'.~- m~ TH-I MICHIGAN DAILY UD\,JXflY2,15 ___________________________*Christie Comedy "Here anld There,", and a microscopic picture "Jumble in the Jungle" are billed. c inO u The, iiterthi ___________-~______ I TheWila Fox production "The Last an onEarth" willetefa The Arcade trApcture at the Wuerth, playing through Thursday. It is a fantastic "Welcome Stranger," an adaptation comedy novelty of a world without of Aaron Hoffman's stage play, will men. The story carries us forwa rd to be th~e attraction at the Arcade during the year. 1940, when airplanes are as the first part of the Week., The screen -i!OmflmlQI as a. telephonie now. Elmner, presentation has lest none of; the un- the :eiring young hier~o who has had usual comedy situations which char- a deep-r-odted fear of womeni instilled acte~,ized it as ,a legitimate production. in him b~y ,a harsh and domineering Thet6-As _a little love story, and we: mother; :finally gets up courage to ask have--he r ehzim. of tbe, elodr .a Hattie, played. by. Derelys Perdue to having, to, do with the inventor who fly' over to"'"a'nieghboring town five had a Irailtse .to put in. an etectri. Tbi pes ,away to a-(lance. When light plant for the town, but the story, she refussto -marry him, he sets out is really all about a community that for parts unknown 'to forget.' In his didn4't want Jews and how it was woni ten year interval of hermiting all the over by a stranger who happened in'1 men 'In the world die, and he is dis- one: night. The Jewish character, whoi covered and made much of as the last arouises' your; sy lp thy, provides! man on earth. A thoroughly imagina- comedy, and In the end, outwits the! tive story it gives numerous laugh sit-' vilains' who provide more comedy! uations, and an opportunity for the than hie does. F'lorence Vidor andi use of a multitude of pretty girls. Lloyd Hughes are Incluqd in the cant The latter half of the week Tom but are not given amore important Mix will be featured with Tony his places than Dore Davf 4sop, William ' wonder horse' in "Oh, You Tony!" Mong, R~obert Ddesofl, Noah Beery, The first scenes are laid on a west- Otis Harlan, and ~Pyed Butler. "Love ern ranch, where one is most ac- and Learn" another rat H. C. Witwer's ! ustomed to see Tom Mix perform, telephone series w~ill b~e lhown. and the change of scene to the haunts Kathleen Norris' novel "Christine of of a fast set in Washington provide a the Hungry Heart," with P, well chos-I number of comedy situations. Even{ en cast, will be sllowp .thl last threei more amusing are Tom's attempts,' days of :the wep.Whereas8 host I having graduated from the school of storlies en~d with a.weding ths ne fashion and 'etiquette himself, to make begins with a. weddig ad that of the,;,perfect gentlemen" out of his cow- heroine. ChrIstine,' alyed y Florence' boys: Toward the end there is a Vidor, ma'rries a ric~h yungz ii T~wh horse ri~ce of .course, which gives proves uinfaithful. Next'she n~iVrfes a Tony a chance to do his bit for the promninent siu'ge6 who forgets her in picture and which he wins as usual. the rush. of his busiszs, aind, she Comedies and News Reels will be elopes with a pot t ~~ gher3' yoing s1ioWn in addition to the featured pic- Soli with her. The stoy goes on 'to. 'tres.' alhow her disappo4nted inc again ii hCr quest for love, but frtun 'fa-4 The Majestic vors her before the fib,,i fade out, "Her Night of Romance" a rolick- Warner Bater 1l~s tie unfathful lug comedy featuring Constance Tal- fir'st husband. C'lJye BU1f, a youing trudge is the attraction for the first of 1lnglish actor', is tho4acon husband; the week at the Majestic. It is -a pic- Ton Keith, the poet;' ndWater Hiers, Lure which will leave every one in a Christfne's brother. jpaltion, a happy frame of mind regardless of' S ~"~" f Sunday Dinner Only Safe "Progress EN Is PRQQRZSS Soul ~1 Cream of Celery The credit andour ilus -figures upon Wafers Celery Olives the p)ossible worry concerning finial l ')P I'? :iM. Bi I) I« i Salle will appear examinations. The story relates hlw orn hesl t in vn entertaining group' adv enttures of an Anmerf('anlie iress O (',,, g' tories and Steps'' who goes to Europe to (escnpe o Io:imoI' - Te'wb' ' h' nte o ' hunters, (Ions a hideout; disguisec>as a Hlebn 1it. !r tixxN ill play ble 1l: ?"Mil of her psaii andi falls in lhuN(' 'wob~ a st iallger who happhens in. Thze laic tun ieis ex('ept~onalhiy W elIlfitted for the star I, andl slit and R~onalhd (olenia~i form a, ~ Isuccessfl I olfbinetion of laug2h getters. It is a highly oriritjlx comedy, well directed and1( competnnt- ly played. "Kid Speed" an Education- al Mermaid picture, Kinograms jnd I Pathe Review, and a new Aesop ihble cartoon make up the complete screen i ;ill (!a's 0 1' lEw'eR. The story\ '''us w; xith f , ' ,, r r sF : : , . . . pp. , iyF - r a - 3 ;.. ,1l r.. .. Y - iii'., _ ...Y. .. A a s EL(O , tr ; x '. y 7f m Cdr" 0 i ., T. tip I See What A lex II, T o C, - ______- I-I----------t-1~- I 1 1 If