I8AJANU ARY 28 192 TH" 1lE T/ MCITGAN DAILY r1'A SE~VEN b _ w COUMOLUMNt ATL3PMSOSE ADVERT IING ri: M. ___ _______ RpIV'-,Ylaces Slemp . ' FOR RENT FOR SAlLE 1001tllll, t 1T I rooks Brolli r, noflO ux- I OE1-wVhit e cl over, the lest of1lilyv edo, SIze "is, With vest1, veIY<(:1100])I h< is 0 cents a fl l. Do] iv Cee(1 in C ll Biumner 2801-N. 914 State. FOR RENT For sieod semest r. Comfortable roomi single or double. 0841 1+1. Jefferson. 2571-'W FOR REINrl' Sriril1 room 1f1' two vi. sleeping porcha. Call at Iliolt iflO 0. ev ening s. 2952-M. 12 Mak fod. FOR RENT Two suites for 4 pot-gra- uai e girls. Steam iheat wi tl)pivae -lavatory in iehitie. iV. Shlnei(- (er. 815 ast Huron. F1"OtRIRENT Roomrs for rent. One si] gl. 2 (double twin beds. Wa rm; ses-. ond floor. IJortlit(J1y .privele: 'y(S. 11): Green wood. APARTMENT Furnished1, kitcen, comnifed i vifl grooifl and(bdroom. 215 N. State. Phone 145-W.l FOR RE NT At. 381] Thoipon t . A large suite. Steam eat. Plenty o hot water. ILO)OM J'ForI (mmtwou. $2 porI.v ',a ach. 21[5 N State. (hone 1 .-V. FOR RI;,NT A iigle room), Also wanted(1:I mrrna-to11010i ic(110 lage se.111"2 eddes Ave. (Phone 28! G- J. POt R IENT (raduaateStudent. o lis- (581s Woman. Single room 1 1block; from iCampus. (Phone 15>. Ito lr TI 't' xv('.ey. block 0of('Otil. [2:.:) (iof Nv4 ;- tenawx. Phonem, Al 2, V'ln Axve.I FOR REl'NT 'Two niecey I'liti;hod; suii es. ( )(: ipalt.;i ng u th011i. ;;gi- li o ;ie ts r h n ssp o ple.. 1.15 NothiiTayer. F R I l) N t m l i w o o o olVe r y r e a so nia b le . 5 2 0 ) (h o oe n e r Cl i' n i Pho< ne 1.7554.. FOR RlENTI Single or 'suite ot 10(110s veIry(asona be. Fll i t'l TSmoai It imm lerooma I'i -I Vrkiu fatnity. No olthe'roomfes. 810 Laure nce S. P hone 21874-:._ TO RENT Sinle(1room f10]'woman. '1'wo( blocks from C(ampus. St eanihea. .l ci j;111 -J.1 FOR RENT Two large fron t rooms. Also one suite. St e 11i he At, lprivat( l avatory. Cl ot ail cold waer. Bea.- ii l home ear (Canims. P rices i reasona~le. 187 '1hoiilmps.! FOR, RNT P'or girls-Very attractiveI; fuirnmishied room. Newly decorated, new (draperies and rug, new Sim- mIonsi bed, single. Telephone 1421-. 1028 Church St. NOTIC E 1111SIN1ESS WANTS YOU -But youf lhokkeeuoing. Classes start. Fecbrary 9. I A1I 11'10N Bl'SlN SS tCt~tIl EI:F Stale and WHIlI'm St.I BEAUTY TIIOPPES Permanent Waving may he ,i~ ~ ol Al ;~ar fm e newebi'ltlig. i't'' ta-eraof the American emba1 ; qy }tavv Fubmen situnateOd inIa hotel sin('e the camrt iciutake in Seutelnber, 112:1, oin (t et' ntirely 2inEdeqtuate, the state '5 ';i 2n! 'm npin'ed t he H omse for- em1i af' Na'scoum ndniee. Thme offices of' "."IDamid Ilooni In private famiily1 I 220 Uni. Ph'lone 2878-. LOSTi' ty Womnen's club a unit of thle Aler- _e __e__ill-Palmner school of Detroit will 1)0e i,(}, >T Ian' ;grey neck scarf in TAaj. etbihe nAnfr~ TuSday evening. RewardI. Call 2488. jetbihdIninAbr - ; To provide quarters Tor the school, LOT oth Bend watch. Decetuber! the Building anti]CGrounds depa rtnment 1 8 b>et wet (:am no s aril Whit ney!v, i .; , Indiania who has 1)OC'n appoin tedl ta I;e tlleoma ce of C. lfla:seonl 51cm] <. Ici etary to the President. I I''heuter. - ; sR '1Y 1 WITE[IRS i P 20 Y P'AiS of mlechanical experl- 0ciwc ieatsit anyt tig to you, call 010 at, :81i0-!'A for typewriter repair- img (il .t0l nlixecl machilnes. A.(C. SIISON °08 ISouith Sta.lte Second Floo'r (snly Typewrviter 'Store on State St'. N OTI CE ,\:()'1' I' Or, specializing in Freiich f111115. (Call 2627-M. evenings. .1-1I101' FAVORS i4fontiay will begin work on the house at 226 Soulth Inmais street where time schicol will be locat edl. The enti ic secm-,dI floor of theIto inldsing, wle"o also0 serves as 1100((11)8 te i-s for O w F lacul ty Women's ('1 111). wllI be given over to thme schl]. itoll 5 e 011(r' ittionls xwill1 he Il) 00 1(to rovidO 1)play ani d work-room s i'or (:111i'en wis o vY ', te d t e so ('ilds-1)0cveen lte ;ages0o' Ithr'oe tmid five. will atten'md. VIss 1.ord o iI inmin,=;h 117, 11g. ), ow ailInt ul will". thle Aerrill-P al1mer school syst en) of D~etr'oit, AN-ill1 sl;der vise the s('Iiod) 'here., Give Out Captain Basketball Result (ItOSilitS (f. tilecaptamn jml)05e 1)1ll 100111121 ix' lt wich has b n in pro- (i'css ul 5mgtihepast weeks 4ar'e fil- ;toil,(ltsi f. ollow.:x Th'Ie Vl vei~i's N(e on ever'y gallI of(. -0sm] i(: of ii 7 rota1 :hte do] Is by a tota1 :-;ecl-oe of 1:12 to 71, tIme IKinky Dunks, (i(' 't C'ii tiee Spark I']tgs 81. to 72, iim .1 ,>C1't'S o01'. vamites, tlhe soil; tribe ;I 'cl i 021 11tgerS ttl of 7gamn- o-il of, 1'lo. Ters('Ot'0 w 'ls 128 to 10), the Snaaltlmoons xv on 4 Cif 5 gam~es played t it the victor1:; 8)1(1tihe Wiiz I1a11 s, w 8 of ime : gaines pla yed t iiil t iie('aon Mills. CONTI'NUING OUR HALF-YE LY SALE MEN'S Suvire ats ATe '%-,bo t Read the Want Ads~ Ij, 'rytl ung for your house pam'ty.I Ai t'l' Ni i'i Ail Arbor) m'W ysidle 1Ito,. St imden) s will find the 1mo0t1 ('0111 Wtit 1)10 hosteolri-vfor Visiting i rUT( AIL ON VANITIEHS I[ior fCo-eels :A (' II)ARTIS -' :'l' +i-. Ar'ale Opp. Sub-Station *.'SSIIlVjI'001iCI or dust cleaned. A ttin Ar'bor Carpeimt Cleaning Works,'- >'- :-m{ , iol , A(''ointilh;, (Comhmercial asM nbur.yrr ~ p/p .rr} rm' s rG r .. , D a' ."a~u'.d', '"id .r.r ~i°o.i a~/..i~t Ji ..u.'.oK," IA4 5 3: i .2x fhere is Ye:, avai ai~le a w de sel- echton of tlC f nC va~u-s thai have coats of CvCI-Y c OHCUV :L IQ cjothe's. Bo3th ilIen and young men will tall.e this;, opportune im to kuy and s:.%I'e-----spendIdlv. Odd Trousers. Rd ucd12 0% / M -I ~~~~ 'Ia k- FA 9li A i( ''r.. Ai Vt E Smien Is and o(t Items wante 3 (io (c 4 pa.t 1rties to Europe. Free h-I) (oi (--b. Optional. Write City' PostOlie Box 218. Rl ead the Want Ads FASlION PARK CLOTHIERS Nex t to Wt.erth Theater-Downtown . i . I,."_ O R A, fT ORL E .1fiI C A L 7 ,tt 2 4 {;'TA S S O CI A TI O N P R O ' .: I _ I ; 4 ..,u. a, f . .; : k kA '- '3 .' ' L lr r IAR RYIC40 OS II (Reformer, Publicist and Clergyman) __(season Ticket Sale will be held in Box Office this evening7"8 I IlONE ,8611 For Typewriter R~epair'ing (All gma;k es°) sundslr'17d .cud fa'rt.:11)1(2 Addingr Ann Arbor Ty pc writ 0!'E' y'lt1 e u., Read theWantAd 9K MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 619 I