MAG~I EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY W P.IDN SDAY , i URY 21,192 ''5 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication to the Bulletin is constructive notice t, all menbers of the University.. Copy received by the Assistant to th Peident until 3:30 p.Inl. (11:30 . m. Saturday Volumie 5 IEI)ESI)AY, JANUARY -1, 19.5 Numer S Exseeutive Board, Grauate selkol: There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate _School on WNednesday, January 21, at 4:00 P. M. A. H. Lloyd. Mteniiers of the Adjntinlsratlve Board, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Wednesday, January 21, at 4:10 in Dean iffinger's office. Courses in thle Summer Session: The Abridged Announcement for the Summer Session of 1925 will be red for distribution In theregistration,.ofices of the various schools and colleges on Saturday, January 24. The Announcement will contain a list of the courses to be given next summer. Students planning to attend the Summer Session are advised to consult this Announcement before filin, their elections for the second semester. Peitions For FExtra Hans: Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are limted to a maximum of sixten ]tours. If for any valid reason extra hours are desired, students must apply toethe Committee for permission to elect'them. Special blanks are provied for that purpose. The long elections card (even 'when 0. K'd by an advisr) is not a Petition and does not constitute permission eo elect the extra hours. Petitions must be handed in at the,'same time with the elections and should show the whole program of proposed courses. Frewhizen'taking Military Science may elect sixteen hours without spe- cial permission. AllOther Freshmen are limited to fifteen hours, and a Petition is required if more are desired. Read careully the 'ules governing the matter . They are printed on the back of the special blank. J. W. Seboll, Calrnuu, Extra Hours (onitee. CoLiege of 1 harniacy Students: Allt students of the College of Pharmacy should make their second semester election of ,.oursed today or tomorrow in Room 20 Chemistry Bulding. fflV; hours 9-12-and 1:30-5. C. C. Glover, Secretary. freshmen JEifgneering t7 i :" The regular weekly assembly will be held Wednesday, January 21, at 11.:00 in Jom , 48 pgineering Building. Dean M. E. Cooley will speak to the class;. ,k,.V, J. C. Brier, Mentor. Electrical Engineers: Four reels of, film will Ile shown in the Natural Science Auditorium Wednesday, Jan.,21, at"4 P.IX!.under the auspices of the A. 1. E.E. Tlhese films will depict the eoa~slruction of the Panama Canal and the generation of electricity, from water po-,Ver,, The pictures will be non-technical and the public is invited. A snarl A. I. E. E. business meeting will follow. J. B. Johnson, Publicity (lin. Seniors and +raduate Stu4#ti o Educaton: Opportunity vwiI l Rii'en ~iext semester for a very limited number of superior students to d g t~ice teahihg; in Detroit and possibly in Flint. To do so, students w il i~ed o keep one day per week entirely open for the work. Those succetully' con eig the assignments will stand in line for permanent posi1,ih s il the beroit or Flint school systems. Any inter- ested in avaling themselves of 'this 'opportunity should consult mie in room 106 Tappan Hall, Wednesday, January 21, between 2 and 4 P. All C. 0. Davis, Chairman of file onnite. Cange of Course, Secondar~y Education:' Secondary- Education, 820 scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- dlay at 9:00 o'clock to be conducted by Professor Moehian will not be given next semester. C' 0. 'lb1S P'ermtissIonl to Elect Courses In Plahy Prouctio: Those who wish to make appliation for permission to elect any i th fllowing courses in Public Speakng, "The Art of Acting," "Stagecraft," "Play Production" or "Play Direction," May consult with me on Thursday, January 22, from I to 5, Friday, January 23, from 1 to 2 and 4 to 5, and Mon- day, January 26, from 3 to 5 in the ofice at the south end of the stage in U.nverety Nall. R. >. T. }llliser. To All $tudenfs In iraiing In the College of Engieering: All1 loas must be removed from the lockers in the drawing roois on the fourth,r-Aoor of'the WV4est Engineering lbuilding by Saturday, January 31. After tlii1datp al locks" will e removed by methods which neessrily will destroy them. H. W M11ler. Publice pahjug :11: Mr. Crocker's and my classes will meet in Lane H-all at 7 W-oc(:on1 1 ednesday evening. The classes will deliver Robert J1. Burdette's "Rise and1 Fall of the Mustache." C'arl (. Branidt. Jiliwdoric Iussnietors: Instructors in Fr-eshmn I Retoric will please 10001 ini loom 3231, ig:'11 iI all, at 4 o'clock , Friday, January 23. The Nursery Section of t he Faculty Women's Club will meet at the Club II ou 52 at 3::0 1' .L.Frday, Ja inary 23rd. Brm. Curtis,'I 1ead( of the Science Departmnent of the U'niversit y I-igh School will speak on ''Somse lBegiinnings in Science for You ng Children." All mothers enrolled in the An a rbor Branchl of the Merrill- Palmer School are invited. :laybeleIt. VWhitney, ('ha iriiian. F~ a il cif 11 rectors ; Women's League: The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Fri- (ay, January 23, at 4 o'clock in Blarbour Gymnasium, insteadl of Saturday morning, as previously announcedl. It is necessary that all members be pr et:ent this meeting. ('haclot t . ,Bl3a:.rdon, lPresident car inhe Womenk's Le, gne. Simming lP4o~o Notie: Fraternities having unso~ d sx, mmnIbooks and not turning thern in at the boothI in tle 1 Uion I oIby hot wcci 23a ml 4 P. A1. WednesdIay will be expected ! to pay for them. Ha trold L. HIale, Treasurer. Uihc..~t y of MichiganiBaud: There will he no r-heai-sal tonight on account of the nearness of' ex- aminations. All mnembers 'of' It. 0. 0. C. will meet Friday, JIanuary 23, 1925, at 12:45 at Rentschler's Atudio for the 'Ensian picture. Sponsors Move NI e~icO ('BY, 1a.2. The (depart- I :t; ).4 :011 Aarsity Glee 4.lub])I ryoii s for the ("licao ("'on test, club'sinl lr. i a rmison 'Soffi ce. U nion. 7 .:30- I rsil y Irach 1tc1 icS ill room 3 18, union. organization ;appa : A. im~prtant mneeting of the Faculty Members of Phi Beta Kappa will 1: (=1_I iii Room 205 Mason hall on Friday, January 23rd, at 4:15 o'clock. J. It. II o(ges, Secretary. L3 Iancal ,Sminar:_ i3 otanical Seminar meets WdInesday January 21, at 4:30, B173 N. S. I1'lg. P-mper by Prof. Philip B. Hadley-'Tacteri op Iiage." B. It. Davis. Ba soiain s pno o oe mettrraiea nenlinlht asoiIin ~ e:~-U u 0!va I bon tothe ega affbs ad iner4 pondeA. C'r naupresidetfthe Ohi oarcasociatein, i sponsorofaisoue- men1t :0-roshn eniner met in r 1associ-ain. HeDe--; ,Shag1,o vasa naichnan eainsnf thie atoSped 1 oie :to)S:40 ap4par in 1thiscoun mslta b:eet ive boar the Dalyofiej o'lc :0- ord ein Ctrol14yofisuent Publicato~ nimeesiPess build-m ing. 4 1:005:0-- 1 . .prc.oisct Pi ani Ca- turl SciednCaudtoum. udet 4:10(-1Literary col lefze a dmninistratlive hoar d meet.:,in Dean ffingei i -r's of- HiAVE YOU SilSCW lIE) Y ETT CLOTHES FOR THE COYLEGi MAN the ULSTER c4 BIG, Lull cut, rugged 1 coat to ward off Winter 1blasts. The rich woolens, both imported arnd domes- tic, endow them with dis- tinction as well as comfort. $3950®toX4950 NAT LUXENBERG O BROS. 841 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1 ~Next sbooxving at SCampums BootvrY. 304 S. State] January 26th and 27th Omn style memo. book sent free on request Dance in a jJacobson's I Frock 'and you Dance in Chic. So Graceful that theyI seem almost to Dance of themselves. Phi Lambda Theta will meet at vers ity -11gh School. Prof. Wilbertl will speak on "The Reorganizationc 7:45 o'clock tonight in Room 214, Uni- L. Carr' of the University High School of Latin in the Secondary Schools." Muriel Fox, Presidenut. The regutlar weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wednes- 'd*1y, --;January 21st, at 7:30 P. M. in the It. 0. T. C. Drill Hail. Lt. I, C. Leever. Quadrangle: In place of the paper previously announcedl for this evening, Proi'essor Carriti will readl one entitled '"A Misjudged Poet.'' G. P. Henry. Alpha1Delta s igrna: Mlichiganonsian pictuare will 1)e taken Wednesday at Speddings at 12:00 noon. Donal d Fredericks, President. Rescarc~i(li it) TIhe January mleet ing of the Research Club will 1)e held on Wednesday, .Tanuary 21st, at h P. . in the Historical Lahocratory. The following papers will bo presented: "A chenujeul theory or remanent magne'ti m" by Professor P, ID. Cam pbl~I. '''Phe first edition of Crons on the law~x of war and Pea(ce" by Professor J. S. Reeves. The C'ouncil xxwill m'e21 at 7:1 5 1P. A. Tr. 11. hfi idebluudl, Secretary. - --mmulmloulmommum FR.AT'IN I'IESSORORITlIES; CONNIE'S CHICAGO pNot W/Vhether You Shall r * But Which Companc ? PNORTI-l\ESTL"RN I ® 3 MUTUAL '' TPhone 897-IM 2 flee. I014 a." -t:.0 - Botanicaul se Rlmir meets in room B-1.73, Natural Science build-1 AT !J ing. _______________ .:0(:f '-V1.r,4ity (CIeac'? t ryouts I j for the Chi cag;o Contest 'dub in Mr. j G n Goldkette's Orchestrac Har rison's office. 011 nL 7G n f eri n 7 :0t0 S:tH)- V arsify +G.Vee ('club tryouts o for the Chicago Contest cl'l n L~' I arrison 's office. Benson Orchiestra o hcg 7 :15- )It. (lemencis clubl nwuets ilroom i Chicagoa "16 of Union. - ilPa dr 44 il l~riwtte llluIt..0.1 Syncopation That Has Been Vic'tor-S8 7. :-- x m r e' et lFmiu.for Years '7::- I ~ci--one 's Eii atimu club matel s -N Sin room 214, University High 'school. I- ~ :4-Reearch club tuelts inll e Illa;- tomica 1 lahom~i-,0e v. iIYwzsv ''Playboy of the W,.esi evn \World,'' in A', I1'iy yo,11. Dai ly ' ub scriiocn. j I + D)ETROiT n effect on irdMEN'S DESQ j We have numbers from both these orchestras which mvill * uobel)b hi etrs tteHp oeiln AoRATED hbear them., els Acade niversity us I C ouse Corner William and Maynard - - -__._ _ ,".r"6 . . , 'w.r; . . . .r" .:"/u'J, . .u. .rl1." ./ .".. 'r. .I .. .lr, w .'a°.a~a p Discou ..- Don't, Borrow -S-ubsc r'be Today., is still in I U U U U U U U BLUE. BOOKS - -.,All _Sizes and, kinds FOUNTJ~AIN"PEiNS All the Leaders - I ' U H LADIES ' It SW( INCORE 12 Nick( *WIA FIR'9S UNIVERSIUTY ~~ BOOK SORE .s1 AnU wau s aaUEEUUEU amU on.amam ,Ma M uNMMWMMnV'1I h r WON" Y 4 1 COMMENCING THIS MORNING AT NINE O'CLOCK SUITS AND OVERCOATS' DEEPLY REDUCED Our goal is to sell 68 Overcoats and 89 Suits before the end of the month. We've exactly thai our season's end surplus and our sharpest price slicing k-nife has been ruthlessly wielded number representing k - (. - against former prices so that the average savings awaiting you approximate qq 1 _q ( I vU- II I - iJ d~R1EM' t P I 1i