t !ri v i ~ ; ) Y J A N \ t 2. 1 5 THE LMIChI-1GAN DAILY PACE SMVN 4 - - - - - - - - --n , i a THIS I40 R - L kihll COLUMN CLOSESCLOSES AT 3 P.M A D ~ ~ R T S I N GAT 3 P M . L T 0 1 _i L N T S in g i o - '.s'c i 1 b r i' 0 :i - neair (i'a ni us .No(1 01 i r rooi a is iii house. Cooll 289-J. FOR RENTP Single oa tlddouble On 643 Tappan Ave. FOR RENT Brooks lrlh rs, nrin eo Rpprecht of Bavaria :2"inf;regret over his criticism is' ';: ice -ru''Pnzch" in Munich on I T h-~a (1we r' '4:id SI.4P o e 06} g , A ', AP'ARTMENT; Furnished, kitchen, combined livingroom and bedroom. 215 N. State. Phone 1453-W. FOR RiENT At 311 Thompson St. A large suite. Steam hieat. Plenty oft hot water. ROOMV For two men01. $2 per week each. 215 N. State. Pi 'one 1453- !I. I WAR \VAtAI omfortable and well fur- nishod fronit suite for boys. No other st udents '540() Packard. V s w fill, x w c;,x P t r+ e p iy ? d Rf Ai : n 'a. Tel. 2542-11. i I I +iO ETA single room. wit' n Dted a r "o o m mi ate inl .ni.'o muite. 1412 Gedtles Ave. [C'hone I ;- 1.'ernanent Waving and Marcelling MACK ANtD CO. 3ird Floor Main St. 'f'1f11 E Ii iX P lf IT MllA IIC EI4L. l 115 Phone 2939 for appointment. DIMMATTIA BEAUTY SH4OPPE State Street-Above Cushings WANTED A A '1L!ITwo tickets for Tlhie Fos- ; 1. cL tu rc. ('all 3296-3. rThur~sda~y fromamo ii' ,1 7to 101 P. My. \V~N~l2i Theses to type. Call 3431-3. i) ' I11 Student girl to (10 house- trc;;'; for roomIand lboarId. S mall 'i C-a (a ll 8 - . FLOWERS Our ii~oderato(1priices 111210it 1possi)le for all to have FRE-4Sl f BO1 lE (I ROWN FlLOWERS. A2 10LOPLAL CO. ANN ARBOR FLORlAL4(10. 1 22 1.]. Liber'fy. P hone 1630I ShO0,ES NI t'S ICA L ('o ia L ngua e Le wlsi Italian and Engl ishi. Comiplete ire- I (:0172 et. iP hiy mble oin 11ny ph-o io - graph. VNIVERSITY MU'SIC IIO1'S 'TRAS Engaged 10o' the .1 -11(11. (Coaio in and hear the late litis of' 1 hoe 11(1- son and (foldkette Orchestras. !m %'. f !'"iltl ' col'r: o ily for ' 1 " II (. 'tC-n is ll (if i00 ( ! V inn '(l'.<11- t a-i: e (d t ' pen w l a n il (alu ot. be re- 1.0 0% ( N2 W ' :1:i'I' r r m y m e a n s . I t is +' : 'C'zl _l rti I t 1 ,'o:'1: i d r e n do od s ho ,-o lil'cel(2 t r1': (Consul( lIt: ' '-; IPeill i n wh'!er'e vou vI'ii laofluid. Ii i > the Cullysat jsia(-t~ii'xink ifo' tiOe l'I' \ A N I) IN IK 'I J .L S P 3 ( I l ilelo i"errero17 (ing-lielmo Ferrero, niote(! Italian Ii st orian, declaTres that all nations are o0 ida nie 101' the opliuimftraffic, as pro- ; (1'mlion c00112 ble ato-,)10d if only the , it-J lions would act. UHILDRLW To DL TAUGHT Of avceil interesit to parent-s, will he0 vl~e (r, ,1P i' i) ;7 (i'J psy' c holo gy of young''1 : 1 e( ild 'en ,' list 0(1 "S soelolo y} 252, t.. he 2gtiven next sem2este'r h)y Dr. l : en, T1. Wooley, associate (direc(tor17 oi' the Merrill-Palmer school inDe D-troit. 'The cour'se will deal with the &evelopmental problems of young children of pro-school age, and wvill consaider vie~hi questions as social 0e1- 'i'1e co' r'--e, openT only to senliors3 ",71 (.1 raitd ia i1 t l de lt a, xvil, mEeet i 1"T- 111x s 1:-m u 4 Il) G o 'c lo i ok 1 1 i' f1 j rlon't de lay--P1ay yotur1 Subscriptiorn F: ,i e 1a 4 t. LiL A 55^Ii J ;H 7 ' S r j 3 W f _A 11. °2, E A T E S . ', a T ph 1 u t! " r y M USI('AL I N S'iI I'M ENT' HA 1IA I N Tel or~anjo and Case ...... $28.r50 Flat back M'vaindo] n ........ $1 2.00) Red 1ReadTi'ke r43 . 1Ba njo Uke' ................. 3t7.. ('o nn ) '1 (: 11'S ax , and Ca s e .. ~ > . Fly A,; You 111:1; NIV ICIIS'l'i M7lUSIC X16 ViShC NOTlI CEI b " t n x-iio ' A imit:. r pl : s.11: Ylii y l~t Ii il c o i g S( , 'it S t . o u ... o o ':, ,R,.. itor -ervicc, Stor'agei o 0roo 1 in :i '- m ent in cludedl. Possession ''sri e 9 p r on h ('all Mr. Newton Willi Cl IARLES L. B O k Phone 315-3552 Evenings 21-IC FOR RENT 6 hRooin 111)itll ilt.oilE WVest 5i(1 , ('011 1)1(1ely i'edecor it od, garage. Ownerm will lea se until so111 1., 1925 for $6O peor iont h. $:; pei' .. 1101 t 1 a lte 'r Sept 1, 1-925. ('all A eNewton NWftll ClHATLIES L. BROOKS Phone 3 5:52 lI xv'nii-s 2A FOR RENT t9 Room furnishied hlol ,E. t wo)blocks lfrom (S. rip "I", c oal, pgl-- ageoiinchluded.Owner Av.i1 1 loSeso 111111 Sept'. 1, 1925. $125 p:,' monlb.. (Call 'Mr. Ne wt onar Wit ('I I A R. l E S Bi T . lI li() O I K" Phone 315-3552 lEveniags 146; iicss W om a nt . Sin gle i-oe m a 1 1blo c % i'roniC"'lu'llps. IPhlon e 1<>"7. its 1111T. I s xvozoy. .I-1101' FAVOR.S Everything for your lionse par~y. ARNO1i iLD STA TI," ST. , CV5 1 1 Sceta rial, .Accountfing, ('olnuercia I an(ITeacling. Posit ions nwal~i -,you. New 'Term begins Febriua ry 9i .. 11AM ILTON liWSIN ICSS (COLLEGE, r y r i Nil C J . vK" F-AwamwwauwAmmm- Z 119S .M AIN ST.1 ~~"~~- IIA ?II(18 B OT E RIYj Wuerthi Theatre Arcade.- See the Style for yourself. 'I'YI'EIVIiI1IERS RENTED) Ul. C. Sitifh, Remington, Underwood, Royal, etc., 3 months $7.50 up. Ini- tia I paynment of rent applied~ on the jmt11(l,a.-e of any typiewriter. 0. D. MORRILL 17 :Nickels' Arcade ''ho 2 t ioii('iy & Typ;ewriter Store ii :w l~I'BERS Splendid machines. I >s. iiiah{es for rent oP for sale. HAf1"iL TON BUISINHSS COLLEGE Wi ie S Also Coupon Books 1IT UN II 1117 S o. U i i it iik- r j- i U tV & Pi.29 2. ° SAMPLES Permanently On Dispiay at CUY 'OOLFOLK &- CO. S. Stale Street Ann Arbor, .llticl!. Designed by WHITE USE HARDY 'Nc"PORATED E1tOAD"G'AY AT 40' STREET 144 7VEST" 42"D STREET METKOPOUTAYi OPERA pious, BL.ce. KNIcKctnocKER BUILDING > NEW YORK Read the Want Ads 3L Choice of a Career r ~From the Yale News; THE NINETY-FOUR j Someone, probably an insurance F agent, was quoted recently as saying that from the mass of one hundred college graduates one individual only rose to the Polo and butler class, peril- { ously near the top of the financial lad- der. Five others became comfortably off and found themselves after twenty years at the small yacht and chauffeur stage. The other ninety-four presum- ably congregate in the great section of" the American people who drive their I own Buicks to the golf club. In other r words, dreaming about being a rich man is one thing, and making the grade F is something else again." Yet the ninety-four presumably work AN business is the axis on which a small ! { and uninteresting worlei revolves. They i have become devotees of the dollar and when that fickle deity deserts, have nowhere else to turn. Jammed in a dull, straight rut of business they can n]ever leave the road and jump the fence; G, f into finer fields of life. This, then, isf the portion of ninety-four men out of 0" , every hundred now on the campus. The answer to the problem lies in the proper choice of a career. Between now and Commencement we ,4 shall have something to offer on the s4-lsubject of "Careers." Watch for the space ?r' with the Famuous Signature. The Lone Survivor Give your pen a drink of Will not clog or gum the point and makes the best pen write better. Fashionably smooth Ftair T" has caused tne great change in we ra e Of men s r1 t ",, XTOU cannot go into a .]] classroom, or a club, or a. fraternity house, without no- ticing it -- Somehow, college men have found a way to male the hair, the most conspicuoL=.s part of the appearance, look just as they want it to loot: at all times. It was not always so. Before Stacomb was intro- rduced, they tried countless methods to make their hair lie smoothly and stay that way --from old-fashioned po- mades, which only matted the hair and made it greasy, to plain water, which kept it in place an hour at the most and then left it drier and more' brittle than ever. Small won. der that they greeted Staeomb with such instant enthusiasm t Here a : last was something that would make the hair stay in dace vlithout harming it or ma- king it sticky and unnatu- ral-loolding Today the great change which Stacom b has brought about is no- ticed everywhere. Men whose hair used to be out of place an hour after being brushed, men whose other- wise correct appearance used to be spoiled by hair that was hopelessly unkempt-today they 'keep their hair constantly in perfect order. Use Macomb tomorrow morning- and look your best all day. A deli- cate, invisible cream. Non-staining and non-greasy. In jars and tubes, at all drug and department stores. A Iz5w The $6 Special at $5.00 and the Student's Special at $3.75 are fashioned with the same care and attention to detail that has made the Sheaffer the pen of perfection. z' 'S t 3i ' .a \ .. ,. CYO....... pesos are tippzA with the hard.. 113t native Wd- - -- -'.-- - V ' --," " ' yr C6-. .L