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January 25, 1925 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1-25-1925

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- w _ _


(Continued From Page Seven.)
be hold in the hail outside the Rthetoric Library, instead of in room 1025
Antgell Hall. LlIti A. Rughes, AssisttIt R*glstrn r.
G~raduate Students:
Graduate students should make their second semnester elections in tho
office of the Graluate, School, Room 1014 Literary Building, on February 4,
5,G, or: 7. New students or students transferring from other Schools or
Collog' s sl~ould r gister on the same dates . A student transferring 4At this
time ehould a~k the Seecretary'of his School or College to prepare and1( sendI
to 11h.Gradutate School.,otce an offical transcr'ipt of his undlergradua te
record. ,. 111tH A. Rouse, Recorder. !
GraduateSO ~tdcts
Graduate ;students whjp cpect to receive thie'IMaster's deg4'ce at the cd'
of the -prent- semester jmI s.pay the dipionia fee Vy 'February 14 . Blanks
for, this- purpose should be,; securpd at. the office of fie Graduait& Sciool, 1014
Literary 1Building.4.: init'l , A. Rouse, Recorder.
kctitiiui.rFo*r Extra' 1hourj:'
Sophomores, Jtuniorsand Seniors aire limited to a miaximium of sixteen
Hours. If for any valid reason extra hours are (desired, students must apply
to the Committee for permission to elect theum. Special blanks are provided
for that purpose:.'The' long elections card (even when 0. Ki'd by an advisor)
is not a petitiofn snd does not constitute permission to elect the extra hours.
Petitions must be handed In at the same time with the elections and should
show the whole programA of pro~posed courses.
' reshmen taking Miilitary SceeO nay elect sixteen hours without spe-
cial .permission. ;'All othe~r Fresh'Uiei are limited to fifteen hours, and a
petitiont is req.uired if more are c f1sired.
Read caretuilly .tie rides -go le fning the matter., They are printed on
the back of the special- blank.
~l Sdi hiormain, Extra Hours ('oniinittee.
Members of the Siiihier Seiouf Staff:
iDurinig the ,fore part of the wreek conlies of the Abridged Announcement
of the,Summ'er Session of x 25 (Campus-Edition) will be distributed by
Unriversity .messveIj'i to, all, members of the, faculty. Any corrections or
changes 'in the AntlpIoncemuent should be reported before January 30, so
that the second edition; intended for general distribution, miay be as free
"from error- Rs possible. E.IH. lKraus. I

Univer'sityv Seic e:
Viiliam a.F. DI. Bois spewalc tonight at 7:30) in IHill aiiditoriiiiii on
"Africa and AmIerica.'"IDr. 1)11 1 oi:-; is ci itoa' of the Crisis, a niaga zinc
devoted to 1tWh (1 aolceilell Iof the colored race, an authIior,811(1an11 0001-
olniist. The service is open to the public.
Perry Ii nyden, iPresident of thle Stutdent Ch rist ian A $sochoeI 0n.
IAnn iA rbor Art Ass~ociation:
The exhibition of bilock pirinits, and( the 10811 collect ion of el chin gs from
!lDvFries Art St ore, began Friday, .la nuairy 23rid. ItI will beleed f11(1 inl
1::30 to 5:00 P. M. on week days, and 2:00 to 5:00 1'. MW.oil Sunday. Entrance
is free 1 to1tudnts of 1the Ui versity 8an(dJpupJils of ilie schoolps.
I. .Lo)inbar1d, IPre4sidtI.
,!jiaiish, I ix: inittlions:;
-Spanishi t genieral exam will he field this t! Satiurday afernmocn,
jvnua~xv 81, is follow:;
~i ; ar---all sect ions - -R1oom i1025 .Jumcn s IB.An gellI IIall,
M 1r. ThonmpIsonl--all sectio0ns- -Rloom 25 James B3. Angell1 flail.
J\lr. Sanchez---all sect ions- Rtoom 251 Jza 'ies 13. Angell H all.
-Storr'- -1both sec'tions---Room 4 . aI h e, B1. Anll'1 118.
Logan---both sections---oom 85 Jaimes L'. Angell 1fIabI.
Le'agueoof - at ions Neii-1'ar'isaji Association:
Prof. Edwin 1). Dickinscn, Professor of International Law in the Lauv
School, wi I (deliver a public add ross on the international Court of Just ice
at the H-ague at 8~ o'c'lock Tuesda~y nigh~t in La noe Hall. The que (stion o0:
American membership) in the World Court is of vital impIortance, at, pres-
ent, as1 the subject is no0w before the Senate Foreign Relation Commrittee
andl will pr'obably]VbeO put to a vote before1 the pre'sent. Congross adjourns
on March 4. Everyone interested( is invitedI to attend.
- Edgar 11. Alle~.
The a ttent ion of all llinmbrs is 1 i rected to the public ad(dress on thne
International Court of Ju stice at The H agu e which willI be (delivered byv
Prof. Edwin I). Dickinson, Professor o1 International Law in the Law
School, at 8 o'clock Tuesday night in Lane Ha-ll. Everyone interestedl is
invitedI to attend. Rcnsi, Likert.
Lit S+ociedatl115111 n ica :
The lpicture for' the 'Ensian will be taken Sunday, 9:45 A. M. at Rent-
scliler's Studio. Wallace Iloffnuau.
Wai kQuill" :
All mom hbers mneet at l Lent schler's at 12 :15 ,Tuesda y, 'Janunary 27, for
the 'Ensia 11 Iicture. I'lease 1)e 1prom~pt.

Al O' 1 1 - I Mnuscript s forI h Feuar issue cof
I :314-. :441) E xitiluii l off of "ihxt h.0', ~jf 1 111181(101' will he renald unt ilFeb.
am lI cI e 0et o iigs in A ului Mci- 1It). lan8111sc'iipts of iever~y descri I-
orir halt, ieu are ac'ceptab~le.
:S1,) -'.lDe lBosis lectureC msoniifedSakvl c t iiror
ito 2il lu'sol iniij81d IHis Spiritumal All-! h iirdScvleSoeo-
ccstry,"' Natur malI Science aunditor- i inatol' of Nat ural Education, avad
iiulhl. 'l0110of thei"world's leadinig expone~nts
.s:t0---Prof. B1i ;or'ofl lectures oil "Mle- f Ese"atoso-called universal;
I ta Ilic I ~u ;ter'' illChem1istry amlpi-of T(idlO
S theater. h lnguage, denounces the practice of
Y :a0--1 'ni <or~ ii SeiII1e m eels ice room t ('tea'hing 'Motheri' (oose rhymes to cliit-
CJIV wbui din . (I 11. \Mrs. Stoner (declares that the
-- influeiice of the popular nur'sery jing-
I 'N WTII('ES, les 'on the mnindl and character of the
St:eilurers of om'.;iu~zaiolls .Fxeci', younig is unqestiomiably badi.
orguiiu ion a ppoa mii g ini the 1925
11H ihl iga ienian mu t ave pa i for* Miss Margaret Mitchell, society girl
Eits space and1(1 have its picture taken , f Summit, N. J., took a position as
fbefor'e Feb. 1.1,1925,.'Ther'e will 1be 1automlobile salesmni flanislbnow chain-11
no 1e Oxtenlsioniof time. ;pon sa3lesmnan in lher city.



Zhinese Rugs


to order



Any Color


Any Design

Only One Quality.-The VBLST."
Have you a room 'which a usual
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DID YOU KNOW you could


"The Quarry"
found a
ina a
Facotor'y Sale on "Fault-
Rubber, )1)1'Goods.
('onilialiou No. 1.
One 2-I. (No. 40) Hot
Water Bottle
One 2-qt. (No. 32)
Fountain Syringe
'Total Value, $3.75
Sale Price, $2.00)
Coilttioll lo. 2
Onie ±-qt. (-No. 031) Pot
Water Bottle
One 2jtt. (No. 24)
Fountain Syringo
Total Value, $3.75
Sale Price, $2.00
LL The above goods are'O
direct froml the factory
and of high duality.
"Drake Guarantees
Drug and Prescription
Phone 308
Cor. State and N. Univ.
"The Qtiarry"p

English 81 and 40:
' Students ceetig English -31 or 401 for the scond semester must report
to room 2225 Angefl lail bn. registration days for assignment to sections.
o (. J. Campbell.
Itetroit Practice Teaching:
The persons :selected for the Detroit work will be notifiedl ly tle-
phone or postal card early Monday morning. Such students will please
see minn room 105, Tappan Hall, Monday, January 26. at 5 o'clock. Come
prepared tIx indicate definitely the day you- will have free for the Detroit
undertaking. f'C. D 1avs, (hairmanx of Cnitoittee.
11411 Schotol ObseratilnIn ilte, stlecs:
- Students electing.- spcal Methods in science tachimg: namely, d4u-
ca'tion "1];100O (Botany), duation ., b05 z(chemistry), Education D140
('Physice)" will, Ifor the first ivo vlWeks, mnet together *in a single group)
under the, charge o ')Yr C rts of the university Hi-gh School. At the
end of the first five weeks, thze groupwill break up into tie severl dpart-
mental sections and- be conducted by the profesors in charge of the s4pe-
cial 'fields. All obseorvation work will be done in the University High
-Students ;expecting 'to offr this work, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for'the .lifi certificate should elect the course under te num-
bir.r ind "title give In the School of Education announcement.
The hours for all the~e special methods courses in science will 1)e
idangedt to 4. o'clock* Tuesday and Thursday. The meeting place will be
Un'Ivec'rsty high School, Room 102. Two ou s credit.
- - C. 0I. Davis, Ciriman of the (omotee.
Th're regular final' exaniinat-jon scheduled for Alnday, Jan' 2, 9-12,
wvill 11e given in= roomisFP214 anti (0217 N. S. Students whose nameis bgii
vffth ltters. A-N- :utnih) may take the examnmaion ill room U217 N. S.;
all womnn and Iben whose names begin with letters N-Z may take thle
examination in E$14 N. S. T. C. Scheirla,
Zoology i (Eiabryoloy) :
The final examination will be veld on 'Tuesday, January 27, in Room
F-214, Natural Science Building, instead of 1025 Angell Hal.
Peter Okkelberg.
3tatlienitis: Cllege of Literatre, Seneice andi the Ars:
Final examiations in Mathematics for the first semester will be hld
Tuesday, January 27, 2 to 5 P. M. as follows:
Mathematics 1 (except Mr. Field's 1 o'clock section), Rooni 1, Law
--Mathematics 2 and 4, Room 1025 James B. Angell Hall.
--Mathematics .3, West Physics Lecture Room.
Mathematics 7 and Mr. F'end's Section of 1,- Nairal Science Au litoiu.
-Mathemtics- 1, 'We t Gallery. Alumni Memorial Hall.
' Students , in courses 1, 2. 3 or 4 who are also taking Mathematics 51
will report for the fna -examination in Mathematics 51 at 7 P. Al. Tuesday,
January 27, in Room 3003,1James B. AngelI-Hal.
'.: Joseph L. Markey.
Rooms for French I Exas: ; .
The rooms for French 1 general exam which will be eld the first
Saturday afternoon, January 31, will be as follows:
Both 8;00 o'clock sections-Room 3017 James B. Angell Hal.,
Both 10:00 o'clock sections-Room 2225 James B. Angell H-all.
Both 1:00 O'clock sections-Room 2023 James B. Angell Hall.
Both 2:00 o'clock sections-Room 205 M. H.
Both 3:00 o'clock sections-Room 2003 James B. Angell Hall.
A. G. Canield.
E cononmies lE lenient s of Economics-Secon d Seiester:
The :sections oif this course will meet at 11 :00 and 2:00 Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday instead of 1:00 and 2:00, as originally anounced.
G. S. Peterson.
' 'tlilors IA-:Cf'oieges of Engineering and rchtecture:
04fVui#wor; in t11e Colleges.,f Engineeing and Aichitecture wo expc(t to
' ,raorliut t{ - t te -n)1 of,ihiiss cm ester 1bud 'callt-'at tie Secretary's Ofice,
Riooni'243 West Engineering ,huildipg, io ceck dyer reuirements !toY "grao-
I ,utiofn 4, er',4q- to pay the diploma fee 'of ten dlogars - $0) by Februhiry
14th. Louis A. Hopkis, Secretary.
Thvfov y fE lfftot t 'lok S ci n~ k e specit fnl' eamination wi~Tl accoring to the vote taken in- cas,'
- Jig- s giviw P.I. ltr day evening. begirni ig 'at 7 'o'cock- in Room 404).'U. igh
School. -" --Howard Milcusky.
Joir:aisM 101,' -
-The final examination for all sections will be heldl Monday afternoon,
February 2, from 2 to 5 o'clock, in Room 2225, Literary Building. Students
who have conflicting examinations can arrange a make-up by being present
at the beginning of this period. E. G. Burrows.

Lucille Walsh, ,Secr'etar'y.

k"ti'- fn anp1ear in this cotimm tiili1st
-be 'eft in 'the box~ at ~the la;!y officeI
pr"-tI,--ifor f(; u rp o'se lbefore ea
o 'clock r'receP'?inrv the cay of issue.
1 1:0"-T1;'S ocivfslad I ispaulca taples
'Ensiani iicture'0 a. tcuI'v tscliler's.
114-S---l'lio -rafi liof 'F osia mu hisiio's
ad ( editorial staffs at Siuedine s'.
11:It)--I~. 0. 1. . sen lors ii('t cfor piv'-
I tlure at I~emitsclilcr's.
0i -A.S. 3T. E. umiemm l-aiS Ialo!"'E-
* scan p~ictulre at I)ey's.
l ai(1-1-Wes~ct e'i'eliih ti>'iahers Iak
pic'ture' at Spleddings'.
I?:1 If----h~aaa lfusio classe~s at 'rh
and D le, Fries ('tehirig s in Alumni
Memorial hall.
1 :0 )-5 :00 ;- 'ios111ollii an club I, iiet' t
home10or Mr'o. A. NV. S111itli.
-~ ~ I I:t---IriuIBois 1101415open discuis-
siofl at Lane hall.
5 :;JI----SoW hl oli'ur t, Presby3terian
chur ichI.
-('ou0 -----'Conr timain st idemits iii4'M'
{at church for ~oiut inecting at 11 I'a-
ris 1ha11.-
6i:14 -- ---liss (Crocker lec ires oi "My3
Meditermi'acan Cruise" at 1 larris
6 1:30--f-ount Pe'oples' ill 4'Ciui; at
Presbyterian chur ich.
7 :10----William E . It. INiBls specks

at Ullijvorsjtx- service in H-ill audit-
orium on "America anod Africa."
S :;004- --Mot ion pictmure service at ('oni.
giregatiolnal1 church, John Bam'rynmore
in ''S~ierlo('k Hollmes.,"
{E U E U U E


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7whim not? Imrprovements have been
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I G ranger's is all that a dancing
j ~acad emn), could be. The floor' is
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and better music Ypould be hardto-
; Dancing fIvery Wednesday, Frid '
and Saturday Nights
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