PkfE EIGHT TI-Il MICHIGAN DAILY FRI PAY, JANUARY 28, 1923 I 77-7-- DAIL FFCA BULLETIN' Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy receied. by the Assistant to th* P-,exident until 3: 301 P. n. (11:-.30 a. mn. Siaturdav4 Volume 6 FRIDAY, JANUARY 239 192; Number x"90 University Lecture: Professor Wilder I).- Bancroft, of Cornell University, will speak in the Chemistry Amphitheatre on Monday, January 26, at b P. Md. The subject of this lecture, given under the joint auspices of the UnI'- yersity and- the U. of M. Section of thme American Chemical Society, will be F. uE. Rlius. To All Students:. Students intending to change their rooms at the end. of the present semnester are hereby reminded of the fact that they are to inform their land- ladies of such intention at least two weeks prior to the end of the first semester. It is advised that, notice of such. intention to move be made in writing and dated, each party keeping a copy. J. A. Bumrsicy, lDe-,in of Students. 1tegstraton-Uof~eg of Literature,, Sciencee, and thme Arts: Rtegistration will take place during ,the second week of eainiations from '9-12 acid 2-5,February 2 to .February 6,'inclusive, also on Saturday morning February. 7, from 9-12. No one, who has registered the first semester will be allowed to ,hand in elections on Monday, February 9. That day is for new students only. Each student must present his own election. ... egiwtra.ti on Rooms All Freabhibu fl--tooln 125 36amsB. Angell Hall. All Sophoinor ,s-o1t 3:035 Jaimes 1. Angell. Hall. Juniors and Stelo~s,-Registrar'5 QM, ce, 'University Hall. Lillian A. Hughes, Assistanmt Registrar. uled for 2 andI:1 o'clock on Alon (1y, Wed ne sday:,.a ml Friday will be chang< d to the hours of 10 anid it on the same days. Clifford Woody. r la se be ilmm you r pl1aces at 7:320 sharp tonlht . A large r'c1owd1 is s- Pi iI(Bta Ka ppa : An implortant '.uetiiig of the 1Facullty M1embers of Phi I;ef I Ka)ppa will bh lcdin lRoom1u20)5 Ma so; 1 Iall il lFridg y, Januaury 23rd,. at 4::1 * o'cl oc {{4. 11. Hiodges, Secret zry. I Sc.?aba and 1.Mde F'riil rm'n Ii All associa;te, as Nwell a.:;' ctivt e 5' 1b12'5of the to-l0Idl1a1)teiof .,cat) - bard and M ad e. will ileet at. Spcddin g's studio, at 5:1I0 P. Al. on Friday, to take the gr'oupl pictumre for t he 'EnsianiThe dress wvill he as foillows : full regulation uniform including Same Brown bells or Cadet uniforms, black fore-in-h and andi Sam Prow in belts ift possible. Hilton 31. Maddin. Xtezubpers (of lMasquf : The pi cture lfor thle 'I'busia a xwill be Itaken at. Spedd iiig's studioSatu clay noon at 12:00) o'clock. 11jac se be there promptly. Nellie Rit~tenmhouse Presi(I elt. A. S. _11. E. embers : 'Ensian picture will be' taken at l)ey's studio Smirday, January 25, at 11:15 ,o'clockl. Everyone b~e there. Frankliiin L. Ei eret t, Secretary. (joumetly (Flubi: Th~ie tryouts for "'Outward hound." the annual play, will be held this afternoon from ., to 6i o'clock in Newberry Hall . Members are urgedl to be there as soon as possible as Mr. Stephenson and IMr. Quirk will 'be forced to leave promptly at 6. All those ha ving copies of the play are requested to bring thenm. All imunliers leaseibe present. Joln Ilassberger, Pres. I :sOt5:(}(}-1. 1Iiljitnof It oelt1prints VT-'N0ICES and De Fries etchings in A\lumni1I 'i'reaiirers of organiations-- Every! Alcumorial hall.I organization app~earing in the 1925[ Michiganensian must have paid for :113Mr.Sprnge speks n 'lecmif its space and have its picture taken 'I (Icicies in C. P. A. legislajtion lbefore Fel). 1, 1925. There will be l in room 207. Ta s)pan lihall. no extension of time.t 4 U U E E II ,, E U E E * * * * H * * f i s" >i' 9 ipf o i me i';"'mmry i ;. n go Tlw Ilndefr will be( reald 1until Feb., 10. (, i 4r t ~0 very descrii,- tioll airc accelita Ide. Don't delay- Pay your Subscription today. i _ _ - i U. kU1 iU U ® ® w a a o ® a O w s m om U BLUE BOKS All Sizes and linds n FOL NTAIIN PETNS : I.All the Leaders U A UNVESTY .IJX S BOOK STORE* UE aU E ®U HEM EU A® ®®UEU. E Graduate St iudent;. Gradluate etnd~nto should make their second semester elections in thy, office of .the Gradtmate &4,0 , Room114 Literary Building, onl February 4, 56,or 7. Nexv stimdets m studlents transferring frm other Schools or Colleges should NegIter'Ou. the same dates . A student trafrring at this time should Ask'the Scretary of his School or College to prepare and send to the Graduate SohOli -office an otlcia transcript of his undergraduate record. tut1 A. Rouse, Recorder Grad'ute Ntude utS: kraduate students whto expect to receive the Master's (degree at the end of the present peneter: m..t. pay the diplopia. fee by February 14. Blanks for thtis purpose shold be secured at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Literar'y Building. Ruthti A. Rouse, Recorder. A111Fraternities,.,sororties, ad House Clubs: The Atterdlion of 000p ,orgahizatons is called to the followingr action rticently, talon by the 'Senate Comnittee of Student Affairs. Frit,:That all probloums arising in connection with the social life of the; Irate =nitie's and sororities- bhe tabed at t is time, awaiting the pending ac- tion of the Inter-fraternity Council, 'and of the Pen-Hellenic Council re- spaectively, with- the mkndemgstandilg that the action of these bodies wil iT cosiered later' by tle '$anAte Comitee on Student Affairs. second. That this Comittee take all means to let it be known that it regnssts-, I. 1Every group !contemnplating becoming at house clubi, or local fraternity, or sorority; ii. P1^avery house ;club local fraternity, or sorority, conteniplat'.ng afilhiatioW zt!ith a natoal fraternity or sorority; C. iBery estalished- house club, local fraternity, local sorority. or. chapter. of, a national fraternity or sororik-, planning a change of houing, whether tis involves rentinmg, buying, build- ing, or re-uiling, to 'subimit 'its plans' withs its .budget for meeting the same, and, in case o. building or re-niodeling,. its building plans, to the Senate Cotwittee on Student Affairs before assuping any new financial responsibilities or before taking 4i" steps in:connectionrwith a change of housing, in order that this 6Commtte nmay lave an opportunity to offer specific suggestions and pevic ini adivaice of .any action by the fraternity or its alumni, or friends, in co- neetion with any of these matters. J. A. Bursey, lheami of St iudents. Courses in the amne Sesion := The Abridged Anouceen for the Summer Session of 125 will be ready for ,distribiution'.in the reglstratlon Qffices of the various school; anl evleges entd At the delvery desk of' the University library tomorrow morn- ing.,$Saturday January ,24." The Announcement will contain a list of the courses to be given ne.t 'summer. Students planning to attend the Summer Session, are advised to eonsi1tt this Announcement before filing their elec- tions .forthe second semester. 1S. H. Kraus. Alumnase Cunc l Neting: Md-winter meting of the Alumnae Council will be called at 10:;( Saturday at the ~Michigaimi Union. Miss Jean Hamilton, Chairman of the National Canmpagp. Conmittee for the University of Michigan League, wil report. Miss Gliso Murtland will speak on vocational training for women and Mrs. Alifen S. Whitney on the Merrill-Palmer School of Motherhood. (C'uncilor"s andi officers will have luncheon at the Union and the nie wug will continue In-the afterno. All local alumnae who are interested art invited to attend the meetin. flrs. ire r I. Smth(Iairnim. Aliimuiiumv 'llmci. Ann Artier Art Aosolatfloe: The exhibition o bloqck.prints, and the loan collection of etchings from IleFricsr Art Store, *ill begin .Friday, January 23rd. It will be opened from 1:30. to 5:041 P. M. on .week dlays, and 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. on Sunday. Entrance is free to students'of the University and pupils of the schools. Ii. P. Lombard, President. Lecture on Accountancy: Mr. D. W. Sf ring'e, Secretary of the Michigan State Board of Account- ancy,,.will speak to'accounting students January 24, at 8 A. At., Room 207 Tappan Hall. ills,subjet will be 'Recent Tendencies in C. P. A. Legisla- tion." 1. E. Hoss. Ifaculty Wonien's ('Ilub: The N1ursery Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at tho C'lubh .ouse at 3:30 P. I. Friday, January 23rd. Dr. Curtis, head of the Scienc'e Deipartnleft of the University High School will speak on "Some Beginnings in Science for Young Children." All mothers enrolled in the Ann Arbor Branch of the Merrill-Palmer School are invited. - MnA~ybele iH. Whitney, hmairu;.mm " lrslmnzaim Fresters: All first-year forestr'y students are required to elect Forestry 2. It i not necessary to apply for extra hours in order to add this course to your elections for the second semester. L. J. Youngm. I'sychoalogy 31: 'There will be a make up,examination in Psychology 31 in Room 1.62 Natural Science Building at 4:00 P. 'M'. Friday, January 23, for those who missed the last test. Hfoward It. IMayerry. IL1. 0.T. C: Al. S.° . Ammunition: Drawing of sectionalized primer may be oh. tained from mny office any time after noon today. C (osmopolitan ('lath: C'osmiopolit an Club ict ure f'or the Michiganiensian is to be taken Sat'ir- day, January 24, at 1:00 1'. lNI. in the Speddling Studio, 619 East Liberty IStreet. A full international repr'esentation is desired. P'rofessor and Mfrs. A. W. Smith are entertaining the Club at tea Sundaey afternoon, January 25, fromi 4 to 6, in their htome at 1008 Oakland Avenue. IAn informal program has been arranged. Renisis ihikert, 1'resient. !l1'oloniia. Lifenary Cicle: lzeguluirmecti a of the I ei oiii ea u.x' t.'irucle w ill be held I on~ght, P~riday, January 2, at 7: 3) P. M1. in Lane Hllh. All nienibers are requested to attenid.. J. 11'. kilmek, Secretary. ('ertle Framnco is: Members of tihe ('crc Ic xwho rarie in the ('arch' ipicturie lpleadse call at the office-, Boom1 104 South Wing and identify yourself in the proof I lit you il find there. Charles 13. (a niag', Pre's. Action of Atlmhdslrat lie Boar'd:~ E The A dministrative Bloarid of the College of lit era) tire, Science andl the Arts lias smrpentcd Mr. Burdell Rosboroutgli and M\lr. ;Myron Win egarden for the rest of the present semester. for lisbonesty in fte work of Rheto4ric 131. They submnitt ed, as original, wvork that had been copied, in one case from a book and in the other from a magazine. '11',iR. Hummphreys, Assistant Deuan. - - - '-- ' meeit)s in room 108, Mason hallI. -' , l /i =f, r' f' y / ftf-. - ' _ t' 4 , // * . f I f / i -s ,: r : ; . , s / % .,., r. _ - r ' r i ' 't, ,. .. t Y r J, a {, j .e., , r / l ' .- t r i y i , ,, -- 1 r , ; . .,. ~ r 1 . -. -. _ . IN l X ~ 1 i /. W i n . ; " 1 A k ". 'ti WHAT'S GO ING ON Noticcz" .,, ' avjpez i n this col,n .' ml.t' a~ P~ n th115' h (. I 7vi')1y 'fu.,' pI ).fc (1)tCCaf' I mrp ose he~7; 1(ffot 1' 6 It:1 __: 8Ina~1't Sigmmmmu I a kes 31 k'i" 'n a'".l acldin 's'. I ::{)- :lp-8 - 1E!I1;t i ;)1) of ' f, l):O i lu'm a; ;afld l e 1,ri ,eL c :h in gs illAlumni Memorial hail.r 3:09,6 :004?_-_--'l ryon 1.4 for' "mit uard Boun(Id,''held inl N ewIerr"J hallI. x:.3 :3- 1i.Cur'imms speaks oHI "Some lie.; g nnings in Science for Youngl Children'" in club houieot Faculty WnlnslbE :110 '- -Litt'ru~aa m' mi Itheia~it ii'ssim ff 1:1;- F~a'uly nellibers of 1Iil Belan F Kapp~a ine et in r'tom 205, Masoan ball 5 :)4--I'DIelta Epsilon takes 'Emslanm Picture at D~ey's. 5: lt)-- Seal r, and mi!Blade fraternity takes 'IEnsian picture at Spetltings'. A 'I, /, , y~ 7:30---Polmmia Liter'ary clumb L~ane ihall. ,S zlfX3---I~r. lFosdick l~ ectures deed of Modern Church sh~i p" in Hill auditorium. rrreets 1mm on11 "Thme Leader- t 1 V A AAfi SA'TI'Ut)A Y 19:0:-? _in itmai councail imeets iiitithe Union. 1 :l11?- - 1 c inbers of Masqames lake 'Ensiain piturie at Speddings'. {:1-- 'on ;regat iionaI Outiing' elumil meets at church. I :30--Cosin opolitam cilbtakes 'Emisimani p~icltuire at. Speddings'. 'I D \ I mo cdm oil vnsi igfco n h Atocient s oumuns st aeigator dispotal I. {{r \ 4 It 'A r , + t 1 ' A There are many seasons of smartness and comfort in these Hart Schaffner and Marx and other overcoats now reduced 1-3 and 1-2!, The greatest clearance sale Ann Arbor has ever known R]EULE-CONLIN" Nainz at Washington a Tuxedo-for formal occasions at least. We have at present a supply of Tuxedos in the latest styles at the remarkably iow' prices of $50 and $58 III .4 Wi1~ i Brill I 11 1I 11 11