PAGE TWO THRE M IHIGAN DAILY _______________________* ---------*- TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 EED~ ~Three Women Sit A .._upreme Court -Of Texas Inh ortant itle S z vi' reach Univ ersities Ofer 125-26 cholars/zips; Applicants Must Sen Credentials By March .First, are recommended to make use of facilities when they arc in Par'is. its SchioolAt 1Paris (Gives Opportunity TO 1'4'011101; Including f111jio1, ledge of grans-l-tical French and such a conmmand of spoken and( writ - t~en French as to be able to carry on their work in that language. l'rt i f i r s < n cae A r; ra(Repo- strc s"'ws AUnstrationi Stalc (rriiniz lic r~.i' . SYSTV'1M IDE AL 1 Q UX -tC . I (r i ~2i t wil".h ~has been issue rv ftho X2 !;,. 'ner o - Trnrien "Aministration has bcome t - rcc'atest concern of state govrnmen Thae Michbigan legislature divided it -prcfriat;0fl5 for the biennium 192 5 into three arts for the legislatur i.iht Warts for t e judiciary, an it o 37 W arta for administratio (48~f~ $~8~. "11 7/90 10 1re r lUy,"? tbe iuletin states. ~vK~ eti'nof ndininistrative ser c. Pre a;td hattr ' unor4 ccli itnzt~ons. eliational. charitabl ,u? c e' rn;', ome - 'nthortiea fe C? 11 '71; t-tOT] of anrs. ilnsrane coza .ni^5 and Public utilities, for til ran.tcnanca of proper professions standIards in medicine, law, architec Pt. for the promtion of agriculture thec conservation of natural resources the roteetion of women and ebidre acud for a ser" of other simila n" ; u': 1 K ''a, ~ fjt In deain7c' with what te Acirinisttiebadhsnomlbdth brzlletin says. "Te centralized pr chasing svstemn reorts savins it trade discounts during the calenda year of 1923 alone totalling $17,54f The traffic deartment of the account ing and purchasing division, by st, ing that freight for the state was po perly routed and classified, saved dur- ing the same period $108,760. Tie accounting system gives constant in formation as to the financial condi tion of the state and the balancee available in every fund and approri ation. It supplies cost data on ever' state activity." The bulletin contains an elaborat chart of the administrative organiza- tienn howi"-r the direct relation of th various officers and boards of th s'a e government. in . 1i:. 'e 1 "" c { ' )/"5 S i K 3 f Ia '' V ~ 7i er. are created by the constitution and their elective character can be chan- ed only by amending that document "All political scientists wold agrer in the conclusion that, with the Pos- sible exception of the auditor gener- al, the offcers who now constitute theu Adijistrative board should be ap pointed by the governor. None c: them with that exceiton prorit functions of a carttr 'hich ca?" fer direct dependence on the peoub. Their duties are either routine or pr- fesional. To bother with the election c.i men to perform srotine functions Fortnight eyc Schcduled or Something new in the form11of01wntr entertainment will be introduced in Ann Arbor when a unit of the Royal Rockwell circus will appear for a two weeks performance to be given in theo local Armory, from Feb. 2 util Feb. 15, under the auspices of Conpais I and K, 125th Infantry, and the Labor Temple association. The circus will bring with it a; troupe of more than fifty persons, clowns, trapeze performers, feature horseback riders, and all, as well as the usual circus display of wild ami- nal s. Word has been received by Ja is Scott, office manager for ':ie "oyl l i: ~ Circus unit who ini charge of the local office in the Cori-well build- ing, that Hlerman H-ilterbr andt, an animal trainer of national repute, Iii. been called to B3ay City to take charge of the troupe of leopards formerl y haandled by Dorores Vallecita, rcently killed by a leopard. Pittsburgh Meet To Hear ti idw1,l Dr. John Sundwall of the lie-ulLic service will address the annual n.-ot-- ing of the Pennsylvania S tate ?'aher- culcsis association tonight at 'ltts-; burg. He will talk o O- the subject of the relationship between voluntary health agencies and official or public health departments. for imcidental expenses. TIhe officee of the Amnerican Univer- sty union at' 173 B~oulevard St. Ger- in. Paris, is the headquarters in France of the American council on edlucalio n and of the Institute of in'- 1,1emfotinal education. lloldlers of sctoolar shl ls in French- institutions For Exams. Rider's Master Pen Nyeve r Fals An offer of scholarships andl fellow-j Candidates for these scholarships ships in French universities and "eco- i and fellowships must seand their ap-j les nrormales" for the year 1925-1926 piicaiions not latter than March 1, to has been received by the American council on education from the FrTench -zMss Florence A. Angell, Institute of; (le art en of edu aton nd he International Education, 522 Fifth i French universities, in appreciation of ;avenue, N\ew York City. the scholarships offered to French ''~ ieetii oss 1alte students in America. :fa pplic tion coot aining; a detailed These scholarships arc open to account of the applicant':; training and American born students undeir tlrrty ami tdigara ttmn yea~ of ge, ho ae grduats ~ from the college r'egistrar of the stil- collge r uiverityappovediiyt~mdent's irecordi a lbirth icertificate;; a Americeg n o un ilod caityap o n bythe na: ,photoraph;)II a health certificate A eia co ni on P u ai n ndpossessed of a speaking knowledg°.(Aof Irolm the college physician giving the French'. :tip lic it hi! tory of the applicaint for TheUniersty f ordauxoffrsthe past. t ,no years; testimonials from; two scholarships to men which in-_ two lpr oissors as to the character, eludje hoard and lodfging. Hiolders of'a-ltcl ~oieo sceso h these scholarships will b lodged in ! candidate. the RMaiszon des Etudi ants anld "ill A r e',ae of 30 per cent is allowed hoar at neihborng Lcee. !oer lit " g? over andl return by the heardat aneigborig Lyec. reachiilane to holders of these schol- In addition this University offers free tution to eight other inen stu- artisadflosipwhcmae dents. The subjects recommended for th((t(f 'scgo$5new. study are politic l science and lawv fs,:1 ,t; e.l( 'ls orme' ,ar s'' hoard istory and geography, tropical dis- ngladtuii fsaiztie. 8 ho ! n ent t h IcdehrVa $9 Zapiont eases, French language andl literaltire. ______ _______ Two scholarships open to eithar men or women are offered by the. Univer- xr sity of Lyon', covering tuition, :board 4W and lodging. The Univeiyrsity of Nancy offer ; two% scholarships open to mn. The first is of 5,000 francs with free tuition forf 4r ;research work in physics. The second p is the Edouard dc Billy memorial fel- lowlship of 4,000 francs withi free tui- ifon at the ".cola ,Superienre d ,e. MVet- . P'h\Vllaas of Dallas, Mtriss He ense Ward of Houston, and 4rt . ''<^ . 1.e3t~onof Graubur y, ,Ihown left to right, served as the -u".ene lc'v' 1 of ire a; in dechiig an Mimort'ant sit xnvolv Ing a l11nd0 title. ';" tI (. '? 9, (isOualife h izl esKS, andi the wneim \V0122ap- .'" G (Athy court, with Yi',- ileson as chief justie. ' w[vM ON[LiH S ~y a'ii1IiEL PHURLE'i[MNDA *5Desented 4p Adolph Zukor and Jesse L.Lasky '"' Bly limo Author of "THE COVERED WAGON99 (Oily Better) Ic m( , h ;! nilgrand r I g a} y 3i EN" IS GR ATE R '-.-- 'K- 1' ' , AI Vuk5y wvil -. 1 ry - as it1 ;i1 ha me Ic', d'f6ro-ehormkniry my an I homistry of lighit. H-is 111(1St rcen't ('oftl'ibui- itn chave ]h 'cn r 1int ,eT£':3;to atll h 1; 1 t;. I' : of s(,i-,n c. Il, i i ha a - ''' :t i1:; )£ti ' i an''mRi,; a n- Ov r a frail of 1,060i ilirills--- te g,,-evA Terras att le drive d1ies and stamipedes. The coin- lli.iloniI le~tireto "Thlle Vei--red 11-agora." IMPORTANT!I In smile of prodiie-1 tiemn's dust Iv'e 'ivill mu intali, our pope1-' ! ar prices, lMmain ]Floor 3Wie ('hIldrim10c; --E'veiting- All Seatsi, 50e I milo.-., i fit e:'-" t ;jlg and fen tsI'rtclAilie1c- flt ^1 r in CiI: i ttuw in this comnt ry. lhIto is e; g 1brotlght ,here inder thle jEiint a I l.E°^dS of the llmive !ity a(j ' thle 1'ni versitIv of i'dicliigan se(ctiomr of tI le Amrincan Cheirlica I society. cuich/ a ole ce Bois est le' J oanB '-Ia) ~~wxF(13I rya " ,_ , ( _4'>, c (' CoIiO),nie', 110.. ieis-; nm lIemmar of the National .Ac- >(?2i]'onAC u In omy, hpi-ilrci pI- (1 '1' ILI~r(A " I 1> 0-; awl 5sin(e 1896 1h,1 or; Gt s..ta t I rig, Ji ('meiatsof accouri - bht' edito r ofthe .Journal of Physical i- I I ,in atisties. Plrof . A. I ood, Prof. 1~It! me,,1, aN"-"I0' ngl vj1- rut duct tCw court-s WI itin i ll bmic ft:'~l ini t2 ;;t) c:I 0:' t 271 E- I et. 1V'. An fvil, wtell >:rr'wo"'Ei-Ic Met l bd(lI f In- (I:' TiEt4 ' E I ' t itl it ct 1. A Ft Mlichi- 'et-I (I maetm (i",cisusionl I li nagi-al it' umit 1';, ,ill Condu~ct a. tou 5' t- t1; t ideal li :I. TiP s 1 ('ii '' ro ',;r Sp h-;il h ''fil taCl l o i'fre 1 las :: ?E'x i'lCa'ude those in {,'!al(1, a ".! i'i n miology. E', t loinel lurlr1,1.Chemical wa rfm-e se.'-- S l-K- i I M rike Your RIescrvi tion Now'for tihe J-ilo1 .JOE PtAI KE'E ~Oh'5~i' Plril~ott s on" IuI(Ag.-ourt'hAvc. __ 2 Barbecued Saindwichies f Dac1isfy vtOii!Q t'As ia.Wsugestion, try adc(l1.1iDIv of Laz1rbce(sanciwvicheos with a glass 0of milk ft{;r y'ur lU11cb. Yo011l1like il. The Barbecue Inn V() Soul 11 Skte ;street L'lie 21 -1S-11' N& iWIN IL\Teto QPram oidt \\ t\ ojieial Extra Qt C HE STRA Divyertisseuments *fhm Fammous Telephone (irl Series N'ext--_"WELCOMESTRANGER" Aaron Hofman's Broadway Riot II u M .- , __ wwASPEAKS Otio, Ar (I iF I Ii