PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY____ ?AGE~ 1~TGHT 'I'UkSDAY, JANUARY 20, I91~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Blluetin Is constructive notice t, all members of the University. Copy reoeived by the Assistant to th Pesident until 3:34 p. m. (11:30 a. tn. Stirday Volume G 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 95 Numbi1er 87 University Lecture: Attention is called to the fact that the University Lecture by Professor Marston T. Bogert, of Columbia University, will be given Thursday evening, January 22, at 8 P. M. Instead of Tuesday evening, as was announced. F. 1:. Robbis. Executive Board, Graduate SC110o: There will bea meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School on Wednesday, January 21, at 4:00 P. M. A. It. Lloyd. Mcimlwrs of the Admistratve Board, C'olege of Literature, Science uand the Arts: There will be a greeting. of the Administrative Board on Wednesday, January 21, at 4:10 in 1beaEt'finger's ofce. W. R. lrmuphrey. Board In Cntntfof IRtudeutPublitions: A meeting ,of the Boatd lip Cojtrol of Student Publications has been called for Wednesday, Janury 21, at 4 P. M. tn the Press Building. Grover C. Grlsmore. Course Ill. the Summer, Se44lon t The Abridged Airtmouncement for the Summer Session of 1925 will be ready for distribution ii the registration offices of the various schools and colleges on 'Saturday, au~y 24. The Announcement will contain a list of the courses, to be given next summer. Students planning to attend the Summer Session are. advied tb consult this Announcement before filing their elections for the seeto semester. E. l. Kraus. Dr. Richard ,L. Sutton., 1rofssor of Dermatology at the University of Kansas iMedic al I lipgl, wvil give an illustrated talk on "An African Lion Hunt".on Tuesday night, January 20, at 8:00 P. M., in the Natural Science Auditorium. Studeuts 05 the Medical School and any others interested are invited to attend. Adnmlslon free. U. J. Wile. Senlqs and Grdza* te 104ts~ of Educato: Opportunity will b4 given next semester for a very limited number of superior students to tQ~I~praice tearebiug in Detroit and possibly in Flint. To dg so, students, illl t ,( t )eep one day per week entirely open for the work." Those 84 esf41lW pmpleting the assignments will stand in line for permanent positionsl nthle toit or Flint school systems. Any inter- ested in, availing th4.0s*e p this opportunity should consult me in room 106 Tappan Hall; We4jooy jjnuary 21, between 2 and 4 P. M. -C. 0. Davis, Chairman of the (ozuutte. Economies J18-1'kalV itlba~e The assgnnient6ithebp ~ce of the week will be Chapters 32, 34 an 35 in Jensen's "Puhite -Vl~'nnp&."1i. L. Caverly. Advran~ecd _f'.I I S 4IN* , It Senios and. g4u4 ae.s tudents *ho hve been promised places in thi~ course shoulad see mne W1edngsay or Friday of this week at 12 o'clock, Room 302 Mason Hall,. Tos. C. Trebood. (liange of ('ourse, keouoAay lE1usxfi . Secondary F u at101ft $3$, sfhediled .for Nlonday, Wednesday, and F+ri- day at 9:00 o'clock to iie-coidute~i by' Professor Moehlman will not be given next semester.t' k C. 0. Davis. Promwetive Teac1ers ofEijsli: All those whlo xpect to reeive fin June, 1925, the Teacher's Certificate, with English as a ua'or or mir subject, are required to tae the exmina tion to be riven Saturday morning, January 24, at 9 A. Al. in Room 1025 Angell Hal. This examination is aso a prerequisite for admission to the courses in the teaching of English ,scheduled for the second semester. Earier announcements of this examination are to be found on page 17 of the announceenet of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and on page 55 of that of the School of Education. C. C. Fries, Cairman of (omiltee. The Tuesday section of the Women's Rifle Class will meet at Room 330 W: Rrgineering UoIlding, at 4:00 P. :l. today, and shooting will start. All otherclasses "wl be resumed as previously scheduled. Beginner-, may sii enter ajny section. L. )T. Brcher. Pternisslon to Fleet Corses lit,'Play Productilon: Thbose WhoQ wsh to. t'a application for permission to elect any of the followling, courses in Public Speaking, ""The Art of Acting," "Stagecraft," "Play Production"-.or. "Play- Direction," may consult with me on Thursday, January~ 22. froh l :to 5, FPriday, January 23, from 1 to 2 and 4 to 5, and Mn- dlay,,January 261 from iI to l; In the ofce at the south end of the stage in University Hll. 1. D.'T. Hololister. Jutnior Enineerr. Assembly this- morning at 9 o'clock in Room 34. A. 0. Lee, Cla,.s Mentor.i j(Cotiege of Phairmacy Stuts~i~: All students of the College of Pharmacy should make their secondl semester election of courses on January 21 and 22, in Room 250 Chemisti~ Building. Office hours 9-12 and 1:30-5. C'. C. (f Iover, Secretary. East Eigiimeeiriig Building Stiff: Tphe regular monthly luncheon will be held Tuesday, January 20, in rom 3201. Alfred 11. White. Romance Club: Nest meeting of the Romance Club, Tuesday evening, January 20, at 63:00 P. IkI., Michigan Union. Please notify Prof. Kenyon, telephone 3427, if you cannot be present. A. G4. Canfeld. Wloinen's Education Club: T [here will be a meeting of the Women's Education Club Wednesday, January 21, at 7:45 P. M. in Room 214 UT. I. S. Professor Carr of the Uni versity High School will speak on "The Reorganization of Latin in the Secondary Schools. All women interested in Education arc invited. Lucille (1haiiners, P~res. Play lProduictioni Plays: I "The Playboy Of The Western World," a three act drama by John AiV. Synge will be presented by the classes in Play Production Wednesday, Jan- nary 21, at 8 P. M. in University H~all. Admission will be charged. It. D.'T. iHollister. Hoiiuse Presidents: The picture for thelie Micliiganensian of the Boardl of Representatives of the Women's h *,ague will be taken at )ey's Studio, Tuesday, January 20i, at 12 o'clock. Please be promlpt. Margar'et C'. Dixon. jPolonia Literary Circle!~ l 'Ensian picture will be taken at D~ey's Studio tonight at 7 :45. All mem- bers out. Leo J. Nowieki, Pres. 1Mathematical Cijuh,: - Regular meeting will he held in Room 3003 Angell Hall ,on Tuesday, January 20, at 8 IP. M. Prof. A. L. Nelson will present "Adjoint Differential Equations." All persons interested are invited to attend the meetings of the Club. AV. W. D)enton, Seely. Alumni News In Brief '.I1Hawleyv Ta pping, '1-6L1, field sec- retary of the Alumiii association, had reaichied Odlgel, Utalh, thie middle of last week and the University of :Mich- wanrclub of UItaliryas organizedi duir- ing his stay. Prior to that time he bad ,fto,,pto 0 ldr "s;;club's in 1Des; Moines. Ia., Oiuai 1NC)., Cheyenine. \Vyo., Casper, Wyo-, Denvecr, Col.-, and Salt Lake City, Utah. M12r. Tappimi; left.IJan. 4 0on an ex- tendedl tour of the Pa,(ific Northwest and the south ern nart of the coon- I try. Ile is not e(xpeOcte(d to return to Ann Arbor until the ididle of March. The following were ejiecd officersj of the Utah club at the re: ent organ- ization meeting: presidlent, George Ift Smith, "9T.,; vice-president, James If. Devine, '0414; secretary-treasurer, F'redl E. Arnold,'9 . The remainder of the board of dlirectors of the club is : John C. D~avis, '04L, K. S. Il ink- ley, '93DB, Joseph IF. Merrill, '91, and Richard It. Lyn.'n, F -~ SAMPLES Permflanlently on Display at GUY, WOOL.FOLK & CO. 3316 S. ;fate Str&'et An n A rbor, M~ich. lDesign ed by WHITEHOUsE & HARDY INGCePORATD BROADWAY AT 40'm STREET 144 WESr 42"0~ STREET METROPOUTAN~ OPERA H~ODS. BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER B.ULDING NEW YORK _l OW &'ii92. U A -. I WHAT'S GOING ON Noic ",aoi,ear P-h this eol'mA tn List be etin ithe box at the Da~1y otb.e ' 1 r'ni, ed f;ir tnnt T'rpose before a oclock precet-C~inL the 'Ly of issue 1 TU'ESIDAY 9 :00--junior en-inleers assenmbly in f rom 3-18 Enginecc' ing building. ! :3--Wotneln's RWile class nmeets in i-)c-:n 320 West Engineering build- n. 4:1 5--Clsayton Ilu ill ton speakls on "The Old English Comedy," in Na- tural Science auditorium. 6 :0(l-oaa L cEe '111) meets ini Union. 7 :45-Polonla Literary eilide 'IEnsian picture at Dey studio. 8 :00-Talk oil "Dion limnthig" in Na- !tural Science auditorium. 8:0-:1 l etimatic:l chlb Imeets ill room 3003, Angell hall. 4:00-- Roard in Control of Stn lenti Publications nmeet s in Press build-', 4:001-A. LI. E . prf sciut Yamama Can- al and electzic -lower films in .Na- tural Science auditorium.' 1 4:00 --Executive board of (:Kraduate Sschool meets. 4 :10-Literary college administrative board meets in Dean Effinger's of- fice. 7 :1-1t Clemiens club meets in room 3163 of Union. E :4.,-Women's Education cilb meets in room. 214, University High school. S :00--Play Product ion classes present "Playboy of the Western World," in Univer sity hall. F--NOTICES ''esu reiAs of organization s--- Every organization appearing in the 1925 Michiganensian must have paid for its space and have its picture taken before Feb. 1, 1925. There will be no extension of time. Thiiiiiscripts for the February issue of The Inlander will be read until Feb. 10. Manuscripts of every descrip- tion are acceptable. Clarcnce De Witt Thorne of the rhe- bmis dlepartment has completed a. vol- ine enititledi -Tle Mind of John Keats," which will be pub~lished bly 'The Oxford university Press, of Lon- don and Newv York. rflht current nu t erT? of leAu- ntis, ora teAun soito, :-PRIINCETON --(-'H liAIliaL ()IX A- N 1 'AIIE110z= fcontains another n oiunwe to it's I11 ;ii of Fame, Charles' F. flush, '69E, Se.D. -most famous leaders in the fied of I Suits OJvercoatsIufes ei electrieal engineering, the inventor of I the successful Bush are. light.T es Sweaters, s, eta.-Ell in the m s Edwardl N. Munns, '12, another pro- I. - ofthlnieriyhad stylish designs and patterns. " For according to the magazine, just com- lltda trimp of investigation to thle y forest experiment sthtions of the Tin I 1 he most up-to-d ate and fash1 -I ited States government in the far1. foest investigti.oneinsWahingofton y m ke i aoes ndesougtio.ineWischiefngtoni.abe ha edah ry m ke i 9 :I habit -t-o patronize Cartiers'. _ j ever Fails 306 ' Soth Statle St. Secozid l"Ioor, over lhailler's JIewelr y .40®UV UMN KH80®® I i I BLEBOK * All Sizes and kinds a*OU All the Leaders W A11 BOOK SZR r I i 4 0I °1 /"e.c~ /1s.r."d1 .v dT:. ~.e". . ^ 1 : ..". ...~r t.' e' r .Ann Arbor Restaurant 215 SO. PMain Stcet ~If you have some favorite dish and Sdon't know where you can get it, try our restaurant. You'll find the ~ menus very complete and the food ti excellently pre pa,-red. One visit by Syou wvill prom pt your often return. "It's in the Place W~here You EatI" . ..- .. .o ., .. .. i Januar Clearance i 4 6a 3..4':,21 - L.., Entire Stock of Sgciety its 11 Brn l'dOhr k 6. U U' nD U. 13 Eslectrical Englneers t Four °reels of film will be shown in the Natural Science Auiditorium -' Wednesday, Jan. 21, t 4.:P. M. under the auspices of the A. T. EE. These films will depict the. construction of the Panama Canal amid the generation of electricity from water power. The pictures will be non-techinical and the public is invited: A short' A. 1. E: E. business meeting will follow. .J. B. Johnson, Pliblicity(lm. ntre t dtelay-pay your Stibscriptiontoday. Take advantage of this exceptional offer. You wvill find values that combine highest quality with extremely low price. Our stocks would advis while select are very co rnplete at the present. XWe se yo n m to buy your is unrestricted. wvinter overcoat or suit '-. .r . - . s rrtr . . . . . .sr. . .sr. ,r. . .rr. . .. .r o . s. . ., . rrsv. . ., : . . . .,r . . . .r ,rr. .. crrt if It might be a wise plan to jot down your needs exams begin. for J--lop before Possibly your ties are worn, your collar or shirts may be sailed and need replacing. No doubt some one has borrowed your dress set and you will need a new one or you may find that the last half dozen pair of silk socks you have are not fit for the occasion. Then how about that Tuxedo? Is yours just the style of today? If not and you feel that you need a new one order it now and have it ready. We are making Tuxedos at $56.00 to $93.00. Our stock of accessories is complete and of the latest styles. r. . -. . .r.rr i ' ',, I { ' ! ti , 1 ti' 'I, ' $30 40 45 50 55 6o $30 4.0 45 50 55 6o Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits One-Fourth O ne-Fourth One-Fourth One-Fourth One-Fourth One-Fourth Off Off Off Off Off Off .. . .. .$22.50 .. . . . .30.00 .. . . . "33.75 .~37.50 .~41.25 .. . . . .45.00 $30 Suits & 35 Suits & 45 Suits & 47.50 Suits 50 Suits & O'Coats One-Third Off . .$20.00 O'Coats One-Third Off.. 23.33 O'Coats One-Third Off..- 30.00 & O'Coats 1-3 Off....... 3:.67 O'Coats One-Third Off.. 33.33 1- off 1- ofd O 'Coats O'Coats O'Coats O'Coats O'Coats O'Coats O'Coats One-Fourth Off. One-Fourth Off. (One-Fourth Off. One-Fourth Off One-Fourth Oc.. One-Fourth Oc.. One-Fourth toff. .$20.00 .30.00 .33.75 .37.50 .41.25 $ 2.50 Odd Trousers. 3.00 Odd Trousers. 4.00 Odd Trousers. 5.oo Odd Trousers 6.oo Odd Trousers 7.00 Odd Trousers.. 8.oo Odd Trousers g. Do Odd Trousers., .2.40 .3.20 .4.00 .4.80 . .5.60 .. ..6.40 .. ..7.20 ...45.00 ...48-75 4 1111 .... .. ,