TI 1;.I DA , JANARY :22, 1925 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY twm i-Iit V - ,..., - ._-....-. - - - - - -....._ .,.. ._.- -_...__ .,_ :" {r \ { U {ut lI d IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- , ............... 17" WA =Aw T A Alm Pt ) ) BUSINESS WDMEN'S CLUB HAS EDUTION X1001M SFive new members were voted into Sthe membership of the Ann Arbor SWomen's Business and Professional club at their meeting Tuesday eve- ~nng. The new members inlcludle Miss Olive Ruth Codrington, Miss Alice L. Lake, Mrs. Mary L. Pettycrew, Miss NellIM. Royer, and Miss Ruth Schlem- mer. S Miss Zelma Clark, chairman of the ~:social committee, reported the plans for a social meeting to be held Jan. S29 at the home of Miss Ducy (Chapin. The social will include both the Ypsi- lanti and Ann Arbor business women. ' Miss Nellie Laning spoke in defense jof the Ann Arbor curb market, ask- ing the support of the members should a petition be circulated for its remnov- Sal. Miss Margaret Cameron, chairmran yof the educational committee present- Sedl the following speakers: Mrs. Hl- en Shambough, who told of the con- vtinuation school of Ann Arbor; Mrs. 1Lucille Crittendon criticized, the comn- mercial work for girls in high schools; -Miss. Carrie Dickens spoke concerning the Americanization work among for- eign men and women. Miss Dickens Sstated that since the war the majority <',of, the foreign school children were German, while lbefore, Greek andIt- Ia-ian children were. in the majority. OwnsNewsaper LECTURER DESCRIBES IR'S AT CLUB MEETING **:?*':k .; ';.':?.;'; :.;.: Member1s of tlhe ,garden sec(tion of tie Facilty W~omen's Cluj.)were ho,=,tt ?;:.:essestotHe other memibe rs of the . club at an informal talk y ester daiykit ' :;:.".vthe clubhouse, by Mr. Samuel Burich- field on ".fow to Prolong the Ir is Sea- son" r refed outlined the dc scription of the various types of Iris, ':3. ::,their origin, tihe color. shale and y " ::%:::>:::>height of growth of both1 the foliage ~. ...andt the floe er. Mr. Burchfield then named the different species according jto the time of blooming, and com- mented on the forming of new species. Ie said, "A nurseryman often breedls A~r a new variety 8 or 10 years before dis- tributing it." 1 a Questions were- asked by those pre- y + }. . r4S rs: sent regarding the beard less, lbeard- ed and JaI anese Iri~s. Concerninf' the latter, Mr. Burchfield stated that: ~~ "Japanese Iris can be growni here if the ground is rich, andl the plants are .-1. properly banked and wcaterered at i : . :A blooming time." 31isTessie It.flcLaii IThree yo~ung women, sisters, are Athena Society sole owners of the La Salle, Ill., Daily Elect Off~icers Post. It is the only newspaper in theI middle west which is owned and 01)-I erated solely by women.( Athena Literary society elected the Miss Tessie R. McLain, editor, began following officers for the coming sem- her newspaper experience as a type-, ester at a meeting held Tuesday night: setter, and has been an editor for 201 Ellura Harvey, '25, president; Flor- years. Later her two sisters joined I ence Fuller, '25, vice-president; Char- her, Katherine who has charge of theI lotte H-arrison, '25, treasurer; Marie circulation and accounting, and Eliza-1 Van Osenbruggen, '26, secretary; Flor- bol~th, who takes care of the adverbis- e Vnce Collins. '28, )ar'ianentrian. iug. Gail E~. Densmore of the public T'essie is also vice-president of the 1peak~iig delartment, spoke to the La Salle board of education, the only fneibei of the society regarding the woman to be elected to an office in T a dc-htti u classes for next year, adl- Salle county. Katherine is vice-pres- ,rjsifg those interested as to whatI ident of the Illinois Pi'ests associaition. idi1 torycorethy101( te Dean Says College 1 'Marriage Is Fatal The instruction which will be given by Miss Price, will include the funda- mentals of ballet dancing as taught in the large schools of dancing. t he braces whiichi arc their twistedKlibs. straighltcuzing !cru ccn, ra'nd piogrev"sis made by i C'o-educational marriage while inj# college is usually fatal, einding in e- IGifts EntertainI trenme lunhapp~iness orinil divorce, is 1 ,Q Za a G1 the judlgment of Dean .Jean Hlamilton'- and Mrs. Amy Hobart in commenting on co-educational marriage during a According to Miss Dorothy Ketcham, college career.I director of the University hospital In her one year on Michigan's cam- social service department, only about pus at least six co-edlucational mar- half of the childlren cared for at the ricages ending unhappily have been utdeatntrehrefrme (alled to the attention of the office. Sot earmnIr Such marriages involve the economic than a few days. Many are tonsil cases problem and unless both p~arties can and thcse are usually chrnissed at the he supp~orted1 and live on their coin- end of 48 hours. Nor is it necessary Dined1 allowances the marriage is like-r for the large number of crippled chil- ly to prove disasterous. Mrs. Hobart (h'ren to remain at the hospital for views college education as a prepara-; treatment. 'Many report at six month lion for life andi when that p~repara- intervals only for the correction of txon is in erru tedl it is a greater risk than is juistifiedl for two people to i I i f I t s r r i f At the present time there are only a few children who have been at1 the hospital for more thani a month."t IAmong this number is a little girl 1with a congenital (l!ocatioii or one ii.Biebtsaimasgaegradually effecting a cure. Another p~atient, a ten year old boy whiose hands anid feet are clubbed, is beingi cared for by means of braces. A K i- dy Isar which was one of his Christ-; rna.s gifts is his present muea :s of !o- comotion, buit lie will sooni be grad- uated to thmemse of a tricycle. The Imajority of the childlren are froum1 IMichigan but there are always a few- 'who comle in from the ueighloiugn states for treatment. With those who must remain Amy length of time, educational work is continued~. In thle school room whlichl soic. An 1;s1,,mio village in cotton. i111(1 l Ittl' i ' 1hE'lg ' C('te~d inl tille i'leym'oomi at. the lli'Oscit tunle. worn- C'ii are given occupational work to takf' iii) ti'eii' tinie. A. ne(t roia -which l a. Christniari i;i{'si't to the department has been firlir l'ing itertiiimemtsince the lmo'idi ys and at the present timec of- f 'r s V being inadle to priocurie a mlov ing victunre machine. Tbis is need~-, edi esnecialIly for the ente-rtainlment of I hose( adults wAho ca;i ineitheO'r v.'ad nor Avrite. Ai~mS. 'Thit J1ensen, Scandinavian anl- thor em', ys that. American men are the, bey-It look:ing, most, chivalrous, kind, Pol ite (', ad t euler in thle world. Mrs. .J('IISOU is in thle I ni ted States to 11 midy ~'ne un iversitie: -and Ice- il 1Y Oh Val Ws '5Welflare. , q open fr.om 1 to :, o'clock eviei vart- IPATROf)NIZE 1)/\IX ADVERTISERIlS i i i , ', r, ' . c ,' r.- .:' N 1 d. C> . a NO TICES Class basketball practice will be held as follows: Today, juniors at 4, sopihojmores at 4:40, freshmenI at 5:20; Friday, seniors at 3:10, jun- iors at 3:50. 'theta Sigmia Michigane1~sian pic- ture~ will be taken at 1' o'clock Fri- day at Speddings. Members are urg- ed to be present and it iq requested that they bring their $2 fee to the treasurer at that time. The club leaders course of the Y. W. C. A. will not meet today because Mrs. Knox Mitchell, leader of the dis- cussion groups, has been detained in the East. The examination will lbe held in the early part of next se- mester. Junior Girls' play, rehearsals will be held as follows: Today, groups 1 and 2 of the cast at 4 o'clock, in "Sarah Caswell Angell hall, grout) G of the cast at 4:45, chorus A at 4 oW- clock in the parlor, chorus 1313 at 5 c'clock; F'riday, cast of act 1 at 4 o.- clock, chorus 1 at 4 o'clock, chorus li' at 4:30, chorus 3 at 5 o'clock, chorus 2 at G o'clock. '(tifliit Owi h selves without prepara- , I Airs. lioirat is strongly in favor of! 1 women working after marriage and' TR Y O N EF bielieves that it is silly for any wife to think it is necessary to rely entire- You ly on her husband for support. But, f T S Y willieorreicos ibccdmai. n~ us she believes, to marry before a mlan j -5T Y is reasonably sure of having a stable ~ After you 'vetied one you will rc Mize ;us what te wo0'. position atm'h!s u o olee , (ISPAND SWEE hurts time man's career, hurts both "MAKB YUR, babced e~i.' careers. Marriage is like a race and' - MENU MOT,4 "ra. if one starts with a handicap he will yInc)Darveclic eInn be farther behind in the end. Miss ' ~410 South 4,Aate Srtr, IPhlone~,1~- Hamilton stated that she believed it to 1)0 a fact that at the end of 10 year\ " ' ''''.','+',rĀ°""9s'" ' ", ',!,*.+.." " '".r.,"". ' '""" . " " . !","," ?r the couple who marr'ied wh'en in col- ______________ lege would b)e farther behind than if, they had waited. Too few women' are equipped to (10 their shiare when N w I h 'i e t r e they marry while in school, concluded. Dean H-amilton.TT j Bfry[ meal scorns quite satisfy- ''''-- t.L~1 1Ji(IJ) 1-ll Consultationin withiout a bit o' sweetness. Let our pastry give that tin- Either p~rinted or engraved. All F or Ballet Class fishinug touch to your repast. I work done in our own shop. This We Deliver svsdsponmn nls a. All womn n ]bo atcs interested in Phone 3310-J ae dipont nt nlstdy taking the a(lvx i'n 'A c oim se in ballet fj :d unc m i a riticnatonTHE MAYE . .R-SCHA IRER . C0 .1 Id(anl(cs5 Whl -i b il e offered next I enmester. 5>0111(1 consult Miss Ruth I;.I Price, of tl:e d ea rtmient of physical , , - PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, OFFICE OUTFITS education, this week. They should be 140'4 ,1reparied to state what: pi'evious work I ' 'ot t t hn !hey have clone in that type of danc- 'ng. andl teider whom it was taken.'_________________________ ; i s l ,f . ,I s I Retail SellingI New Field F or College Women That retail selling f or iwomen is a m ost fatscinating work and is a well paidi occupation was stated by Mrs. Ilelen Shamibouigh of the vocational (lepai'tifent of the School of Educa- tion. She outlines tlmmee (hiVsiotls ofl retail selling, that of teaching sellingĀ° in which position a woman works with employees and shop womnen, connect- ing her tEachiiig with actual work and dealing with large storeos aned their management.s i i>i i f . ti I Y 3 + I 4 { Mummers will have their Michigan- ensian nicture take at 12:30 o'clock Friday at Speddings'. Dues for both semesters must be paid before the pictui'e is taken. Mortarboard will have their Mi('l' iganensian picture taken at 4:30 o'- clock today at Renchler's studio. Anniounce Mrrlage Announcement has been made of] the marriage of Nlsa Geinsendorfet-. '27, Ann Arbor, to Irwin N. Steig- racier, 2E T'he sec'onIi division is the Storer work itself, all large dlepartment lt storecs have educational directors, a4 personal depar'tmett a welfare di- ' rector. 'lton there is thle advertisingi branch. .Hleie theire is no limit to* the abiility one imay employ. thle original talent, or the resourcefulness. Ad- vertising is well pa id, according to l Mrs. S,"ham bough and she stated that in the retail busines ;"bunying is -thle highest paid lposition a woman ma4 hold." In buying time personality of the individual is less im pomrtant; 0i(bi g r t d o he sli g r c r .B y11 ing offers tr-ips to New Yoi'k amid abroad, and many a dvantages financi- ally. llowever, Mrs. 5'hambougli re- ; calledl the fact that in teaching a wo- iman had the suninmers for her own use and I he Ieachig hours are shorter. Retail selling and buying arue hard wor'k. Eli e imsit ion,; requnire woumen of i i ni (ia i i ati ate o _ Schools which pre(pare1 womein fol ,Aheso po'sitions are: Mrs. Pince', chool)in Roston, the Univem'sitv 0o' I 'it Isbn rg w evi eb require ea cl Vh wo a I '.o have two months of selling before She could enter the classes, the Uni versity ofl New York, while the Uii versity of Mlichiigan offers a fe v (cuurses. Miss Sybil Overtonm, Engiand's "prettiest -woman physician." is the first woman to be appointed medical inspector of factories. Moscow. Jan. 21.-Thme Rosta agencey announces that the oil syndlicate hia, concluded a contract with the French ministry of marine for the delivery of 75,000 tons mazout oil. Tfhere still remain suits and dresses, which we arc offer- ing at Pr-e-Inventory Sale prices. Avail your self of this opportunity. lii THE DELANO SHOP 4 Nickc~lsArcide ' -..t f o i "- ,_J a / U LIGHT LUNCHES Home Cooking - SPECIAL v Fresh Strawberry Sundae I-.7C 9 N. Un' versify RIVALS THE BEAUTY OF THE SCARLET TANAGER For Study For Correspondence Is- - $15 O UTDOOR winter sports will be made more enjoy- able if you wear one of these smart, warm windbreakers. Of swagger plaid fabric lined with suede. Snug-fitting hip and wrist bands. SECOND FALOO)R Y14 OUTHl MA UN e':. .i I- presents a -most interesting Collection of New Dresses .for nn-gT+ 4 Z.., I I j OWUNONNUN amsesu Make Your Appointment for J-Hop Work Early!1 Beceause it is highly important to you that the conditioni of your- hair, your coimpexion and your handis he perfect at the J-floph, you will wvant to make your applointmnent foi' personal service work early in, order that your may be certain of obtaining just the attention you desire. P'honme 2200 today! A Permanent Wave Will Insure Your Good Time! A lPerma~.nent WGave in your hair will relieve you (of all futrmther anxiety and leave you free to enjoy yourself to the fullest extent! We have the finest machine and an expert, operator ready to serve you. Never Failing Never Ailing Jewel-Smooth 25-Year Point R l R R *y " ! f t 4 l R I R ! t " e " f f t I IpE Ii EEYSTUDENT NEEDS ONE REINTO Portble ypewite The eminton ortale ill erveyouS ell not nlyin shoo or ollge, ut or yarsand ear t o c m . I w l i e y u r i i g w h cIil b $1 Gold Girdle at No Extra Charge Yes, in every respect save size, the $5 Duofold Jr. or Lady Duofold is a $7 pen like the famous Over- size Duofold. Gold Pocket-clip or Gold Ring-end included, as well as the strong Gold Girdle around the cap. No reason this fall to buy a cheap pen. For Duofold brings you the speed and character in writing that win with the world. And the writ- ing urge that makes work welcome. Its point-if not mistreated-is guaranteed for 25 years' WEAR. Step up to the first pen counter and. get it--speed Learning in college and Earning afterward. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Manufacturers also of Parker Duofold Pencils tat match the pen, $3.50 Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. , I. frees-BattonI Filler capped inside of barrel -out of sight -out of harm's Z2. way' 2 Duo-Sleeve Cap -an extra sleeve for an Ink-Tight seal. a r(cIlirilg' Man'icuring Read and sBuck Color E Combination Reg. TraL Marno Rin 'Widenr gltnn..an I 11 11 - --- - fii1 ci erVt 1311a I pIUJ o 1t1 I