SATURTDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 THE MICI-JGAN DAILY 1 A' ~T-7777, _.__.__.. ....._.. ..r...,_.... ... PTTERSON LEAVES FOR IRELAND SOUN! A ssistanlt E~4'1IJ1of Enginieering Ieg'e Will Visit, III Liver- ili Cofi - WI3LL TOUR CONTINENT! Prof. G.eorge W. Patterson, a ss7ist- "ant deanl of thle er. ineeriing coll,',,, wh o was grantedl a leave of aec for the second 1sc mn ester by the 1>51 r of Regents will salH with nrs. Pazt- terson can- the Cunniardl liner Coronja for Cork, Ireland, 'Peb. -1.4. Dean P tcaron e'xpect s to spend a few day:; 'n thei vicinity of Cohrk, af swb ich they will go to L i vcpool , ng., whboee their sum., Roi)17. , x- 3)s a U n- i ted States (consn5under1110Consul-Gen- cral L. J., 6~2. FI oinLiAverpool)1 Dean Pat I rso1 and Mrs. Patt er caa will go to (1 reec e President And His ATew Secretary ' . fis.9i "" ' . :~ ~e' Ianlry fIni iaisld g ati e; n1 i Arr.(>151W ' . " {(115 I K'Ofe 51'- 11 h Y OIt 02 ''ti . i a' S i: p. 1:2 a, 54 ''i } 1 W ,if i((1 l The Campus Credo 1 gil(d Egypt where tlb y xviil '1w,)CfiI a few Wveel us]c insp(flg dbe 1)o ,er ow-,. lcfllonmenf s on lb 0- Nile riveri, and ,) , isi bly visiting Jeruisalem and Con- ^ tantinople. Thle- vill return to Eng - land in thle Fsxing" by way of Italy andl France. Dea Ptler" Cso ld1(1that tentative plans weove being ma de to spend the fi rst IEalt of the sun; iiru in Norwaly. Prof. Jhetxoo ReI. Running;, of tide 1f iat' Win 7at iCS d(l"Op;;nt nt1, ihas i 'appoinlted by lDe ma (IOofiPV ,to Inl:o (lliarge of 1t71e0(lilt iC:soffthe la'sit alf dean until 1Professor l'tltc ;on , Stulrns in September. qiay; ,:,B oll: Do you alpprove ol, the acthin of tI1e Interfra ternity r council in g iving he older fratecrnities 11a01re Votes1, 0ord{lo you think that all .110111( be equal? Wbere :aske+d : On the camplus. ! --"1 111111k all frater niti es Should got: din c0trial ole. A llltorllit y is si1iply; a frater'nity, Uand I hel, inte (rests 1a1e eqpual, regarydless> of their nuniber of j 011 Onthe Icampus. Tbhe ]menfare cnly are i'iuryears, so that ielu- hoI 1'o :OCc t iz;.P~ii 1 ne;:a ie:no in ore exle ,('i otd t Ii.:i lla Kc (f y0,I uge r c1ider fratern iies('shouldhWTbare110o0' 11101-ilo!' din tilction which I fthlli r.;lily w1og;.-; to t '' l. since rheoa , or class svste-1 is thec very basis on which fra ternlities are foulndedl. ' s sonn ;; young fra I 011111 t ies rift1l to0on ?1{1 a ge, they will he deserivinfl wm11e10voltes.' lrvilg Zhxl~zalls, 'G---ibelieve the vet es(of ;al lio11111(1he eq nal. Es- tabliah11nellt 0il('OfllipliS (10es1101 110''- essarily inca 11 t 1'at the older 'fater- 11102 iare 111011' (capabTle (of d(leli jg a trent (giic-t con.lAfter all, lb os qua _1, ,ie;which nmake for the. intoliligexit l3; ?lihug Of intcrl1'at era it y 1)1l~oI 5 adIC Present ill eciual quantity :1) the y'cu ges rganizaltion (i.'' All01 0. Wi] halils, '27.-- - J Ifra - ~e;oi h; lul ahhave hcrn oii the cam-1 ii 1 15years demervoe a (di(ti onlvotes,, nifr thleir' stand onl ml erh'rat'rnlily l~o- 3?'eT'i: slOiild tbe 111(110c ultllcritivO I 11211a ti jult t(f} 10 Ily-s Osd(rganTiz - i oils.'" the lowering; of ii gs aaIt :l'2 toiow;11 of kwhistle:;,thr'ough ill[Ilte 1Ullion fl I Soviet. Re publics Imashed thhi'io r of 620 p.inl. Tb y;; i ' ,ayear 5 a ftr 1 Grn d (ied. ;'y Enters Grand pert aAigier Compares AUOTITHPfNf Court System Of IL~.IUIL U.IS. With British TO BE USED IN SiW W. Aigler, of thle law school, in an;mgapy.innel' interview yesterday afternoon lament- ?pufi nto operation in the sli: ~ a ed the fact that the United states, Iallnolnccl yesterday by tl.1 aei which ordinarily considered itself'(,o tiei;B. b)e s0oiprogressive, has so tar failed ill Theaclay before the cut-aJveri this irespect. !'i heautomatic phonels cal ! b u w e r g , e c p j z - I i j o e b o i h al :eed, "' a m easure was passed by the C''an; ges w ill be distributed. :. b - : British pariament which01 provided for > i; der tile new system wvill all ad the absolute eliminationi of tile old feir disits and the letter sysU i' (listinction betwreen real and personal; be discotinuledi. Property to which the American courts Before the cI~migoe is miae hIA Ota i inter a'cd (ellut ; r I I d supetr. U 9 ma ir-hi;l, is tho father of an anti-cig-; the t 1.., was., oIely adding his critic- the cold weath. er e i s.'t a. o!t( bill rec'ently introdluced into the 15211 to I h t or ima:ny others whoi have ; anT hig yoi wl pD e.. . I elt ;'l:tre. .Kiaidlmuchland done little, lhe attrf- better thant t~nice riaa imtedll ts itiJaiiloI)largely to thle fact Ji >"xt',s:h. am 2.-l'110e, Oct*llthat any revolution of' the system C ho ofou (: I i 'ftiba el'tto oz' a $5t)00,i00 i)3tll-- wouid necessitate radical changes in rug as a,111011101 ail to " 1011105 A. Ed(i - the le fislati1v0 system which iln turn -.Iwieteivetrtl ie a Van's. letei1\Clt0' tl livs ha Wo el 15111 soa great dcdeal of effortJ 8{. I 1 )m ol)0d. a1( I l'so"" Ch. , X fl HAVE Y'OU ;J'JSCIII;) Y~JTE Don't delay-Pay your Subscription toda23y. '.k I . 1 UNIVESITY TO INSTALL SPECIAL X-RAY fHI1J miciliganr is one of tilie eight colleges and1( Ca nadla to install X-ray dill 'lcl Puq eqhiiliuents, according to an a ,rt i lie in the Janiuary issue of thle Michig an3 Techniic. Tbhe a ppar1atu s is to lie fur - nished by the General I-',etiic (w'e, parry. Tfhese e(hliplnents, accor'dinlg to11 -Technic, wuill make it possible' to pho- tograph 15 X-ray patternis at on:', and( general researches can lie con-. ducLCed in the fields of physical chemis- try and ulnetao lu,.rgy. It was atl" tie e :searceh laboratories of the )Cenferal, 11ilectric c'ompany thlat this inetllod oh'i studying cr'ystal structure was de-' X'0l(Ihd.4 PHRVDE 3OY C RIJER OUNION BLRO Union rail ev :'~o i i" ~la:s 5 J-I"Op .breakfast, lni , 1..i: Ci C'' tt ''ti ' .'t e l b x w'w .oIelie 'lii I7 15(111 2 ci :, Ith a e -.ii il C'VaO 1 O,,,2 .2' 'lc i j f t. olv , ,i se a h n (~ru~,1a~7 I;f11:01 \ il seve illt 'l I ilt i" oraS(h711s ^l. 1 t>1 i, . CilMI .e[llnWtf nll 5 i'"l lea!11I1ed .: oj i ~ai' :)t e;fit1; 7'(; .21t' %Vt ,1 1 t'. s e . j I 1t.7-: a(i' st will irolI' 1)1y an lie te i'dati listric~t. 11e being - h- orty- . (bll)in;1i~ Y i p~.S " i' ' '~s' ek . ; a~~yda. a . : F~M? . z; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r -Adak AS F _, I : P. A T b~ LYima 4- T T 1 . . ., -. .y fi r., .. . . ::..: .... ,. . .. , .efl F '.mn5nrxrnw:m4.cec .. x x.. s +.. *....:., --ram-:mens v.:. nr. az+vssaars..s «x ... . +ra*-..-eeaxr. ti I'l -1 E- 4 3 T' ,,P g S i'S S11 -.s1 1 11' '' ; ; .* i must appiness be Earned" )i mi Fi I'