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October 01, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-1-1924

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i1 Ammmmbwol
ja ;-qqp I up,


VOL. XXXV. No. 8





Asquith and Liberal Party Promise
Hearty Support; Baldwin to
Propose Amendments

Opera Orchestra
Rehearses Today
Due to the fact thatathe music for
this year's opera is of a higher stand-
ard than that of the past few years,
and is consequently more difficult,
Mr. Shuter, the director, has decided
to begin the orchestra rehearsals for
the opera much earlier than in the
The orchestra will consist of 18
pieces which will include 4 first vio-
lins, 1 second violin, 1 viola, 1 'cello,
1 bass-viol, 1 flute, 2clarinets, 2 horns,
2 trumphets, 1 trombone, 1 piano, and
1 drums. All students who play these
instruments and are interested are re-
quested to see Mr. Shuter who will be
in his office in the Mimes theater from
10 :30 to 12,, from 2 to 5, and from 7
to 8:30 o'clock today toamake ar-
rangements for individual tryouts.
The score of the opera is expected
back from the publishers where is has
been arranged and printed. Those
who make a position on the opera or-
chestra will be included in the per-
sohnel of the company which will
make the trip during Christmas vaca-

, '
' Governor Bart Predicts Victory For Two Ammedments Added To Solve
Coolidge In State Of Dispute On Internal
Washington Jurisdiction
Washington, Sept. 30. (By A. P.)-- Geneva, Sept. 30. (By A. P.)-With
The political situation in middle and Japan satisfied and the British domin-
northwestern states was under dis- ions seemingly content, the delegat
cussion today at the White House as to the League of Nations assembly are
President Coolidge received various tonight congratulating themselves up-
reports on the outlook there. on the successful completion of thej
C. H. Yost, St. Louis editor, told the stupendous task of drafting a protocol
President that Democrats apparently'
are in the lead in Missouri now and a of arbitration and security which
stI fi ht ldb t when ratified by a sufficient num-


Where To Vote For Class Officers
Seniors in room 311 engineering building at 11 o'clock.
Juniors in room 411 engineering building at 11 o'clock.
Sophomores in east lecture room physics building at 11 o'clock.
Seniors in University hall auditorium at 3 o'clock.
Juniors in University hall auditorium at 4:30 o'clock .
Sophomores in Natural Science auditorium at 4 o'clock.
Seniors in room G law building at 4 o'clock.
Juniors in room D law building at 4 o'clock.
Freshmen in room C law building at 4 olclock.
Senicrs in room 223 engineering building at 11 o'clock.
Juniors in room 229 engineering building at 11 o'clock.
Sophomores in architectural lecture room at 11 o'clock.
Freshmen in room 445 engineering building at 11 o'clock.

President, Vice President, Secretary
And Treasurer to Represent
Each Class
Class officers for the most of the
classes in the University will be
elected today and tomorrow. The
election of officers for the freshmen
literary class and the freshmen en-
gineering class has been postponed.
The date for these elections will be
announced in the near future. The
freshmen engineers are expected to

London, Spt. 30.-(By A. P.)-The
bill intended to put the Irish boun-
dary commisson into force was sub-
ject 'of a ten hour debate in the
House of Commons today but the
house adjourned at 11 o'clock tonight
and the bill will be taken up again
The prne minister, Ramsey Mc-
Dona14, moved the second reading
of the bill and there is little doubt
that the motion will carry. At the
outset he said the government was
convinced that there was nothing
else to be done about this ever pres-
ent Irish situation except to make
Article 12 of the Anglo-Irish treaty
operative as every effort by the gov-
ernment to have the premiers of
northern and southern Ireland agree
between themselves had failed.
H. H. Asquith, the liberal leader,
announced that he and his political
friends would give the bill their hear-
ty and undivided support. Stanley
Baldwin as spokesman for the con-
servatives promised that his associ-
reading although they intended to of-
ates would not oppose the second
fer some amendments wh'en the bill
got ino the committee stage. If
these were rejected, he declared, the
responsibility for the bill would rest
upon the labor governmnt alone.
At the first annual Fletcher Hall
banquet held at eight o'clock last
night in the Fletcher cafeteria C. H.
Mooney and other speakers were re-
ceived by more than a hundred stu-
dents present at the gathering. J.
L. Zandstra, manager of the hall,
gave a short talk on the activities an
plans of the hall for the coming year
presenting the three proctors, Bob
Brown. '26, Peter Jablonowski, '26,
and Gimbel, head proctor. Zandstra
then introduced C. H. Mooney, presi-
dent of the dormitories corporation,
who strongly urged that the boys be
proud of the hall, making it more of
an independent fraternity house. Dr.
Mitchell ,also gave a short talk, and
was followed by Dr. Frederick Wahi
of the German department, who em-
phasized the need for high scholar-
ship in the dormitory, and for that jus-
tified spirit and respect which would
win the hall recognition on the
Perry M. Hayden, '25. then told of
the work and organization of the S.
C. A., of which he is president, stress-
ing the need of some practical spirit-
ual influence in the student's life,
and urging the men to interest them-
selves actively in the S. C. A.
Campus To Vote
For President
Final plans and arrangements have
been made to take the straw vote on
the coming presidential election in
connection with the class elections
today and tomorrow. The ballots will
be distributed with the regular class
election blanks and it is expected that
approximately 3,000 votes will have
been cast by tonight and In the fol-
lowing day another 1,000 votes is ex-
pected to be turned in on the diagon-
al and from the freshman classes.I
This will be the largest straw vote
ever cast on the campus.
The returns of the university bal-
loting will be kept separate from the
returns of the city of Ann Arbor so
that a means of determining the way
in which classes vote, and how the
university students will vote as a
class can be obtained. The balloting
on the campus, contrary to previous
statements issued, will be open to all
university students regardless of age.
Equipment for compiling and col-
lecting the returns has been ad-
vanced by Shirley W. Smith, secre-

tary of the University, who joins
Dean J. A. Bursley and others in
hearty support of the project.
The Ann Arbor returns will be add-


L33";nrong ugn woua ne necessary to''°w" uLoLltc uu attend the regular Wednesa se-
carry that state for the Republicans.jber of states will be followed next bly at 11 o'clock today
Tr'io To Present dr u for the reducionofLarmarenFour officers will be chosen to rep-
he said with Republicans holding the t resent each class a president, a vice
Musical Concert edge. Mr. Yost who was a guest of The final act of the historic nego- president, a secretary, and a treas-
the President at luncheon said that tiations will come tomorrow, when the [urer Any number of names may be
John W. Davis, Democratic presiden- protocol will be presented to the as lacednnomination fr an office
Reber Johnson, violinist, assisted tial candidate, had made little gains sembly but since virtually all the A first ballotmvil be taken on the
by Lois and Guy Maier, pianists will in the west as a result of his recent delegates are represented on the com- a submit ank the
present a concert at the first Matinee trip. Governor Louis Hart, of Wash- mssion which today accepted the final Lyman Glasgow Assists In Selections Game to be Played on Ferry Fled ing e hittstnumber oftvotesewi
ington, pictured a bright outlook for clauses and solved the Japanese dif- Positions to Depend on and In Annapolis in 1926,bectheecandidates fortthnroffice.
Musicale of the season, which will be the party in that state, declaring Sen- ficulty it was generally expected to- Ability Says Yost Election ballots will then beped
held at 3:30 o'clock, October 8, in the ator LaFollette, Independent presi- night that the general assembly will Epoutn ballot will assed
ballroom of the Michigan Union. Mr. dential candidate would not get a approve the text and vote for the tran- iout and the second ballot will deter
Maier, who is a pianist of national :higher vote than the defeated Far- smission of the protocol to the home FURNISHED FINISH NEGOTIATIONS the successful candidate for of-
fame, has joined the faculty of the mer-Labor party in 1920 ;governments and parliaments for rat- Ifice-C
School of Music this year. Pennsylvania politics were talked ifications. Yell leaders for the coming year Michigan will mee the Navy in Cooley Excuses CaSses
The program will be: iover by Mr. Coolidge with W. Harry Concretely, the Japanese solution were picked last night at a tryout football on Ferry field next fall and eiengca, ill lc sophomore
Sonata in A major for Piano and Baker, chairman of the Republican was found by making two amend- engineering classes will elect their
Violin ....... Beethovenstate committee, who assured the ment to the protocol. By the first, meeting in the Union. Lyman Glas- at Annapolis In 1926, according to an officers at 11 oclock this morning at
president of an overwhelming major- it is provided that when a question gow, '25, varsity cheer leader, with announcement issued by Fielding H. thedesignated places. DonngMat
1 Adagio PrestoAndante n ity in that state. Mr. Baker promised in dispute is held by the world court the aid of 3 members of the Student Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- mer E. Cooley of the Engineering
Guy Maier and Reber Johnson cooperation between the state and of the league council to be a matter. council chose f t following after Thehm letics yesterday afternoon. college has exused all classesn which
Slaoni Dace mior vork-national committees. Some difficulties soley v'ithin the domestic jurisdiction The home game arrangement is the meet at this hour. The senior, junior,
Slavonic Dance, G minor ..Dvorak- nt e recently of the state this decision shall not watching them lead a few trial yells: outgrowth of a series of negotiations and sophomore literary students will
I Krieslerj are understood to have ar fisnrcuntioleyand ithinmthe domestic studentstwil
Vivace.. Haydn-Auer in this connection as the result of a prevent consideration of the situation W. E. Topper, '27; E. L. Newhall, '25; which were first started in February choose their officers this afternoon
conflict in speaking dates in Pen- by the council or by the assembly, un- A. W. Toll, '27; H. R. Hinstead, '27; and whIch were definitely confirmed at the specified times and places. The
FallingLeaves .... Albert Soe ns ylvania arrangedi for Charles G. }der article 11 of the League covenant. I with the receipt of a telegram by the three classes of the Law school will
-raa-s-.-.. +'-.Dawes. The other amendments provides that , Athletic association yesterday morn- hold their elections at 4 o'clock this
Mr. Johnson a country shall not be presumed to be '' ng.fte
Intermezzo in E flat minor..Brahms Ian agressort if a juridical sentence Glasgow announced that this team i eng.oon idthe assigned rooms in
anpragreosort..f..a....i.d.cal seSpeakseIWhen the ishipmen nout onto Ithe law building.
Brahms Parm elee SpeaksIhas been pronounced against her un- was not necessarily permanent and Ferry field next fall t will be the first All four classes of the architectural
! Intermezzo in E flat major..Brahms less she fails to- sabuilt the questidn 'vould stand oly through real effort time in history tha a Nav tetmi has schoolwil et a t 11 ' the r hit
Intermezzo in C major .....Brahms I Before Chemists to the council or the assembly under and ability on the part of each man. competed with a Mlfdie-Western elev- mr wi meet at 11 olock thin
Lois Maier ----article 11 of the covenant. "We've got a real cheering section en. In addition it 'will be the only ineering builgs
Romance.........Vaughan Williams "For some years I have been an ad. Under the original text, to which to lead hIs year" he said, 'and we game which the Nary team will be i Dents to Meet Tomorrow
Waves at Play ....... Edwin Grasse I vocate of chemical engineering and Japan took exception, when hostilities want to put a real cheering squad allowed to play outside of Annapolis CClass elections in the dental colege
IPrelude and Allegmro...... Pugnani- the chemical engineer, as disimgimish- break out, a country which has dis- in the field" Glasgow Varsity cheer with the exception of the Army-Navy will be held at 5 o'clock tomorow
Kriesler er from chemistry and the chemist," j regarded a juridical sentence, declar- leader, put the new men through the Iaaththe ponofthundsNaykwihbthe t5'c omorrow,
Mr. Johnson said H. e. Parmelee, editor of Chem- ing that the matter is of internal jur- various formations and explained to ThIs year the Navy's only outside cls eleeption o the freshman
Steinway piano used ical and Metallurgical Engineering, in isdiction, would be presumed to be them the requirements of a real game will be with Princeton. ass elect. which will be hldat
his address given before the Student I an agressor. By reason of the amend- cheer leader. "A man must be born The exact date of the game in the 5:30 o clock. The seniors will gather
c , Opbranch of the American Institute ofi ment, this presumption does not hold I to be snappy, must be a sticker, and fall of 1925 has not yet been decided inrshwillpmeetmpnitheatowerTamphi-
C. If .Sponsors 1Chemical Engineering, last night in good if the state again submits the }must be willing to lead a blank wall upon but it is likely that it will be theat meet in the lower amhi-
C'the east Engineering building. Mr. matter to the council. in a yell if need be, to get on this either the last Saturday in October or dheadto meeth ihmorwes are lher
C egyma s1ayParmelee is a national authority on duldsquad,"inthheowsaid.ur
the subject of Chemical engineering. squad, he said. the first weekend in November. room Freshmen in the dental col-
The new system of having a train- Admiral Wilson, head of the Naval lee her in the lower
Closer and finer cooperation be- IChemical engiiecring is not a cm ed cheering squad in place of only' academy, expressed the greatest satisdemyexpressedth:greateth wr
tween the churches and civic organi- p t c em is ial a one cheer leader will do away wth faction when he was informed that theater
zations of Ann Arbor was the key branch of engineering, aiming towardi the break which comes every two Michigan would be the fist Middle- Tedatfsclass theconsfin
brnhoAnierDg iigtwrW Ikm he rea whch wo edical school, the school of edca-
yeIrsor s upo the retirenmeit o Western eleven to meet the Navy.
note which ran through the program the application of scientific principles ytofW Mh n, and pharmacy college will be
.a.otIthe old leader. Complete uniforms It is understood that Michigan was t F
at the third annual "Clergyman's ay" to imdustrial operation with a view .-are furnished the squad and an at- the first school in the section to be announced tomorrow. Edward Fox,
luncheon held in the Chamber of to profitable operation, was Mr. Par- Two weeks, it is expected, will see tempt will be made to send them to considered for a game by the Annap- ' 25E, chairman of the Student council
Commerce Inn yesterday noon. With melee's exposition of the nature ar1., the completion of work on the new temt i be ad tos hm t conideredor committee on class electionsapsaid
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker of the First purpose of this relatively new branch literary building. Most of the work is Steady drilling is expected to put yeserday "Every student is entitled
Methodist Church acting as chair- of engineering. He emphasized that now being done in the main lobby tewd qdr in im forete gameto a vote in the class to which le be-
man, a program consisting of three the work of the chemical engineer where marble is being laid. the new squad in trim for the game
of te cty ollwed he uncmeo. OHMAC ER MAD HEA logs.Iti threfore the duty of
minute talks by most of the ministers is largely in the field of production Furniture, practically all of which next Saturday. to see that his her
y . marpgement whereas the orthodox was made in the University shops, is vote is cast in the elections oday. The
It was the general opinion of all chemaist who was educated when now being moved into the rooms as chonce oTfclass officers is almatter
that Ann Arbor should be not only chemistry was still looked upon as a I rapidly as it is available. L[Lb II 111 tiAr o b t lfor serious thought on the part of all
the city where commerce and educa- striotly cultural 'subject, finds his The plan for lighting the huge In-vstudents concerned." Members of
tion meet, but also where the Churchale in industry in the routine work scription above the main entranc Car Ohmcher, 25, was appo nt- the Student council will be on hand
of helaboratories, taken from the ordinances of 177, P lr TESui'A Dm ILCl Ohnaer2,waapo -teSudtcuciwllbonad
forms the back ground for the whole. "Improved processes, cheaper pro- was designed at the University by Dr. ( I'Ned general chairman of the Michigan to supervise the various class meet-
I We cannot live by education alone, Imrve ings and to take charge of the ballots.
"Worb cnommere. Tere ust be, duction, elimination of waste, substi- J. F. Shepard, supervisor of building Interscholastic Press association ngdt _tkhre_ that
something der. Tore tims mre tution of science for rule of thumb, plans. A series of lights, hidden from Assistant Dean Patterson and Prof.
talet, m ore t be moe and all the other concomitants of view, provides the illumination by B. F. Bailey of the Engineering school nention for tls year, and tenta- d A o t
toln more hc e siu R evt C industrial progress have long since night, will speak at a smoker given under tive committees were appointed for O S
to our churches," said Rev. J. A. Can- become the function and the sure re- Work on the new hospital is also I the auspices of the student branch of the 1925 gridiron banquet, at the Oxford System
by the Memorial Church of Christ. suit of applied science and engineer- progressing favorably, it was an- the American Institute of Electrical tC
ing," icontinued Mr. Iarmelee, fol- nounced at the offices of the Building I Engineers at 7:30 o'clock tonight in menof SigaDtC nionhl
lowing this statement with corrobora committee. Fully 95 percent of the rooms 318 and 319 of the Union. Pro- honorary journalistic fraternity, held The Influence of the Oxford debat-
fessorBBaileysisdheadof the at9lo'clockxlastdnight iniroomm30
o c tive evidence gathered during a re- stone work on the administration fessor Bailey is head of the electrical at 9 o'lock last night In room 304 pus a witnessed the fact that
By Loc C ouncil cent tour of the representative indus-; wing is completa. engineering department. of the Union ames th deph H seo
trialt plants of the te Pacific ,t Various features of entertainment The convention is an annual affair, Representatives are no longer to con-
Action taken by the City iu n dustresthat w hile themradinta of A delph Disagrees ave been gaang,incudsabnelaty held fo the benefit of higsch sider themselves as representatives
last Monday night at an adjourned modern scientific methods, that there I Refreshmients and smokes will b editors throughout the state. It was of states but rather as members of
adoreIodr cetfi ehdthtteeW ith Volstead Act iersmnsadsoe ilb instead of in the spring, as has for- three distinct politicalpate.Ti
meeting will limit the size and loca- were still extensive fields open to theWs provided. Tickets are being sold in the i parties. This
f mtingfelwti lih it i the size at about the frst week of December,I new system know'n as the --Oxford
| tion of electric light sigmis in the fu- c h e m i e a I e n g I n eer, particularily Engineering building for 25 centsatbotherswekfDcebnw ytkn nashe.xfd
. Ecsd gis s a othenneetr ,pathear nd EngineA lt f dbntg hld last each. also decided to hold the convention system, was adopted at the meeting
ture. Every proposed sign must first I among the petroleum, leather, and As a resultof a deae hedlstIeach ________ to give the newly appointed high of the Adelphic group held last night
receive the inspection of the board of fertilizer industries, night in the Adelphi room on the
public works and if it is deemed too While deploring the lack of suitable I fourth floor of University hall, th school editors a chance to attend at in the Adelphmc room.
large to be safe or if it obstructs educational facilities for teaching Adelphi House of Representatives Famous Coal Case the beginning of their term. This system calls for the division
lare o e sfeorifit bsrutseduatonl fciitesfor ~ up em Tentative committees for the 19251 of the members into three political
neighboring signs its erection will not chemical engineering throughout the stands in favor of the abolition of the In S upcourt Tegridironbanquet,as announced byi parties, equal In size, ne of which is
be allowed. Every sign must be more schools of the country, Mr. Parmelee eighteenth amnedment, but not of gridalEn ten, al charn , by ats e uringz a de beh
than ten feet from the ground and complimented the University upon the prohibition. The subject debated was W Pau Einsftein, '25, general chairman, to act as judge during a debate be,
must be within at least two feet of excellency of its department of Chem- "Resolved t h a t the eighteenth Washington Sept. 30. (By A. P.)- are as follows: Epitaphs: William tween the other two arties. The
the building to which it is attached. ical engineering, amendment be abolished.." The Coronado Coal case is back in the Stoneman, 25, Edwin Mack, 26, Mr. leader of each party is to be a me.
The passing of the ordinance was The affirmative, who won the de- Supreme court. Once more the high- E. G. Burrows, of the journalism de- her of a coummittee known as the bills
occasioned by a dispute which arose AT Mcision, contended that the eighteenth est tribunall comdecide onnphether the ortet ansenehKellaI 'vit and Icommission.
Iwhen the Wuerth theater attempted aenmntwaAhewontwyofbmtepoltomayThthr hMRbrtMasied,'6.Iviatos:IThe arrangement of the parties
whto e eWsi thheater emtedmitash wrg ay evidence which has been gathered i15 Robert Mansfield '26, Albert Koepke within the room is likewise to fol-
I to erect a sign which interferred with Another Holiday attacking the liquor problem, and sufficient to hold local union num- '25 and David Bramble '25. low the system used in the English
that such a measure will not be ad- ber 21 of the United Mine Workers o Entertainment: Thomas E i House of Representatives. There are
the neighboringnsigns. ThomasE.I that
New York, Sept. 30. (By A. P.)-An I visable until the people are educated America liable for treble damages '25, Philip Wagner, '25, Mr. Donal ' to be three sections called the right,
Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 30.-"No smok- international campaign to make Col-. to it. under the Sherman Anti-Trust la Hn of agheor, , artna center, and left wings with the man
ing during examination where wom- unbus Day, October 12, an annual for property destroyed several years a Kne 'thelra126. doationt' speaking addressing the parties from
en are present," was the theme of a holiday celebrated throughout the U. y7ago during a strike against the Cor- and Kenneth Kellar, 26. Location a square n the front of the room.
resolution made by the Welfare coun . and all central and South Ameri- nado and other ccbl mining com- and tickets: Carl Schoonmaker, 25, W. C. Dixon, '26, is to act as speak-
il of time University of California . and allrcentralpand SouthaAmeH-der ftehuewihA .Sen
Requests w erst o alisor.can countries was launched today theI or De Pauw Game panies in Arkansas. Andrew Propper, 26 er of the house with AM Ste,
Requests were sent to all instructors ThodrDwasPnauwatdaWhen the case was last before th I Perce, '26. Publicity: Ralph Smith, '27L, C. F. White, '26, and Richard
to observe this motion. i1nternation Pan-American commit- Sunreme court it was decided that the Igrad., Martin Codel, frad., and John Ford, '26L, acting in the capacity of


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