.'AGE EIGHT _____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY____ IS'T-RDA-,-'J- I I 2I, I ., _ DA ILY IOFF'I.CIAL BLLTN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to this P-esident until 8:30 P. M. (11:30 a. m. SatxtrdaY. Volu1me 6 SA TURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 ) N mber 91 i Rtegstrtion---Cale of Lterature, Science, and the Arts:~ Registration will take place during the second week of examinations from 9-12 and 26, teruary 2 to February 6, inclusive, also on Saturday morning February ?,,from 9-12. No one, who has registered the first semester will be allowed to and in elections on Monday, February 9. That day io for new 8tlidetat only. Elach student must present his own election. Registration Roomis All Freshmen-$lckn 1025 James 13. Angell Hall. All Soph~nnorefr-Roomn 1035 James B. Angell Hall. Juniors and Senors-Registrar's Office, University Hall. L11 in A. Hughes, Assstant Registm~r. Seniors In Colcga of 9ngineering and Arlitecture: Seniorsi in the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture who expect to graduate at the end of this semester should call at the °Secretary's Office, Rloomi 263 West'LEgigneerig uilding, to check over requirements for grad- uation and arratnge to pay the diploma fee of ten dollars ($10) by February 14th. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Selwol of Education: ieisration: Registration will take place in the office of the School of Education, from 9 to 12 and 2 to f, Wednesday, February 4 to Friday, February 6, inclusive, also on Satrday morning, February 7 from 9 to 12. No one who has register'ed the t~it semeter ill be allowed to hand in elections on Mlonday, February'9.'that dap' is for new students only. Each student must present his own eetion cardt to the Recorder. Before making elec- tlons students should consult the Supplementary Announcement printed by the School of Rdlieation Efs well as the one printed by the College of Liter.- ture, Science and the Arts. Edneatioft Courses All students electlig courses lit Education where more than one section is given should obtain special cass cards. 'These may be obtained in Room 106, Tappan Hall, from 9 to 12'and 2 to 5, Wednesday, February 4 to Friday. February 6 inclusive, 4160 on.Sturday morning, February 7 from 9 to 12. F00rury Senors All Diploma and ! Btt~er's Certificate fees must have been paid and the receipts returitd to the Recorder, School of Education, by February 14. Office hourrs 10:30-2:00 A. Mv., 2:30-3:30 P. M. rulc~ers' Certficates Blanks for this pyrtet of the Teacher's Certificate fee may now be. secur~ed at the office of tpe Senool of Eucation. All students who expect to be recommende fgr the Teacher's Certificate at the end of the present semester mst pay' their fees, and return: their receipts to the Recorder School of Educattl, by tFebr ua y 14. Ofice'hpurs 10"0-12:00 A. v.230:0 P. M. GretcheniKug, lRecorder. 1)oal'* AdvI ry ('#mmhl~et,9 oiege of Literature, Science and tte Arts: A meetin* poft6,01Pq.aMs 4plry-,Colnmuittee is requested for Monday, January 26th, at 4 . '. .in the Dean's office. Jon R. Effuger. QPu~ttiits ttOf i~'.p IQ 4iAng } 1ul4t: A teatattve ~tff Anelhall has been prepared and posted on the bulletin bptr t 4f1 re r o tbe lobby. Any corrections should be re- ported by thosp i tprWf t ~t t Dean's, Secretary. This should be done as soon as lpos'tbo le t; t p c !irate permanent directory may be installed, with the nam~es iln lrOr type. Names of le ~ ti P b's111~Il be placed upon office doors. Definite in-. strutions regirdn "this matter should be sent by each department con. corned directly to r~oesor heprds office. Annoineenment of Courses In Plummer Session: The abridged announcement of the Summer School may be obtained in the registration offices of the various schools and colleges and at the de- livery desk in the University Library. F. . limis. .Final Examination in 'Rhetoie 1: All sections of Rhetoric 1 will b)8 ekamined January 29th from 2-5 in the, afternoon. The, schedule of rooms follows: Mr. Abbott,, Mr. Ad xi, Mr. Bower: Law Buiding Room .. )4r. BouiWsma: Angeli'Hall Rooms 2003 and 2203. t. Cograd, M\r, '0sbhtrn.: Physics Buildng West Lecture Room. Nr.;Donnelly,-Mr. Fietcee: Alumni Memorial Hal West Gallery. Mir. Hall: Angel Pall zRoim 1025.. Mr.' Powers; Angel "Rall Room 231. Mr. Schenk: Angell Hall Room 35. 114 t. Smith: Angell Hal Room 25. Mr. Solve: Angel Hal Room 1035. N. Van der Lugt:' Angell Hall Room . Alf. Wells: Angell Hall Room 222. E. A. {fater. Examirtnation in Sociology 20:" Examination In Mr. Johnson's course in Social Case Work will be given ont iIondlay, February 2, from 2 to 5 oclock, Room 102 Economics. A. E. Wood. MthematiA: Cotleg of Literture, Sene and the Arts: Pinal examin~.tons in Mathematics for the first semester will be held Tuesday, January 27, 2 to 5 P. M. as follows: Mathematics 1 (except -Mr. Field's 1 o'clock section), Room F, Law Bilding.. Mathematics 2 and 4, Root 1025 dames B. Angell ITall. Mathematics 8, West Physics Lecture Room. 1\athematics 7 and Mir. Feuld's Section of 1, Natural Science Aiiditorum. XMatheniatics 51, ,West Gallery,.Alumni Memorial Hall. Students in courses L ,2, 3 or 4 who are also taking Mathematics 51 will report for the final examination in Mathematics 51 at 7 P. M. Tuesdlay, January 27, in Room .3003 James D. Angell Hall. JosephI, . 1arkley. 1'resiiman Foresters: All first-year forestry students ar required to elect Forestry 2. It is hilt nccesvary to apply 'for extra hours in order to add this course to your c lections for the second semester. L. J. Yong. .1su riiliSm 101: Thle final examination for all sections will be held Monday afternoon, February 2, from 2.to 5 o'clock, in floom 2225. Literary Building. Student3 who have conflicting. elaminations can arrange a make-up by being present at the beinining of this period. IE.(G. Burrows. M 1emibers of the class wishing to meet for discussion Saturday afternoon may cpime to Room 1025 Angell Hall, at 2 P. M. L. A. Straulss. Tihe pichturo for tiro Michiganensian will b~e taken today at 2:30 in Rcenisebler's studio. Full dress. Carl B. Selhoozanittker, 11:1ualger. E. Huron St., at 11 :00) A. '.N. Sunday, Jlanuary 25th, 1925, to have a class photograph taken. This call includes all those to be commissionedl in the 0. IR. C. in Februay, .une, end of Summer school and at Advanced Camps, 1925. M~ut. T. Carpenter. ( EZartl eek : AU,(:t at 12: 00 ill. at Dey's Studio for 'Ensiam picture, today. 11. 1. Fisho-r, Pur'~cr. Fr ,tteritles and Sororities: All Fraternities and Sororities that intend to have space in the 'Ehsiun must have their group pictur es taken before the end of this month. Ap- pointments with photograp'er s should be made immediately. Chapter secr'etaries shouldl send in the chapter roll on the provided blanks as soon as possible. t'harles S. ii igley, Fraternity Editor. Psychology of Education, 10 ('loek Seelion : The special final examination will, accordhing to the vote taken in class, be given on Thursday evening, lwgining at 7 o'clock in Room 400, 11. High School. Howard 'McChi sky. Students hIEconomics:JPulich'Utflilties: A three hour course in Public Utilities---Economics 134, Al, W, F, at 11, :Room 202, Ec.--will he offered (during the second semester. It is open tji juniors, seniors, andi gradluate st udents who have completed the course in Railroads (Economies 133) or its equiv alcnt. Economics 234, Public Control of Industry II, will be oiil te:_. I. IL. Sliarfiruan. M iChigal ll'eg-C.V( hemiistry Teachers' A ssociat yn : Meetings today will 'w hold in Room 303 of the Chemnistry Building. M~orning session pat 11:00; 1 unchcon at thle U n ion at, 12 :30; a fternoon ses- sion at 2:00. I. Itodges. StudEltnts i celogy:. Mrl. Frank Tannenbaum, in g. Mich., will breach. 2: 30-R1ally of these interested inl North Side Union Church. ,:.0 -Con lreewatona i st udenit": sleet at ("111rch1to ;a over inl body to I arr is iltd fa Iy el ~, -,erandI joint meeting with rhiiscopla s, .ui 5.:I:- All u'toCrocker will speak onii em Medit em- ianr1 'gip. x3: 00-Alotion Pict o Ie ahice. J1olhnBa rryvmore in "1SiTERiLO('h HOLM S." ject, "The 'Yagaliond Trail Tithrotigli Europe." Leader, Thomas Koykka, '27. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third ald West Huron Streets CARL A. BRAVTER, Pastor 9 :30-Sermon, German. 10: 30--Student Bible Class. 11:30-Sermon, English. Subject: "Tlhe Cost of Being a. Chris. 5:30 to 7:30--Social hoar, supper and1 discussion. Subject: "Bol- slievismi," led by the p~astor. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St., and FifthtAvye. E. C. STE 1111011 , Pastor 9 :0') A. M.-Bible st udy hour. 10:30 A. M.--lorning service with ger nnnthe sict. "God's 1. I days and leg-al holidays I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron at hDivision REV. MERLE It. ANDISON, 1). 1). 31inister. LEWVIS C. ItIEMANN '1(i, Scey 3Men Studentts MRS. NELLIE It. CADWVELL, Se'y Womien Student-s. 9: ,0---Intermediate Sunday School. 10:41 4--Morning- service. Dr. Anderson will lbreach on 'I'he Signls of the rTimes." I 2 :00- Student Discussion C'lasses led by Miss Grace Williams, '27-?1, iI. Y. eCluskcy and H-oiner I1. 0-rafton. 8:00--lloover Sunday School at H-oover factory. 5 :30-Social hour and refreshments. - 6: .0---Young People's Meeting. Roland Skcell, '27, leads the i-oeetin~g on 1111Whnt Shtould Be, Our Attitude in Case the U'. S. En.Itered Wa r?" I t UNITARIAN CHURCH Slate and Iltron Streets, SIDiNEY S. It INS, Minluist er. 10:80 - rgan l)I'Chtde- (a ) Madrigale ...................... Siionetti ('ORN ER CATh{EUiNE antd hIVISION STREETS HIEIRY LEWVIS, Rector. IH. L. LONSihALE, Assistant, RA(C'I EL 11A VILAN ), Secretary for St udolt Wtirh. I