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January 25, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1-25-1925

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CTTX',n.tt' 7AMYTA b'tT 9)r' inOt

a a.., aA* a . 4 IN1 11111..1 L3U N

d)JAYJA~INARY 25Z, 1925


1 ,.


MI IGI OKYT9 ugryLeads IJJJMichigan lV restlers Defeated n~r
slow GAME FoMt AGI[S, G64ap i e rieHgts, star foBrtrn-u k ye M t q a


Woverinies Show Inprov,4iiment anid
Onl play Visiters ini F very
Parin) I

________________________-- ______ I kiethall quintet, is at present leadlingI

"', IM 1f1 ' *E)V rll), Ir-" t

the Cpnference basket tossers with a~ In the last workout of the track
points total of 44. The Miichigan calf- sqtuad I ~efore the mien begin their es-

vJ..i io :iia Ze Vis I resuii15teaIIm woni IL 1y
second Conference victory with a score
of 22-4 by winning' four falls and oile

£ ~IA~I '',ii, )~i I I ~Ii i~ 1(1 e~ gain 1.. ,as cgd 17 fild ols. and arinations, Coach Steve Farrell sent'ls ih nte otfedhue
REYNOLDS SCORES FOUR Al11 battery candidates for Va- made 1oput of a possible 1 counters all those in condition through a series Baerth Mchan15pudr
city bascball are requesterl~ etrws codn to th(ie of sti1ff wrkous yesterday afternoon, and Cranage, the Wolverine weltei -
..report to the fie(l house Feb. 5 n ot i, ~ ofca cresyse- Jun; the only minler to run against; wegut, were the tily poi scorers for
Michigan won its first hockey gamejrd.3 at(non hee seny o or as soon as final examination~ dheyMaineannoBln.teTmre seemsasto
of the 1925 season from M. A. C.63, schedules are completed. All Wen be a sligt error h1 the official timlc, in a paced race turned in the e- eseda the ManinWenbr'sCoze>f and Blue team, both easiltmyo 43:1 Hcs ndeanngdeiios ve her ponni
liseum. The Aggles were baffled thro- ar to i1Inisli their own equiil,- books Haoty the 'gaimes played to (ate iornerger hve been suffering from Konth Oio tae eterih.
ughout the contest by Michigan's tri-Imet show piag'erty to have accumulated (olds tle last two days so they were was no Thatch for Baker. ~aer win-
cky forwards and the effective (defen- a total (of 45 markers. The dimiutive i given only light workouts. Callahan. nting with a 11 minute 15 second a-j
siewr fPtrnnadLv.RAY FISHER vantage ou f a uosible t2 minnie
liewr f eeBa ndLv. !Fseball Co 11. Michigan forward tallied 17 points; a two mier who will be used on the avnae 'aae aighsa)
Michigane showed vast improvement, against Oi State, 13 points fin the for mile relay team, after rulnnig 1po h ich inh}a er :hsa
averitsdisplaywitAssumptionCol- - ea raneo heMchg n_, ;prov-i
leethe frad passing the puck j10 Purdue, and four in the Wisconsin and finished the second fast enough Ie o uhfrCrso~r 'eltk
more accurately and opportunely 1.11 l contest; to make 10:1 3:1.,with147 minutesr45 econnds a dvuitage
Rleynolds gave a remarkable e thibi- U I IILi Daugherty of Illinois ranks second; Fryberg tore off the half mnile in wi ta inntesb4l sufeod av n inn ed OI
tion in mid-rink. His pokechecking ma ii h soig rc ihatoa f2235 clodl followed by hart, Ren- akl early in e his ofutrd with inider,
broke up rush after rush'and he pen-' JFOH" L j 33IVL counters, 12 behind the Michigan kte Pfluze nd Freebr. ?his w < h Bcey ern atam, lertin
etrated the Aggie defense with ease, I ;cdiTeIln lyraasdhsfast ace from start to finish, the fifth ished1 the mnatc. Snider earned1 a doc
scoring four goals. McGinnis was j - points by dropping 11 field goals nan crossing the line in 2::4-5.cionwtanegtmue55sod
also promninent with his bullet-like !Plans for the Mihigan-Navy amthrough the net, and puttng i 11 tiwithneanr aiophomreiqarterm5le advctage
snots and fit the twine twice. For the to he played on Ferry field Oct. 1, e u f1 rmtefu ie. Close worpre nyafw(asaodd Te lgtegt.ac ewe
Aggies, Ilauptli and Van Meter, a sub, wee(eiieycmtdyesedy Ibhn aughety s Miner of Oh10i his quarter in 5:4. Fensinger in the Teopfer an li1un-mel, of Ohio, wa,:
stood out above the rest of the team. when Coach Jack Owvsley, head foot-':i>,statedit1aotal n 0oer f3, ay oher 440dheat againtfVaetih e glrforced to hgo hinto an dn nextra d.period.tHm
Coach Barss madle substitutions frequ- .n ~ie 0 field garad1 refeha1 i 3scnsflt ihrglrmthedn nada.Bm
entry and thus had an opportunity to }ta} coach' of the Navy, visited Coach; throws. Raey of M1innesota raks Valentine only a few steps behind. mel earned five points for the visitors
see practically the whole squad in ac- Fielding H-. 'ost and1 talked o~r the fouth with a total of 26, having scor-; Coach Farrell is pleased with the 'ytrwn epe nteoetm
tion. plans. Coach Owsley was formerly a eIegttmsfo h il nd 10 way the men have rounded into shape match.j
The game had hardly comnmencedl star at Yale andl for some time coach- t ies from the foul line. so far this season as a number of the ' Goldstein, who won his match at'
when H-auptli of the Aggies picked ed under TadJonles. Daugherty s;lightly leads with 11 r nin aic showing much better form ;Lansing last week against the Aggies,
up a pass and fooled Weitzel, whose +i the matter of free thirows caged,1 than they did at the same time last thonjyRso.tesa
view was obstructed by the defense '.with Haggerty, Miner, and Rasey in a yeI ws. heavwght fo h the oubsar-
a Year. Iieatriplegtie for secondlplace witho10
risen, with a long shot. Michigan soon O fr5 a lh gtil i o eodpaewt 0
gan- omn n ettepa n7!oi ir e r ood ties from the foul line, accord- ineoa....8 1 gation. in an overtime match. Roa hon
Aggies territory. Denton and McGinnis; ing to official reports. Daugherty only Rasey.,S 9 26 wonh hiscatch n theloen +x1in ee
shares this honor with Hagget i h ad, Iw............ s 5wt hiaoo. al vrEeih
combined nicely but De Lisle turned Hgeryifte L deIw Shaw, Ohio State.......... 10 4 24 the Maroon heavyweight.
aside the latter's shot. Reynolds even- Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 24.-\Yl- j score ooks are correct however as runnhm hoSae. 8 72 umr olw:-15ptn ls
ed tte 'score when hle tallied from a !Baam H. Spaulding, head football och hycei teMcia captain with
scrimmage near the Aggie goal. The at the University of Minnesota tcd y i, ais.'eeMnesot....7 7 1-aeMihgnflfetelhon.
Ohi Stteleas wththenumerLogan, Indiana............8 4 20 Ohio State, on a decision. 11:15 al
Aggis ten surtd an Wetzelwashas under considleration the offer of of nen in the select circle with three _________ _____
forced to make two difficult stops inl ___........___..........~..._...
the Board of Reamnc for iitwoyaofhrpaesithfrttnonhe- ----
succession. McGinnis gave Michigan oya fhrpaesi h isttnoih -.- - te datg hnh ktdaa esew8alof lis contractathsne-coiglt.MhgnIiosml-
frmhscek lddte~i ion salary o 670annually. nePsta. iowa, and Indiana all 'ive F u tS -ad e oIc a d V nla
frons m e, de the Aggie goaer, The board's offer camte after a stor- repreetatives in the same circle. EA Deihf l C m na on fFa or
rins. mn, nd bat he ggi go myri threetre hour session during ih Tesetewhichth hThese teams f with De the C mexceptionf A lof . 1
who hd litle chnce t save thre year record at Mu. Indiana all rank aove the .500 point~i
Aggic impo'ie in he e lcotat was alternately attacked and in the percentage coum while I' ni
Thidad oe orpaed seon defendud byalumni sttudents and(dueis the only school with a percent-I i u p ca rc hs X ek E d
zei!iol andJns horepldseeddatltymal.mni,.'dueder it for Din ner Today.
ze nga a adpesda ie.Ideans. age of .500 that is not representd. ie
weyn becoinraed niclhithn's eer- Lotus D. Coffman, president of thej The Boilermlakers failure howeverI to)
whn 1 cmind iel it Ptr-;university, was one of those who nrg -1paeasctriiuet h a t a
mnan and lodged the -puck behind De lc crri lm oIh atIa PHONE 2
Lisle. Thie Aggie defense men used ed retention of Spaulding. they have only played two games I
Illegal tactics in checking their op-I Chicago, Ill. Jan. 24.-The Illinois INDIVIDUAL SCORING ANTNT A I: 1 ) U AT XT (77f
ponents and were penalisedl. Reynolds ? pLXNIARBOR DA 1.LIRYX1 CoJ
effective checking and Mciinnis's ac- Athletic club will enter 15 men in the Plyer School 11'; t II)AN j
crt uoigfetrdti'pro.National A. A. U. track and field meet fl-figerty, Michi gait...'....17 10 44 I
to be held at Louisville, Kentucky onl Daugery, Illinois........ it i V 11
Shortly after the beoinning fomof ter__ea_
third periodl Hancock scoredIfrm ea' Feb. 28. Illinois won this eet in 1924. MinrhoSae....1 0 0 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the midd~le of the ice. At this -sta ge the jy

N n JAA*-) ,A . A .Ii(I tIU 1111
,1Ohio St ate,deeteiCLtIKmrnl' Lincoln, Neb., .lan. 24.-Earnest E.
\l~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t,1n .ciau :5 vutae ; uldBearg;, assistant foot ball coach at the
( lass--- 11 uimmel, Ohio Stt('wn'byia t 'niversit y of Illinois, has beeneec-
fall over Teopfcr , Mi(-higan, in :an ov-:ted to succeed Fred Dawson as heaid
e rtim inimatch. Time 20) sec< n~i:. 1434 football coach at the University tat
pouind class---Craiuage, M-ichigan, de- Nebrajska. law ,on will continue his
Iucated Christ ophuer oin a dein :"45 a ffiliations with the 111,1 keyes, bout
a dvantage. 158 hounit class Watins will devote all of his Iinie tohisd(lit-
IOhio, S-tate, wVon I ,a ll over Sfinclair. ites as atIhletic director. llearg will a~s-
MViihig.a. T ime--2 :4G. 175 pOund ; um(n (control on Ma rchLi.
css- -Vhitacre, Ohio State, ,roj by a '1wo other candlidates; besides Bear;;
fal oerL - nguti, Michigarn. T e--- jwere con sidered foi' the position,
9: 32. eavyweight. class TRoshelu,1j (Tach West of South Dakota 'State
Ohaio St ate, Won by a fall over Cold- ,nl d(']let Wynne of. Creighton Univer-
stein, Michigan. 15 seconds ini the: shty, Omaha. Wynne withdrew his
first overtime period. s.ace from consideration and Bearg
- - -- ' "-on out, over Creighton by an unani-'
Chicago, Ill .,J.an.. 24>- -'Harry St uhl- mouis decision of the N'ebraska. Athlete
drolher, Notre aime qtuarter~ back, tic.board. Bearg has been connected
sp~oke to the hoy's cluba at H-ull house 'with the Illini since 1919, coaching at
l~ust. digit'. 'Cleanl Sport .slinshih, I W ashuurn college, Kansas before he
waus his topic, took tup his duties there.



M 1 I 1hki
100 Boxes
39c 4
Regular 50c Value
All Good, New, Clean StockW
1 7 Nickels' Arcade I
The Stationery and Typewriter Store
Open Evenings


Aggieis tiredl and ReYnolds tallied
twvice after brilliant individual play.
MolGinnh;> closed the scoring for
Michigarn when he 'raced down his
wing and shot the puck 'into thve cor-
ncr of thle net. 'With a 'fout' go6,l lead
Michigan easedl npland lMoore Was able
to tally on a long shot.
Tphe gahe which 'was strenuous at
tunes wvas;'well hazndled by the cif-

ficia Is.
Pete mlan........
Do )ntonl........

C .

Ao ggi3C4
.... ?oore
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 0 2-3.

Substitutions :-Michigan, Sybilski;
Lindstrom; .Tones; Bendry;
Aggies :-loan' Meter.
Goals-Michigan, Reynolds (4): lM.-
Oinnis (2). Aggies--Hauptli; Han-
cock; Moore. Penalties-Michigan,
Reynolds. Aggies-'Hancock; Pahlmnan.
Referee-Gill of Boston.
Coach Sulliva1n put his boxers
through th'eir last regular workout,
yesterday afternoon before the lay off
for exams. The boxing mentor, ex-,
press~d himself as well pleased with
their" rapid development. In the
hivyweight class, Parker andl Dick-
inson are the class of the lot, but,
lack speed at present because of poor'
physical condition. White, a Varsity'
football man of 1923 and a candideate
for this year's Varsity until forced to
quit on account of his studies, worked;
out with' the heavies.
The men. in the other weights are in
better~ condition. McKecknie who won1
the welterweight championship of the,
Schoo~l in last seasons boxing tourney
by bgating Smyser, appeared in mid-
season form. "Sully"° is entlhusiastic ,
over this man and predicts a big fu-
ture for him.
In tree lightweight division the coach;
is best fortified with McKelvey, Walk-
er, "lRed" Meyres, and SklarI. Walk.
Cr, who was only a fair fighter lastj
reason, has developed a very fine?
punch and should come through this
year. "Red" Meyres is the aggressive
type of fighter who always carries his:

f o fOu r c o p l e t e s t o c k o f d i n e r j a c k e t s a n d
accessories, combin ed with ooir experieniced
service, enai'ke s ,on to select a com plete
outfit wi-th a mnmm o ~/~ /cfp-rt.
Two Suggestive Out/its
12i)0) Nfst 5.913'
1 50 ose.73
1.00 1T .7
8.0Oxfords 8. 50
From the splendid HICK(E Y.FR EE N'N
tuxedos to the wide toed dress oxfords ebery
item represents, authoritatibe style and excel-
lent value.
~Jor Tien c I& 4&

Copyriobt 1924 H-art Schaffner & Mara

Buy at 1-2 price or at
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T he greatest


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