-1-1 117 T +. <.....I .. mil' is t .-.A al t. S ' ,-. 10 9 ~PAGE SEVEN) )AY, JANUARY 27, 1925 TI If? ~jP I1T("ANT flATIV CLOSES COLUMN ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. FOIE RENT FOR RENT Graduate Student or btisi- ness Woman. Single room 1 block from Campus. Phone 158. Ralph 'I. Swezey. FOR RT i. )i T wo very ati enetive front ,is f:,hi!n is110(11f11either 5tu(Ielt or' h gitlousekeeping. Everything furnished. 200 N. itate. LOST .Purse, containing keys, tieliei,; and money. Finder call 1920-M. U~e- ward. LOST South Bendl watch Decenibe: 18, between Campus and Viite;' theater. 166:-1?. Lost A doge (designi filigree nUosa!(Y pin between High School and 7-1 F0orrest Ave. Liberal reward to fin- der. F. L. Novy, Phone 526-f1. LosTr---Brown heytainer Saturd(a. Finder please call 3417-W. WALLET co)ntaininlg sunof iiin(ie. Call at Daily office. 1LLt 's:l s~il'rtaleAdding 311 i4'ili1lfs. BOARLD auilIRoomi in private faimily 1220 ;5. Uni. Phione 2878-.1. F~OR RENT Room, single or dole~I. Very reasonable. 520 C heever Court. Phone 1755-J. FOR RENT Room for two ladies, first for odhati es 1. Prospect St. Phione 601-W. TWO 1lurge, light, warm dlouble rooms. also one single rooml. Dormitory sleeping qluatersI' if desired. Pholle 855-R1. 114 N. Ingalls. FOR RENT large front suite suitable for. man andl wife or two ulpper* classinan. 339 So. 1ivisioul. BOARD TYPEAVItil"J' }tti s;'X'ALON VANITiIES RIUGS SI IA MI '0121) or (lust cviesned.' Arn Arher (Caripet Cle~alliwg Works, 1'hloln 5.~O ii P4 I O~I' 1Y \\'p on 'I' eal p' *\ 'de. Sce the Style: WANTEID: Single roo0m andl garage« by Junior medic for next Semester "11l next yev'r. Private ,family, nlo oth('r roomers, prefcrabily in soatlic:,,51 b'ast of cEy. Address Daily Box 65., \VAX'1T1I) .Students andl others wantedl to organize partie1s to Euro'pe. Free trilp or' (ash. Optijonal. Write C11y Post offie. Box 218. .1-l101'tie o. 0Call 903-'X. Davis. kiI )dylli;'1)t o?, rent, a f ;I l 01 !IIIC i 'el-ie u(!afly t YLO 151 c:'. 17 Nickels' Arcade, 'rie stationlery & Typew ri~ or Store =N I PrI11,ltly ,I ilieil Plt( p('rienled nt iO2" nt rt rat :a. (0. 10, 3101 PL':" 17 Nickels' A aj Ti!,,,State51 r( ct 'I '~ ite r anl Oapein ,y~ 5 rpyI -~ V I [V~lRE AI iW n Anji Ar~or. Seei(,n ers satisfactory 'rvb , baced byclean ireputationi ~n: uqaradealing lgjs built our 17 N-ickels' Arcade, i'; S* ate Street Typewriter and Stationery Store. Open Evenings. v \ II)Two room suite. Private fiy.Eat or South side of cam- pu>~. GI.x 6. Michigan Daily. WANP ---MIan with car to sell corn- pil line tquality Auto Tires andI iue.E:'-elusie Territory. Ex- peiioeenot necessary. Salary $300. ~ei llOflh. Milestone Rubber Co. ii, e'l)ool Ohio. Read the Want 'Ads FOUTNTAIN PENh NVN1M fr ii tngahcW NDCiptn adwork. Experienced. Can give 4 hours ition for .J-l lop puarties. Cull fe (aily. Write Box 62. I 6 P'. M. 203)5-WN. ~FOR RENT At 315 Packard St. A large -_ __________ - Fsuite..I-lot water heat. Plenty of ' FOR RENT-Cosy thr'ee roomi apart- hiot water. Phone 2124-R. monint two blocks from campus. f i Warml and private. 1309 Washtenaw FOR1 RENT Rooms for mien. SteamI Avenue. heat. Plenty of hot water. Also' gar- -m 2 Sage.Phone 11'94-M. 422 E. Washing- 1F1Of' lENT-Front r ing le room. 421 ton:Thompson01. Phone 2672-11. FOIE. REN'T A first class front, suite SINGLE room for woman. Two blocks in private home. One other roomer. fr"om ic ampus. Steam heat, phone Very close to' Campus. 410 Tu'- 36-18-J. 405 iTs .lefTerswi. ~~ 5I1.11'4E,eii von lent andl pleas int. I loiiie, r1ELT, your friends what a wonderful pen your i'vasterpen is. You have been doing it. Thank you. RIDER'S PEN SlJO1P 302 State St. .. ® s I ~t L:r dn-eRoNT ' " 103e. Washeingt. hron ableJ 'Vlphone 2960-M. 120.1 Forest Ave. !__________________________ FOR RtENT Large suite and room for, FORI IENT---L urge two, both with lavatory, good light. single 'or (one)1. and heat. 1021 E. Huron. Phione 2792.'__________ room1. 'Will r ),it Vacancy in large 425 S. Division. WAR1IM Comnfortable and well fuir- imshed front suite for boys. No other students. 540 Packard. FOR RENT Good rooms at 509 S. myi- ision. Phone 293-M,. FOR~ RENT Large front room for two. $7.50 a week for the room. 1127 C'hurchi. 2951-M. FOR PLENT--nicely furnished rooms, in new house, for next seinester. 336 S . Division. Phone 557-J3. WARM single room in private family,, close to campus. Phone 614-J, after 4 1). nn. FORI RENT.: Suites of two rooms each 1317 Washtenaw. 2483. Mrs. Mur- P) hY. SAVE: that long wait while having- your pen sent away for repairs. We repair it the same lay it is b;,ou- ght in and insure that it will be adl- justed to your hand when you call for it. RIIDER{'S PEN SHlOP PEN MAKERS N, OTWE.li J-HOP FAVORS Everything for your house party. -ARNOLD STATE ST. JEWELER. NOTICE At -The Anti Arbor Waysidle Inn, Students will find the monst comfortable hostelry for visiting friends. Phone 2520-W. A vicious ink mnay work for a short time. It will work only for a short time. It clogs the (delicate mechan- ismn of the pen and cannot be re- moved by any ordinary means. It i chemically antagonistic to a g ood ink which will ' work and renders +he good ink colorless. Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where you will always find a fresh supply of' t-e lbest government standardsI writing fluid. It is the only satisfactory ink for the fountain pen. PEN AND INK SPECIALISTS. BEAUTY SHTOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. THREE EXPERT IIARCELLE11S Phone 2939 for appointment. DIMMATTIA BEAUTY SIJOPPE State Street-Above Cushings FLO WERS Our moderate Iprices make it possible1 for all to have FRESH 13-O11E GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ArBORt FLORAL CO.- I' FPXl1 RENT Nice comnfortabale room I FOR RENT: Large, well furnished Onuly two other roomers. 7117 Oak- I suite with fireplace. P~hone 2506-M. ~nd.943~M. 20 E. Ann St. FOR RENT One suite and a single 1,FOR RENT1, second floor rooms, warm 'oom for men. Call 1675. 921 Pack- adllaalrtst lbo td ~ard. cuts. Meals if desired. 917 E. Ann FOR RE~NT Single room, warms, light, St. Phone 1967-W. nd desirable. 516 Walnut. 2638-W. FOR SAlLE 'FOR RENT Desirable single room 'AlRI)ALE pups, seven months old, - near Camrpus in private family, Tel. in oocl e alc;73 nocoofal edWalce 73 All rA, .a I.F, s ';O ETLag rn ro nii FOR SALE Complete drawing outfit ~ vate family. Call after 7 P. M. 1364 jyr itlh instruments. Call at 204 N. In- Geddes Ave. al.24-1 FOR SALE-$20 takes tuxedo in good UFOR REN'T One double room, very condition. Size 38. 1223 Hill St. 1 warm jiid comfortable. Reasonable -----___________ Lrate. 511 Cheeve Ct. Phone 511-1R. LOST ~FOR RENT Front suite, warn m id LY SClASlSli-Sellriln, inl a case. lighted, conveinent to Campus anti Lost Saturday S a. mlu. onl William ait. ~,hospitals. No ot her students in -from Thompson to Ann Arbor Press. r1 ],ouse. Phone 28138-M. 402 S. Obser- Finder please retui'n to Press Office ' va tory St. - o call 060.7 M 122 E. Liberty. P'hon e i16i20 i M .. e, ,,,. , f K . 'T p. La :rf a 2 y i' b. - These clear, crisp, cold days are ideal for outdoor sports. We have the outdoor clothing necessary for ladies and men. Skating1 Blanket Shirts, Wool Socks,, N Moccasin Pack Breeches, Leather Jackets (all kinds) Corduroy Coats, Skating Shoes, Heavy Jittens, Gloves, Sweaters, High-Top and Shoes all at lowest prices. I 'lnkets, Auto Robes and All kinds finest grade wool bed and army couch shawls and robes. Large assortment attractive prices. blankets, at most sizes for weed Tire chains oon Deluxe or reg ular or, Extra' Heavy in all fail liiti, ethers ill' titlibci". gm'ulinet, tCon and BO)' lPA] Well m2awle and tilporedlto iistatid F 1 A VIS i e i-, in ~ed. 1af tll Iii thle r'oughi wear 'oth(:;'boys are anut 3 o ze(v) >>t xf ii t Ieo~ to i-he thent. DO4N'T 31155 Till SUDYVLUS "R IEA O)PPORTITY il To SUPPLY YoUrl" 1.W l6 BOYS at savinst'srangi rtm yi,-6 m) NI) FUUR IE ES. fro tato -LU Others as low as $7.45 Others as low as $7.45 size Tires at special bargain prices ,r ma