PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, 3.1\ UAI Y 22,19:15 ThURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1~25 1 _._ _.. _..._. __._. _.. r ff,1 n ..... ti . uuA -, 7 ., .. p :. u ,. ... .yi d ., .,. Cup. N-).an. ~ H50wMieyeOnMl~ake Plans For Iowa City, Ia., .Jan. 2.-University ithan 4,500 miles thi;s year to crnpete (c(l oei1rf 4leiii hti i> 3 on uSxSo T wenty'proseio c VO (xidi es tI'm C7oach iFarrell (lulls Candiates tinwhatis rob~alylxthe hretcinler lCwelichil C"in's 1925es ttetionisit~is 3')1)Fo1nimIaiSIXaSpot"d iot.e T chiedule ever arranged for a 1-awl-i- 11I.tea l'an aPlans l etr citlyde thedir apoaknee t Y51t held J9I ye team. The trek to Columbus £01or); ~' f111 Vcs etria l roo i; the Conference championships wil-i-- f!or the training schedule which will FRESHMEN TO ATTEND ! heal tihe list with 1200 miles of rails SAMSON TO BEAR BRUNT: BETA THETA P1 SECOND! begin the week folowing the opn- behind the runners, and the two jour- i -agn of classes for theson5'(fd rsenies :-y All members of the Varsity trackI news to ~rhana within a week will addj Coach Mann spent yest erday' prat- iGammDa ladinntra- e. team will assemble in room 318 of the a similar distance. Iowa will appear t .he mn h te addtst e Union ato7:30tonight evin relresponse to oin the relays and a dual meet. -(iceinesiaonkof ith stmmnnten- firs~ he~ tte s ftheBong cataieloterctao tefotball- teclofCahSee arelwo Coach Bresnahan's men wil reel off 1 , ,ida wr wt I heorfr-ist quarter with 397 points garneredI eleven and one of the ead'ing centr. ; :ohas asked them to be present at this lsome 700 miles when they go to the ca°'o meet With his hl'es inte ii;) eball, cross country, handball. of thue Western Confcrenece for tiet time, in ordler that a number of imn- Kansas relays, andl will adld another'riysatrdb the announoiement'. swilmming;, owling and wrestling, 'last two seasons. Hst of he othecrt po rtant matters concerning the com-X 500 when they journey to Minneapolisl that Jack Govw would not compete, !IlPh Gamma Delta started off by win- m en who will be on hand are min-! ing track season, can be explained to ;anid Evanston to dual meets. The; Mann was busy grooming Van for a ning the first event, seedball, and bers of the freshmai n s~ who will the whole squad at one time. The lDrake relays at DesMoines and the' poiinonteq arte.N pfniehshl ib edsne hn h ie lCiven their first instrucions uner calling of a meeting of this kind is state meet at Grinnell will add 700 oder has yet been dletermined but I next highst houses have the follow-. the Varsity coaches.t in pursuance of a policy begun a nunm- miles between them. Other features probaly Samson or Catain Kerr will; ing ponts: Beta Theta Pi. 37; Phi! Coaches Little and XXieman will lei e ber of years ago.j of the Iowa cardlwl be the appear- ledofteeet~h aco a'jh 10 KpaN,03 h im in charge of the winter workouts and Other speakers in addition to Cach Kapeapoff1t; wPhitSigma Deltaan'300;hi, 35;heappaNit, u3; Phithemaassisatcah once of Illinois and1 Notre Dtnie at wioliteonsgoingdtoytheeoneswhoant.econot Farrell who have been secured are: oiingigt h n h osntIan ,8 iSgaDla 0;Iowa field for the first outdoor duals start. Johnison andl Van will fill in;Th leta Ch.27 lh h Chi, 287;es and several veterans from this 1PoesrAgecara fte lh h h,27 PoeorAircara ofteever hield between the schools, asseon and third swimmers. k Dela Ta Epllon, 27M; Ni Sigma Nu. ears eleven. It is expectel that aboutjt Athletic Board of Control; Professor Smojil Itebrn fte 6.5 aniaesviirpria h is Carver of the mathmatics Smonwlllepartbutmfthent5;aniatswilrpotatte is James K. Brooker, Captain of the TI TIA J team's work, competing in the relayj Phi Sig ma appa claims thid place workout.________ track team; Coach Hoyt of 'the fresh- CM LETLILK I 10, and 220 yard events; While .John by .irture of winning the cross col- pt ConferencFOOLosscountryMan[Itwoyard free stle.Capan Kerr wlbyackyrthey have Non the even. Kappa 2 3 Te m micrLS OIS ETecaposs ckonuntrh and twobe: N i i osesin f-tir laeOn Ohio'Couts 1 'Purple Swimners Y Y T IC 5 A 0Will Tour Cowl- 1 14'0T 7c~z-members of Northxwestern't I i"F 'Wi I KU1. j chainpm oishiupswimnming team xvill in- -~ --- I ide theo Far West when Capt. Ralp)h F~ciio il e;c Sotto dye iBreyer, IDick H-owell, Patti Corbelt, A 2t1in ".'Y { rc i?3t !a l- a lmld I 3a u l ovitz, accompanying ithe_ Weejr ic plc Glee, clib, will till numerous: M ___. z ~~agcmn.ts to swim in meets a.nd TRYOUT IST G XY %h i) itions along the Pacific coast. IThe four swimmers are members of the Club, and -will make their tour Theo \ar sity ;>ym nastic team.with, along with the org anization. Coach the 1,roit i:=eoof a decision ontlthe rec.(- .omt Robinson of the tank squad will gnit ion qtiuesiion kit hin a, week to ok E accompany his pupils. The mend will o Gn i''i1enuc i t: in lt nht,'s prtc- !leave Evanston Jain. 28, returning tic.,. The teoun i"; still , ain;ltore i elt. 16. They will tiake part in eight tr youts. briaing '3_) niena,,.week ag o, 4<)' meets-,and exhibitions. at n, ,seni witt Vimore imending to Com ocut next semester. The said thsyar hasbee skel 'oi anitfort~l o permience they will acquire ti er Iio al eet asked ato taminhformal s!will make the future of the team entered in the Olym pic tryouts.bigt The aizeand luetumbers ue at Nelson, ex-lightweight chamw wvell lprel)"'red il all of the five (Ic- partcntsof Ihe h I 1u'ti ic has regained -control of a fortune let bats Caiin FolverI of $150,0C00 which be lost through anl(.Gofso let~~~~~~~~~ basCta evradG hwCI] ror in a. contract. to the best advrlta ;e. Inl the most: (difficult. of the giymtnast>, tricks, the .Ii, hose Captin 'i'l'er'again stands rl. e American league schedule meet"- ois, wihIlh I he ci det man o nwill lieheld at St. Louis, Mo., on his calibtre. Zart, man, N4elzley, and k fltc. .PeietJhsnh n Endres are fighting it Eout on liorizont- I_______________________________ a1bars. Eit her of the firest, two would i ioe sure point gtters in Big Ten® aciN-A 0 in I ! ('los. In the flying rings Chew, a puco- * Not Whether You Shall duet; of the Orient. and leery Snib a s-oidhmrore, are the class.fth otU But Which Companp? lDoyle andl Schneider take (care of tI l NORTH'WESTERN U iihaing in' a st yle abiove thmat of thle other tryvouts . !- MUTUAL iThere atre a na-filber (if first yearIm Wr en working- out wiih th ego laimPhonle 807-MVI of' tirst rate abiliity, and xxwih he x- a. aU UU *L In view of the fact that there are many students on the campus who would like to hear these men; all those who wish to come will be al- lowed admittance as long as there is room. As many ipoints of value to those beginning track are certain to be discussed all members of the fresh- man track team should be p~resent. Track usually feels the inelgibility axe lightest of any of the four major snorts. but Coach Farrell will take no chances on losing any of his stars and has announced that practice will be consideralbly lightfened over the ex- am ination lperiod. That Michigan will have another excellent two mile relay team this -- stroke, while Van will see service as becatm Tlie ~a memwber of the speed quartet and1 This Tequalifying round of the Intra-I also as Samnson's teammate in the that Imural foul throwing tournament was C 2.Illt~ ilcetrhsatn ~s completed last night, 35 teams taking I tiopns on the back stroke alone; while sxwim 1lpart andi each team averaging- nine[ Seia' oeevn stepug. Iuno 'men. b Seian slIvn i h ]tne no -Papenguth and Sterritt, the divers l other Th ihs cr wsmd ySg named for the trip, xvere given a long" when ma. Alpha Mu with 38 goals out of '50 . chaces Te sors o th 1 temsdrill yesterday and pIii ally wil drewI ol chqaling arTesollsows:he1Sigm ;their full share of the work today, years Mualifyin amdaso Chw: iglpa A-as xword has come Ifrom Chicago that ugh i paM 3;LabaCiApha 36 they have a. pair of clever (livers who iPh-1 Phi Sigma Delta, 35; Phi Lambda lock for an easy victory over the ternit IKalia. 33; Sigma Nu, 31; Tau Delta Michigan entries. ('oach Mann cecn- Sin Phi,33;Thet Cli, 3 : hi Sgmatered his xwort; on Panenguth's lplain 4201f Kapp, 8; Thta i, 0;;PirMoAl front and Stnrritt's optional dk es. thef t~ 0.: Alpha R1ho Clhi, 30; Kappa !This yerteCnee rqie )Isul .Nor.h nfrtcerqirsC td, 29; Phi Cii, 28; Sigma Phi Epsi- (ldivers to present six at temipts (itftheir ilesid almot crtan, s th a" ~. , JUI ~l ~1I11i I'4SIIJ~l ~ oxv chosiig.tha Iseofc its victory in hiandball. is the third consecutive season Siegel has won this title for his e. Sigmia Phi reigns supreme in ming, andl in winning the meet vered men of varsity caliber, An- 'epeat victory was d egistered ISigm a Cli won the all campus in-g, and Theta Delta Clii last winners in wrestling caine thro- again this year. Columbus. Ohio, Jan. 21.--What is said to be a world record in the mtun-c be ri of basketbhall teams in a. Singlec university was antnouncedl last night by Grant TP. Ward, dircctoi of mtria- I meural ath-letics (if the Ohio State uni versity. IHe statedl that 283 dilfferent quintets were nowv engagedl in the geaie at theukyscolc F i . _... . ,o.. Inli ix" IIO11A A1111'111 Wr C-i1- 1)Q- Ai yer ppar -pa Kapp~a Lamibda, 28. T he team will worktout todaysu-ke three veterans Reinke. Fryberg, and __yasus-_ken_ Cochran, displaying fine form and --- uai hut uroabby will not praeti('e on 1 euts. The question of renewing W. H.! Friday, as they leave for Chicago that i rf]Ie Look toar he toanecelentseason S aldig's contract as football coach; night. A light workout will le held athlet Las yer te tvo til reay eamat the l'niversit v of -Minnesota is ex-' at the Windy (City pool on Sat urday !capl wasoneof hel~et i te cuntypectedl to comne tu at a. meeting of morning, to accustom the mn to their! foul thvrateigr ordcs.forithis ent n the board of regents tomorrow. sum''oundings. -volley vacancy to fill, that left by the grad- t________________ nation of lattendlorf, Coach Farrell - --- ___ is optinmistic as to Michigan's chances this ,year. There are a number from whbom to pick the fourth mnan and competition for this berth is certain to be hard fought. Hart, Fingerle, Pfl- j like. andl Walsh appear to be the most. likely candhidates at the present time M art has ran several 2:03 halfs in past two weeks and ,appears to haveI the edge on the otheirs at this time. 3e s o i f r o m l W e Ir'ingerle gave promise of (developing into a valuable man when lie, turned # on t'la in times close to the two minute nmark.;o ~l on Archie 1 ahns's freshmlen teamI t o y a s a o w i e If u e a t aliF O d mate (if I-la rt's on thle fresh mnan teamle t ea u n d t e ha f i : 2 i 'everal telegraphic miects last seiaon. .1 Lefty Groves At Top Of Pitching E Standing hn I.L. RobeiI. CIoves, who xwas recently ,jur(basedl hiy Connie i Mack of the Phii-- I arlelphi a Ath letics from the BaliI I- 3more c-lub of the International Lea- gue, led the pitchers in that circuitI Jl:st season, according to the 1924 av- _! erages. Groves, who is a left-hander, won 26 ganmes and lost ut six. His average was .813. Ilie also led the hu1rlers of ; fh, leag;ue in strikeouts, with 213 in 2 36 innings ;pitched. Ile scred five. shutouts, more than any of. his coinr- peti tolxs. Walter Eieall of Rtochester rankls next -t~o, Groves. Ie was in 41 ga mes, rxinin .25 and losing eight, for a jme'cent a e of .758. Vernon -Ii. Pa3rks, '19, wxho ~vas thej jlea(ig hurler of the (Xonferemice while At- Michigan, .ranked 11th, ith - 1 wins andl 11 defeats. lile was w ith I 4i: Lasyracurse club. I-Ic took part in, 37 ,F Te Sock Kinge lil Sorah TUniversiy A iv. ;o S. State Sr. tes with a total of 350 points. ....+." (<'e school strarted there has been V NN ARbPOaII TO 111)DO) 'm'ternitY teamis taking part iYlp liffeueni, sports, and 1532 men -:T ants were miembhers of the teams. es. taic frat ernit y athletics, more ' . , ., n 1,.00) independent mien have I a- MiOIM1~1rxpv~~na part in the samntumbemr of cv- . - pO,,allng 3'o- 1 ~C~ et e c cnl q a t r o r t r i y , l o e L r e p.f '~ dL ttie of v hih basketbiall is about - - m od crate rates. leted. consists besides that sport, I Am rowing, ind(101' 1rack, rc-lay, and ~ bll.Leave Ann Arbor (Chamber ______- - I of C'oimmerce, 7::30 a. iq., 11, a. 5:130lp. it,.t'EtiiOOn ILL3 thy... Sndays, kv AJl v rArltor 7:30) a. in, 4Ir. Ii. .} p. - 17 Nickels' Arcade Irroaioq:1 n. Poe~The Typewriter &Stationery Store io riimaf kiti. J ".' ,",~°. W", " ..",! d.-a. sr"..z. .* '.E.s." . . .. °, .". °. °e. +° °.'.a." :".l ."Y' . .J P ~." 2rI , Thei' u tooil 4ouor (Coach Service _-tiService will be Upon *Sx routes appo e by te MIUmiciP6ai Authori ntie. al I q~m PEOPLN'3 MOTO 0r,1 COACH -1CO. Hop anid e Ladies codac Ih tm ri ler bets eenm CoS r"on 0- (e r P u p sl~ bv en th e C m o C o u n c il an d th e R a il- way W herebyhN Motor Coach Service is _estab- 11 New s lished CO~nm$.jHnm, Sunday, February 1, All io-h°Grade local street CcaRSer'Vice inl Ann Arbor will be a tw et iithdr awn Es't he close of o pei-ati .m iol Satur- F .. , .. lowed a totAl of r, iig3.77pe 265 innings, lHe al- 111 eained r'uns, ax- nine innings. F..,_ I I L ifc lnsu 4nc ahas its foundation in tlift. Premiumrrs pid on a policy are not spenrt, th-y arc ;jpvested. III .