TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,,. a PAGE FIVE 11 52 LM VFA17" MAU -5-.\-5?- zs 3 *i i I TRAIN COLLEGE WOMEN FOR CLUB LEADERSHIP, Mrs. R. B. Huil, general secretaryE of the Girl Reserve movement of the city Y. W. C. A., in a recent interview! stated that there is now an opening for University women in this work at the city association. The Girl Reserve movement is one of the three depart- ments taken up in the club leadership course of the student association, the other two being Girl Scout and the Campfire. The leadership course, under the ft direction of prominent women in this field of work, teaches the women to do work in the leadership of the younger girl, particularly {in these 1three departments. "Although it is not necessary to have taken this course in club eadership to become an advisor in a Girl Reserve group it is desired," said Mrs. Hull. "The ideal leadership for a Girl Reserve group is& a teacher and a University woman, the teacher Gown Personifies Review Colorful Smart Simplicityf Costumes In Fancy Dress Ball Parade Peter Pan might have even mis- taken old Barbour gymnasium foi fairy land, Saturday night, so com- plete was the occasion of the women's annual Fancy Dress Ball. Like turning pages in a brand new picture book, the costumed guests, for- Aning in groups representative of the different sorority, dormitory and Lea. gue houses on the Campus, marched in seemingly never ending line be- fore the onlookers. Dolls, pierrots, pierriettes, convicts, milk-maids, pir- r tes, chorus girls, mermaids-all sorts and species of creatures were invited to this democraticuparty. But th quaint gown of figured breage and bonnet lined with crimson roses, worn by Laura E. Johnson, '28, stood out above all the others. The gown itself, tight-bodiced and hooped, is 65 years old and is the inherited property o S T' S i 4 P. ]] i l t C t. c providing the understanding and stab- Mi iiss rFredericka B. Gillette. J ility and the University woman the Flower baskets, stately graceful enthusiasm which is necessary in such i ones, filled with a miscellany of col- an organization." ored posies, came first in the line of There are three such clubs in the ! £ march. White faced Wooftie dolls, in high school: the Colonade club, the 'suits of blue with high peaked hats Serloy, and the H. 0. club and five trimmed with wooly yarn, tumbled Girl Reserve clubs in the grade next into procession. A lively Woof- schools. The organizations in the tie, to be sure, by name Vera Johnson, grade schools are the ones led by Uni- g srngs an versity women, taking in the sixth,i2tingnandgcralng acrons dste loorle seventh and eighth grades. Women her sister dollies. And the Pied Piper who are interested in this work are - . . . asked to interview Mrs. Hull if they ifayed his flute while tiny girls with haienot ake theclubleaershp faxen braids and boys with patchy havQe not taken the club leadership: suits dlanced after him,---ail except course given by the student associa- o lite b bu" n crutche tion. Five hours a week is required Then there were flat chested milk- for this work. maids evidencing symptoms of cur- The women who have done this vature of the spine, and striped con- work this semester include: Margaret ."} victs with balloon balls chained to Griffin, '26, Ruth Coon, '26, Helen their heels. Even Adam and Eve came Hebauf, '26, Royena Hornbeck, '26, to the party, and the wicked serpent and Carolyn Van Ostrand, Spec iwith then:, although they didn't know - !what the Cross Word Puzzles and House Rules were all about. And Cain * and Abel, in their racoon costumes, N OTICES _ a jwon first prize. nr YO i IcS y 1IM. LSBETI'l. For entertainment there were big The walking frock for the Riviera, blue books to read, jazz bands to play. Palm Beach or Miami, or for spring A B C blocks to build, and for refresh- were, should be the personification of ments big yellow bananas, raisin The next regular meeting of, the smart simplicity. The model here il- cookies and red striped candy canes University Girls' glee club will be lustrates what I mean. It is developed were served. Then, just at the eleven- held at 4:30 o'clock today in room in natural Kasha cloth in a straight- th hour, the fairy god-mother sent us 305, School of Music. line mode with the new short length all home! -which is not extreme as shown. It Athena Literary society will hold is striped and cross-barred in browns New York, Jan. 19.-INve hundred election of officers at a regular meet- -the season's color---and half a dozen schoolboy journalists froin institutions ng at 7:15 o'clock tonigtht in the horn buttons of blending shades are east of the Mississipni will come to club rooms of Angell hall. also used for trimming. A matching New York, March 13 to compete for scarf gives a smart finishing touch. the Columbia university cups. Members of Portia Literary society will meet at 12 o'clock Friday instead of Monday at Dey's studio to have! the Michiganensian picture taken. , ) ,I G l' i ., ii ) ; [; i ,I I I i i _; ; PR GIVES Women W ill Hear EXTENDED CONTEST er father's death at his home Friday P T nighlt. Mliss Rlichards «-ill return to. Education Te losing date of the ng con- net o I LHTRATD LEIUBE Pro ram test has been extcnded until after the 1LlUSTUATE0 LECTURE, The Educational committee of which second semester. Several women have Tnhre women preachers have been . Miss Margaret Cameron is chairman, expressed a wish to compete and are : licensed at Syracuse, N. Y. Antioch and isidia, ancient cities will have charge of the program of the being given this opportunity through of Asia Minor, were the subjects of an Arbor Business and Professional extension of time The prize songs ilustrat letren give yterdy by 7gwill be used Lanter n mght. This con- Mr. George Swain, U~niver~sity photo-; Women's club mneeting which will be isueitedetonfth o testisudrtedreonoth N- grapher, before the Ann Arbor meni2- lheld at 7: 30 o'clock tonight at the man's ForeExams bers of the American Association of W. C. A. man's League. University Women «t Helen Newberry f The program will include the fol- residence. lowing speeches: The continuation! Assistant DeanRa A picture of the party which con- school, Mrs. Helen Shambaugh; com-unoNever Fails ducted i heexpedition was shown, Imercial work for girls in high schools, ; Summ ned ome which included, besides Mr. Swain Mrs. Lucille Crittendon; Americaniz- two gendarmes, a sculptor from De-' ation work with foreign women, Miss Miss Grace Richards, assistant in troit, a Turkish graduate from the Carrie Dickens. the office of the dean of women, left University of Michigan, and represen- ',for her home in Minneapolis, Minn.'Re d the WtAd t fm Jo tohn Hopkins, and WsCSaturday after receiving the word ofRta Colun !lbia, universities. -- A variety of slides, pictured the Hear Professor narrow sharp curved roads which, Mr. Swain said, made travel slow. Lack of Prof. T. D. Hollister of the public communication with the outside world speaking department, will direct the was cEvidenced by the fact that in a program for the Woman's club neet- own o-i h1{.00 people only six news- ing which will e held at 2:30 o'clock(I impes wre rceied i th weely his ftenoon in Lane hall. T he meet- mnail. Pictures of houses showed flat ing will be in charge of the literature clay roofs which were used, according I and the arts department. to Mr. Swain, for the purpose of dry- A visit to the Old Ladies home by ing plums during the fruit season, the Home department of the Woman's Concerning the climate, Mr. Swain club which was scheduled for tomor- remarked that the summer was more row has been postponed on account of pleasing than our own due to the cool illness In the home. nights. Although the country appear- ed to lack forests, slides pictured the lirevailing tree as the tall poplar; EDUCA TION CLUB MEETS which is used mainly for timber. The lecturer spoke of the Moslem ceme- Ihe Women's Education club will taries which held elaborate tomb- meet at 7:45 o'clock tomorrow night stones. "These tombstones are never in roorn 214, University high' school. visited after a burial, but are left to Following a short business meeting, ruin, after which a second series of Ptof. Wilbert L. Carr, head of the Uni- burials takes place." versity high school latin department, Some idea of the detailed work en- will speak on, "The Reorganization of gaged in the archeological investiga- Latin in the Secondary schools. All tion's themselves was indicated by the women interested in education are in- story and illustrations of the discov- vited to attend. f the city gate of the old Roman That winning personality we all admire frontier city of Antioch. ' (AVTF YOU " S 1BE t:F t i SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Seat Sale All This Week, - 4 A. W. to 6 P. X. 1 VETWOITiNigtsWe to $2.40 Nat. we luesday-Saturday The DRAMATISTS' THEATRE, Inc, presents H ANGS HIH" BiLEWIs B ACH, With NORMAN TREVOR and MRS. WHIFFEN "One of the Best."-N. Y. Herald Tribune I is the result of care and cleanliness, as well as good health and happiness. WRIGLEY'S makes for clean, sound teeth, for agreeable breath, for better appetite and digestion. The cleansing action of WRIGLEY'S upon the teeth, tongue, throat (and breath) .-its antiseptic effect-its digestive aid-its wholesome refreshment--these are all pos. itive benefits that doctors and dentists freely affirm. Get your WRIGLEY benefit today. t Junior Girls' play rehearsals will be held as follows: Today, groups 7 and 1 of the cast at 4:30 in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, group 2 at 4 o'- clock, chorus A at 4 o'clock in thej parlor of Barbour gymnasium, chorus 3 at 4:30 o'clock, chorus F at 4:30, chorus B at 5 o'clock; tomorrow, groups 8 and 3 of the cast at 4 o'- clock, group 11 of the cast at 4:30, chorus 4 at 4 o'clock, eltorus 5 at 5 o'clock, chorus 6 at 4:30. Panhellenic blall committee will meet at 4:1.5 o'clock today at the Kap- pa Kappa Gamma sorority. Members are asked to bring $2.50. Class basketball practice will be held as follows: Today, sophomores at 4 o'clock, freshmen at 4:40, sen- iors at 5:20; Thursday, juniors at 4 'o'clock, sophomores at 4:40 ,freshmen at 5:20; Friday, seniors at 3:10, jun- iors at 3:50. A picture of house presidents and board of representatives will be taken at 12 o'clock today at Dey's studio. All women who expect to have 1,000 athletic honor points before June should call Louise Roberts, 398, im- mediately. Members of the cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. will hold a meeting at 4:15 o'-, clock today at Newberryhall. The picture of the Y. W. C. A. cab- !net for the Michiganensian will be taken at 12:30 o'lock Thursday at Dey's studio. PORTIA WELL MEET Instead of its regular form of meet- ing, Portia literary society will meet Jointly with the Adelphi- literary soc- iefly at 7:30 o'clock today in the Ad- elphi club rooms of Angell hall. A humorous program in which rep- resentatives of both societies will take part has been planned in the form of two Mock Trials. ANNOUN'CE ENGAGEMENT. Announcement has been made ofI 1 e engagement of Jessica Louise Megaw, '25, to John Parker Lee,'27. Miss Megaw is a resident of West- T HE pleasure you'll have at the J-Hop will depend to a great extent upon the gown and accessories you wear. The newest and smartest are here. Modestly priced. GOOD YEA R'S 124 SOUTH MAIN liii-~ - .-L . - . -, -- All MIONDAY, , AA 17" t3-- TUESDAY, 'WEDNESDAY, , We Beg to Announce the n Second Annual Tsips of and W the S.T.C. A. to EUROPE On the VEENDAM June 20th or the NEW AMSTERDAM June 27thI To Plymouth $155j Round Trip To Boulogne $162 To Rotterdam $170 Ag'ain the service of the Holland- America Line. the music of Sleepy Hall's Orchestra. Prominent Lec- turers-Hostesses-A Countrywide Inter- collegiate Organization. THURSDAY, AND ON The Varsity Laundry Trucks wend their vas7 through the city streets a lasting tribute to their laundry service. Why, you may say, any more than any other truck-but that's easy because these trucks rep- resent a lasting tribute to efficiency, to courtesy, and to good will. If you have tried the excellency of this service You wviiirealize its meaning. If you have not, may we be of service to you too? PHONE 2076 or 2077 ill 91 sTml DwrS 1, ! f I