rAC E SIX THIS MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, :TAM'ARY 34, 1925 SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 lfDI aIIJ1 IR _________________ A, r y !"' ... r...sw tom,' m \ ww *rn. r .m., PRQDrl 1 ahe' Fv 6NPLB AEM lyT p u 'AKTR ET c0 QBUCKEYE OUTFT~- CHICAGO TONIGHT'F _____- 3lliigam N)atmniHioof: Up With F tst Ohio Team Toniighit At Field JMouseI OUTCOMIE IS DOUBTFUL Michigan's Varsity wrestling teanm will face the Ohio State mnat squad inj the second Conference mcet on the ' Wolverine cardi"at 7:30 o'clock in the Yost field house tonight. The Buckeye squad, although made, 01.13 .......... IPurdu........ EI't 1'ign..... ladiI........... Ctli('ieot~ (' tifi;(Jgo....... ., ID lb (! f? l '1 1.0) 1.067 .A97 i1 Woliverim-! Swjzn iiers Sl~atcii Toe (l ashi At311d way GOW TO.- ENTER MEET Mlichigan's 'arsity swimmlring team will stach uptaig4ainst their. first Conl- foreoceoOpposition tonight when they I mleet the University of Chicago in a (Im l contest. The Wolverine squadI E3 2 .;!111 11 3 .1}i4) A~liough inactive tonight, Mich- up of mostly new men, made a fav- iz :ri 'Ii 5 lisetball live may move up a "was con siue rawiye strengthened orale howng n te frstmee onI'o"chin the Conference standing into just beCfore it., depa'ture by the a ldit - ion of Cow, who has been out all sea- its schedule against Chicago, (lefeat- ! indi .puited >econd place and1 the team son withli; injuredl leg. Gow will ine~ the Maroon grapplers 16-7. ;i certai at le ist of tying for that swim iu both the 40 yard and the re- Baker, Wolverine 115 pounder, who honor.llno is leading the Confer-f lay events.I won his match at Lansing last week, 1N' x ti itthiS n the addition of Go, ,,a1N will willfac Kon inthel~atamwigh. .in all probability confine his acti=vitie~s Korn met defeat in the opening meet, col .i 'sh \vhh Iowa whlich LZ<.nhvn Vo to tI ;a 220 y: d free style and the succumbing to Takaki, thv speedy H-a- !;Ao) i the vainl cOlumnhvn \f ratsrkeeet.Wtigimw waiian of the Chicago team. boho ; i o r contests. Should b a' wmigmt ntebes Snider, veteran Buckeye mat man, Ioawn Icia will go into a tie an b'we hmte uh ob will meet Karbel, captain of the Michi- w.ith Illinois for the second lposition I able gan eam in he 25 oundclas. ni- ioa's(lefat t te hads f eto :give H-arkins, Chicago star gantea, i te-15 pundclss.Sni i w'is Iovas dfea atth hads f;who lplaced second ini the Conference der wrestled in the 115 pound class theflO Ilni v oiuld sendl the H-awkeyes je last yer maigscodpaeih dlowelito Hihe thiirdI position. ; etlast year. a. stiff riace. Conernc.tapin Balldoflte iC hce ho l i ort lcemes In the plunge the Chicago team: will Conerece.CapainBal, f te Cic-; Oio ,,ae n furt plce eet jhave a decided advantage, Gravquist, ago team, was defeated by {:he Ohio the rojuvena ted Northwestern quintet featherweight last week. withi the Possibility of going into a a veteran of considerable skill, opuios-I Teopfer will wrestle :Huimel, Ohio (1otIijle or trnple tie with icigan . mg Seidman in the underwater event.I State 135 pounder, in the lightweight ar(1 Illinois .is her partners. W'4is- Captain Kerr should have little troubi- division. Teopfer was thrown by Hani- cna nsieo tsbilatdfn-le in winning over the Chicago enitr- so.the , ,nnrtl rg.n.in yOf t-ho zzio',(i cl01,1is -rac ing~.: thecella nos ii es in the backstroke, while Halstedl, 'ir HOCKEYSerTFAII T PLAYALGIL S I X LINEUP UNCHANGED i Tichi an's Vrstyock,,y (omiii fli- the ganie with Al. A.. C'. at 2:.30 o'clock I :e tlernoon)1, ,_vy ieIdhig astii o of l kent (e:lthe ice;A t 1he Colise um. jCoach Barss will start the samne sex- tLet against the A,. ,)ies this aft, rnoonl thait. iacedI A ssupntion colec last .I Fri~day night. h ownig ky the close sc ore ::r:?i'i 'of 2 to Vii, due to superior teamn work as 1 . i)rlence on the hati'tof' the .... c arces. iReynolds' condition has I i'Ji ve'l considlerably (during the m)ast wecek andlihe should be at his les5t >< when hoe stalcksun against the state institution's ouch chaser., le will - play center. Either Denton or Sib- i shy will see service ,.t the left; wing. job, :while McGinnis, a product of last ! ruct~ieort, Iye'ars' freshman team, will sce service 1 snall-fur- at. the right wing. 05i non-cola-; Captain Petermnan amtL~ e vi will tow o thetake care of the defense p~ositions for fewof hethe \Wolverine sextet with 'Weitzel. 'weigiht anld lveteran oi last years' squad, guarding ~s. the goal. Lindstromn and Pendry will sby knock-l be used as spares by the MV~ichigan 3erelulbachImetr -, L ittle is known of the caliber of the Phanitom.Firn Doesn't .Fo TRACK PRACTICES rI: qC;ll '"t ' l a iato fi i lii" 'by his 001\'i~sier a~ soil tracls l.oac Farrell To Sen Suad $u1Thir". hoat'l ' .0'o 0a i{I heIUniit ed States, Iast Workout Reiwc c. hls 11:tlt the ,e(days. IJ~fj )I oda tiua;('e is hIt' S; shwi'ng ii? this (:0111- #io .n ha le ft lJOi'a I hi, Am ei' hS HUBBARD SHOWS tM t nicr !nlr, in the (}lst in his fav-1 {. ti ti~t. t~l ccidedl improvement has chtarac" . '"' ''~ '~(.c heized the jperformnance of coach Far- a K f1 zt: _8-a, N arl i li in- 011.Clli's thin clads this week, and as it f < x c t ar _. t. nn d smash- will b~e impossible to hold regular ad nu reoi'(,ail established onel practice (luring the exam period, the }!- 2,0"10 ine('llu has nev- Coach has decided to send the men O'Y' lice onindi~ors in this! through some stiff .workouts today. t *}}+ 'o ;7'urmai'i~ ark inth!e evenht All those that are not suffering from t it . I : h' t1. re:rord ac(1o1-; injuries or colds will be timed inl o'ih;rl a hs','rirmance wed-jtlhetr :specialties. Those that have lihla' ighlt at Newark, when lie rounded into form ahead of the others 1} >,ce lf i anes Kohlielainen's mark of were given a rest yesterday but they l1 i 3-:1 fo5 r the two and t hree quar-; will run today. 1 : Z ' ans ea ago. Nurmii's As soon as xmtos are over .mer::: 1 :0, h (lpngtiv'e", see-,the regular Saturday Carnivals will cyl"(1 frml the toa'hhai ma-l. begin. 'Tlhese Carnivals are regular taw 2is l' >illf ,tr's 'n ogi ::m from track nmeets, every event being run now; of is is fallos Jan. 24, BI'oo(-; off with all the men trying out ini iVli (('ie eo (:111'):asa. 27-28, lillrose each event running against each oth- j. A. ' ,'caYork; Fe. 3, ,Testern Unio n er. One, two, and four mile relay 1 . l t , w ork;}~. (4) , Newark . teams ai'e formed and some real races '.; iiei). 7. Vilco A .A., Brooklyn; Feb.' take p~lace. In this way the men are 12, Buffalo; Feb. 13, American I reg_ given the experience , of running in ?on, Port laud. iAle.; Feb. 14, N. Y. A.I competitive races which is invalu- g;ame s; Feb). 21, Georgetown Uni- able especially to the new men. v cr ' it y ,gtles, IWashington ; Feb. 23,, Th'e dash men have been showing Jlohns I tolkinis University gamnes, Bal- up wvell this week running the 50 tim a'k~.b.28, Na tional champion- yard dash undler 5:4 a number of tim' ships, Louisville; IMarch 21, uostofice, es. Ilubbard who will 1be usedl in the games, New York1. lMost of tihe(list- short dash this year is showing the slie: inIlese engagements have not Is ane form that carriedl him through Yet b .li set. to the Conference champlionship in thc .V; iua is nlot exactly:hodest when century dash last spring. Les Wittman hOc sits (down at the t1 iil giroomi table, }hasc not been inl training as long as a ccci d:ing to 'eootrt s; fh'oi New York,< his teammnate but barring the badI which cr edit hils with an immnense luhck that kept him f omn getting into ll('tit e' condition until late last season. .1.1(. k Dlaney Bela na22y, 1 Jle J)"(W of Con ii., has creaed ( sev'elaJ o)res inlls i i1 Ccircles by 11 1cr-i:lst att itude towardl a 1''senlsations of t he m1id ditv igt eavywveighit iiizll Hie started all I le inc.a af40)' the hid slu ,c1r had r, teami, ins the Aggie meet. Hunmmel w on a decision over his opponent in the' first :Buckeye meet. The 145- pound class will be fillet] by either )wiles or Cranage for the Wolverines. 11Wilford, the Buckeye en- try, lost his match last week. Sinclair, one of the strong hopes of the Michigan team, will grapple with Slager in the 158 pound class. Langguth is scheduled) to meet Wat- kins, one of the best on the Buckeye teaip, in the lightweight class. Goldstein, who added two points to the Michigan score last week, will wrestle Roshon, Ohio heavyweight, in the unlimited class. Roshon threw his opponent in two minutes in the Chicago meet. The Wol- verine heavyweight tops the scales at 210 pounds. Coach Barker has scheduled a pre- liminary bout to be wrestled ten miin- utes before thme regular meet. In the exhibition match, Coach Barker will explain the rules of intercollegiate wrestling for the benefit of the spec- tators. Student athletic coupons may be used for admission. i I ivill make aobrattempt is emeaesoldps-hmhr brealk its early season jinx with Min- ! in this race. rnesota as its opp~onenlt. Chicago and I In the free style events, from the 40 1 ,Indiana, both of whom have yet to win 1yard uip through the 220, Cow, Sam- ,a Conference game, will. clash' at1 son, Johnson, and Van will be hardt Chicago in a game that promises to pressed by' AecFalrid, Noyes, and be a real battle. Each five is confid-j Redfieldl of the Windy City school. ent of its ability to win, once it gets Gwsol aen io~l.atog out of thle rut and facing another ;he is out of practice, in stepping out hosing tecam ha rvde netiet in the 40 for a first or secondi place _both fives to try their hiardlest. (as it is his. favorite event. Samson With so iimany battles of apparent( with his build and natural ability will 1 j equaity andl when a ine aneshun- also be a threst in the distance races.' (lredths of points in the enae Michigan's relay fluartet compIosedl olun, tonights games ought to addI of Johnson, Captain Kerr, Samson, and to the list of iipsets already recorded Gow will have the advantage over the in this year's court battles. ' Chicago entries having defeated them in the Conference meet last year, butj . C the Maroons have thiree veteran:, KOUIJ Q/ R wingi crawlers back. so that anything iitA Clasic Chaged happen. ~ I Captain D~orf will carry the Chiicago By I R. A.. Heads Ihopes in the fancy dive and a prettyI contest should develop between thez i iMaroont Leader and l 1apenguth for N ew York, Jan. 23.-The 1925 inter- pleintesrgbad vn. collegiate varsity rowing champion- with Starrett, threatening 1)0th their shp will be rowed over a four mile laurels. course, inisteadl of three miles, for the_______________ first time sice 1916, the board of Ste-j wards of the Intercollegiate Lowing Oxford Pugs To association decidled todlay in fixing the annual regatta for Monday June 22 at Invade Coutntry Poughikcesplie. Decision to lengthen the varsity Oxford maiversity is sending its 101 race to the distance, which prevailed best boxers to the United States iln until the war, caine as a surprise. It Mlarcha to meet Y'ale's ring squladl In was accomplished by a three to one view of the feeling now prevalent in wrote of the stewards.# England thait thle nat ions hopes; of The stewards r'atified a nuimber' of finding at real ring; caaumpion lie ini invitations to institutions outside of thme ranks of tlhe student or the nobil- the I. R. A. including University o1f it v the work of these, Oxford mitt. Wisconsin varsity in 192.3 and 1924; flinger; will be watched closely b;; California, Naval academy, Wisconsin American experts, and Princeton. British sportsmen have had Ihe feeling for sonie time that the ex'l U-a Memnbers of the Westerners' clb sive clubs could produce a heavy-; are asked to meet at 12 o'clock Sunt-" wight, for instance, worthy of con- dlay noon in Speddings' studio for the! sideration were he convinced that1 it annual club picture. was his duty to atfeit to restore _____________________________ lganad's nline in the ring. ( ' #' 'Oil tip a ils ul l e rs, im I of' knotskout vi('to r 's 111'VOUId ti o th1 o. 841 BROADWAY, NEW YORuK P textt itowil; at SCampus Boota.-y, ;304 S. State - Jaouary 26th and 27thl Oui style nicnio boots sent frec on reqiuestj PLUNGERS INOTICE Plungers are needed for tihe Varsity squad. Candidates are expected to report to Coach Mann at the Union fromz 12 un- til1 3 o'clock, and at the Y. M. C. A. pool after that time. k n FS,flfkNSta lflflXiw.. .Yflroflt~rb'S. S Hitn. e .6,ntSGt nn'RAinfl 'fl. , reInenory Sale Lasting for Three Dy AUDTUY r QMI=2 FF~ O-NE-HALF OFF ON SUITS and OVERCOAT'S 121.50 $21. 50 $25.00 $25.00 $27.50$27.50 a' 00$30.0-) I lixS- and ' CAPS 1.755 $ f& f$2.50t, .$1.75 $3. 0' LatheCoats and Flannel Shirts CIAlso sojicgcood patterns in SPress Sh-irts with Collars Attached or Bands HOSIERY NECK WEAR WolndSik89c 7cUp t $2.00 T wo for $1.75, i fior 59c to $1.39 ' GLOVES SHOES $3.50 to $6.00 $5.95 to $6.95 now Formerly $8 to $10 j $2.98 to $3.98 k Y r w ( 5 . ,a rThe COMb/ete Pr'oject 'I4 Oil Building NkP J rte; s F .New York City Y ~CAR~ttRE and IHASTINGS U Architects "T1he New Architecture" A DISTINCTLY new tendency is apparent in architectural Wl'n.-Ler ports require the proper W/Ie have the ideal outdoor clothing for sk"i- ing, coasting and skating-and at the v'er~r lowest prices. Skating breeches, leather jack-M ets (all kinds), blanket shirts, corduroy coats, skating shoes, heavy wool socks, mittens, gloves, sweaters, high-top and mnoccasi pack \shoes-in. all sizes, for both ladies and men. ISurni i i nI tore r5'