; Ruth Wil- liams, vice president; Mary Haskell, secretary; Harry Messer, treasurer. Sophomore class, George K. Hutchins, president; Mary Barrett, vice presi- dent; Jean Y. Kyer, secretary; Stan- ford N. Phelps, treasurer. Laws Senior class, David MacEllven, president; Robert V. Rice, vice presi- dent; Leland Notnagel, secretary; Carl Enggas, treasurer. Junior class, George Martin, president; Arthur Ford, vice president; Charles Munz, secretary; Robert D. Law, treasurer. Freshman class, Fred Pinney, presi- dent; Edwin G; McLean, vice presi- dent J. B. Gustus, secretary; A. L. Johnson, treasurer. Architects Senior class, Harold 5k Casidy, president; Kenneth Black, vice presi- dent; Dorothy C. Eggert, secretary; Karl Kresbach, treasurer. Junior class, M. G. Whittinghaim, president; E. F. Wollin, vice president; P. C. Bready, secretary; G. T. Rickey, treasurer. Sophomore class, Walter E. Thuhin, president; Lawrence W. Oliver, vice president; E. G. Michaels, secretary; Paul Starrett, treasurer. Engineers Senior class, Waldo K Greiner, president; Edliff Slaughter, vice president; Karl Robertson, secretary; Hal B. Coates, treasurer. Junior class, William H. Heath, president; Harry Hawkins, vice president, Clark Brown, secretary; John M. Dunning, treas- urer. Sophomore class, H. J. Bell president, J. H. Lavette, vice presi- dent; George M. Stanley, secretary; Thomas Cranage, treasurer. The election of officers for the freshmen literary class and for the freshmen engineering class has been postponed until next Wednesday. The freshmen engineers will elect their of- ficers at the regular 11 o'clock as- sembly Wednesday morning. The freshmen literary officers wilt b e elected immediately following the Traditions Day program that will be held at 4 o'colck Wednesday after- noon in Hill auditorium. Medics Louis D. Becker, president, Herbert G. Dunphy, vice president, Orra M. Henderson, secretary and Theron S. Hill treasurer. The other medical classes will organize either today or tomorrow and turn the results in to The Daily. The junior class in the Business Ad- ministration school will meet at 4 o'clock in room 203 of the Economics building to elect their officers un- der the direction of Millard H. Pryor, '25. The results here will also be handed in to The Daily. This is the only class in the Business Adminis- tration this year. Judges Consider Court Congestion Washington, Oct. 1.-Conditions of the docket in the federal courts throughout the country were consid- ered at a conference today presided over by Chief Justice Taft and at which each of the circuits were re- presented by a circuit judge. A large part of the time was given to attorney general Stole who dis- U y cussed conditions in the federal court Hfrom the viewpoint of the department Hereafter students will not be a1_h.h of justice and presented suggestions .a .h ~ h . . . ^. . 1-1 Q~i- A in 'ra I