SUN DA, JANUARY 25,41925 ____ THE: MICHIGAN.tYAIL , PAGEI FIVE - 1.., 4 i 0 c1 ljjl, IL ILUW Ift VA M BEATA a] s ) I INTAL EWNAIOAL Called The Ideal ITEHOS UBSKTBL MUIALSRRIYI American Beauty; TROS UI 91 _ SU HT HERE, MEET BEGINS FEB. 11 3YATIONAJA ORGANIZER l ('QVIE9Interhouse basketball comletition F~O INSTIALLIATION OF will open Wednesday, Feb. 11. in 3 r- " " IIAP-I I (our gymnasum, when the first four CHAPTER games of ~the ana oraetwl Delta Omicron, anew national nius._1 g le anstPioSigmna Sigmia. P$q ~,wsisald.y~e lyp~ s enotin thewa Schoolintle of Mgsic and 'Kapa Apha Tlet ill oppse. Mrs. Guy De Vier Williams, national 'the Helen wbeiry tea; a"t 5 . ' orgniei:oftEefrtenit, am:tod clock, Adelia Cheever will match ,its * n rbrto'~l ~"' players aginst those of W tminter : ; rr' +:i y a ts tile>ew houe.andGamma Phj B04 will meet The ceremony included a nmusical { ti - ,.Th ta Phi Alpha. lrograni held at 4 o'clock at the honce'sh. Students ot th professional school ofLlhL a ike 0Geddes '*W ~-<":;:;;.* of physical education will act as of- eights and followed by a anet a.t ficials in the games. 3*'lc.Frmliiitono r. ~' ; }*. No regular practice hours are sched- . o'clock. uFormaliinitiationinofioMrs.riod Arhur Van Sickle, Lalah 1+. Van SickI~~drn h xmnto eid h'Beryl Johnson, Antoinette Hlaight,( :1r As" Carolyn WVise, Alice Shea, Jean Pat-, _1 14 I m nApp Y "tiso.,n andl Lida AnQuillin was held - I- - ---- Si t.8cklc a the home of Miss Van To Change Rooms! ~t To promote American music, to fos- : ~ ~ . One hundred and fourteen appica- torei work of American composers to h tions for changing rooms have been sencourage a high ethical standard and l .' received at the office of the dean of 4appreciation of music, and to assit :..;?woe.Othtnm r41 oln i: women interested in music to meet have gone into dormitories and soror- "and exchange ideas; these are some of KalcIn ity houses, eight women into dormni- .the aims of Delta Omicron. Member- l, .rSit f o tories and 33 into sorority houses. Of Shi1) the ~ ~ ~ to orkc has been selected as the idealGOwmnwo ransfr ovg "l hpinte societyisoe Coal 6woewhsresnfo ovn .woaetkna.ul s, Ameican beuty by John S. Efi~d, women wohvtaeafllcorseEnlhadrtsti5(to be submitted at. the offiee'30 in the department of the School of'Egls atit decided to remain in the original -Music in which, they are majoring.. rooming houses and 90 were granted $Talent, ability and versatility are all ITrinir ffl n ii : permission to move. There are 11 ad- ;requisites. In adldition, each candi i NE IW I VV B IGUN utet~yt ob ae (lt ate miust pass an examination on There I a restlessness now, at this 4spoints of musical history and apnreci I f I~IO IIOR time of ear but on second thouhti 1ation before initiation into the fratei UIN JUONI OIU IRSJII Pli many women decide to remain where nity.___ they ado It is interesting to see that Preparaions for the Junior Girls' 5 per' cent 'of- those who thought I7rntre S repa ae oefradataInra' they wanted to move, really remaied Dormtoris Se ve pla hav gon fowardat a inceas ed aceinritheir lapresentesinhousepreentvery. Eeffoefot 0() aedrn he attowes is made to have the adjustments fair' ;p Bvcnm unc esaccording to the commnitee in charge to both the landlady and to the wom- The dancesnwhihhare noo almos completely arranged, have been' nmadeanwsigtmoe Mbonday evening the customary 9 -I up bMisAyLoitedrcoo'clock lunches will coninence in ted t he bynMis cm omithe dhic or- Sdormitories. These continue (uring a( iednecmitewihcn elFa o oe 'thetwowees ofexainaionsarn Ilists of Elizab1eth McIowell, chairman. the two weksAexaFloralnsGifts consist, of crackers and mil.* TheI Marguerite Ainsworth, Monica O'BrienAsF o a GitI Iandl Janet Vandenburg. Uinder their milk, ric'h with cream, is brought up frmtekice n ag1pthr direction, intensive (drilling of sever- Fower for the J-Hop will probably 0 and this, with an abundance of fresh rl of the choruses has begun, and. ex- consist chiefly o roses; according to Il risp crackers, make a delightful eve- cedninglysatnisfactloryrtseorss hastheralynanArbor fl ocis osaure n- p ing lunch. After tedious hours of be ial nalo hs rus aal a' hie oe e~ o aining, history, French, literature( No chorus rehearsals will b e held to favor uixd bo~uets of spring ~' ~idvarousothr sbjets ntother d(uring the examintion periodt, but all1 flowers -which are in vogue at his heads, this diversion seems like an j uniors shouldl watch " '' nhtounce- season. at ooiishv in dsrIfeaiai ns. ntsin tefirst issue of The Daily Fraternitiesan sorieshv 4, als i ie ete xaiatos.In ext semester.i large floral orders to fill. The florists The three dormitories, H-elen New-'. berry, Betsy, Barbour, and Martha - f report that orders have already begun Cook, have followed this custom for BRIDES' GROUP -110 MELT Iocm ,o -ophuepry(c two eek ofexaiinitros duingthecoratns; severallsyears.mbveryonight durinesthection-of In aanswer Ito the qery-4'"o ien reponding to the call of hunger and~ the Faclty Wbomet's club will ew~er-orwmnbyth mstfo FledaadSnlris'ayht the'ned of .aitin" ralt tetI - tItainfor their * u bans edynd Son, Florists say ta chenets on the second andl third floors Thursday might, Jan. 29, at' thv, cubh resfo euadwmr r of the dormitories and~ partake o the house 22G~ S. Ingalls street. Bridge about equally divided unless there is cirackers andl milk which have been will be played."All members wlo a party. Flanders however *say the, brought 'up. Trhoughl 'it may sound wish to aleud are requested to Meal amount of flowers bought by womren %l~eagre, it is suffcient to enable them' Mrs. It. .'Fast, chaiinan, -at 2811-. far' exceeds those purchase( by the tostdy or sverl hurs ongr, ad o atunivrsiy, 5-Menoc Women often buy flowers to to stuy forsevem'l housflonerdan or atoniteositypa7-M Sgir ls enjoy it. =-1, ~e sl riendcs ant. othepr - In Trinoli when a girl mariesher~'tcjim i ly ndohratvt Hielen Jane Kelly operates a bus, husband brand~s her with a cut on lees. ____________________ '.line in Iondlon, and regrets that li on- the nose or a figure burnt into her',r(tl1111111111iil1t1ttll (ioln laws prohibit 'her ' ofoeeti r1j driving oof L cko orha.T is ii ssign- , the busses. of ownership. s A" wVomen's H ir= 4Shop Deluxe Import curly hair, $5.50 2 - up. Lad ies Woonlen Gauntlets 1-ai Gods Curls. Specil at 8c EMade of your own hair,_ Appoint Woman graduate, To Indiana Supreme '26, and Eunice Northrup, ' ltev. Mrs will hold their monthly birthday party ?i~4 IJ. J. Walser will be a.lpatroness, next Thur~sday night for all those co r I of the sorority, whose birthdays are in Februzury. Ailrs. 1d wardt l+ i'ankliu White. who cluding the hfads of womien's state or-tt gradluat('d froiii the law sc'hool of this: r'anizations, assisted at the tea4 in re- f University in 1894, 'has. been appoint- cognition, of the, ,art women. haveI eml renotr,er o,,f the Indiana suprenie playedi in the advancemnent 'of women anti alpelate cour'{fs, irkiiig the firstj t6 positions, of inihprtane. Mrs. time ini theC histtory or Indiana that ailWite* wore a: costume of brown bead- - woman has field amn elective 'state of- I c satin, a browrn hat f shionod with I flee. The oathi of 'office was' adminis- i gyptjan trimuming, on thli accasion. tered to Mrs. Wihite on Jani;.A4-by 1.i .Mrs. White was. born at Black Riv- Judge, Julius .C, Travis., ebjef ; justice e pr Falls,Wi. the daughter of 'Mr.! of the, Jndiapra Supreime court, 'ho ; and Mrs. Aflbridge 1'ton. After grad- was a' member .off Mrs. White's, grad- uatin~g from Michig'an,' Mrs. White uating class. The ceremony took, place' practiced law in. Creston. Ia, Later, on the inaugural platformn which wta s he served as 'deput~c Attorneyv-general; built in the lobby of the State Capitol for four dears under:'U. S., leih, attor-f for the inauguration of Edward tack- nP"-general, ending. her work in ihis' son, as governor of the Hoosier Con- E cpacity in 19'24. She 'has been Promt- monwealth, and F. H-arold Van Ormuan.i inent in. clubi affairs in tndianapol'is. of Evansville, as lieutenant general. ' he is a member. of the Woinan's De- Several hundred women from Indi - partmnent club tho Woniaf's. Potatry 'nia andi over the State were guest4 club, the, Woman's Press phmh, and is }. le r'-epitien and tea r'oonm given the first vice-president 'f, the 'ener-1 . the Motel Severin, following the #IA1 l ~e'atlon eO Wo~nan't ch0bsfor ceremony, in hionor of Mrs. White. 1,01ich sho is Alsfo attor~n~y She is The affair was given by Mrs. Vivian ;a;, member of the local chtipttr of Pi Wheateraft, vice-president of the Ite- ;Beta Phi sorority 'and' of Ph,'! Delta publican State committee and presi-; Delta, womnan's =legal fraterniity. _ dent of the Indiana Women's Repub-' ' lican Club. Prominent women, in- f= A tea was g iven at Betrv la r- bour house 'Tuesday afternoon, for all the Presbyterian girls in th.ho mve. in honor of Mrs. Italph 11. Curtiss and' Mrs. Nellie D. tiadwell. Members of thle Nu rses'' dormitory Mrs. Amy I lobart., assistant dean of women., vasia guest at thme Kappa iDel-' ta hoanse °for .diner Wednesdlay. Re' heWntAd ON'T delay any longer in choo~sing your costume for wear 'to the J-H-op., Stun- ning gowns are here at $25 to $85. Smartest accessories are modestly priced. 124 SOUT.1 MAIN Exams. Approach; Phone Calls Cease, Social -Notes The "night before Christmas" must have been a roarinI g 'liubub' compiar- Mrs.' ed1 to the week before exams in Ann h ler dai Arbor. Almost all of the League' house' Zeta 7 presidlents interviews report that it is no longer hard to enforce quiet liour . (Gain Sonie of the League houses on campus h lonora have even added several more 'study the ini hours to their lists. iI othyt "Why even our telephone has al- I =- most ceased to ring," exclaimed oney house president," Calls have beenj much fewer during the past two weeks.' thman before. Even when it does ring there is not the usual irush for the phone, somietimes it is allowed to ring(, for several minutes before anyone an- iwers. lBnt of course exams only come once0 a semester.:' T1he dormitories report a less noti-_ I ce'alble change. ;Quiet hours have al- ways been iore strictly enforced . there betause of tihe number of resi°'- Gents. "WVeIt) notice that nobody ever. has anly tine to stop to talk_ thisI week," says Olive ile1derson, '25, p~residlent of Martha Cook. Miss Her-. derson said that miost of the Martha Cook women sp)ent most of their study tine in thleir roolns. '.he building does. not carry sound,- 'ao that little noise I ca1n 1)0 h~ar(I.- Ij W A;:AAlan wae the, guest of luhterlBarbar-'A114n. '26, at the: T'au Al ia 'House this 'Week. j imula at 1Au Phil Epsiloi,, natlommal ary musical sorority, iiftouitcea iitiatlon of 'Lois 061"-,'25 O i Ch'ampe,'. ' 8; sElizabeth Davies*,1 .._ ,. :/"J'./, ",r tS"% '". '.J". :'l ".f, '". !"..err./"'.+f"..I",1. " '"./"..d". t. " .+t'.: " "1J.r+'"«r ", '". '.I",~ ~:ir"1"1. ".I ~'.d '!it .r .. r -.., .: " f g { :. a , $ v . . j1 ' 17 ,t; ." _... .. t , V t" 4. ., ,. ' 6; N ' k r x t ,. " , : . _. ' tlt 4tl l ry Y:. . . __,_ 7 ,5J 4 N1i(Yln , dJr \ y.,. ! r ta ;(\11f\111! ,' r .. ' A. .. ,. i .: ' N ,, .. Y . fy ., " . a, r I// i t + ,, ' , ' ,. .1 i 1l hJ .. y r t , , ... t t, !! ;, . a ..- J ...,....... ;, tt ,, , . 1i a k 1 , '7 ; {{ ++i a Vii. s t 1; , . , . by ., a " , ,y'.. *H : y gar. . . . :. . . .. . i . . .: ., } a, irJti -' W r,. ,. .,, % i I I I ji I I :', . : .i 4 : : : ., : Exclusive Modes ,For College Women GLIACE VAN SCHIOICK D~esigner . 5 M y adS. P o e3!0RTo Doors from Majestic B I I I TheVgefor. Spring, 1925, i Darling and M leu 221 South State St. ti Switches made over. 'w M .E. She ahan k Phone 1798-J - 610d East Liberty I lb1 " "./ .e ",/".1 '":/""./E;I". ,"5.I. ".'Im.I"".sA'./".r ./'". ".I' , /,/./"./. %,/"«I". d "./".S", « .f "'./l./'./'° 6". 0", "./.t" /°. "./"«/"./.I' ' t+ii aw.w irw s .s s .vwmm . FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANKj 101-105 S.MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.----330r S. STATE $100 BUYS A BOOK OF STUDENT CHECKS IN DENOMINATIONS OF $ AND $10. YOU SIMPLY COUNTER- SIGN THEM WHEN YOU. WA~NT TO ,I I l ) I ' , j ; I .. + . .;2 ' ' f ' +.\ f \Y ! The Weymarnn Pa ten ted Peg One secret of the unmatch- able performance of Wey- mann stringed instruments is the Patented Peg which mnakes possible a 4 to 1 gear ratio. Through an ingenious ar- rangement of centered gears, four turns of the tuning but- ton revolves the string stem but once. As a result perfect pitch' becomes an absolute cer- tainty and slipping or stick- ijug an impossibility---your instrument is always, in tune. Simple to install; can be countersunk or set on sur- face. Obtainable its two, finishes; nickel ,plated with celluloid buttons; gold plat- ed with pearl buttons. - Schaeberle & Son Music House 110 South Main Street Ask to "see the , Four. to One Peg. Will Be Portrayed at The, Sp .ring. Fa shion'Revu 7:30 O'0l6ck ThurdayT Even ing1 a.2 SECOND FLOOR .College Women who are- interested in the mode for Spring, 1925, are cordially ia vted :to attend" the, Fashion Revue' to be held at 7:30 o clock T ursday'. evening; , January 29;. on 'the second floor of 'the store. Never before were: advanced spring fashions -so' brigh't of hue, so youthfu.l and buoyant in manner and mode and so very alluring, thus inviting so much interest and pleasure in their portrayal. The gowns, wraps, hats and accompanying accessdriet chosen to achieve a ,perfect costume in each effect, will be displayed by models chosen from the store statff who will 'prome- nade on a raised walk accompanied by attractive, music, and. the. enlarged women's departments of the second floor give unusual opportunity for- all who are interested to observe the Spring vogue. t CASH THEM. THEY ARE GOOD ANYWHERE. THEY ARE, ABSOLUTE- LY SAFE. ASKA ABOUT THEM. IT IS THE MOST CONVENIENT METHOD, FOR STUDENTS THAT HAS BEEN- DEVISED. 1 i A . V