WEDNE'r; ISDAY; JANUARY 21, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAGV SEVEN, will 11 MEN& ' co oMM L AIM s S I F' C coiuMa CLOSES CIOSCS 1i3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 Phl, WANTED AV A.NT1ED These; to I 0type. C~l?~13L WA NTED) Garage :spaec i vicin ity or CCmibridge and X Aashtit 018..Aiits e r Blox 58 Aicl, Daily. ARMY OFFICERS, TESTS Fascisti Foe 7i _'___.... i ..,. i 1FOR JIEr IFOR SALE FOR RENTRo s for men. Steaml FOR SALE Must sell new t uxedo and heat. Plenty of hot wiiater. Also gar- vest, shze 3 >, cheap. Call, Blumer L- age. Phone 1194-M, 422 IPI Wasinig- IS0I1U. 914 S. Statet St. ton. _______________________10011O SAL!" Black evening gown prat- k F4OR RENT Large, light double front tically new. Size 38. Phione I1587-W.> room for second >cemester. $ 7 for 3 :2S So. Main. two. Phone 2951-M. 1127 Chiurelch . l"OR tiSALE? On account of sickness, I WAN .11,I.) Student girl Ito(IFlio mse- work for room and b oard . Sum :11 family. Call 31W XV ANTIE 1) Girtlsstud+ zt w %ishes m n vi or roomll in exchange fohr Svli(, Box 519. 1140 IU BOARD andl ROOM In private faiily. 1220 3. 'Univ. P'hone 2878-J. } FLOWERS Our moderate prices make it J)O>ss'Clei for' all to have F+RES] 111OM E G ROWN FLOWERS. A2 FLORAL CO. ANN ARB3OR FLORAL CO. 1.22 E. Liberty. 1Phone I B80; S(OE~s WILL BE HELDMIN JUNE' Examninations o1 applicants for ap- lointments as second~ lieutenants in' Ithe uinit 0(1States regular army will be held in all sections of the country 110111 Juntie 1 5 to %0,1 925. This ex- aliitat ioll is (ypen to. all eligibles in the comb at ant branches of the army aind will determine who shall fill the vacanchyie accrinlg to June 30, 1925.'. M l~ Its for' iapplicat ion to take the c'X L1(111.8t all andi(M lailedl information c(o'1 t a its natuira m1ay now .be ob- t.: An "11t aUi versityv U. 0. T%. C.head- t vRo. lutartes. 'The exalin ifatioli for local O 'i 1 3; l will 1b-. vcn at l;ort \V,.vue. : Mich. F FOR RENT Comfortable room, singlea or double. Dormitory. Near cin P T 422 Hamilton Place. Phone 2121-. FOR RENT First floor suite aid (dou- ble room one block from lCmpus 807 E. Washington. 481-l. FOR RENT A suite of rooms, andI oneC large front room in priva te fam ily. S1364 Geddes. MODERN SEVEN-ROOXIEI House'I Garage. 1404 W. Huron St. Phlone 1046-MU. MODERN FURtNISHED) seven-roomfed; house. Garage. :1414 W. 11iiuron St,. Phone 1046-MU. ________ FOR RENT See this room-Right onl Campus. 610 So. State St. Four doorsI v~So. of Union.f FOR RENT Single room for two withI large,-sleeping porch. Call at meal- tile or evenings.2952 -M. 512 Mack imforced to sell my BEAUTY. 51101'i ininediat ely. Up to date}t eclfllpmciit including soft water shampoos. ('all at no. 19. Cuttingf apartments or call 1105-W. for fur- thier'inforimationi. 4N I Efinest materials, expert de- signing and careful workmanship make every Stetson a masterpiece, STETSON HATS" I OR SALE Ilamond Mathematical Multiplex Typewriteor, x,120 machinc n(,ily new for halftlprice. 634 Brooks St. FOR SALE Three piece Tpuxedo ,sut,j small site. Excellent material, full satin lined. Ypsilanti. 11 South Ad-a ands St. FOR SALEI Tailor mnatte Tuxedo, size 36. Like new, bargain. Call Russell I 82C-IL. 7:130 to 9:00 P. M. HIARGIS 1100YTERY jWuerth Theatre Arcade. See:tIme Style for yourself.' POSITION WANTEI) Senior sI 11d1011 will Work for room or in ale parti cash payment. Box 57 daily. FOR SALE Household furniture for sale. Address inquiries to box 60 Mlichigan Daily. IAOS' TYPE WRITE-US TYPE WRITERS REN'EDI NOTICE .1-lIOP PFAVORIS Every thing for your house party. A RN ( )l,) STATrE ST. J EWE3LER. tU8 S1A1OOED or dust cleaned. Eann Arbor Carpet Cleaning~ Works, Phione 50. SP~ECIAL ON V ANITIE.l.S For Co-eds, AP~PLIEDl)ARTS :Niclhl Arcade Opp. Sub-Station IlISCt~.LANEOUN PHlONE 866 F'ort Typewriter Repairing j ~(All imakes)' aDealer in Woodstock typewriters, Sun dstrand and Portable AddingI Ann Arbor Typewriter ExChtnge 9 Savings Bank .1Mk. lAul cIII(l;s, every AliedIIeisay_.- n ight for t he latest miodei'n . 4,11 ces only. "Inner Circle Tloddle and l Tango F~OX Trot. 'l'FiIACE ARIDEN TERRACE GARDEAN 22 Wnertli Arcade 1'JoIIC' 241-1t - 1 Giovanni Giolitti, former premier, is the fighting miouthpiece of the wLib- er;:zIs in their effort to break the hold of the Fascisti in Italy and unhorse Mlussolini, now virtuallV'"dictator of, the country.w Cairo Jan. 20.-King Fuad,JW4S Sign- ed a de01cee]postponing, the119w06i. Thle (lecee calils for~ th9..,pp~fveIin of parliament March 23. ~ I Read the Want Ads i Rioad. !lOST 1lBetween Lane Hall anl the '' FR 'ENTSinle ti (lubl 1*O]D University Library. The barrell of aI G 43l Tappan Ave.j ladly's gold fountain p~en, initials D). ________________________________ A. P. Finder please call 2896-J. Re- F,~OR :RENT Brooks I rot hers> new tux- ward. Cd,"asize 38, with vest, very cheap ) I1OS'i' Monayl, gold pen1 1bet weNew-r (allI Bhimer 2801-M.. 914 State. hn~ aladUdnNwer 'YOR RENT Two &excellent suites at" Residlence. Call 2338. Reward. 61.8 Packard. Reasonable price. iO'I 1Phone 2016-XR. ___ ____ _________ TO RENT Single room for woman IFOUND) Dec. 30th female collie pup- stecam heat, private family. Two hie with collar. Black back, brown blocks from Campus. .!"'el 31 68-J. face znd feet. Call Miss HaightC - FOR RENT Single i'oor'i foi two w1ith I 9M . . . slee~ping porch. (Call at neulthii( (ofI' OUN I) Sum iof money, Owner may eveing. 252lU.512i~aekItod. havec saime by iclentifying and pay-' APARMEN'! --- --_____ lg for this adJ. Phone 2112-MU. AP'ATME'llFurnished, kitchen,I combinedi livniroom an(d bedroomn. 1)O.J.8,Glwrs ' 21 N.Stae. hon 143GW rat .Ow1 ner may have b~y callhng 215____N_____State.____Phone____145_____-______ at 517 Elizabeth St. Phone 880. rROOM For two men. $2 per weekBEUY ~OPF each. "215 N. State. Phone 1453,-1LU. IBAT HP FOR ENT ~arm clan sngleor Permanent Waving and Marc~lling FORREN Wam, lea sigleMACK AND CO. Sdouble room. 2 blocks from Campus. 24 N. Ingalls. 2044-R. f r lorMi t WARM Comfortabile and well fair- ~ ~ PA ACLLR WARM ~~~~~~~Phone 29339 for ap~pointment. fotsiefrby.N te nishd foni sute or bys.No f hl UIAIATTlIX ABEAUTY SEIOPPE v students.. 540 Packard.SteSre-AoeCsig FOR RENT One large suite. 1011 -~~t).S ", I-onroe. Tel. 2542-R. ______________ '- I URSES 'IP IZ TTNG T ,n TrView 40:-.i. L. C. Smith, Reniington. Underwoodt, Royal, etc., 3 months $7.50 up. Ini-- tial payment of rent applied on thieI purchase of any typewriter. 0. D. MORRILL a 17 Nickels' Arcade The Stationery & Typewriter Store IF 20 YEARS of mechanical explerti- ence means anything to you, calli me at 310-M for typewriter repair- ing on all mixed machines. A. C. STIMSON 308 South State Second Floor; Only Typewriter Store on State St. TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Best makes for rent or for sale. Phone 342-R. iHAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Styled for young min L t" . FOR RENT A singlemroom. Also wanted a room mate int nice Large suite. 1412 Geddes Ave. Phtone 2316- -. J. ~'FOR RENT Three or four boys to take rooms on first floor. 727 E. University. FOR RENT 5 Room unfurnished apart- ment in "Citting," hat, water, :Ian- itor service, storage room in base- nient included. P ossessioit "t once., P'rice $90 per mtonthi. Cali '11i. Newton lWit Ii' Cl IAT LENSL. BROO0KI Phtone <315-3552 l'Xen I ngs 214tf FO F" RLEN7 Ti6Room alpartanent on l West side, compIletely redlecorated. j garage. Owner .rill I ea - unatil Sept.' 1, 1925 for $60O per' month. iX75iper, mlonith after Sept:1, 1925. ,tCil r. Newton With CIJARLES L. BROOKS Phone 315-3552 Evenings 2416t FOR RENTI 9 Room furnished house I two Ibocks fronm Campuns, coal,aar age inclinied. Owner will lease until Sept. 1, 1925. $125 per month. eCall Mr. Newton Witll CHARLES L. BROOIKS! f Phone 315-3552 Evenings 2413 FOR R IN' Gi' ruate Student or 1)u,,i; ness Woman. Single room 1 blhock from Campus. Phone 158. Ralph TI. Swezey. 'IMUSICI MUSICAL Cortena Language Lessons Italian and English. Complete re-cod st Pl y b e n a y h n - graph. MUIC SIC hOU SEf[ TWllO Vi10IICTO COE()DltOIIE s- 'TRIAS I ugaged for t he J - Hop. Comte in and hear the late hits of time 'B4,n- soan and Goldkefto Orchestras. MUSICAL INSTRUMNT B ARGAEANS Tenorlanjo and Case....... $28.50 ]Flat back Mandolin......... $12.0 Red Head Uke ..............$1,4.95 Banjo Uke................$5.01 Con Tenor Sax. aunt Case . . $55.00 i,!';t3"i'3As You Ps " lt ; ' pital. 4420 Charemdon, Chicago. Ac- c:redited1 School. H. S.'relquired. New ('lass Feb. 15th. Splendid p~rofession tomr young women. Catalog free. Sart Frocks for ecassion ,During WeI"I.E :WO f A Spill on the Cinder Path Track practice and events inevitably pro- duce many bruises, scratches and cuts. An application of Mufflin Alkohc. will bring speedy relief. The alkohol is a splendid antiseptic; bleeding is stopped almost at once; the sore spots are cleansed efficiently and thoroughly; the rapid evaporation of the alkohol brings soothing, cooling, com- fort; gentle massage of the bruise provides quick, pleasant relief. And Mifflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too ! After bathing, a Mufflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore-spots." Mufflin 'Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external us6. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as ill.7strp ted. Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. .Saksj Agents: HAROLD F. RTTCHImE & Co., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington the external tonic A r ALL GOOD DRUG STORE3S oUllll MIFFLIN ALCOHOL w McGr ,nrctbaz. N[IFLitf CYilllfAtp Fweo1W yrr - I ,n i , 19k + rn tprniti Pc It All group photographs must be fully corn- 91- Y m vWl5 il R. L L . rLA L l.1 ~ i3 1=1 I