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January 23, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-23-1925

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fri a



VO. XXXV. No. 90





Judiciary Coiiiiitee of Nine iMtntberrs
!Named by Interfraternity
After months of discussion, the new
constitution of the Intcrfratcrnity
council was adopted b~y that body at
its meeting yesterday afternoon at the
Union. Clauses relating to freshman
rushing were omitted, and will be con-
sidered ar, a, separate cll.estion later.
A better organization in the council
is the aim of the new constitution.
.It provides for a Judiciary committee,
composed of five studlents, two faculty
members, and two alumni, living in
Ann Arbor. The terms of, these, offi-
cers will overlap, so that a more perm-
anent organization will result.. This
,group will act as an executive comn-
minit tee.
A new voting arrangement Is also
embodied in the constitution, where-
by older fraternities, with larger
alumni bodies, will receive additional
votes in proportion to their age and
standing. Fraternities on the campus
from 1 to 5 years will have 1 vote,
those established from 66 to 14 years.
inclusive, will have 2 votes, and those
which have been here 15 years or
over will be alloted 3 votes. As soon
as a fraternity reaches 15 years of
ag;e, it will be included in this class.
A new method of electin g officersi
wlhichr it is hoped will eliminate a
great deal of "Poli tics," has also been
adropted. All fraternities have been
dividedl into 5 groups, of approximate-
ly 10 fraternities each, and the offices
will rotate between these groups. In
cirder that the present officers may
continue, Sigma Phi has been, placed
in Group 1, which shlould have the
jlresPirt Ohh; yvcas e nti the other
fraternitiesi whos;e membel~rs are holdl-
ing offico now have also been placed
ini the iproper group).
T1,.. great question remaining before
thb Tuterfraternity council is the sub-
ject of freshman rushing, and the adl-
visability of Prohibiting the rushing or
p~ledlging of freshmen for some definite
length of time after their arrival on
the campus. This will b.e brought up
for discussion at the next meeting.


Offer To 1Iead I -4-y sn nnr

' Senator Wants
"Curae For War",

nii i amain r .F nU i i ID

Luther Cabinet
IGiven Approval


WiscosinH""IRI IUUUM IJiI Put OnRecord tIILL YINS LASILYi fByReichcs tag'0U19A'IHLHIU
adon ioninJn12,-r; ashington. Jan 2.---The national I I A EV U r Berlin, Jan. 22.--(By A. P.).-Dr. j~ n n a n n
A.P t..--Roscoe P~ound1, (ean of the II E d Iioconference on the cause and cure or ijJIlLlfhlL Hans Luther's non-partisan cabinet O a asd"" l1sr' 1 il Hvihhs i 11 {OGER
warrrdLa choluwa eecedpl ia r 11le on the srk ce jVic bha enthe target of a heavy
siarden Lawe nisch ool Wscdo-in___"of the Senate todlay (luring one of its I- ' ra rrage in the reishtag during the past
l'iat an executive meeting of the J JIDIER. ON F'QREINiRELATjIONSj calmer moments, when Senator Rams- i ONLY THEE NEGAIVE BAI'LOTS .hre dcays was accorded probational COACH WILL TAKE UP NEW
board of regents late yesterday I E1'ItESlt PROI~dEN Is ONE dell, Democrat, Louisiana, sought to CAST ON MEASURE approval tonight by a vote of 246 toI DUTIES AT WISCOINSIN,
according to all unofficial re- OF R{EP'UDIATION have printed in the Congressional Re- (Wit' OF !,$ 16. A motion approving the new APRIL 1
port here today. Dean Pound Ord an address delivered at the open- go'rnmnents official 1progra ' sac
in i tREPLIES TO M .I n session of the meeting by Judge IN EFF CT NOWivly opposed by 160 socialists and W S ERE 3'EARS
beginning of the new school year ac- Florence Allen of the supreme court communists while 39 Democrats and
cording to the report, which said he "a Il(r s juttahl o of Ohio- -ifs isti deputies abstained from vt- otHgl 'ined eatn
Ijhad tentatively accepted. Board mei-iSasTeosNoJ blatnfr Senator Moses, Republican ew Trea~f~itened i Fghts On Bll 'aiied i Ys igl on.tnsDeatn
Attempts Made to Place C , S. As Hampshire objected to the inserti,n To Materialize; Wayne Voted With the exception of former cha-1Assat Mcia'
brrfuetovrfthreotwi-I"lxncting Creditor" of the speech In the IRecordi unless its With Upstatrs cellor Wirth and several other mem-LO"
eting it i was said until rpre Dean a Pound ac-
cp.Itwseorethtthe ques- , -- ' Ja. . ByA was passed upon by the printing out- jers of his party, the clericals voted
tiont~on ofn salary-hich A.said)o-rang mitee of which hle is eharm~an but Lansing, Jan. 22.-(By A. P.)-The for Dr. Luther. Coach George A. Little has acct-
l etween $12,000 and $15,000 is to bei The real lrollen with respect to thei suggested that he would withdraw his Evans weight tax bill, calling for a Although the present majority of 84J ed definitely the position of athletic
stldat a conference of Dean Pound Fec eti hto e dain I objections if the Loui siana senator levy of 55 cents on passenger cars votes assured the new cabinet a pali-1 director at the University of Wiscon-
setdcomteoftebad would take repnibiit for the d- ardit' schedule of from 65 to $125 o amentary basis o comfortable propor
anI a omte fte or.Cara orab of the foreign rela- filies5. trucks was passed by the house lae tons theo outcome of today's balloting sn itewl suehsnwdte
tions coiiniittee, declared today in the "'lThat ,4i an unprecendent stand," this afternoon. revealed the doubtful nature of its with the Badgers on April 1.
t ( amubridge, Mass., Dean Roscoe11mae declared Senator Ramsdell. 'Aside Of the 98 members 1pr esent only "standing in the relebstag in that it is "All Michigan men will regret to
Pound of the Hlarvard Law school, Seae.tom the fact that every senator had three negative ballots were cast. Re- entirely at the mery of the clerical see George Little leave us," stated
I hs lcinaslrsdn f theUn- rly i tntt e seech in thec.french ava len himself of this privilege 1 presentative William B. Campbll, of party. Fielding H. Yost, director of intrco-
versity of Wisconsin was announcedi chamb e fdl~it yesterday by Dep-I thought this lbody was comlposedl ofj Wayne, Richard L. W. McLain, of The clerical's spokesman in the lgitaheic lstnhtw ni-
in dispatches from Madison today,I uty Main, Senator iBorah said that I hivalrous men"' Branch, andi Lyman C. Gardner, of LI- course of the debate on the govern-lgaeaheislatngtwe n
admitted that he had received a tole- no one could read that debate or the '?here was applauie in one of thei vingston, voted so. The measure will ment platform left no doubt in the formed that negotiations had been.
grain from the board of regents of F~r'en~ch pre: ; without. concluding that galleries, and a warning was voiced be transmnitted to the senate tonight chancellor's mind that his cabinet will completed between Coach Little and
Wisconsin Informing him that atcon- "acquittal" of the debt is; not the debt 'y lai where it will remain for five days. for the time being be tolerated on the the University of Wisconsin. " loose
uttee was on its way to see him. "flhatr no part(of it is to be settled, Senator Ramsdell theu started toI Both the weight tax and the Atwood i basis of probation, eycpbeassatdrco n
"The announcementisasomewhatsistant__directorand
:Teau "DannPoundet ssidm"Iwaithat no part of it i to be paid."j read the srhech to get it into the Baxter two cent gasoline tax which Ifobl oc.Ltl a aehm
"rnaie enPudsi." il Of course, those great people can Record and Senator Moses withdrew was sent to the htou~se from te senateifootballflcslfhso useful has plaexvii-b
conn ttee have to say before marring o bigations in that way," lie added, explained that he heard the address wil be ready for final enactment when WCT null RU [wrer ad to oIsatrenight
any statement." ~I e oose to do so, the truth (delivered and agreed thoroughly with th11e lgisla~ure rconveenes net wokradtnotmdyorig,
-of history ought. to carry the actual its nreinises rltn to "a crfo Tue;d[: y nght.fNonfof theIhreaten could he be found thinking of any-
' facts in regarmd to thle debst and the war." ed fiots against the Evans measue FOB IJ lfOI IttI jI gram. u Michgnschigan's los is Wleic poi
1 H"conditions a nd ci rnistann'es sum-I -,ti aizdRepresentative FredR f Wisconsin's*
Ijt omigtestlmn"H H ySMing of Cheboygan, who has been ad- gain. Every Michigan man wishes
DO A , MC CO0MIR(RHRY E FB:IK cr:n ihrmammo rcsT eat omte huh n crflpann ofl
"]AT dontko hther qtiisuexaoflylvooiute a ower rate on passenger Buimlding Plans ust Re Sent j George success. It will take long
' measur betSougnhtAfearougthegap he dleaves."
EN9! top lbu in view vof tle fact t hat for 1l r hi n amendment Prof. J. F. A. Pyre, fut head of
r repitdtosoah aedetthetWiscosin a prs nonal teram to
_____five year,'s there has been no offer of :[ ~ jit tsneisitoutin h icni or ncnrlo
li a to mpaies da Htlm ;noopmen introft: rincviwaflA SPN Hi [9 In nyurtr hW5 ld~UDET REQUIRED ol edtocmnpndmk ie
I ~io~SntrEipl~asMrm sttlnei opynou flnn:plIThere was no visible signs of opposi-! i Yost said, "I hope that the change will
Obligationi tor Reject orannooyenofitrt iviwo--;infoanqutrheW nedir
Ratify Treay i frte ittatnoKetiprp- l)- ergyninu, Autor, Will Tell ' ed legation, passing its vote with one Fraternities, sororities, and house I tefinl eain ewe u
- Of Mioderu C('urchi xception with the upstaters to send clubs contemplating offiliation, rent- two universities on the feld and
DE AN S ISCUSSION rade, t hat ti not apparently now Leadersip"i this bill acrosswihaovr elng n, buying, building, or re-building Leverywhere."
D M N S intended, as the prr'ss op rance and -~- maoriv. The house aiproved l au-P oahKitl taedyetrdy,"
",ras he ssealhm' upnon heia Ifof thlose- mstsubmit their' lans to tio Senate CahLm ~tu Tseuy
tip Ap1 t T OF GUSGAT s stipuatingthat the proposed act osdrI ratdnrtIaebe
W1ashaington, Janl. :2.--(By A. 1- - 1 eoplo now indicate, 1 iassumie reDUATEoOFiGOeeCAnEstudetiiaufatisibef o s I de tagethnrt aebe
1 be given immediate effect,comteonsuntafibor I selected by the authoritie of the Vni-
Objecting to a unanimous consent l" %oheil proldc'mu before us.''n ato-i -en-hs uewa elce
any ctin i takn. hisrulewasverityof Wisconsin as director of in-
agremene tofixa tofomfix a dotnate for a vorote. on passed by tahyeE ercoirosmckclery- raunatn itsfl mBLLtassd h thecommltee t is met-hltecoics.te ahleicsoI nowtha
I addtress inl 1m e con rscof rwh Ib ieh theiranIILRUIIUR andg held'Wdnesday fternoonin tireWisconsin is one of the countr'
the' Isle of lines treaty, Senator Bom' l o'Is rur deo ut y :aid ift wold hbl in iqui ,athu' nd'EageliclChi-I O VUUHJTTI0fl I R igreatestdunidnersitietrnand hasthlwys.1 1
alh of the foreign relations conuiimt-ftous fur .h . .t~t ilrrst lr tia,"xIiiseka 'lc oih 5 office of Joseph A.lBursley, Dean of ig uioimrne h upcsSuet.sosrdafnwl one t
tee d eclared to d a y in th e, S en a to th a ", its $4,000 I f,00 ,110 d eb t fr nm i F I ra n g ,; i n co. o ic UgKi Wi c n i n s t I? a akD II I a ~ri ~ th x a O h O a o i c l a so i S tu d en ts. I[INHIE ! .h n w r li gf ec s - ro p o
qk io srrb t''ad us had just. Be- I'a -nlfl r . °e ": f hehavterca always on."Tme UI teipatgghhveal.ysst3d1ighhTBegTe
no jiustification for tihe efforts made Needh of Alodern C'hurch Leadership,"C- tpaii becoming a house club, or competition and the players invaria-
gu~eato 11c~ornick R ub~cn1!-to place, the I'niterd State'; in the l)po liar; been anounceed as the subject up-, Washington, Jan. 2.--rthe adminis- local fraternity, or 8sooroity; a house bly have been sportsmen of the high
ins, IconicRPublian,11- of ia "exactionng creId'itodir.wllletue.1 oosta p and 'club, local fraternity, or sorority, con- ~ hrce.Ntrly ev
at the templating affiniationewithraase-a-tMchg ce anw talllgoreefo
mot eade oko wehrtics of iim exacting erditor'. lie d- Tf ilb -,Fsiksscn debate today in the beate, to an at-r tional fraternity or sorority; and; my past three years under Mr. Yost
wtr ety contr u a'stovmertatei nred. ' )Oi he other hand, I under- ap~peaandce io Anm Arbor' since le tack fromi the Democratic side which a house club, local fraternity, local'cudnthv ee oepes. i
talco to say 01 .thle secttlemient with spoke at the Commencement exercises aimed at elimination of all of tie pro- orrt, or chapter of a national fr- addition to learning sme of the
Over the island would go over until .(r'caI. 8lriiaeis Itle most generous i 9~ortesbet lrvieCn posed rate advances. ternicy or sorority, planning a change greatest underlying principles of
irooriio nexttu sestion.ent -f-in- A vote on the elimination proposal of housing, whether this Involves rent- sportmanship ,fair play and Mr. Yost's
hat may b(~'" returned Senator ~intr I li etlmetofi- cince and Social Institutions." Di.! which is in tie form of a point of ing buying, building, or re-building. own deep seated ideals, I have made
"Borh, le adedwhat.w'ie in ih db; hit."efoud osdick was also ninong thos>e who order went over until tomorrow. I Organizations considering such mo- a friend whom I respect and love.
be tat dbat woude1ivcocluddnonrary___degrees,_ rceivceiovoin'g egres, eceiingadoqedsttwuldteavethebillintyeiaerreuertdhtrsubiteteirI FetheroreaItfel tat vehavtth
ai few days if the subject could 1)b rnenTrIm ;ffll h ere footroflw.B a substantially the same form as the! plans with budgets for meeting theseI friendship andl support of Michigan's
j kept steadily before tihe Senate, hr I theii I degreeII of o citton flas*y a pay increase measure pa ssed at the plans. In case of building or re-model- entire athletic staff and knowing this,
would not agree to a date for a vote. JLSECOND TECHNIC ISSdUEftiuectto was made of his I ast session amd vetoed by Presidentsig uligpasaerq~td h ilg oWsosnisie ogv
,1lull of modern thuistian t Cooldge.ocrpuposeof the new regulation Is to Wisconsin all I have.
cthe subject.' a udriYthuSt.~enator' Swanson, Democrat Vir- allow the committee an opportunity Little continued "I am proud to
' rging that the Senate waIude RE O SI T9091 Dr. Fosdick is a graduate of ('ol- ginia, raised the point of order against; to offer specific suggestions and ad- have been associated with such a fine 1 .mrlolgto ortf rrjc' aeuiest aigrcie i .tescino h ilpooigrt iei dac fayato b h tdn oyfrtreyas h
the treaty. Senator McCormick said The Nfl~igani Technic-, tieofficial . degree Iin 1900. Since 1915 liemhas 'Increases on the ground that allrv-Ifvicernintadvancetofaluny ionjbynth estu ent h efor Theyas.h Te
h beefraternor ty ractinl thevesy aue sonslatiiishgun orrgiathan
lerealized proponents wore facing oranof t 1 o rooe's of Fngineering be rfso fpmatcPtelgr e eiltoisiol rgnt noblm risngalum ntiniit menth aeleals'somehngThe shwe
the most capabie antagonist in the I ,md Amchitect ire, goes on sale today.' in the Union Tielogcal seminary! the house under tie terms of thefiwetratssbthrspt-
Senate in Senator Borah. The se~vr design is by K. J. felser, where Iemreceive] his B.D. degree in constitution. Senator Jones, Republi- thoil ieo tefaeriis an arwahratssb hi pr
(lie 194 Aog lt honorar'y degrees cn Washington, whowa presiding, sororities were tabled at this meeting, ma', tIlnisado te c
1and deplits Me etmance to the 1904.iAmng canendnwastin o the i casions on which a Michigan team has
Nel'eb i karSltr Capitol. Lesli Van wh-ich have been conferred rpen him ruled that the Senate would have to j atn edn ato ften-lst. Their spirit of loyalty and
! . D~~~~loveim6, iIvs n acietrl;are 1). DClgt. ielit,114 eide their tand a close vote i elncccl tis ude stodpfortsmanhp in the main is of such
COM ITTE NNOUNCES e '21A, givf tes cC.R traNov, , olgatniesit 1 i.9 19 14nI pece b ointiepublian, erenrnitconciltisandesof h al odcesintm'uiesiywrl'
i U'pin i ~ecaio.C I ta nievrky192ixYaesitve 19 ,1921i ena eteorbyMotsies . I ~iarNe;however, that the action of thee bod- character that it ranks them as top
ndbrgofStoe ndlebterco n ivemsitery 1920,, YaleerUniveorlity,
ataiianrnn RHP piyhas contm'Hlited an article on and the 1. 1. 1. which le received alti1 Hampshire, in charge of the measure is will e considered later by the C feel indeed graeful for the fine co-
'1 ow-H ead i ylnroelce'tnic l. )ev~lop-;Michigan in 19'23, intimated tonight that if the point is committee. I operation I have received fron the
imert s" . F. J1enkins is the writer of; Attention is cal led to tihe puchtas- sustained he will make no objection men of this campus in connection with
Booths to be used by org8anizaitions arla exposition oi the "Tr'ansnmission ing (of single ticket fom'ths lecture to have the bill replaced by other leg-Chjnes' 1P uzzle our endeavors for our athletioc pro-
arth .-1o wi anonedlatIlr ,i, , , l, by ,,~ a i !which may be obta~iinedlby applying slion on tie calendar. i A V- gram."

When time new bus line supplants
the local .street cars Sunday, Febru-
,jry 1, a new set of farecs will likewise
repitace the old "jitney" rate. The in-
itial fare foir a ridhe on one of the bus-
:;es will be, ten cents.
Prospective passengei'5 of 'the bus
ine may either pay the regular' fare,
purchrP-s , a strip of thr'ee tickets for
25 cents, buy books equivalent to 50
rides, or' lastly, acquire a weekly pass
for $1.25. The weekly pass5 systeni isI
a coinpamratively new idea in the field
of city transpiortation.
rmansfer~s will be issuedi, but wvil
not be necessar'y in the c,: e of the
weekfly pass.
Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 22.-Thme bill
placing a tax of 10 percent in sales of
manufactured tobacco passed the
HI3ouse of Representatives yesterday by
a vote of 66 to 26.
Big Rapids, Mich., Jan. 22. - Al-
though no snow has fallen in the last
24' hours, the highwvays out of Big
Rapids are nearly all blocked by dmrifts
OurWeahe r ,Mar


fright by Chlarles (Irubo, '6,chairman Prof. t1. W. Ilostoni, director of the co
of te both ommitee.Eac orgmi-engine(rinmg :;ops, has contributed clc tonight. The admissioni price is I~tfhh3~~ff
dme ti tl" fimst of' a series of articles in the 1 $. PRE IER 'LININ Gl'Ii Only Fiaondew Correct1hetneit ----
iztinresecarch sction entitled "Research in I
booth was paid for, and tihe res;ult of ;the Art of C'utting Metals." II f hinih nar fA~C IL IlIIAIT Answers in Chimes cross-word puz-
tihe drawings follow: f A considerable portion of the nma- 11 IhBIP!1ilH"I iISIS OF VI UUNIIIIIL!,I zle contest are coming in slowly, the
3 + +UIIIEIIUL ___ editors announce, while but few cor- 1
Booth 1. Alpha Sigma FPhi; 2,L.iDelta a zine is devotedL to items of interest
Sigma Phi; 3, lDelta Taum Delta; 4, ; to ?Michigamn enineers, Prof rLa- ~I slton r nlue mn
1Theta Chi;, Phil Kappa Alpha; 6, Al-'Bdg haF 't0 oHtewokofteOEN onoEa. 2-119A .)Pe-teta
i pa hiRh; ,.slOmga 8 Aph filoeat Transfera Comimittee wof tie Na- I1 - had, ecrtary forIndia,brke beadG contest closes this afternoon and so-!
Kap:aba;9 et Ci;1,1I tional Researcih Council. Alummni news ;prof. Walter B. Pilsbury head of; today with the native newspapermen ltosms etre nt h
_Kappa; 11, Gamma Sigma; 12. Inde- containls a biograph]y of Prof. B. F. h syhlgybe of London in Fleet street and a ft er f rChmes office or to Pratt and Dunn,
l~edens;13,Acaia 14 I~taThea~Bailey, of tie electrical engineering ,granted a leave of absence by the both had sung the glories of the Brit-'Saesre ltir oetm o
Pi; 15, Sigma Delta Kappa; 1.6, P hi ;d epam.rrt.itBado eet o h eane ish crest and the nobility of it re-I day.I
Gamma Delta; 17, Delta Theta Phi;Bo of Rentfr the preseninder porters, Lord Birkenhead proceeded' Two prizes of $10 each have been!I
18, Sigma Alpha Mu; 19, Phi Alpha, fteIrsn school yea. lFollowing,
Delta 20, igma hi. panis Decre, th advce ofhis pysican Prfesso to cmlenosomehatdcutioslyeoferedtorth wineryoe Cby mhime
Dela;20 Sitra hi.Sp nih D cr eupon the ways of American jotrnal-I and one by the clothing copn.Al
21,ga;FletchrSimaHall p2,pa 4Hr- Tersat someiry reqest evcation. nuln rSome of the stories printed about contributors of correct solutions aie
Oea2,PiSim Kap;2,er Dated 16 2,Giveu n will not. remain in Ann _ Arbor b t adisinr his daughter, and hi-1 eligible and a drawing will be held
miae 5,LwCub 6 h DlaIwilmet tsm esr lctdb i self, while they toured the U. S. InI by Pratt and Dunn to determine the]
Clhi; 27, Phi Kappa Taun; 28, (larumna 'ib ar 1phsiia.1923 evidently had impressed his lord-!wimner. The victor will be announced;I
i Eta Gamma; 21, Phi Delta Epsilon; i 1 fsrPllbr a eni ship. in Sunday's Daily.
30} and 31, all the medical fraternities; Jaimes Siea'i, '03h7, of ay C'ity, failing condition in' sonic tine. Ie- IAo h!jw-raes"i h
K m S g a 3 h p i o e - h s p e e t d t h il a ~ l -Icause of his w eakened lp hysical con- 7 ii puz l ; e abre in le s everalh
3, Kappa hi;3DPElta.De-h reetdtoteWila . l-yAsk F l eal
ta, nent's L ih'ary a valuable Spanish ! dition due primaily to ve-work i .!"U ,atcee o a ne ta in aryde havr a -
35 et h;3,Idpnet;3,jmanuscript containing a decreeC ofi he has been absent from hiis classes 7r-. 1c'tuemayothcnesnsfilg
K5 et h;3,Idpnet;2,1ing Phiilip tie 4th. The manuscriptj in psychology at various intervals ForJ, .JIIop List u&mayo3tecotsansfaln
Phi Mu Alpha; .38, Alpha Sigma; 39, dt t) r o ntu'st!during the present semester,___ on the definitions for pispiring pup-
Thetaci;u40,Indepndent;41,s i )l( h.n detil the___man-____Many fraternities and organizations jpes." a "very hot parent," a "neces-
pendent; 42, Alpha Cli Sigma; 43, In- 1)auei eciesi ealtemn sary house party evil." "what spoils
mnr in which Phinip planned to pa Inlander Ap peai : having house parties and booths ver ac
depndnt;44 DltaTa Usiln;45;, orth exeni arsInwhch panS the week-end of the J-Hop have al- a oeds weak end," a type of type,"
Alh dependen ; 4 6,ta a Nuio; 4 , frteepmiiewr nwrcmSa ed en nterlsto ussfran "article that catches on a Union
Alhhhahid6 imaN;4,1 been engaged for several years. 1 On C m u o a ed eti hi ito get o
Delta Sigma Delta; 48, Lambda Chii His chief methodofp metwsteJHpeta fTh Miign i, oeofhewlvtound
ApafrithmoehecouldI procure by, aiy Some of these lack the names Dal: "the city where business is picking
Booths 1-34 inclusive are in Water- ocdlas h aucitsae The January Inlandem, out yester- of chaperones, addresses of guests,l up," " Michigan's Military joke (abv.)
man gymnasium; the remainder areI "that tie King plans to sequester the dlay afternoon, will be oni sale on the and the number of the booth. r and many others of a like nature.
in Barbour gym. Booth No. 1 is Cat property of Portuguese and French campus amd at the State street book- In order to assure the names o Copies of the January Chimes will
the entrance between the two build- ! merchants and that while he will I s~ores again today. The su -'guests being in The Daily, it is neces- be on sale at the Press building and

vA stack of telegrams of congratula
tions lay on L~ittle's desk, among them
one from Marty Below which stated,
"Best wishes all are backing you" and
one from T. E. Jones who recently re-
signed from the director's post at
cWisconsin which stated "Accept my,'
heartiest congratulations on your ap-
pointment with best wishes for a long
successful, and happy career here."
C ity Uses Water
From Huron River
Wateir is still being pumped from
the Huron river into the city water
mains, it was announced yesterday by
the head of the water department.
Precipitation has been below normal

this year and time only way that the
city can maintain the pressure in the
outlying districts is to addd to their
underground sources by pumping hun-
dreds of thousands of gallons from
the river. All water thus used is thor-
oughl y filtered and pure. As long as
Ann Arbor continues to grow and the
present water supply remains inade-
quate, river water will have ,to be
Senior .Engineers
Chioose Grey Canes

predicts clear and cold wseatler for


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