PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY JANUARY 21, 1925 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1925 ' ^ ". .nul l MIT MAIMwl lllw/ , \ y Pp pp i c$ ++.r, ; 1 Mli ", V "a""", t VARS5ITY FINISHES5 FIRST FOUR GAMES Wis Three Out of Four Conference Gaines Played Duriing First: Sextce er Rockne Refuses Contract At U.S.C." IKaulte Roc kle, (oach of Notre Dame, Wilnot accep~t the position of headI !.&ootlball coach at the university of Southern California, it Was announl- ('ced yesterday t~y Harld( J. Stone, ex- i ecutive secretary of the Trojan insti- l tutioll. TO MEETCHICAGO WVill L~eave Ann Arbor } Fr'iday ! Fgit f Purplce's Victory Forewarns of Upsets In Big Ten Race Minnesota's, defeat cat the hands of 11 the de Ir, rsultsin lra i h the PurIpl e Monday night gives risel Gophers. to the 51l,1)iciof that the Big Ten ':he~ Indiaina-Chiczago game atj basketball season is not going to he)1 Bloomington will not grea.tly effect L' t I fk JI£U~~ d1~A~Ifree from imnv of the upsets thatI the present standing its hothIi tams uo .,SEXTET IO KARBEL ELETDTO CAPTAIN WRESTLERS A. successor to Elmer Henderson, a I u t i :' utui amatn TO PLAY CHICAGO FTEB. '7 }wlho recently resigned after a long . GOW WILL NOT SWIM I he~ Northwester'n five wvon its first o period of criticismn, will be announcedl Conference victory in two years in With its first semnester'Bg e during the early lpart of thie second ieuc~ f2lcvgn defeating the Minnesota team. Then Bi TnN ine icbrjo ihia' si-Purple quintet lost 12 consecutive baktal cedl ucesulyc in- Semter, it was stated. The statement ; ming team accompanied by Coach i atsao n lo~e h lceted the members of Michigran's Var- 1 was based on a message from Rockne Matt Mann will leave Friday night 'first two on the 1925 schedule. Min- h that. it would be impossible for him to for Chicago, where they will book up slity squad yesterday turned to their accept the losition. ihte hcg ggeainS tur-neota, which was considered a wihteCiaoageainStr studies in the hope of keeping the reg- Willis 0. Hunter head of the in- ayniht t4 ong contender for the title before M illar five intact for the completion ofs tramural program has been appointed the meorthweaterne game, will meet the t the cihampionship race in February teprr ed o necleit h e omk h rpaeCi , Criast Madison Saturday night.. an ac.tamo Kerr, Johnson, Samnson, Van, Thle three dlefeats that the W'scon- ri . ; ~~~~~~~~~athletics at the U. S. C. Several men IWtigaHltd aegt tr With its 14-12 victory over Wiscon- who have made application to the itnlaIlltd aegtSe-sin I cam has suffered have been by- sin~~~~~~~~~~ inacoegmLody nttto o h itt andl Seidman. There is a bare loos- very narrow margins. The Badgerf ichign ans forthewithdas'igt Trojanintuio frth position,! sibility that Jack Goxv will be in con- five will make ia strong bid for a vie- I Mihgnsad ot wt sgood are undler consideration by the ath- I ~ twtibtCahMnnh h eodo h w arecord as any othier five in the letc committee. d'9 tip- r h rpbtCac antort'iy hescn meeting o h w Bi1g Ten, ;although a fewer number is nolg~ tseiulcongn the pnrre- stennicas, losing by only one basket in I of games Iayed and won gives Iowa isjeQ the inue tr 'eoenming ae and Illinois the advantage in the pe fr- l fu fiII O rir The relay tecam will consist of Cap- ndoul edly the game that wvillea- centage column,. With victories over. WIUIG LiJ 019NII1I ENTERSD t'in1'r, Samson, Johnson, and Van.!r(ttems teto ilb h IorhvetrOhio, and Wisconsin GRE A an'nlWitnamxiletrth iletig of the present leaders in the to its credit and with a one p~oint !A toe h ~c toeetisrc.TeIIwee being sched-' loss to Purdue as the only blemish fV U IILItl will be Captain Kerr and Halsted. Pa- tiled to face the strong Illinois team. On its recordl for the 1925 Confer-, penguth and Sterriti. will enter tlhe at Urbana. Saturday night. Illinois+1 lnce season so far, the Wolverines; Madison. NVis., Jan. 20.-The Uni- (living event, while Sevidmian will take has three victories to its credit,whl rank as. ono,., of the most formidable1 versity of Wisconsin crewv which too~Ii car oft: the plunge. Kerr tnd Johnson thc Iowa five has only p~layed two, co t n e fr Big Ten f c honors. i s econd place in the regatta at Pough- wl w m t e 4 a d fe t l, w ie C n e e c a e, d f ai g t e G p con l keepsie, N. Y. last spring probably' Jolrnson and Samson will enter theI hers and Purdue.- strenuolW schedule in the Badger will lie entered again this year, ac.:,10.yard event. Samson andi Van will Ohio State will meet the Northwest- I- gam;ufi an.atough the squad showedi cording to present indications, afT,°- fl inthe, 220 yard free style. er n intet on the Purple floor Sat- j a lot of its power, the Northwestern,! though definite dlecision has not been j he team continued to -work for the urday nlight. The Buckeyes lost a P'Urdue, and Ohio games, all of which announced by the athletic office. The meet, holding a long practice yester-i hard fought battle with the Michigan had been played in the preceding 10 race this year will be run off .on !day. Coach Mann is giving SeidmanI five last week, but are still considler - (lays, had their mark on the quintet. {June 22. i considerable attention, as he, hopes to ledl strong contenders for the title. -Puxrc n 01 - +l A/;.-. --' . ; -- u-- ,-;,. i+1nnrove' his form. in the niun z-i even t n io -id r, . i - . ,,.,,. 1r,, naIve Uten (defeLated twice. i'lie mar- oons, were defeated in the opening game by Illinois. Thie Gophers ad- ministered the second (defeat to the, Mlaroons. Indiana has been defeated by the Buckeyes and the Sucker's. Michigan, nowx in thrd pJlace, willI not be able to make any change int he standi~ng until Feb. 7, meeting he Maroons in Chicago on that (late.1 ['he following Monday the Wolverines are scheduled to play Nrthwestemn.} BIG TEN 5'JADI\G , Iltitiois ........ lu) ll........... Ohio........... C~hiI'lcgo .. won rI 4} 0 Lo)st Q +D FD Q Pct 1.009 .467)1 .2)0, M FIi I kI Sa I F A f.S . -- Sidney Ktaibel '27L, was elected to ~~~~~~( p.I~ii 1~k~I~ captain the Michigan -wrestling squad A ad (~cifa a meeting of the team held at Lbau- ~1ravN(~sing at the close of the Michigan Ag,-' _ 'gie meet. I 1%arbel was a member of last year's Si F.IIUL IS ANNOUNCED marrt team, and is the only veteran on --- this season's squad. H3e distinguished ii tis I_'251i7 .ley team will play its ;himself in the 125 pound class last s eI ,eifl l ;aan of tia' seas;nl whlen the year by holding the star of the Pur- 12. A. C. , xtt journeys to Ann Arbor due team, and former Conference ti i ris ! Int, maei: .ig the W'olverhies champion, to a draw. o aturdia, ati e;'nfen at Weinberg's 'Klarbel was defeated by "peed" ('clseiun.I Williamson last Saturday in the open- 'l'he R.-,gieare an unknmowni quart- ing mneet with the Aggi~s, but. Is ex- if y, noi. i< ht an ice; team fo pecte(d to be in condition for the Buck- several Te~; P", h-,t was tried out! eyes meet here Saturday. At the close rat it Lansin:g m:' ,:lne ago, bunt1 of last season the Wolverine captain proved a failure. This year the athletic! suffered an injury to his knee which authoi-ities at the Farmer school have I has been given hime considerable (lecidedl to try againr, and are mvaking trouble this year. cai nlestefforts tW put the gamie on a, firm hashs,. l he glame, with Michigan last Friday, and Coach B.arss is work- will be the first of the Aggie season. tuig to overcome them before. the- tilt several more dates have been defin- with M. A. C. The lineup for Satur- hteir filled. Tllie solhedule as it now day's game will probably be the same stand;s is as follows: January 24, M. as that which faced Assumption. The A. C. here; February 7, Assumption at goal problem is not definitely °settled, Windsor, Ont.; Februar y 20-21, Min- although Weitzel's showing against ntesota hiero (two games) ; March 2-3 the Canadians was -a distinct boost I\inmes ot i. thre (two ;alines). The us- ito his chances of holding down the Ir sries of four gar-es with Wiscon-E post lie had last -year. Gomnberg and am wa not yet been booked, lbut wiii Jones are his chief competitors, and 1alrnice at, dates yet to b)e (ecidedl. j the showing of the three men in prac- The lal, will probably be p~layed flece this week will d'bcide the ques- Yoelrapry 1 ;-14 here and February 28- tion. 2f3 there. These gaimes will 1)e officially Although the ice at the Coliseum bookedl within a lowe day:. has been rather slowv for several days, 'deire V ilX- squtid is continuing to the teamn is rounding into better form de volte its efforts in practice to coin- each (lay. The team work and passing kniation play aiid passing. L.ack of showed (decidled improvement, and the teaniiwork andv inaccurate p~assing I physical condition of the men is far Were the twX\o cardinal faults display- better than it was at this time last edlb hle 1 earn :---. : ii : a (S.'..--.--',..."_____________ { sw.-. + +er« i Do It 'today! *i-1 - ..,. U ---That recent portrait; that new p~ortrait-Hlave Rientschler make it today., Now's the time. Make an ap- pointment.: Rentschler methods assure you a really fine porgy trait every timle. Rentschler p~ortraits win high admiration and quick ap~proval. Phone for an appointment now' RtENTSCHL' . PORTRAITS. $7.00 to $50.00 TheIDoren Stop an Rentschl e id view the r displays reg- - - ~ 1Towcalio Nfen - earidCi0 Inc* 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Is Now in Effect on Our Entire Stock of Oxfords $68 $62 Coats now $45.50 Coats now $41.00 Coats now $36x.50 Coats now $35.00 OS from At a reduction =f3 ~ per cent At ularly. There's some- thing new in photogra- phy there each week. In the best single and double breasted models.I { I :