PAGE TWO "Africa And 1iciz k]'' C!I5 c ,slb^ On S. C. A. Propgrani IS EDITOR 01F CR ISIS William E. B. Du 1Do 0',, 11 i '(h, author, and- scholar wvih ll c '. 7:30 o'clock tonight n Bill , uditor- ium the main address of the tXI dv Y- sity service sponsored by the o Stent i Christian association. 11(e will ohai upon "Africa and America." Dr. Du Bois is one of the 1c aier-, of the colored race in this coin trly.Ile is editor of The Crisis, a Tiltgazine devoted to the advancement of thes Negro in the United States. Pesidses this work, Dr. Du Bois is the author of several books. Special music has been arrange'l for the University service prdgram for tonight. Miss Beth Hamilton of Battle Creek, accompanied by i'viss Wilma Seedorff on the piano, will give a violin solo. Mr. J1. Asa White of Detroit will sing (luring, the pro- gram. Also several special hymns will be sung led by Mary H. Ross. Dr. Du Bois was secured by the Student Christian association at the request of many persons who are es- pecially interested in racial problems in this country. 'these people have ar- NO ORGIE-.s THIS TI! ~IEAr Asocatonsc ,treasurer; cdirectors,r. ~i lnry: EEffe ctIs Officers A 'cdminsMr's. Evert r'vM QFrComing lear '\i is I 5lo,C2rece ~en to\ V\NDAXY. JANUARY 25. ,192G Officers for tIAe c(cn ing year wecre elc (ted by the Ann Ar bar Art :' ss ' tiofl Weelnesdaiy afternoon in the ",el' gallery (ot Alumni Memuorial hall. Ite-; fo t e e r c i e ,a d tetioli approvedl I lie new ('on atiut ion. The art cX h A)ition 1,Wo (Iopenlin Memorial halli under the sponaor.s-hi p of this group, will be open aft cIe)Ihons * and evenlings throe-1h roesdtay thi, week, inciud'ing' Sunday. Auta I it, blo('k prit,ft romIbte A nwican 1Artf * association of Wamiling t oh. as d (A I_ ings loaned by h e lie Pric.,art.s :' Prof. 'Warren Jh. Loinha rd,1forra erly' of the physiology dlepar'tment, t'Was elected presidlent ;Prof. Hri c 13, .bon - al dson, of the Fine Arts department, first vice-presidecnt ; Miss, 1o011ise Otil) - las; secondvic-presidlenlt; Ars. T. L.' lcy, Mrs. William inglis, 1Pl'c Ei l 7,01''h, 's i til~t (I ( r ' ,' ci I he ( )ii^;e (t' engin~ed I '11 nda L'ei~'lUOIoni Aakielsii, ofi' o it, awi.~rl in m:melt. Wit fred Bi. Sha 'w , Sein ucli Al 1 a 1- Changes Made !n .4 .'- x S'~-' U Mt, " W W3 J 's A ISSIGNED TO BE LURENZO 1eco(0 1 RU) of Angell 1halllobby, by' ?% i or'enizo, New Yor'k ta-tist, is cx-; l. vvm tod M 1sart, earfly in the week.. N" 1(111('' yest cidauy were busy giving ' the lobby ceiling its preparatory un- de e'aat of ' nlt. De Lorrenzo is Mine a ietwh Ill) * imuch ofi' he (deco rating a th1ree liollr'colirse il i fll l t i i rl hira ry. O('l (if'i'0 I 1,(')111 i d ', P ,'.B. ef'o'r eocijil i lkO1)11 the scltNoi ol, ,~n t~ i tii i . i11(R~g 52(iiqs~.i?4 d i "1~] 7', I )'l v y Wi I O )eriiflefltWithL ('1t~} cle 1 il ? (ai ( c ('ti~lI~iPthdt Vili;-h1 wOllgive thle hest oI :inl 11 2, a i i's" j' d ' 4n I iord ' , ta d I Ihts, gifts .)-' "'i " fp1 tV: nc' 'f'fu as.' f1!923,ar now complete ~ ' m i' I~~'~''I ' iadin u seo- an~ing fixtim-cs are, also'! he '1' ~ ( a+..le(101(o the lobby. 1 Church.Women To H old Convention Women of the Disciples of. Chris, Chur'ch ate to have three district con vent ions, the first of which will meet Jant. 28 and 29 at the Memorial church, enl the corner of hill and Tappani ;;.Tee'(tsi. Thle conventions are being held to further the efforts of the Dis- c'ile of Chbrist in their world wideO e'vangeliistic0 campaign, which plains to c t ahnlsh 50 buildings throughout Am- tcric a arnd foreign iountries: An ltn Arbor i'esiilenits have, volun- cc : ed to' entertain 411 delegates with ldogand~ breakfast.. A banquet and <;oth re ia t co(st will be served by the (ehurrll. °Rev'. J. Allen Canhy, of Ann arbor, is di strict secreti y. ildnos Aires,"Jan. 24.-After 1*11 an1- diei('e with Pr'esiden~t Alvear, Cen. .Jobll ..'Pershin; wenit to Mlon tlvideo, for a "no't visit. . .., ,.. ,,.._.w. . ,.. .,.._._.._.. . ..__. ..,_.. ____... .u .. _._ _ _ _ _ _.__. _.._-- ---- - --- ...,. . #. ' tl r t f t fif k t I K , _ -I,- -- Spa tinr To-day Starting To-day 'I rangedua aquet qUL vionUay evening acL _______ which Dr. Du Bois will be the guest of- ' honor and at which tme it is ex-; BiLawls eriid orgies that accompa i,"l ~st ) it)o te Tnited States ' pected that plans will be imade for' tile ' '.e y its a o are not epected to ba rc fla I lci onthe noc'11,I vsit of formation of a society for the di 'i~i I!'iIjm ~m dyon Monday, Dr. Du Bois is scllied" ~I v \/ll and i n ther-in-Iaw I l , Irlt' ,il l o I :i~vt a fortune oil ) uled to appear before several grono3,S cc':i in tuill inthis ouiitry. Tb ' ahovo i o4:' ho , ains :nd is wie as in Ann Arbor to give talks on int. is- ~ale c in New Yok. racial problems._________________ _______ A forum for students and towns-9 people interested will be conducted Ecipse 4Ails" j.N jjols) \tlto)'y (of time niersity of Cii- at Lane hall at 4:45 o'clock this after- i. (c o o I~a (ereted i >iStatiol, 1cud aW noon under the leadership of D. Doi'X"ilS £fIn iAte pt ,1.(l'avol (,I,5 1.3 0 ll e,' Bois. All students and townspeono apkmla'' are invited to attend this diseussioi ( '~'s J ~rP t 1 ~.)' group. I lP w 1fr W , 1 ' 1 ,Virigibie Lo 3 Atngl1,: ao,(; II 2 ocean Ilo, \.tf~c'1( '01oe Ii, )1> Mexico City, Jan. 24.-The new Mex- cf!4,.antuckett, Ma: sof n'am'ctlt, f-iaro~is)I fW('ZI m''.t :a 'I iean ambassador to the United States, l)cIt~d all obsevtions (cUll~t e pea C1 5 l I o*?in. lui'al Manuel Tellez, will leave next week under ideal (-oInditioflis. At, I r luunarho'' delia rlv-' in Ite di-r,(ih ,i to assume his duties in Wasington. Mountain, Mricigan, Whlerce 10Ye la'is Ia % !Vu(cu. { STARTIN3 STARTING1111111111111II~I111111111111111111f9111111I~l11I ~11111111111111C1t119t w . . . 1 ' i~ n S ___________ -'at~com SloFq I TKE HEAK1FjAdlJ~w Y-r E b~ ~ f~~*~ Oh! fSw74,%rc1t Shior, 9it 9,Luff! Boar9, Sh riekgigzk, Laugh, oller! a. . -Pilost Su;btie Bit of Sophistic*dL ove. P-1 Iv QNS areD111,M coi0 110 / QIhIBoys! Here's Connie 's niftiest, zip piestI, pepistSIshow! M~ore action, romance, excitceet and clever silw-w ns than ever before. It's great to be in " rlv c i"but Connie sure mares it seem fwnv) s* Et t I, I 11 9. ,5r II 11. I Adults 40 7 urt a PtL t S iut national AttT.gcUO* , . w. , . ., ... .. .. .. ... is :. . .-. - . ~'11) t~l~:'1'ADED IM)'IL 'U1111 Sli. V, 'TllE MA.i)Eit'.SI IESI RE TO PL9EASE m Ifl _ .___ _ ..__._ ,... ..v......, Th < I ed y ilseu il l LARRtY SI'MON __III4. 66 g9DI' "KID ir awsPEED"lin tiltsa I IE L 1) OV E R. '1 LBIS'AB ORCHESTRA D31 Ao11- Il hlg I I 1 illu