PAE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY U DAY, JANUARY 18 19254 Ihand-paintedl in fascinating (eigu Russian Chorus II P 1' CIII)I'i~l~rd hi' sh loU lors- I (Cotind lfrom Pge rthit(en YouIiriay mayIchooe a. th el1017slur s-H oh and folk ion ever suggestv f Suggestions. and Hints W ith Regard to Detail in M ilady's Toilet for the Crowning ?pliqilo design. Stide In oeol eith mixed.chiwllaeain atol «( j ( a p 1re)onderance of gold id t mnThechiwllaprin atol Social Event of the Y ear. "Suit Your OIwn Typ e Is levote mce a lovely imodel. In tl main costuie, even as the Ukrainian Na-('henwsipraeculon Te o.o hrswihcmet An W it Si pliit ofOrn me t Sresedopera pump is still quite correct ant, drorlat year. And to the colorful, ans always, attractive but you many Iexotic apc fteegret s have straps if you so desire. Thle toeadel the charm of authenticity. Count the days until the J-Hop and pleasantly outstanding. As to style, scarfs that are so much in Ithe [ish- yoursef, I its manipulation troubles is elicatel ronder but not blunt.eI a ian Those who were thrilled by the " itprloint is a little more in evidence than Ukrainians may expect a larger consider again in your mind each de- and line the rule is agin flexible andl ionable limelight? Edithr or .u il ar yo, you will b)e annoyed wihits ar- Ii a atya.Hesaea rc-til ii h usas o hi tai ofyor cstue or he ve ingaenable to type. The straighrt back is quite lproper. Your fan, this yar, r dillement all evenin,. It is unupleas- Your head-dress, gown, slippers, has a idepopllrtbendman delshof bevineragasorteverz, and usuallyasud t bea!Iay-totrawitningo liisa eevend sumoree- raninrisevectoe erfct.I nyny jewelr, scaf and rap-i every x~'ie popuarityand may de-shouldhe vey larggfoedhessiisisthe restv iofgnhel slispheeresfofitedsliper.efinespioredCbnyltied byth r Ukainia onwelrjusrh and wri hey ~ ryn signers stress the flare at the bottom measure of chic. Fans are moe pai- j sol p,t of your' cosume. Don't Camnl rae rmhalf chorus, they may expe o hert- ofthe skirt On the oter hand the titularly suited to tall women. Scarfs try t,> :c ohemnin ortve(vn Spanish morrow a more com lete mranifesta- izO oreyums ea orIwhole effect may be almost ornate eslecially the soft, hand-painted chif-lby the use of a sluzw . Too muchoftewa of thewa ouwl h o i of the possibilities of the human betand n ealo orcns utat the skirt very full. One partie- iton ones, are very popular and1 areJ the pict1uresque is trying to the point cvPoiyurItshul aaloe and ensemble. For the be overlooked. Consider again: !,,npe of course The evening coat liball'h choir pssesses all of theK lary smart feature is the uneven line found attached to many evening of the ridiculous. wihfsinltl re ohr oapaigeeet fteUiana What will you wear in your hair? of the len. Pointed lase godets, un- gowns, usually in harmonious or like IHave you selected your slppers? It popularize has definitely given place ataina lchru.nts o rful Ukrinicos- The close coiffure is the favored one even scallops or draped flounces serve colors. They are very becoming toj will be fun this year because you can to the cape wra. Straiht lines and' ntiol chodrnusticlrgeandinters-! today but the style of your hair must i to create this effect. It is novel andI the slender weni bur~ they nut boi have such a variety -from which to an uneven hem prevail. Material may Itticn. tinmsicperfne in tenque depend on you, and you are perhapsi quite attractive. Further you mayI worn with care to avoid getthg a chose. The day when brocaded metal be soft short fur, velet, or heavy eadion alIt is en ft oldstecharmueoft the best judge of its arrangement. wear a gown severely plain or one tawvdry, huddled eff-oct Propeiy o rn. cloth in silver or gold was the only crepe. All capes are lined, those of anoveladty, thro the o rt ofmui if you wear it straight becomingly,, that is a fluffy mass of ruffled level- they are charming and lend a tcucht of mde for the evening slipper is longp lighterheavyugh'tsistrtlople -is don't experiment withnlesaresl ns and be very a Ia mode in either,jthe exotic. Tyon your scarf lwfore ps Tdy odor silver pumps are !the a bryiac lowith mntat!er- it s oinersoreted.of cb honor of th occasion uls you are Are you going to carry a fan or! your mirror and do not wear tu-md fsf kdadivole;at laigy h inn oo n tl sureof akn apoiieipo- wear one of the luxurious shawl-like' less you are sure you like the effect, terns than ever. You may have them i eynal siprata h ment. Wear it as you usually do and capveritself.aThe mpur- anacrepe a insure its correctness with a simple capeitsef._Thefr-linedrepewra Persaelvl yn nj- - is having the vogue its simple useful- ornament. Pars r lveylyngi WIDELY DISSIMILTAR RMMNSFETR neGWN ss eseres. Bright colors are not 14S R sleek black hair and the effect is rich-! W DE Y Va ne1L oTRMM N S E TU E NE OW Ss oplr. Silk and velvet capes areE R V IN G er than a ,more ornate bandeau. On-1 can peoTouchiEmbroideryeOraAddcCharm :heavily embroidered or fur-trimmed. Thy peopleT ucwith Ehighdeforeheadser Or RibonAd To C ar Of particularly lovely design is a Ysbe u yearwid bans sccesfuly bu na Rigt Fower, ~I Iblack velvet model trimmned in emine roas row ornaments are almost universal-I,________________________________ __- -- --_I__oumnustheeiv ly becoming. Bands worn across the wit ourt menush thereroisery back of the hair and ending on eith'er iof a color to match the lining. Wraps dy o nyi h are worn dayw noteonlyoninrtile side of the head are very modish and .. . .-aewr a e nhslne hualso in thevetal eayt5er hy ev h am gowns, eight to ten inches from thefodvetal eso wand .ncoTheydlove the toir floor is the most popular length.fod which are forn hedadaon h ar.AohrI~I1Visualize the whole effect of your art of any meal. generally becoming band is one corn ' coI~stume. Is it charmingly simple bu posedl of two narrow beaded strands] Iii IIInt dull, brilliantly exotic but in no1 Til CL II and worn about an inch apart. There sense bizamrre, distinctive but not pc- l H U T ment in your hair. Remember it i* .f y j have done all that you can (1. CCONoro SA your "crowning glory" and really does alj';it !14 ai;eycsue,-tk ia lneI not need an additional coronet unless in the mirror to reasure yorse, it is geo to make special improve- l J j4< the-fret all about it. int. Fluffy, curly hair is usually lovier unconfined. Try the effect :J..1111 1111....11111111I 1 tillIII Ill 111IN,111111111111F, without any band at all before decid- i t it~Y~. ~IA W me'l±i Frank C. Clark. European Tours Known the world over LE- --ause of their completentess, comfort and exclusiveness, the Frank C. Clark ;lour's are of special interest to college men and wom~en. MRS. H. W. CAKE 1145 Washtenaw Phone 1775 Read the Want Ads tthat's not all. In variety from day to' meats offered but us, salads and green many the most tasty INS CAFE, rE AND MONROE 1358-W I In connection with the question of! head-dress, consider your jewelry. It is most imp~ortant that it be con- sistent. If the hair ornanment is or- I nate it is well to wear no beads at a.11 but with a simple band a dignified string of pearls adds distinction toI most any costume. Pearls have reached the zenith of popularity and they are severe enough for the simp- lest gown yet rich enough to add to the most luxurious. They are almost l universally right but not to the point of exclusion. Another kind of chain may suit you or your costume better. A dainty gold' or silver chain with I stone drops p~endant is very chic and' especially fits the soft bouffant effects so becoming to time strictly feminine type. There is only one general rule: Observe the lows of harmony and good taste and strive for simple rath- er thanm bizarre effects. Rings andI bracelets follow in the same way. Varieties of lovely and interesting bracelets ar'e now in vogue. From the loose chain with pendants to the plain tight-fitting bracelet omn the slave model, the wrist ornament is varied and popular. The whole ef- i fect of your jewelry must be to en-1 ha~nce the chamrm of your whole cos-1 tumec and to do this it must be con- sistent in every detail. Try the pleas- ing effect of a single, conspicuously pretty, ornament. A little jewelry add(s imuch,--a lot may detract more.I Your gown is, of course, the onel, beat suited to your type. Ever'yone l ca,.n have her own distinctly correct style of evening dress this season be- cause the dictates of the mode are ' flexible. Fabrics are lowlier' than ever.!1 Lace and soft chiffons, especially chif- fon trimmed in delicate metal lace is ready for the dainty blonde or the slender, short, brunette type. Velvet, fur-trimmed, or satin, heavily fringed, will. grace the tall, slender girl. You,' inay choose the fabric with less con- cern than you choose the color of your gown. Another year finds white still very popular but it does not dominate he fashion and you may still select the tone that best suits you. The girl is extraordinary, indeed, whose beauty is enhanced by brilliant or splashing colors. Delicate shades are distinc- tive; noisy splendor is, rather, un- ;. Shop Detuxe Import curly hair, $5.50 - up. .Hair Goods-- Switches, Side Pieces,;' Curls. -Made of your own hair, : $3,00. Switches made over. M. E. Sheahan l Phone I1798-J 610 East Liberty Giris - You'll appreciate the service given at the Arcade Barber Shop. Our barbers under- stand their work thoroughly and are capable of satisfyin~g the most discriminating taste. bhe ArcVade Barber Shop 6 Nickels Arcade a MIND== 1 11 By 3131E. LISBkET11 is the usual slim line, one-piece, aivi tTrimming is always an interesting. the skirt has two tieirs of circurla 1 subject. The right trimming tmay# ruffles across the front bread,"I . 'Ihe make .a gown oir the wrong break it. I1ckiouindba r ovsc r!c ,;elf matemrial whichi is tied in a mg. You may take an old gown and acdlos bow in front. An orchitd M~ a little trimming and lo, you have a ,erltper mauve prinks is i)ki; c:(ca i .c new gown. It is a thing that inay be! left shoulder. easily overdone and had better be left I An entirely (different frock is al n ni elornp t-nwt n tr~ e t th i 1 . I uncwishe or tii lavish hand. American heauty satin, trimmed with ,diver. .Silver~ cloth maline is used in rilbbon effe.ct to outline the V-shaped ~I~(and endsl in a tailored b)0w in , .'; IL is <.lso fashioned into petals l-: iX0-0 at the 'atloin Of the froc;k. orthey are Shaded from the silver, oilli 11k iinto red. A cluster of iv ".o mc' a 15 1eads1itashort, full drape ri:thl i .of the skirt. Above are threce frocks that use en- tirely different trimiming treatments, each one suited to the type of dre: g on which it is displayed. In the first dress (left) the tmrimming may be said to start with the cut of the skirt, which is very wide and pointedi. An- cient Greece was evidently the in- spimration for this dress as it rums to long, flowing lines. It is fashioned of, amber satin and the b~odice is cnm- broidered in crystal beads and rhine- stones in deep) points that correspond to the deep points of the skirt. This skirt is edged with narrow bead em- broidery. In the center is a youthful dance frock of peach colored georgette. It III- i! Are Your Furs Loss of Furs by Hold-up is [ncluded under polkies issued by us. Losses by Fire, Bur- . glary, Theft and all other - risks except wear and teas jATS OF ' NlE THINGS and depreciation are also This season's line of leather coveed-a alltime andhand bags includes many new coveed-a alltime andstyles and beautiful designs. places. All are attractive and extreme- Ily serviceable. We have a com- - plete line of all kinds of leather goods. If you will call we feel lf ThT I"T 1' 1°f I i sure youwill find ius~t.wha t iitzel's Arcade Branch 1% FEATURING OUR OWN BRAND-"_ Ruby-Ring t At $I.85, $ 2.00 and ti ~ $2.50h _ Also, complete stocks of I Underwear Blouses sweaters B~ags Belts Collar and Cuff Sets and Novelties {A' For w }yT., PEfJ Tl . sil ar to a sc Ca; riting ease- and lgblt 'he Wahl Pen was designed for Writing ease and legibility. It is a rfected, modern writing instrument Thich will aid you in acquiring a, actical hand, a readable expression , your thoughts. All metal construction--gold or Iver for permanence and service- bility-gives light weight, fine bal- nice, increased ink capacity, strength :) resist wear and abuse. And brings he designer opportunity to produce pen matching the beauty of a hand- )mely cased watch. Prices in gold filled or silver Models $5 to $10. Made ini the U.S.A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago anadiian Fa got,: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufadiurers of the Wahl Eversharp and the Waihl All-Metal Fountain Pen .Eversharp is made in designs matching Wahl Pen 1