A# SUNDAY. JANUARY 25, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA0,E . . . .. ,_ The Campus Today's question: Do you think the' eclipse was worth getting up to see? Where asked.- The Union.j The answers: Hlubert B. Zerman, '27.-"No. 1 did not think it worth getting up to see, so I stayed in bed] and got my much needed rest. 'There is nothing to. learn from seeing an eclipse..,It was more a curiosity, and I was not curious." 'Herman Kass, '27.--"Yes, I believe it 'was worth while. Anything that comes' but once in 2,000 years or so is worth seeing, even it one has to get uip Before 8 o'clock to (d0 it." Jacob Levin, '28.-"1 sacrificed my usual Saturdlay morning nap, bult it wvas'worth while. The lighting effect 1)li e the envy of any electrician. If B am around in 2024, I'll be no) with,- the other curious." ) Wward H1. Suihler, Jr., '2C'h "Yes, I beli$YVe it was: Of course, it is im- pos iible to really learn anything from rnicfr u sight, but merely as a natural pheemenon, it was wvell worth see"- inig.' It was a misfortune that a clear sky, could not have.hbeen provided for the occasion." Clidrles R. Marshall, '27.-"Certain- ly, sam'ething which one can view only' once in a life time is worth get- ting.,up at 9 o'clock in the morning to see." La b.ent Mind ed; Hi~lt By Trolley hrence Esther Morse, '25, 105:3j W.991)enaw avenue, was slightly in- juro(I by a street car yesterday morn- ing *t the intersection of Washtenaw and' south University avenues. Miss M~orse~ was on her way toa 9 o'clot,-h examination at the time, and appar- enlly did not notice the alproa('h of the street car. Slip was taken to University Hlospit- al sifl'ering from bruises about the heaet I11 r condition is not serious. T(,gucigalpa, H onduras, Jan. 24. T3 , n--on l c n r s od y r tii ? Owh 6,ections of Dr. Miguel pay, I9ara--. horna 'and Presseutaccion (Guezatia re- sp~ectively as president and vic(. -pre,)- idei tof the republic of ffondurfls. Stirs Opium Meet ~ -r I ' i I I" s i i f I li dry'',tems omnoebigin by a professor in the Englsh de- man theateri a g', to the univeriy/L vrty (,zt s . " ling of "cowe, o ld IiItlis'i, prmeb tiy eorge E* a: , cntrol ~f the M n So v Ch m sP z l ;oI i t e" recrrect ans wer was prmn. p rtsRegent, Piccadilly and Gordon the- D rawv Lots To D ecide 1 i/nnCY "Lyeo , i" or "kee" The following i V-lIl , O e ae tern s o01 ined by Rochestrite- g.'- swer e eleved "ioe,'' 'k ~1) e," iet: with M. atnI's moey in Co; 9- Lei etra f h hmsClti omk h e t" kae, "kae," "kne," "hue." R ochester iM otion a tro. ogaielaopo'tn Mayor George Lwsysedya-teCiesciost aetecnet Am;; !:_I st'amblintgblock watrs "ne-I - They ognzdacroainwich to. noon dr ew the name of Miss Wini-!entirely above question." The 1 u::';e il~v', a,>: l'he ri lit answer)I C~tture "'hecters hOS turned over title of two0 theter:s Fred Smeaton of Ann Arbor as the was pr inted on- the cover of1' Ili'J w 'ei''A, xrathi r than "ag _____ to the university. Th'Ie C or on is st1l w~inner in the $20 Chimes cross-word uary (Chimes, out Thrdaky, wilie :.;- gei ,' V.a-; c (umon so l it ln for Owned by thle astman interests bt £s Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 4.--The Tim puzzle contest. Miss SmIonnheltions were due Friday night. 'urea. l yi'l :,'" while ono Vels.teadian ves'tofIIchete Iat ial co- II operation. daughter ofProf. W.G. Smeaton tofI Jason Cowles, hulmox'editor' ofThe :id t *~iio i " weslvelin Imaking y -_____ofRcester_____________n-_ the chemistry department. will be I Daily, tur ned in tef' .;xr in the' certainin Tiae:. lhe Chamber o1'(trolled the (notion pictu re theatier ielld I odon Jan. 24.-A uelele serenl- awarded $10 by Chimes and $10 in! contest. Hils was one o1' the 18 corie.'t ( 'init rrees ; el:~T breviat ion was lin Rochester today. It wvas aInnotIne-' ade to his close friend, Capt. Mike trade at Pratt andl Dunn, State street'The names, of aill .-ho solvc(dI the pi-also ltI' a Koffby many of the en ed that title to the Regent and Picea - ardeRl, bed-ridden following a hunt- furnishing store. zie ccx retly will behr=j:'iated i I ii.:1tl'a t s. dilly thealter;; had passed to the uni- ing ijry, was g;iven by the Princve of Of the 9a solutions to the puzzle, 281 February C'hinmes. 0110 naxx er had the sapelling of the; versity, making three theater:, in the \VAIes in a Savoy hotel bedroom. were correct, IMayor Lewbis drawing Bt even aor eih.t itt: akes x! 2r(' "it L haloh loliwsse5is pic.king iup,''chain (now operated by the instifit io.- the winging num~ber at the r'equest of made by t hos;'e (sdualifaed fo Ln tas '"I1 ;." T 'his soluion i x9, wa>hndedl Following the opening of the ast- PA XTROIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS Th'ie gulf between the United Statesi and Gi eat Britain in the international Opium c'onference in Geneva is widenf- ing asa result of the attack of Rep. Stephen G. Porter, above,'of Pnsl Peny-vania, upon Lord Cecil, in which he charged Great Britain withbad faith. Representative Porter is chairman of the American delegation. I* his reply, Lord Cecil said his country was against American proposals for the Suiprzession of opium. Nerer Falls - 1, '4 r 1J i\ ,, / i r I IM John Says: Try my special Sundayv d~hrners. The most rea on- aJle of prices and thie best ffood. OODE0'AT 4 iE i 1 presents a most Interesting Collection of New Dresses for Daytime Dinner Evening __ z- < 7' ' ' 'u. ! Wli" 1."3hY hlr n \l e \, . ,y®" ,iI STFNDII\G AS IMMIENSELY POPUf- L.AR AND SO WE WILL CONTINUtE IT A1NOTHIER WEEK STARTING } SUNDAY MATINEE ________ ___ Proudly but Modestly We Boast screen Su remacy Isadore Soloman Hasw .Arrived inT wn and Yul Yo1 Givme i the Glad Hand Whe~n i'ou mcet hie you'll want THE CRITICS (a slap him on the bacle COLUMN64 and shout- Including Major Publications That Are Recognized- A uthorities LIFE' "It is more interesting as a ploy j " than 'Poldekin.'" THE CLIPPER 'It touches on life and Its truisms. Proved entertaining as well as amus- " CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -MONITORL "It is made to be laughed at, and distinctly achieves its aim." ________ WALTER ID. HICKMIAN IN INDIANA J-Pr's DAILY TI)IES Maara "You are welcomed" a hundredl- 3'ale times, :stranger. You put a smile ohsan 3rur faces and a little more of the 'erl k milka of human kindness in our «) ';-nin ( I ldren 10e- ST. 1)UIS GLOBE Schedule *It is without hesitation that we } t 1:U-3:0 It is hilariously funny, hut it is ratber r 4:93i* 1+ humor of broad farce. mil' A ~JEWISHI FOI'M~i "there are assuredly an abundance _f laughs in "Welcome Stranger." NEW YORK WORLD "rhe play has seine of the atnmos- phiere and pmanner of 'Get-Rich-Quickt IVllingfoird' Its charac- is a k lot I ' L;z g 'If ,i&< c'd :72 tern; are capital." j H V~OIBONlaunoi th.lh(! I, S r, I uU itC4;Hittia al pu5rmn ofl TRIBUNE laghtr.r "Teplay is generally diverting. S o i he credit is dIne to a play-. wiIght who has used familiar material So ::x.I " ~ ~ !, 1( a': )di discreetly, almost satirically at ^ SIm es. c( ante l)(wc s l~ c " 'Welcomne 1troiwE;er' is good enter-_Q .11k IrO lu ! .dt THE ,~REAlVThor/I a lju£ li~~a!h'!lL2Y "Kept the audience in smiles thcgot te prom ne r ,Hoffman has written it all in a pure IwZtSolomn Vll W llc~U You Dgo It comedy vein without, bitterness or'xFrmte(eaBodwyPab reproach-more credit to him." A.F. kHT NRO. FA3IOUSr DRAMATIC (f Aaron Hoffman CII FDTOT the funniest. play here this season."Brnn,'ecm togr s- DORE D AVD O tri hudseit, Henry Fordl in- As Isadoe Solonion ceiuded.'' BALTIMORE A 3IER1CAN FL R N E'IO "If you wish to laugh, until you are NOAH BEERY xhausted, witness and enjoy this play for the interest never fails and ROBERT E O it is the best comedy of its kind ever given in New York."_ VALLEY FALLS ' e L YDH G E "al, W EEKS IN- DETROIT- NEW6iS VIRGINIA BROWN ~-Is1 made fre, shly amusilig by FAIRE the use of humorous observations andI=R PA/ droll situations that oiriginate in the WM cV. MONG chrces"And tl'r T aiart re:3 iii One o ttcs jDIVERTISSEMENTS,,' i';. ge t (ast's o C( Iu t ti'e~ H. C. W'itwer Presents i a14 iPid i "LOVE ANDLEARN" r The Popular Telephone Gil Series i TOPICS - NEWS ORCHESTRA Last lak of Gala Week-- "CHRITINE O THE HUNGRY HEART"E iiB~W - I -"M1 n .. __"=-- ... A FETERIA 609 E. William, I M---- .r f i Convenient two and three-way electric sockets belong in every home. 5Oc-s I t? The Detroiot Edison