:,' d ... _.. TI-1 MITCIIIG N DAILY PACE SRVtN TI-W NUCI I lOAN DAILY PAGE SI~V~N COLUMN LD[LCOLUMN OE AT 3 P.M4. ADVERTISING AT 3PM FOR RENT F'OR RENT ( f I loons for rent. 1 .1.Vol- '. MISU1,iLANEOTS PHONE 866 For 'Typewriter Repairing (All makes) Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, S~undstrandl and Portable Adding machines. Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex, hange 9 Savings Bank EMk. IF 20 YEARS of mechanical experi- ence means anything to you, call mec at 310-M for typewriter repair- ing on all mied machines. A. C. ST1MSON 308 South State Second Floor Only 't'ypewxriter. Store on State St. FOR RENT Rooms for rent. One sin-, gle: 2 double twin beds. 'Natii;see-______and. _____one_____5-___. on4~~oo. Drmitry livlehe. ' ~1'N{3 iltli.VN L arge front suite suit able Greenwood. ! 'o nn nd wifa or two upper' _______ '. a iani. .889+)So. Division. FOR' RENT .A, , 311 'Il ow1)15011ISL . 3arge#, uits .,Steam heatf. 1lent y of hots water. FOR BALL FOR REN GraduateSltildent or li"ti- ness Woman. single room 1,block from~ camnpus. Ilhone 158. Italyh 1' St ezry. t lt SLE' I louseliold furniture for :-ale. AikI 1'85inq~ui ries to box 6 ?'.iligu alI Irily. tFal SALE, Complete dlrawzing outfit _______________________________ XIvv iti instrumenkts(1. ('all at, 20.1 N. In- FOR RENT Room, siugi e or dtoulel(. dil'. 044-l~IL. Very reasonable. 520 ( 'heaver (Counrt.______ Phone 1755-J. _________________ FOR RENT Twvo large fron t ro tss. )T SO~l t Wt d wa tel, D ecember Also one suite. Steam hetl, private I Ia,1 ~ et ( ' e Cta pus an',[Whitney lavatry. IDot -and cold w atts.' Bea u - { i A ( t. 1E,. '(i-It. tiful b.omne near' Camnpus. P r ice:) reaona~e 83 r1111p ~ 'i ursecont aining kley5, ticket. s reana~le 17 homso. ,nil knI' fl v 14> nI ('V U: Ii1 7920-VI1*lRl - t SPECIAL ON VANITIES For Co-eeds APPLIED) AR-TS u2 Nickels Arcade Opp. Scab-Station RUGS SHIAMPOOED) or dlust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, Phone 50. A loaf of bread A pound1( of meat And all the mcustard you'' c;ant eat at lKexvpie Hotel Opp. Eng-,. Arch We lDeliver Call 799-XI Open 4 P. M. 1 A. 'M. OneCalls Other RuM Leader 1.1 I }I ". . . .- Ciaiiles L . lIIurlibut. on the left, f dlerd ry a gent, is respon sible for 71c, latest national sensation. riestify ng in a trial in Jersey City, Mirlbut -~ vvc re thatit nited States Senator Ed ward 1. Edwards of Newti Jersey is . ifaei of th:e New Jlersey rumn ring. The only rel~y that Senator Edw~ards, en the riglit. has to make is 1I willI answer at the proper ti'me." Miles O able Stretched. For New.Dtal Phone System d o:.' Itha i 2i )).(f.G(I*~~ 1 ('a' 'ior: lt'1.enhoiie cr ))Ye l~i xee cn laid in Ann Arbor FY i '(,z fl: i~~ 1c a IeiI1 T-lopliene cern jIaU, Ii )1>1).zO ation [or' the onening of the n. xxant ama ic (dil , s st em wvhich xwill be ntinto ))0 i S som etime in the s,)'I ig. In ordler thatseve may be maiin - tained while construction w or1lIsrgo ing on, nine cables, ('011taining 2,400) wxires" each, have been laid lbe'tee the old and new exc'ha nge officeci. Ev-, C:y one of the 'w ires in th.ese ('ales must be connec'tedI with 1, es in the main cable:;. both at the old exeha nge, whiich is now being; use"d, and at, the new, an oper'ation requiiring 21,660 sep- arate s'o licings." This work will make plossibile 'an' instantaneous ciii -over from the old system to the new auto- matic one. .Nearly 15,000,000 c'ondutct or feet of t he total amount: of cable has been laidl underground, while about 6,000,- 000 feet has been st ret chled above ground. The cablecs contain from less than 1.00 to more than 2,400 'wires each.. Whenever two ealies are to be connected, every one of the wires in i I I H t I I i 1 1t' t IIIktcl c : a 1 ,4,v ,,. .arc -,,L7 ,I rf3 r' ' n ~iIhe t 'stedl, marked, and ;ic :l. tOtlicials of the telephone comn- anv (,: nt e that albout 460,000 sep- z::.. ,I's will ha ve to be spliced he- S '2 1 . iroject, on hand is completed. A' ,: it' ''sen I the compnan y employs a full -' ?122s licers. Coppe >r wi rc is used. in' all of the iabllltd~ tie lj4d 'of owitdooi' con- t uc )Nvwork being (lone is of the :ost exp~entsive type, company offic- S th1ird '6nietat'ives positiorl is>§Being iltit alie- in the University switch- barin order that the present stand- ard( o i at<0,-1:151P..V1l, \ifonday,, .Ianu;; l'v 26. The lecture will e ilust tatH lvith t )rovig ii('tui'('filims. ryThe pabihi; 5corrol 111inlvit ed. F1". [K. 1I Se;'tion o(Ittie Atnericin ('hiemical fSociet,xwil11' l':t llic 1 ;te . '11 coo l d 5of Ohe A ;lni it is Iii cIHoard, ( e'leg-,(-of I 11 iti raae, .11=41U'tu the}arts: There vii i0li a mlo'(-I ing cof the Aduurtiairatlve hoard oil \'edue:;daxr. Iiit~ r 2 atl i:10,in).-t 'lhinge' s Aii'l'. 11w'1w,1oilm n'( on P1'(4f n's Ad x so' ('o m iillec'. ('ollecg'vo & 12'lt i'at *.rei - Thle ti)C(' l 2 hg c;:tt c't(0tt oite' Atomillay alternoton it ites ba':i jtp;Itiet t25 wl ,lo1:1'I:'.d us lll,iii C'4L P. M. il 11.e Iat S 0 s off01ic (''xliltg'o ): a( t-ii r t;o f IPtsi he v : lenot othre oa r 'nt ol nAla i i te 1ci L i':'1 jon ( 'o V* i' lof Il t. r::,,'e of t' e l Y 8'i Vl;) er i.)'c, zt~,.~td .- c t hral'. 1 2i1 !io'g tart in xwili tale -Placed during the secondlxvwek of exetuinetioin .'rotu 9- 12 and 2-., 'ei, ina rv 2.to IFebrue ry 6, i ltt i.ve al'o on Sal ti1rlay 1:11) lii iii',," lritirt'l 7,ron; 9-1 2. No one, who lies register(ellthelier1t1 Semei(st er' wi ill'oa ilioxx4'lltot)1ha1tillin, elec'tilons onilMonday, Febriuai'y 9. 'pit. I' ~yis L'ornewxx'sitifl l cnnonly. E.a hstud~ent must present; his, la i eetion. llegistret ioll Rooms All Fi'o'-,iixio'i I tooti1 102:) James B. Angell Hall. All Sophomores- ---locht 10:51.ames 1B. Angell I-all. Juntir, and S, en i Its IhiE ta 1''5 0fiice, I Ttiveirsit y iII. Lillian ;A. II ighits, A ssistanmt Rleg'it i'u P. 1:''rjnten lRe'g isir dtin .. it'egist ret io nforl'u'eshtno'n on Wednesday, Febr'uary 4, from 9-12 .will (Contitrued on Page Eight) UNIT FORMULATES PLANSt FOR R1.O0Tc. PUBLICTO Plans for issingi the newest stud ul'mt publication, "Th e I Iichigan Shield,'' took dhefiniite simile late Fridaiy afi eI- 11001 at a mneeting 01 ofthe 'staffl'in 1Ilse IR. 0. T. C. b~uilIding-. An annual pulb- lishedl by 1R. 0. T. C. studetits, it wxill feature the mnilita1ry depatmienit anid tu1ilitat'y activities oin the campus. A hiistory of the IUniversity in ilitary; affairs will be one of' the featutre nii- ticles this year. The idea of a camiipus ft. 0. Tl. C. puth-' 11-at ion is not at newx one, lie ving; been it ,at tempt ed with sucess'5at (it heir lar gec unI ive rsities, but this ye'il's unit ik the7 first; that has bteen large enom b to make such a project worth-xvhile. A circulation ofi a bout 50t) conies is ex- pec'ted. A.1I. Lince, '251F, is mnlagingi ('(itor'. wi th-i'other alpililo fnts to be! ainounced later.< f { 'l FOR Ult tIf\''tlns 1' Ii .Niiiy f u nised Ihi '(1 oar tl~ni. I 2 e.i. i. 2 1)c(S far II t Tli l jlt. 55 S. I lMvsion. i'hlnte 2520-1V. fWAN']' PI) Compe(tenit imaid we nlts p1)0- it ion tor .1-1-o11 parties. Call after. -A a I~±A) 's wont ( f or ladies' gat'- 11; 'a s. . I(t'('ezl' unnecessar'y. We t>1 , c,o. Atly 807 5. Fourth Ave. Pisie p 1~i9 A. 'VI. BOA RD)and Room 1n itprivaite fLuihy 12201 S. lChi. Phone 2878-.1. FOR ftItN' f (olod1rooms15it 019 S. I v'- isio n.IPhone 293M ti . n(-ar ('nipus. Box t:. FOR '-TtEN'l' P leasant n'ai'iit roam, for twoq, 2nd flooir, two blocks frcom Camipus, pric'e reasonaible. 109 N. Th'yecr. Phone 1223-i'd. I =I from w ('1C.\IRS, 'Tait3s-co.Ipipeos, Gilbert MIi's,, 5(111 drinuks:, ic.e cream1, 'I JOHNSTON BROS. i-I1 E.VWilliit P1hone (an- and Host makes Ifori rat'(' t or r 1)'saito. P'hone 2842-Rt. SIIA1ITL TON IBUSINE SS COLLEC Il 1981 Ot R N'T' Large front rootor I '. , $.0 a week for the rootm. 1127 ChuII rchi. 2951-M. Pol ' JtEN1' Nice eointoi't It 1110 roomi Only two otherci'rootmers. 7.17 Oakc- landl. 943-M. FOR iRENT One snuite a,,d i sit g1' r'oodn for mzen. Call 1675. 921 Pacjk- ard. IS llNSS ANT1S YOT!-But you muvst tria in. ShorthIantil, Typewriting,j Bookkeeping. C'lasses st art February I 9. ' HIAM~ILITON 131I'SIN ESS COL1LEG~E Sl~le '11131Iviiffayn S. i-I 101' FAVORS t'2ve wtiring for- your house patty. AIIN(OL~I) SrP'lTE STl. JEWELER. NOTICE= At The Ann Arbor Wvayside lin, Sltdents will finod the maost comfor~ttab~le hostelry for visitings friends. Rhone 2520-W.M . I FORt RENT Large room otltfirhst floor suitable for three or four boys. steam heat, single desfks, 8-4 Shn-. mor s beds, dormitory eatd slroxveu baths. Piie' reasonable. B 'one 2SGii- 111. (r call 523 Packarol. h tIt i 1-N! sniteo'(f rooims=. *;, alIso; inleotr 1101.1011 rom, oclose' to ('am- puls. =127 'bho~pttonG btettw'ee'(n Wil- Hi~t nd 1effelso") FOR ItPNT singlec roomt, amit, Ilight, and des('ira11ble. 5,14;i Wai11tnt. 244:? -\V. FOlt RENT iDesirabile .;ht ide1011111 near Cain ~tms itllIpriv'at e faitily. Tel. 2G15-1t. P01t :ItENI I L tge Ito tt roomtliint pii- l'a.t c t atiily. 01a iat' 7 ;1'. .136-1i Geojdes Ave. "' tI-l:ENT'I'To twxo girtis or 11(11 lie;' ,ol d att E Itt yr large xxeoli '1'ut islieo W)""I ;7i hi i luiic o.922 So. SI a; e. :Phonxe 1850). FOR rt ltl-'N' T teno hu I Ic roo-mo. ver'v warm1 and comfortable. Reason able rate. 511 Cheever Ct. Phone, 516-R. A vicious ink tMay worki for a shortj tine. It wvill wior'k only for a shoi't iiie tcogsthe delicate tiechan- i.01 ttelpen and cannot, be ie-- noived bty ally ordinary mean,:;. It is o'h etai callyv ant agonmti st ic to) a good inik xwhich will wvork andl renders Ith' good inlk colorless. C'otnsut lidet's Pen Shop, where you xx'ill alIways fitnd a. fresh supply of C' best go lvet'tlelt- standard11 'tsI xxiitiv gfluid. It: is I U'' only satisfactory ink for' the; foutit:'in lien. PEN tiAD INK SP~ECIALISTS. ''''EV i'l''E115 IIREN'TED t,. C. St.I, R~eminigt on, l'tt der Xl'h, Royal, etc., 3 momths $7.50 up. lIni- Stial payment or rent applied on the purchodase otf arty typew riter. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arc'ade The Stationery & 'T'ypewriter Store I'N P hromptly and 1 t y1101do'(iby (ex- pertieniced Ioper'ator's it 1:1 o'vto'li 1 rat es. 17 Nickels' Arcade, pTe State Street Typewriter and11 Stationery Store. Open Evenings. 'IYPIVRIIIT RR 1IAIRING it; A1it Arbor. Seventeen ye'ars sat isfactot'y ser'vic~e, backed by clean l'('Iftat ioul andl square dealing htas blt.Itourl buusiness. 0. 1). 11) 1i J1L L,, 1 ~ 17 Nickels' 'Arcade, tii.Sialte Stree(t 'ilexx'l'i 1?'' 3110 Stat ionecry Store. ! ~ Open IEvenhntgs. BEAUTY SIIOPPES fPermanent Waving andl Marcu.ltirtg MACK A.ND CO. 3rd Floor IwaIn St. T]IRE1,EPERTE I'MAIICELLEllS Phone 2939 for appointment. DIMMIVATTIA BEAUTY1 SIIOPPE? t~tntoRtrop--Alivo Cuhin°' F-OU'NTIAIN'ENS ''VIAyour i' endls wxhtat; a wonderful het: your0111' At tstepn is. 'YOU havej been ioitg it. Thank you., Itl i)ER'S PEN Simil' :'02 State St. StV.,thatllng wait while havingI your liten so'nit xway tot' repairs. xic repla ir it the same Aday it is browt- gillittit ndini~sure that it will ho' ad- justei to) your hared when yout call RID!ER'S PEN SHOP PEFN IVAKEI S1 otale :p14 ,AO e ,~zII 11 :y a!D'== I ==I-5-=~- - - - I: I ll'IIe l Nal11 Scnt ,a.& anan Pttto MI pac I :: ni11i ScantnD.&mp. ndPitstn .I u 1 - Iii: I ' , Iin Nlual 11111 ____________per__to___$14.95 a1 mIl mm Coke II 1:11 Genuie No 3 Pcahotas leU If Our moderate prices make it possible for all t0 have FRESh I I 0M l GRLOWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FL.ORLAL CO. 122 E. liberty. I 'hone 16"1t0 Films b the Handful That's the wiiy finishing orders come in to us, by the sinlel roll and Ly th- handful. But the amount of work we do makes no difference, for eveiy order is handled carefully by our experts. Velox Prints The Velox print-, we make are good prints. Every one is handled to b-ri ng out every bit of quali- ty that there is in the nega- tive. You'll like * our work and our prices. The dependable film in the ycllow box is the film that gets the picture i it's pois-f sible. Yo'u'll always find a fresh stock at our Kodak counter. Kodak Film i~ni - iINf'TwoVx cry atrace tIroop suiesil n isi'd fori' ebb " Sttid:lE'ts or ]fight housekeeping. Everything furnished. 200 N. Mate: F{)it ltl-KN'i' Front st a xi ro ait l;