SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY e r'- Churches First (Congregati onal Cutirchi The subject for the morim; ig rvlce of worship} will he "'The :Modlern Ap- rroach to Prayer." 1Music will be furnished by the chorus under the direction of Palmer Christian. A rally for those interested in the ?forth Side Union Church will take place at r Cinema D~ouglas Fairbanks' fantasy of T.he Arabian Nights, "The Thief offlagdlad," will be the attraction at the ANuerth Theatre (luring the entire week. If you still believe in love andI adventure and enjoy moments of suslpense, you Should enjoy this picture. It seems tion, novelty cartoon, andI pictorial r'e- view coinoiining PathOv Review andI hinograms, are all fashionedi for en- tertainment value. In addition, a sympho-jazz orchestra of 11 p~iece s has been arranged that will add at- mosp~here for Carnival week. "So This Is Marriage'' is the feature foil the first part of the week. The castG includes such stars as Eleanor Bloard- man, Lew Cody, and Conrad Nagle; Eleanor as the young, frivolous wife,. Conrad Nagle, the husband, andl Lew Condy, the 5svimathetic bhelor commend in every respect. The fea- tures, comedy, Keith stage present a- WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men and Women Undergraduates W~e wa;n I to ap~point now a few wide awake men and women undergraduates from all faculties of the tUniversity of Mtichi ani, prefcra Yy those in senior years, to represent us in connection with our H-istorical and1 Educational Tours to the British Isles, France, ~ilgium and H ol land next June. 5 DAYS IN PARIS AND 5 DAYS 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The Stu-; very nearly to cover the universe, both fr'iend. "So This is Ma rriage " is bill- dent "supper. and Fireside chat willI of fact and fancy, for there are scenes ed as a "corking, comedy drama, with Soccur at the usual hours. 'The semi-! under the sea, or the earth andl in the a kick in every act." A Walter heirs'a annual el~ction of officers is scheduled; air, to say nothing of the places that comledy "Short Change," an Aesop 3 for this- meeting, and Dorothy Can- would exist only in dreams. The story field's novel "The H-omemaker" will be (departs from the regions of everyday _________________________ the topic for discussion. The motion~ life, visualizes and makes real the picture "Humoresque" will be ,,.ow" N soaring* away of the Magic Carpet j at the mnotion picture service.I over the house tops and into the - ' clouds; the Winged Horse carrying First Baptist Clzureh the Tphief through the sky; The Magic SpU eciatlI Reverend It.-Edward Sayles will (Ie- Rope which he throws into the air liver the morning sermon on "Life's and climrbs up. However, "The Thief Inescapab~le Laws." The student: of Bagdad" is not the stringing to-! - -.Masses will meet in the Guild I louse gethcr of astonishing incidents alone, a'Ow n ~- at noon under the (direction of D~r. blut a dramatic and romantic narrative a<, Wt erman. and Mr. Chapman. Tfhe from which no departure is made for; s Student friendship hour will b)e fol -( mere spectacle's sake. Thiere has S lowed by the Devotional meeting at been a (departure, however, from theI Of 4' the Guild house also. Prentice C. beaten path in the cast which though, SFord will lead the discussion onl the carefully selected and well adlaptedl to topic "Means and Ends." Announce- I their roles are mostly new to thei V ment is made of the annual Baptist screen. Julianne Johnston, formerly VP ning P Students' banquet, to be held Friday, of the M~organ (lancers, impersonates I February 3. The speaker will be lDr. the princess. Several oriental actors SAllyn K. Foster. were imported to take part in the :; -- prduction.The dreams and fancies;Go n 4 First Net11zoillst Episcopal ('liuirch o~f childhoodl comne true in the scenes' S "The Romance of Money" is the of Bagdad where the Thief lives, of title for the morning's sermlon. The course. While looting the palace he Bible classes will meet at noon in finds and fails in love with the prnc- I' Wesley hall. The topic for discuzssionl ess. In disguise hie woes andi wins at Wesleyan guild meeting will bej her, but is discovered and thrown "Resolved-That Moral Conditions in I from the p~alace. Then the adventures V the University Are Deplorably Low." 1 begin, and it is only necessary to say Gerald Stewart will coinduct the meet- that it ends as a fairy tale- should. ing. The evening service', held at the ____ ' sa ie wl av ero n h ajsi ,.:itledl "Jesus At Home."- For Majestic Carnival week the S ~,,magement has garnered a show ofI Those Appointed Will Find the Work Congenial and Well Paid For A i pa.-iun wmi ig itancdiately, giving year Rind fat irY o1y1', I.I. Iejiiy, Iliniited, St. ,Jautes St., Montreal. J-opiavor , An early choice of i-Hop Favors is advisable, so that prompt shipment mtay be made._ Our selection is now complete-- - Drop in any i i iii I i G I 1 i f S iitt S [e i ,' i ( ( 1 E. ' !: i# # 1 t r t -, L t n u i t rt t i'r'st a i 'e om g r I cl; f a tu re s w hi c h th e y in d ivi d u a lly j L 9 4 L 1 1 1 0 T U C . " .,Te s bj c o h e ul r m r i gO i g a r't e h e l c l4z~ a n e t !L b r y u t o f.t~ Jservice will be "ife." At 11: 45 stresses the pint that few shows are- o'clock, following the church service, gularanteed by them, but this one theyl Sunday school will be hld. A testi- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ il eeig il Ie ed t'vb)s dlay cevening at 7:130) o'clock.,ar . a drws li~O~L 'I zi~i Get Extra Credits at Home- Holycommnionwillbe hld ti'~More than 450 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, niornmgr at 8 o'clocklwith church Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., !mch~l flI~i~ 2at .:30O'Clck.are given by correspondence. Learn how the credit they yield may eernHer1 WlWilcnutbe applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully,'""- - ' '" ' ''; _, the morning worship. At 4 o'clock furnished on request. Write today. -~ !this afternoon the Parish Council will . f( i , _i L.- have its annual meeting in Harris, The Uniberoitp V.,bagICo --____________________________________ hallx1. The Reverend Mr. Lansdale 95 ELLIS HALL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS will spek t the Student service and 'itlNl41l -.i1i1llt11lit191~tllttll11iiitil suipper hour on Bishop TH'ob~rt. Rev- e'1end Ewr Proto t.Pu' CucJackson, will deliver the rlsr '.l .: w+.w*1 C1od1oJ/«d.~A.Je/P..." I P mon at the evening service. c g Tiresb)e&t >for the morning s,< r- mon will be "My Objective- Worldly , t4inJ r Success or Unselfish Service?" The "- l ye student discussion classes will be 7TelH wB yL s held at noon under the leadership ofj"am delYo H wtBuvL sI Miss Grace Williams, '27M, Homer H "fme for Yountoifory Grafton, and 1-. Y. MClusky. The! freshiness" a-l sociale hour at o:3 o'clock will be DI N RSI , P CA followed by the Young People's meet- hug. Helen Messenger, '27, will lead ED N E E P CA the discussion on the topic "Does in- crease of Knowledge Mlea) ncrease oili HP$2f0i Sorrow ?" _ - O Meniril Citulzreli of 'liitsi % for Reular $35.00 Value "Did Pilate Wash HI is Hlands5?" 1s8 mke- the topic chosen for the morning ser- We MllBlak Special Cart- aCARROLLTON CHINA men. Student class)es will be held at dies to suit your taste for z-1T ESG TTVV noon, andl the C. P. society social 1JVll IV ' DESIGN NEW S1 IAPfrY hou, .t 6o'clock.Thsujcfothj{f l'c cainsn evein,-erinon is r"WhenbPeteriLt ill l uc caioso His Keys." 3_ 7 ~ ~ yt 'trinity English lulherami Ch~urceh 4 LDA YSI 'N O IGE J. m I The morning worship will be pyre- -1e J P so ceded by Bible School. at 9:30 o'clock Come Eary!- The sermon will be "Christianity, a 12 East Washinton St.j Way of. Life" The students will gather at the usual hour for the Stn- Wegelve dent supper and fellowship hour and eDeie the Student forum. The forum topic a fItltil111lll~ ill#Illltiliil11111117Ht111f1ttlliit1: will be "Is Modern Business Christ-j Next to Arcade T heater f ODK ian?" Irvin Jedole will conduct the i~L(SRDK meeting.3 Unitarian (hurch _______________________________________________ IRVING WAR DT,S 0, I Chropoist rthoedist 97N. Universt9 Ave Phone 2652 MaerM>aster. Pen Read the Want Adts .. - fro - - WM. - ht-- W. fromJ- ".1 ..A 44 Y. - JutwAt o aextd-frl bul--ndakmhoayiiisdn 1111111111tilIIgrIeen III learette top! ll1111Il!1,14111: pl fl Martinod"aiTale Justw 112ouEatLierwatd St. 4l buitDa n dr oayfignhane s . graengleers aning Acdempf is one of the oldest institutions on the Michigan campus. Since 1883 M~ichigan students have been frequenting Granger's Academy. First -o- Maynard, next to the Maj.; then on East Huron, just of State. And why not? Improvements have been The morning sermon "The Quiddity of Jesus," is the first of the thirdt series of sermons dealing with thej great affiliation of the Apostle's Creed. Music will be furnished by the miale quartet and Mr. Adams will give a baritone solo "Out of the D~epths." The student supper will be held Cat 5:45 and the Fireside meeting at 6:301 o'clock. Zion Lutheran Churcht The sermon at the morning worshipj will lie the second based on the secondf commandment, "The Saucity (if an Oath.'' Following the Student sulmpn~r, Irvin Jedele will lead in discussing the question "Is Mlodern Business Christian ?" At the Hop Nothing more lovely in puirity and elegance of style will be seen, than the pure white gown of satin or chiffon with crystal fringe, like sparkling, dancing waterfalls, as its single rote of dcoration. Consulting Costumer Phone 3059-W ONLY CLEANERS not using gasoline in any form I BENZOL USED EXCLUSIVELY Take a Kodak From Our Darkroom With ou -to Your Pocket Painstaking care in our On the campus or away. on a darkroom means prints snowshoe hike, Kodak calls you'll like in your pocket. for a picture. Our prints are all on Let uds oW m our Velox paper. You'll do $d.50 up well to bring us your films.. Calkins- Fletcher Drug Co. made today year after year until Granger's is all that a danlcing - jThe floor aicademy is ex accommodations are great, the surroundings are pleasant, and better music would be hard to find. Dancing Every Wednesday, an-d Saturday Nights Music by Bill Watkins I /, -, % I I it ,I I4I