TIIURSI)AY, XAJY22, ~ 2 THE MICIGTAN DAILY WILL SPEAK HEBE'L hDe r Dulois, Editor Of "Crisis," Secured lay S. C . A. For Sundalty Service GRADUATE OF HARVARD; William P. 1. bu.3ij, renowned throughout the coun try as a leader of the colored race and as editor of the (' ,risis, a magazine devoted to the ad - i-ancement of the colored race, has been securedl by the Student Chris- t fan association to speak at the Uni- versity service to be held at 7:30 o'- clock Sunday in lill auditorium. Dr. Du Bois, who is of coloredl des-j What The Solar Eclipse Will Look Like r l r l r i lam PAGE 1fl.EM courses in political science during the ~h1PffI BEALLAH JIL GIE Sme session. Hie will be in char!,(:g ISe PRSTP WHEN oacorein "Municipal Govern- LWII~tr et"edaohri Gniet~ FGE xTO SD MD uropean Government." U U. et;; ~ F V~_0~LO Prof. Janes C. Beallagh of the pol- Figures Indicate c : ,AlaskaJan..21-(By A. R) itical science department of the Uni- -America's farthe ,t no. lcwspaper, versity of Pennsylvania will give two DehI~ti ureacig the heoller, Alaska. Pion. 2r Scout, sus- "'" ' t tit. } L ° 4 v; ::;".::: fill .. l i I I wlA ll r " 1 Y . -,a fl "; A : courses in political science during the 1925 Summer session. Processor Heal1-, hagh who hias a wvide rep utation on this subject will offer a course in "The History of American Diplomacy," and one in "American Political Theo- ries." Two courses in this department will be given under the direction of Prof. 1. S. Reeves. Professor Reeves is cor'- sideredl as an authority upon inter- national affairs, and during the se- cud semeeter and the summer of 1924 he ;as in charge of courses at the Univer.-ty of The Kague. Ile will offer a course in "American Govern- anent," and one in "Public Interna- tional Law." Prof. T. H.. ReedI who has a national reputation in municipal admninistra- tion and organization will offer two lwen'ed publication recently when its Statistics recently compiled by the publisher, editor, composing room Departmxent of Coxmneree show the force, pressman, advertising and cir- 1923 death rate for New York was =c lation manager and reporter, left 1,301 per 100,000 population, for Iowa for Seattle to complete a high school 1,028, and for Kentucky 1,190. The edlucation. Walter J. Marx, 17, held death rate in the two former states all titel;e positions. The paper was showed a slight increase over that of'sta~rted four years ago, was issued the preceding year. In N w York and ;wveekly an(I had the majority of its 60 Iowa dliseases of the heart accounted ! ubscriber s in Norne. Teller is on for the largest nu nber of deaths, i t" Sewaird neninsula, northwest of while in KentucKy tuberculosis was !N0,11', responsible for the greatest numbe:r.!---- In nonc of the three states v,7ee aut- A . omobile accidents rcs4onihle f ;D!,at1k ie,-ad the vWant -'Ads ' he." a h~:~e 4 taken at t~lielhyvi1ie, 14., on Augusl V~ :11 af~;~'ar is its vario~is SISg7CS. 7, ;t 4 et, give an ldea (i how t he solaar eclipse oi ,Jan. 24 Y t% L- 7 *T CI A a 1- 1V" % i 3-1 'L. II r. t- I- f cent, is a graduate of Fisk university ~1i and1 Harvard, university from which nc( (l vo;erfly b Hon sr rafonas- rPtion in Alumni Memorial hall for I a week or tra tans, beginning Friday. lie received a Ph. D. degree in 1895. sociate >c c= Maary of the stidenit Chriswek oFtnEdys beinnngFriay lie has also studied in the University ;turn association. iN VLIJILIIi On Friday the exhibition will be open of Berlin and served as professor of R-~preofenmahive ;of the famous Ford nrrjfV riin Ii from 1:30 to 5 o'clock and on Satur- economics in Atlanta university front 1O(' eM'., n e gro orgaaizationi in De- fj1jjL I~ jf~j day from 2 to 5 o'clock.- 1896 to 1900. At present he is engag- trot hl vo beten secured to sing old y The annual meeting of the assocla- ed as editor of thle Crisis, a national- i~i- ~o ite lcdies «ani religious songs j tion will be hield Thursday, at which ]y known magazine related to the race for t t.' Universty . service, and E1liza- s'ai1ington, ;Jan. 21-(By A. P.)- time officers for the year will be el- problems in this countr y. Dr. Du libis bet b lam ii tan and Wilmia Seedorff, of jInaccii'acies and even falsehood in; ected. Tea will be served to the nwem- is also the author of the "Quest of the' Battle Ci cec. vil1 play a violin-piano' medical stories p~uhlished in newspap- b ers of the association at 3:30 o'clock. Silver Fleece,'' ''Darkwater," "The; duct, ors and the attitude of the press in Negro,' "The Gift of tly lBlack Polk," - gvn lot niie pc o h I ~l'I ~ i~IIT an Jh rwn"Tn rnfi ni nr sn aticnal, though unltruie, news of L lt ~III At th (eiea Dsusin :H iiIaleg-ed discoveries of cures for tuber- A:teUniversity service Sundlay, ufliING D r . i~ u J b o s i l l s p e k o ' A f r c a n (:t 1 1 0 is a n di c a n c e r , w e r e (d e n o u n ~c e d ~ v J D R A N I G Di. u Bos wll il l~ al on Ai'rca ind }}}fff} here by Dr. Morris Fishbe i ., editor of A 1 1eica. lTe Q ; vi. e will be th~e L1 U P~I the Journal of the Amnerican Medical- fifth of the 1924-25 series under the!_____ association, in anl address before the' arepantig b, l Dth at auspices of the Student Christian aas- taepiinsyolDtc ms- sociation. Special music will be fi1- In accordance withi the program of tA1merican 'Society ofi' Newvia~~per lFdi- V ers are being shown in an unusual nished for the evening. lnsaig te 1amu, which was tor exhibition at the Detroit Institute of A forum for the frank discuission - i . cd la,.t. fall following, plans work- F-bi ad htfv leedI~ 'ie clecin cnan ofteeducational, economic, and in- (S d .tby l it kin k.& Mto.oY CiV Id(irek11 tirl oidan a"i nvfaici; emereih Rmrat ffthitg' cancer have been rI..;3~t',tF ' 1Uh five F'rans tas, two Terborchs, an duistrial condit ions of the Ne,4ro ini=mlao l~dk ans have been moved to t ~!h rs 1u~' cIs CJado te ra America will lbe held in the afternoon i. !,('w locationi near lill auditorium. 1 abb a 1pinig at4:5o'lckSndy nLaehat 'h four trees formnerly stood onl the ' 'itha(:til ereo s ne~t the S51. ;ht est miasi era of the Dutch school. tuetantonpol a re 1 ests ;ide of the (iagonal walk near ..ceriflc evidence that. any aoneof Th lction i sidto be one of ''eiall interested in racial piroblemis 1th0e od Medical building. ;them is a SlpniOilc t.re ament or ('tte the fInest ever exhibited in Detroit, jeiyof the 6disease c onicernted in an y hh.'ng "tre invited to this meei. Dr. 1)i1 Moving of the trees were postponed and the arts commilission and the mu- g. ~~even remaotely lreaxnllin the degree Iiswhisin a position :ofleader- utlcl eahr loig the men - !t .hcidpitel nioi n s~eum ta fare endeavoring to amohavi shpaogthe negroctirens of the ,t o freeze a zhuge ball lof earth, weigh- ti o d~ip hblea (cim i Ithie maximum num~ber of peopleb.see country, is a through scholar in econ-- ing lieiia five to six tons, around the the exhib.ition before it closes on omics and political science r oot,;s, thus eliminating danger of in- p i1 Jan. 25. Thus far the :exhibition has To Atddress Vusses , ury to Oth- toe. The four trees . are of CGjlubToEx ibtkeen well attended, 1,600 to 2,000 wit-1 Dr. Du Bois will add'ress everal go£?od size, aniging from 40 to 45 feet 1 ness .ing tho collection daily. classes in the University on Monday.; in height, a from 10 to 12 inches in Iireasures Ofii-rt' ---_________- A banquet, to be attendled by person; diaiiieter.- - Art woric done by first-year" stu- usually interestedl in the race prrob- ';------ - Th.e Ann Arbor art association ha3s dents of the AtI Institute of Chicago 1em, will be held Monday evening at Clumbulis. Ohio, Jan. 21.-Percy secured from the American .Federa-1 is now on display in the Architect- Willets' restaurant. A perinanenti cluban l1,1:a-nt 1hor of "The Plastic Age,"I tion of Arts a collection of more thanI urn. corridor. The work was sent for discussion of racial questions miay; will ,,teal;to isutents at. Ohio :tate 60 block lVrints and 30 De Fries etch-i here onl request of the Architectural b~e formed at th is time, it was annou.- univers ,ity in thie near future. ings, which will be placed on exhibi- college. t . .' . fee the Eclipse In Its 1t1i'v -'hdor~'day nztring I he; r: ifl c(eu r 12'P mi i,;n;l-Hii: ofAnti aa rair thenumost sj~eetaenilr of iii tal'ii('li;)Jlieaita. It wIll offer f.alahst opportunity with- )It than ifethiw of ziyone 1now fl Onig, -to psee It from this lhart Eerc, thle nwo on will almost c c er11w tsuit's face, and then noUvel c f,. '[hat is all. Up l b hexcone aila " se, 'tall the phie. ;ln of I 'i ,iity ; the mar. i~~~~ )4;r~i~au~ . d r'd oroia; d ce .e' muw e l4}!il millionis of ass A in tto s'p.ac;the flickering , d - 11 :b tf ttstill have ScEric( _; c .as gand all the a "coin yaa xi yitng wonders. Liter. :.V. v Owechnee of a lifetime. " (ea an Le nl()thate a Ilm. 'No(d au nub lice vipeople lit a Jt-cT (-0k11c uu'iabl? e s on an cx:)K~ ayye~z ionstar'tinig- (eerly Satur- dkatv )10111-'hiig' II chaI'j4e of a mealitr (of the Un~iversitly phys- iide4 ir nC t.Reservations s-Noflld el$w aietoday. Phone °i l 'toilet 5e, aps Tooth Paste Le Pages Glue Office Paste Penci1 Shoes Laces rhos Polish Shining outfits great percentage of the deaths., Pinls I N eedieCS Thread COLLEGE G Eri I' 616 E, WILLIAM OPEN EVENINGS a 3 d G E, k lff C 9t l6 a$ l 3. P.m u -1 wanwmwwl , - k . r i G ;r ' . c II - 1 1[ h 11F i t k t:; F i( FFF ' 4; aF i yf of } K 1 I fi wowv " ummv-- Starting To-day 'J *. , playing A Sparkling Comedy Dedicated To The, Perfect Husband! ?O PULAR WCS .Mt1"inec 35C Evening 50 Aniother Great Show Especially Selecd, for the Lst:l[a If ofI Maci) He Rest in Peace-- ZiAYRE \omoro' " *'1~~'TI Lo e 7, r , Al~ 1RENOa ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ X ,F.0"r',j. ,' t /r (""i' , ;',ZllGCll~i::!?t % /~'.7,~iL('', jle~e.9a1rmoun 9ww 11 IExcelling Her Stairring Vehicle in "THE COVERED. WAGON" Ma moth I Its Simplicity WorderfulI1InIts Realism ~I it I i~e' d s-u~ n o '~n tih -Ae C a s n c ul,'), I- Whose Character Work Is Un- quesliontibly Without Equal- You'll Say So, Too. Asthe Hero, lie Instantly Corn. I vsitands Your Admiration. Err:st orrenc-e Noa eery I Needs Little Introduction to Local Screen hans, Except 'Thlat Ile Soars to the Sky as 9 San Rludabaughi. I 11 . 1V 11 ', Ve Wedi u- 'O Meowais a "lianunin's Noose" quid lt'XNOlife *Hcvoineg a Crssword Puzzle- TI! 1N-: °'i'a timcir u's )FIi l ' beomies ait asszlinig riot. Sie nairiIt;d himni leesulse lhp was a P~re-et 1husban d. si. :;. : aLd iou'! I fractuire your fiixi ni'bone. _ I I-_ F And a G reait Carnivl W 'eek Programi I i 7ioneymoon llilarzr/ Mack Sennett a"_ "ov sweet$ Piffle" t SYMPHO- JAZZ ORCHESTRA Tlhie W, C, FIELDS' FAILY FORD VVitii 'l~ho 4 oiued r S~eu. I 'tI I 11 11 1 1 11 III E '!t Fa"I