DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 9 'it iAan Ahr :43 at I MEMBER ASSOCI ATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 93 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS r: CONSIDE PROJEC FOR BROAGASTIN PROGRAMAT010H DETROIT STATION CONSEN TS' RADIO MUSIC FROM GYL ORCHESTRAS AGRE] Moving Pictures of (rand MLarch A Block "" Will Axo Be Taken For the first time in the history the University, music from the J-i will be broadcast, provided the p is sanctioned by the Deans at th meeting tomorrow. Arrangements h been completed by the flop commit with WWJ the Detroit News station Detroit, to broadcast from the H from 10 to 3 o'clock, the night February 6. All three orchestras have wired th consent'to take part in the progra The Bensoh Orchestra plays nigh from the Drake hotel, Chicago,f WGN, and Jean Goldkette's Orch tra is a feature on WCX, Detroit, 1 these engagements will not interfe with their broadcasting the night the Hop. Arnold Johnson's Harmo Boys, of Chicago, play for vari stations, but are on no regular p gram. The value of this publicity tot University will be immense, accord: to Clayton Purdy, '26E, publicity< rector of the Hop. It will give Mic gan alumni over the entire coun a chance to "listen in" on Ann Ar WWJ broadcasts on a wave ln of 352.7 meters, and can easily heard with ordinary sets through the middle west. That the University was fortun in getting the consent of the orch tras was emphasized by Gene K, Bu '26D, chairman of the music commit of the Hop, who aided in the arran ments. "The American Federation Musicians is considering a plan whe by the use of orchestras over therd will be prohibited, except by spec permission, but nothing has been d as yet" he declared last night. Moving pictures of the Hop w also be taken, under the direction the Detroit News. The grand mar the forming of the block "M"a other features will be photograph and the pictures shown in Detroit, A Arbor, and perhaps through some ne service over the entire country. Arrangenents have been made the committee for thn issuance of t tickets, at two dollars apiece, wh will pay for the transportation ofo couple both to and from the da Every effort is being made to han the crowds that will swamp local t service on the night of the Hop. Favors will be given out from 1 4 o'clock on the afternoons of F ruary 4 and 5, at the Union, on p sentation of the small tickets inclu in the Hop envelope. This will be only time at which these may be tained. The J-Hop committee will meet 7 o'clock tonight in room 302 of1 Union. EWMOTOR COCHES P 1I PERATION IN CI New de luxe motor coaches belo ing to the People's Motor Coach c piany of Detroit are already in A Arbor and are being trie out on streets of the city. Cjaches will operate free of cha frpm 12 until 6 o'clock next Satur when the present street car sys gives way to the new system. F for the busses have been announ as lOc, three for 25c, $1.25 for a we ly pass good for an indefinite num of rides, and $3 for a 40 day book 50 rides good for the bearer. Ar^"s Conference Not Likely 'Deland Expects 1 Arms onfernce ot Liely NNOUNCE FACULTY ilSatM At Present Cross Believes Will Start Mo U RegarSLng a second disarmament. tions a.s expressing America's will- Lansing, Jan. 2.-(By A. P.)-If the e onference, Prof. Arthur L. Cross of g s to consider the invitation to "fcompromise highway finance plan the history department is of the opn- pariipitat. in a conference on arms pending in the legislature is passed ion that while such a meeting in the tratffc to b) held in Geneva in April SNand signed by the governor this week, near future would prrobably be very cr May of tis year. Later an in the j !enefieial in ?uromoting# a better 1111-rchli g 1110 cont c o ersia I proposal? by S ehr (i ut ral. prcsl ,re ser of the department of zoo- fully took charge of the city and was logy of the College of the City of De- subsequently requested by the king axi has been touring the continent, ad da. lid troit; Prof. C. Gates of the botany de- to become premier. His first attempts ich has established a reputation of being Inli fixin, the reading matter rates partment of the Kansas State agricul- at government were to unite all of the one an indefatigable artist, play ng as at 1 1-4 cents the Senate approved a tural college; Prof. Herbert B. Hun- various parties in the parliament, and, Lce. many as 100 concerts in a seasom. reduction cif one-half cent a pound gerford of the department of etomol- not until he found it impossible for .dle Untiring in his travels, lie neverhe- from the rate now paid by general ogy, Universty ofKasas; Prof. G them to work in harmohy did he re- ax less has won for hiimself a place in publications and placed then on e E. Nichols of the botany department sort to the exclusive rule of his own L the teop rank of pianists where his parity with religious, scientific and of Sheffield scientific school of Yale group. 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sinii schogitoalanuscin aofarieYalectinl ieigroup.whc ared t) grhgimdr eotion l perioricas, which already( University; and Grace W. Nichols.,1 During Mussolini's rsile advances if- hi. crinoy the lower rates. At the same I dean of women at the biological sta- beyond all hopes have been made, ac- - The concert tomorrow night willne, t rjeCted a recommendation of tion New Haven, Conn. cording to Dr. de Bosis, principal ded open with the Moonlight Sonata of the postof(e. department that the rate The department of public' health among which is the complete reorgan- the Beethoven, Mr. Cortot yielding in this for general publications be increased 11 have two outside instructors: ization of the educational system un ob-,par ticular to the populr taste whih to 2 cents ipound.Dr. W. V. Deacon, director of the der the direction of one Af the edu- demands either a Beethoven sonata A provison increasing the rates on bureau of vital statistics of the state cational leaders of the country. at or a Back Fugue for the ceening nun- private an: souvenier postal cards boad of health, Lansing and atr.i The number of the unemployed has the her of a program. Particalar interest from 1 to 2 cents was approved but W D em rfor of pub been reduced from over 500,000 to less is manifested in the promise of the proposal to advance the rate to 1 1-2 clenalth admnistration of the school i than 100,000 and general workng con- series of Twelve Etudes by Chopin, so cent oin postal cards and on letters lc heathadmin o the sJoonr much enthusiasm was aroused at his mailed where free delivery is not es- cf hygiene and public hea o oh jjlast concert b~y the playing of Tweutily stablished (as reconiuendedl by the ileopkins university.r Four Preludes of Chopin. ' tProf. R. C. Hunter of Ohio Wesley- cZRlinsG W atchers No less interesting are the Dllcir.s A deternined fight against the pro-; an university and Prof. D. E. Wtkins Have P r Success sey suite, and the Schumann number posed advance; on the advertising d of the University of California will be xith which the artist will close his rmatter of publications subject to sec- included on the staff of the department program. 11and class zone rate is in prospect.I of public speaking. Prof. E. R. SmithI Expeditions made by University as hng- Although the seats for this contlert Several amendments designed to of DePauw *university and Prof. W. tronomers to view the total eclips n- have gone fastowing to the popiiharity eliminate the reconnended increases D. Smith of the University of Oregon last Saturday met with varying suc Ann of the artist, there ae still somee were introduced today with others i will appear on the staff of the geo- cess, according to Prof. W. J. Hussey tie available, for sale at the School ofi >eposng decreas in the present logy department. director of the University observatory Music. rate. who, himself was prevented fro t License Sale nday, February 2 to multiply the number of hundred pounds the car weighs by 55 cents. The tax is 55 cents per each hundred weight or major portion thereof. No ' ! , . .I other elements such as horsepower or tyle of car enter into the calcula- tion. COACH LITTLE CONFERS1 WITH BADGER OFFICIALS I Madlson, Wis., Jan. 26. - I George Little, new athletic di- rector of the University of Wis- consin arrived from Ann Arbor, today and conferred with Prof. James Pyre, chairman of the ath- tic committee and P. J. Jones, former director. Little is to at- tend a meeting of the athletic council tomorrow night. ON FINANCES OF ATHLETIC BOARD NEARLY $631,000 RECEIVED AND EXPENDED BY ASSOCIA. TION NEW SYSTEM USEb Future Projects, Including Construe. tion of Concrete Stadium Explained Total re eits of the Athletic asso- ciation for bet 1923 and 1924 are in- dicated in a general repcrt of the Board of Control of Athletics, which was issued yesterday. Not only is the financial report given, but projects of the Board in the future are discus- sed. These projects include the con- DICKINSON WILL SPEAK ON COR Address In Lane Hall Tonight Aimed To Help Bring About U. S. Entrance i Ii It has been decided by the Board in Control of Athletics that for the Ohio State football game next fall no one will be allowed to purchase more than two tickets. For the Navy and Minnesota games a limit of three has been established, while for the Indiana and M. A. C. contests the usual limit of four will apply. SPONSORED BY CLUBS I _ __ _ "The World Court" is the subject of struction of a new concrete stadium, a public, address which will be given a winter sports pavilion, a minor 'by Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson, profes- sports building, and a gymuasium with of international law in the Law adequate swimming facilities. All of sor a ol lwtn heLawethese are tentative, however. school, at 8 o'clock tonight .in LaneThe report of the Board follows as hall. 'submitted by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of The genesis of.the world court move- the Law school, chairman: Mnent, the organization, powers and To the President, the Honorable accomplishments of the International Board of Regents, and the Senate of Court of Justice at The Hague, and an the University of Michigan: argument for American participation The Board in Control of Athletics in the court will be presented by Pro- which during the past college year fessor Dickinson. The meeting has was made up of Professors W. A. been arranged by the League of Na- Prayer, C. T. Johnston, A. 0. Lee, and tions Non-Partisan association, Cos- .R. W. Aigler, representing the Senate 1 mopolitan club and other local organi- o the University; J. D. Hibard of z atioes Chicago, J. E. Duffy of Bay City,~ and C. B. DuCharme f Detroit, represent- in view of the fact that the senate ing the alumni; Egbert R. Isbell, '26L, foreign' relations committee is now Raymond A. Arndt, Grad, and Stwart considering American membership in 1 R. Boyer, '24L, representing the stu- the Court on the Harding-Hughes . terms, and it is probable that the Sen- dents; and Fielding H. Yost, Director of. Intercollegiate Athletics, herewith ate will vote upon the proposition be- oInrcleitAtetshrwt fore adjournment on March 4, the presents its general report for the qufoestionm fessiongortharsclheaedigult1h124 ohquestion is of pressing importance. year just past and its financial report Boththemajo patieshav, ingen for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1924. Boththe ajo parieshave, in gen- Rcit eral terms, endorsed the Court andG a roe e $ 5 President Coolidge is known to favor IGeneral (borrowed money)..$271,500.00 ' American entrance into the organi- Football ..................291,225.23 zation. Great pressure is being kTasebal....................21,255.26 r brought upon Chairman Borah and his Track....................10,628.72 colleagues on the foreign relations Setal.................2,969.54 I committee to report the question to pa. . .. .. ,. the Senate for a vote6 This meeting is but one of several;$630.938.54 I hundred being held throughout the Disbursements 1 United States with.. the object of ac- General..................$365,288.93 quainting the American people with Paid Visiting Teams...... 84,079.31 1 e a a ou~mer n oFootball................... 57,446.24 the facts about the World court, and oaseball.5.................28,663.04 - bringing pressure to bear upon Con- Track...................25,584.64 gress to vote for American member- Basketball................. 25,843.59 ship in the Court. Specials .................. 22,782:09 IThe American Pece Award, headed Field House .............. 21716.44 by Edward Bok, and the League of_ _ Nations Non-Partisan association $629,404.28 headed by George W. Wickersham and I hs29,4t4.28 form~er Justice John H. Clarke of the In this annual report the practice is Supreme court, are sponsoring theseaote for the first time of appor- Sumens. tionment ofrmiscellaneous receipts, the "Ae"in c eechief items of which are of course the A mproceeds from the blanket fee paid by citizens of Detroit is arranging a students and sales of season booksto - meeting in that city on February 5. e faculty, among the various sports. ihis distribution is made (a) to foot- , 1Pan Rhetoric ball, 40%, (b) to basketball, 20%, (c) , I L k s to baseball, 20%, (d) to track, 10%f, all Ineme L ers (e) to miner sports, 10%. These per- e centages are based in general upon f To prevent loss of rhetoric themes the admission receipts to games. The e through theft, individual steel cabinet amount receiyed from student fees safes will be available for use of rhe- and sale was $54,918.03. r i h s t , 3 .rge, day tem ares. rced eek- "Tickled To Death" lVill Be 'DlIA SIGMA RHO ItS Presented For J-Hop Guests' NiNE UARSY DEBAERS i 1 i b mnaking a balloon ascent to view the spectacle at Geneva, N. Y. because o a gale which was blowing during the time. I toric students by the start of the next -rTe Field House project andiooher Professor and Mrs. A. W. Smith en- semester. pressing improvements having been ertained the memrs of the Cosmo-. More than 3,600 pigeon holes, each cared for, attention has been turned aber k of Urbana, Jan. 26.-Regular labora- tory work will be part of the journ- alism 2 course at the University of, Illinois beginning next semester. PUBLICATION NOTICE The Daily will suspend publi- cation with this morning's paper until Tuseday, Feb. 10. A J-HFop extra wil be published on Sat- urday, Feb. 7. 4 I i Nine members of the Varsity debat- Itn..ddu- 'Tickled to Death," the nineteenth ticket sale will also be open to the ing teams have been pledged to Delta o'clubkatnt eaandayrm4 o intin il seel ddrnd annual Michigan Union opera, will be general public. 1 Sigma Rho, national honorary debat- 6 o'lock, in their home at 1008 Oak- combination will be provided in the t 2:30 A few- minor changes and deletions ing fraternity . The men pledged are: i land Avenue. theme filing room, 3221 Angell hall. given a final presentation at200 have been made since the earlier !ereH Bkr 2 d'.A.Dh- o'clock Saturday afternoon of next'h, ebenia esice.heerle George H1. Baker, 25Dd, W. A. Dah-' ntshowings. The first act parts for Tu berg, '25, W. C. Dixon, '25, Dalton. jGerm an B ourgeowsy.Gcenrndtn1v week in the Whitney theatre. In ac- Yung and Marcehine have been en iy bier '25, Dallbr M tn 'J7. Ge cordance with custom, this perform- rewritten; and the taller blonde chorus Members of the women's team who Gre A"Stop G Alffair-A iton ance will be given primarily for those girls have been placed in the front! were pledged are, F. O. McComb, '25, L"I H but the row. QljMiriam Olden, '27, Merel Parks, '25, _ attending the Junior Hop, bu Mh 4any of the costumes have been hu- and Beata Wagner, '25. ported from China' by Lester, of Chi- - --- What do you think of the newly history department, corroborated thel cago, the designer of the gowns. The yjformed bourgeoise government in Ger- statements by Professor Aiton. He ISSUE CALL FOR LISTS garment worn by Barre lill, as Fugi 1 DAILY 1SSTES TRYOUT many? added that a return to the monarchy 0F 19j ) -HOP {4UE}STI'S San the h igh priest, w s worn oice j CALL FOR FIBRITARY p i as was unlikelyinasmuch as the mn-g in the (C inese court before it was it G"A make shift government now a -archiste party has no outstanding 1+Fraternities or organiationis impoited to Aeica. t n a I Tryouts for the editorial staff ' trols Germany while the nation waits candidate. Wheeler continued, "Ru- having house parties and booths h Eithiuisiastic press agen tsand al-I of Tme Daily will nmeet at 4 I top the turn in the wheel of fortune," prect and Ludendorf, two leaders over the J-Hop week-end must jumn1i1ii greeted the opera on its tou in I clock Thursday, Feb. 12, in the replied Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the within the ranks of the monarchists d have their list of guests at The i December and the p ay has unob staff room i the Press buildig. history department. "The recently are on the 'outs' with each other and Daily office by Thursday, Jan. edly been perfected to aim even geater IjI(Any student who is eligible to 1 appointed chancellor and cabinet are this split is apt to thwart any success- 29, in order to geltt hem into ext( nt as a result of the tour and 1e take part in campus activities at the head of a 'stop gap' govern- ful move toward a return to the old time J-lflop extra of T[he Mlichigan fl I c ' nt.relic i.m als. I cantmy out for Thme Daily. nient. The Germans are playing an regime. I understand that Count the J-oexraoTh gnaI maeiy uther seo i so- Ijopportunist policy. I do not believe Bernstorff and von Herwarth have I ---- -~- - -- Freshmen inl their second se- I ,-.a +.... . . r.n4 inihliy f -h e rn tn ra1 n- a - hl- -,n , 'f A to the program for the future. An- other year's activities resulting so well financially as the present should en- able the Board to liquidate all its out- standing obligations and provide a considerable surplus. While no formal action has been taken in settling a program for future improvements, the matter has been discussed at great length, and it may be said that the following items are considered by the members of the Board as, not only proper, but essen- tial in the provisions of suitable facili- ties for the physical activities of the student body of the University: 1. Stadium construction. 2. Winter sports pavilion.' 3. Minor sports build- ing. 4. Gymnasium, including ade- quate swimming accomodations. New Shop To Sell .* ... JL A An- A mA-4 . . O~Lr~erMan.