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January 22, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1-22-1925

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Pulcatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memubers of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the P-esident until
833 p. m. (11'.30 a. mn. Saturday,
Volume5 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1192) Nuiubei :

TIo A I 11-at erniti is :
Tiiieie will :)e an i i1C prtkil"'-'.p;,atl o'tRig theI iiteri'ti'iiiY ty a:i-
cil at 4 o'clock this att'i ilocn li i o(:ni ,302 o3' the 1l1"nice. 'lwi'w' mw ropos""I
cciistitltlon l iIl h v(ctd 11l)(I1at thiIs mling j 'muariit is ahoiitely eIsceuhial
t hat all traterItic is who (1aret' liJOmlh)cr'Sofl te ('outlu i Itc t' l~rcenoil '.
~Al1 lonc]i('l embersa1-e advlisedl to' (ccl),i S tdt'jIlie S li4ggsted change c"in
regard to0 votbin with thIieir respect ire houses s so tliat they will Ise rb!t to I
takel( definiite action tisbj 5 8tcriicon. The suiggest ion prlovi de" t hat those
fraternities who have been recognized at Michigan for' 15 years or morl) i
gi ven three votes in the Counilto th le I XVo of all others. This would he inl
harmony with the system uised(Iin the N,"t en al Intorlraternit v Con lerenee.
'Ulioiiias E. I'iske, See'"y.


University Lecture :
Professor Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia University, will speak in the
Chemistry Amphitheater on Thursday evening, January 22, at 8 o'clock
under the joint auspices of the UniversityA and the U. of M. section of the
American Chemical Society. The'subject of this lecture will e "Science
and Art in the Perfume Industry," and it will be illustrated with lantern
slides. and various specimens.
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Rbbins.
Regstration-Ctege of Literature, SceRnce, and the Arts:
Registration~ will take place during the second week of examinations
from 9-12 and 2-5, February 2 to February 6, inclusive, also on Saturday
morning February 7. from 9-12. No one who has registered the first
seomester will be allowed to bald in elections on Monday, February 9. That
day is for flew students only. Each student must present his own election.
Registration Rooms~
All Freshmen-:Room 1025 James B. Angell Hall.
All Sophomores-Iloom 1036 James B. Angell H-all.
Juniors and Seios-Itegistrar's Office, University Hall.
Li auA.iHughesAssistnIt JRegistrar.
Grduate Sud et:
(Graduate students who expect to rceilve the Master's (degree at the end
of the present semester~ must pay the dplomna fee by February 14 Banks
for this purpose sliould be secured at the office of the Graduate School, 1014
Literary Iluilding. Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Graduate Stiil~nfs:
Graduate studeuta should make their second semester elections in the
office of the Gaduate School, Itoom 1014 Literary Building, on February 4,
5, 6 or 7. New students of' students transferring from other Schools or
Colleges; should register on, the same dates . A student transferring at this
time should ask, the Screary of his School or College to prepare and sendl
to the Graduate School office an official tansrpt of his undergraduate
record. Rath A. Rouse, Recorder.
Lvan('olandmittee Meetilig:
' ~There will be a meeting or the University Committee on Student Loans
Thursday, January 2nd, in Roon2, University Mall. Students who have
pending applications should appear before the Committee at the following
hours: Literary College, 2:0, Graduate School, 2:45, School of Education,
3:00, Law School, 3:00, Medical School, 3:15, and Engineering College, 3:15.
J. A. Bursey, Cairmian.
Petit ions For Extra hours
Sophomores, Juniors, and Senors are limited to a maxinmu of sixteen
hours. if for any valid reason extra hours are desired, s~uents ma~st apply
to the Committee for permission to elect themn. Special blanks are provied
for that purpose., The long elections oarl (even when . Kd by an aviso)
is not a petition and does-not constitute permission to elect the extra hours.
Petitions must be handed in at thre ame time with the elections and~ should
showtthe whole program of pro'posed courses.
reshmen takting Mkilitary Science may elect sixteen hours without spe-
cial permission All other Froshmen are limited to fifteen hours, andla
petition is .required if more are desired.
R+ ad carefuly the, rules governing thae ater. Thiey are printed on
the back of the special blank.
J. I41 Scholl, Ciarnin, Extra JHours ('onil 1c.
Ann Arb~or Art Asodaton:
The anxual .meetig.of thne, Ann Arbor Art Association will be held in
the West exhibition room, in Neorial Hall, January 22nd, at 4:00 1'. D1.
Tre will be a private view of theexhibition of bllock printa and etchings,
and tea will be served to ienbrs,of the Association at 3:m31' . M.
11. P. L~ombrdl ,1President
public Lecture:
Mr. 11. H. Allen, of thie ureaui of Standards, will .give an informal tal,
illustrated' by lantern slid", on "New Apparatus Usedl in Testing of Auto-
mnobleo." After .thle lecture lie will demonstrate the testing.; qilmet.
This. equipment includes brke testing, apparatus which is now being usel
by the Police Departments In several of our largest cities.
The lecture will be held in the Natural Science Auditoriua at 7:30 this
cvtulu. We will welcome everyone interested.
W . ay.
Aatheatalcs :Collaeo fLiterature, Sence anId the Art:
There Will be a meeting of the Staff on Friday, January 23, at 4 1. M,
in Rooma1 108 Mason hall. Joseph L. arkiy.
Senior Engineers;
Senior' Engineer's Assembly in Iloomn 348 Engineering Building on
Thurs~day January 22, at 10:00"-A. 1\. Coach Geo. Vitle will e the spenlt-e.
C. L. 1Wlson, Mentor.
Students' Relinl:
Trhe following program to which the public is invii ed v" ill ~e offred~
by adv'anced 'ttudbnts of the School of Music 'Thursday eenng ;ot 8:ott
o'clock in the Rieital 1Hall:
Prelude And Fugue, C iinor (Bach) Alice Maderach : iona ce, op.
4. (ijeeboven) Mazurka, 0 major (Mlynarsky) Riary' Alice Case; elo
rlraumn, No. 2 (Liszt) Virginia Tice: Zuignung (Strauss), Ver)orgenheil,
(Wolf) ;VHelena Mprtin,; onata.Op. 1, No. 2 (Beethoven) Anna MalTeXwih
)Berceuse Slave _(Neruda), Menuet, D maor (Mozart) origin Ialey; An-
dante and Scherzeno (Chaminade) Margaret Mason and Albertine Loc-

Accompanists: henm alaitt and Dwight Steere.
Charley; A. Sink, Secretary.
Alphta ii t:,
The .regular meeting of Alpha Nu will be held tonight at the usual tiii",
=.nd la ce. All maemblers are urged to be present for there is som nicii-
portant business to be considered at this time.
Jamey J. 1111,11.
La Sochedalad Iispaniica 1/ecilire:
"'[he Last lIays of Spain in America" will lbe the subject of the next
lecture, to be given by Mr. )el Toro in Room 203 Tappan Hll at 7: 3+)
Thursday night. 3Narshia l I. Levy.
Teachers' Course in Botanand u Zoology, Seconid Semester:
W'ill all students intending to take the teacher's' course in the" sph'ci.
subjects of botany and zoology in the second semester, whether in the
School of Education or in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
]1raese e on Thursday. January 22, in Room 13210 Natural Science B~uild-
ing between the hours of 11 and 12 A. M. or 1:30 and 4 P. Al.
Jals. IB. I'4)Ioci(.

New York, Jan. 21.-Coincident with
the announcement by Ch~ief Forester}
(Ircely in Washington that the week
of Apr l 19-25 has becen designated as
Forest Protection wveek, Lou E. Hol-
land president of the Associated Ad-
vertising clubs of the World, has an-
nounced a program by which adver-
tiusing clubhs of the U~nited States are
expected to co-operate to make they
week a success.
'Washinigton, Jan. 21 .-T-reakinig all
rtecords for this tine of year, railroads
loaded 932,807 ears with revenue
Freig;ht (luring the week endeld Jan.
D~on't, delay-Pay''hou r SubscI4(ription
toods v.

tN ' e * ape.. 'i a .ir i this cnjitilnm Iiit r
;tic '.art ;n ri lle e -it ,l he 1I);:,;V r,fl:ce
;,r"n i',1, 'r I no i i upose l'ifi)re 4
(t)-- tietsiir ( 'nt~1Qt1'5 ;@ it*Iill' in
rci)Ii 48 , IE ignE'ernt'. 1Jii dng.
j .:00 )-:f::. j- :{sii 'im~iIi71.o&' (! tll'
r (111 U, University hallI.
4 :111--- Aim sA i'lcri" art ha tio Rims) oe' s
in West exhibition Ir.u)m ol xE tl
ial hall.
4 :004--- literiralcriiy comcicl maels illn
room n302, 1I'nioai.
I -.01-6 1i0--llrshl v G'Itw e'iib rywil s'
for the Chiicago Ceontcoat club in I'r.
7 :30--Vamms it3- tra'okten;ave n'" sill
roc~il 318J, Union.
7:30-.--1,Air, Nti ~(''hs oil "Ne'w Api-
plaratus 1Us(] ill Testing o1 Automo-
bi les," i:it tUrai IScience 'auditor-
7 :10--S-edaid Hislpmlica heel nrc by

Ie TI 'ho)ill lroom l20:), T1a ppan hall.;
8 -F~ - I' i'r cSsor Bogei't; l('clures 1 (111
''Sc ence and Art in tihe Perfume'
Inadustry"' in the(' Chenistry amhii-
t1)- Mte r't recital in I teciti I ha'1.
e'isian i p curt at Speddings.
1 :00 - 1iterary imInthemnmites staff
joeets inl rco. n I 08, ason 1ha11.
'l.Isurers(of erg.-mizatioms- VEvery,
organization appearing in the 19251
M1ic hugannsian must have paid for
!its wiace andl have its picture taken
before Feb. 1, 1925. There will be
110 extvfl 5s 01 of time.
31,i' uscriiits for' the February isIle of
TIhe In lnder w'illibe readl Rntil IFeb.
10. Manuscripts of every des~rip)-f
Lion are acceptable.
R eud the W~ant Ads'i

IMillions of rmen dem-and
this protection
every day
MILLIONS of men are turn-
ing from other dentif rices to




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Tio d ay.

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