SUNDAY, UNTIARY 18, 1925 T Fl-llMtCICIAN DAILY PACE THIRTEEN Elizabethan Musical History Brief Outlines of the L :v s of the Greatest Composers and the H-i~4ei y of Their Compositions from Contempory Works THEA TRES Russian Peasant Beauty in .Art' Kibaichichn Will Present His Russian Chorus Here Tomorrow Night. Church And Folk Songs Presented Side By Side on Program a ;. . 4, r t' 4' 1: 1 ' i I E' 4 7+ T - 1 j~~~~~~Iednin the theatrical attractions'_________________ (Continued from Page Eleven) ileast confirmed by the authorities of1, Ile rcceiv(eiinu m-y offer'frm fr a Dusial ometiyswhkch oes a the B 4 Bro Of temper in the opposite situationsithe best, 1bth scholars and practi- el ("'Ui'lts while abVoSa, bat i s'-____________________________ a~u. sujcto nddmiin" e'i I'rUIflt Detroit thetre tonight! Russia has sent us Pavow; she OfBr h uiin eco inr."~e.Siii oe ~ rl s~ar formerly ith the h s et us~ a Bolshevik or two, with. OF yrdthemuscia, Bechm oe .The loiiueouuii of liii r2;eiet he opoltan Opera Company will !w~iskers and fashing eyes, who have said: What furth:er need be Said of theifl usician was the (cca]s ion ror a s(ol - r ~ ~(~~l oe pca-sevda h tc o h oig0 r 1"tepnr orarl.Aseilere stesokfrtejlit f"In Motets and Musicke of pietie and li man? (brat ion illthe& En li:Ih on ii, w Ixerit >4 ildorganization will come the witty and for the fury of the: devotion, as well as for the honor ofj The narne of John Bull imans littlei he was reserved with o cn an is. iroadway to Detroit, for theI righteous ever since the war; she has' theNaion a te mri o th mnto any of us wh1,n11it is;rot used in At. Ole very I eit of Iris r-eame , 4'iill ( ()lriiifY has become triuly sent us dreamy novelists and dramat- I preferre above all others our 'Phoc- 11e1n1it1amu Saran ull dt~denly deserted E'igl,.fd , ',dtul(dthr.Isspaoel idee n ooe nix',i n Williamca tow am sc c n--13 Byrdt whomer . at , u r dinw l ethat m ro e in,WillknowBnotwhtherinytmaytjater, yet, in his (ay, hll wascon- pugtt lrus:';ls \~here lie was lmo rint-! .1Julia Arthur comes to the NewvDe-1,TIhe tetr wihiunapproachableitdoscow Arto kiderdItheoverytessenceroanmusiyal ed, ini ashort time, c :orrn.:1 rJ-n - troit tonight in the title role o Gf tetewhc sCmtaeb hoeo equall, I am sure none excel, even by1. were Cathedra. This ~'bis o'a;l Bernard Shaw's "Saint .Joan." This1 mighty talent, and extolled by the tethe judgement of France and Italy Perfection,.h raata teTetr ul non-creative genii, came to usfo jWe come now to the pupil of Byrd's, We hear early nmention of' him rsa ntlnadwi oru nwsi ThJn s M r e . B r n 5 7 e r - m m e^fth h i n t e C a e iven for i, t i s lP a ~ a lt r I .:e s .i('s e" ro lOu (c d s o successfu lly in N ew Y ork' a visit, from R ussia. Thomas orley. orn no ,5oubt rinmsome owaye chor;inothiChipel." s ~whch B. C. Whitney has brought] Aid now we are to hear the Kibal- I c' vdhsmuia ere rmO-i Royal, where he "spared] neither time no doubt n Arthurayback o1^.the saeafterch1chchorus, saohreapeo oforvd n hreeusialyerelatrowasx-nor labour to advance his natural ta- Bilw: niel~col.aa n"Sfru ri ntesaer r hc saohreapeo ent"oB rn in,5andie was appined esearto thenateror >was: -a temp1orary1 retirement. rThe theme what can be produced in that great fpointed organist of St. Paul's in Lon- en. oni 5.,h a pone epc oteabro o o- ' t~lL. story is based his~orically on_ creative country, where fallen czars.J don. This position hre soon resigned organist of the Hereford C'athedral at citron s. Hie puli he i er arra~s xios f the life of' Joan d'Arc.' czarinas, and butler counts abounmdI g cetIng the appointment as organi t the early age of nineteen. 'en years w ere in the mrain , a nu,li"beforr oit pontsThle ns tTetohe Extra concert 1 la er ull too hi m a ters p ace as nth ms, se era l on s1fa o ves O en ng J~onday night, the ne t. L1C LI o tn lem of theChapelRoyal. Morleywas lter Bul tookhis mater's lace s antrms r.t Sutton y w neesetstutip Vinedasted isodted y eveningingJanu- alsoivn heiatet orthesllnpatentaistoforeChthe to sellingnd ivofinorumnanist r fr. , aryvrd 19,d" adhichf t isy 9tomorrow.oorow.NNa Mmbes onte ers thech RusRussr rnsi adruedsdeIrs ors i heChpe L~a1 e dage Royalintr largerees iug t xaintin to ea les mscndrldpaper, previouslywhischuare inthe halac he ill)l l stmenhuc'lerealtr. eog t Imnain o ) Lasion of Basile Kibaleich, who are Loan Symp ld by Byrd anrd Thllis. ;received musical degrees firm om )th; many f which arpesrvil"~iaonl , rU.l hedliniers is a re,-in~ relief, yet suficiently far away auditorium as the third number of the Extra C Z H evdmn er sogns Cambridge and Oxford. The degree Vir'"'~ iLooks . iso anc n nosI from themn that duty and concert need of therChaelRonyya rsutas forceta fomhssatersholwsld i11 a <,5sodfiiut that they \ouldl ' 'n e( gagemient of Anna Pai lowa to cii @ f o : hi at e e ho l wa ' xlc iry(1r c 'e-ra b i J n ar 1 a d 25. i n tI ~h.singing as they ersisted ] in he ld ann,init Noth helR.a btwsore osonic time by Puritans ''who could not P!Mll, p ly need (Ia JubaEl to per1 1 firii ct= fsothr Rs i cr- scholoeranyadItly Hiaama give it up ecause of illhealth, caused ,I hs is Ih r farewell American tour,! A city offGeouthernrlRussiaa Tm] a1 h searioust case of lung tr's oubies.s endure charc nmusie' them. nd she, will dance "The ,Magic Flute" tginov by name, is the birth place o has (oe new things with human [hFie pr Th aoiyo orl' ops-WhnGehmClee was ieunnied, of A i'at mnan in lhis(ay, to those antl "Snowflakes" Saturday afternoon, Basile Kialchich. conductor of this vice ycmiigte fcrter'yfyi Lions are madrigals, ballets, and a , Bull was appointed the first musical h S day, but lie gave nothing extra- "ion uiotr" in 2 acts andi a Pro- Rusian chor. It is a country where voncer y of smbinin he f ter rtorey or te-no few songs, all of which enjoyed greati lecturer by Queen Elizabe)th. is pop-'odnr oEgih u~r.logne oi Satuday :ight. and "Amor- national 1olk lore and folk songs Comaposition oof Chopin and 5dmu- (Cont popularity, both in England and on larity was so great at the timne, thati We come nrow to a man who tho ,gh e r " and "Autun Scenes" Sunday spurn;g up and reach their maturty; le Continent. Many of these lie has the Queen even granted the comproser nt'consuered wondelul ini his day, evrnfg. :only after countless geerton a lf~fllllllll:~61ii1ll~lid111I been accused of stealing wholesale the privilege of lecturing in Englishcanl stand .ith liethe best (:mpro er s o' Fritz I':reislr, eminent violinist, handed ther own to their progeny. fromtheItaiancompser. Te o- and not Latin, as wa> the (ustomi. the Elizal ctian Ag. ]tor'ein I ?iS3iat ]ill give iis nnual]Detroit onet I sargo hr h epehv ranit ofLthe Chapel Royal, beside It was only through this conession Canbiidg, Orla rdo ibli)011 entred : t Orcestra hgall Wedne sday evening an inborn love for vocal music, par- - comnposing many elaborate works for by Elizabeth that Bull was induced to'tie choirt at 1in'r (e ewile r ,nary 2i under I lie auspces of te tiuarly of the choral soit. It is a his choir, arranged the Burial Ser- take the offer, as le could not, speak still very young. lhillaamonic Central Concert commn- ]aility. cintt vice in English to music. for the first th Lti. hen only inineteen, he received panY. binif N oniteIStateswhere ou time. This ser vice by Morleyistll H was freart: r a ubr fmny rm Cn'l o ca -hundied, percent Americans withr in active use in the cathedrals of' Eng- years of service, to abandon this post 'onpo~ed, At. taee COnlcinsnof 0!;l:S a:moanscelm aeer music of the> Restor- tlieii' multi colored blo0d(era existing,- 1, nl. because of ill hel: i, traveling fio' tui + r n ingY ollegeC Irn.sen-i -,n.'the compoer punbished a numu we must greet with enthusiasm these Seven works for the virginal are la while thirough Eur'ope in an effort leer1Ch a~a':(c,,th: ain -icr of sraler works, such as somgs eope from a strange country, and = preserved in the Fitzwiliam Virginalj to regain it. A story is told of Bull ir °h1'k; msic l elle wa s aahloart G n d a' thenis. the quaint exotic atmosphere, about Book." and of a number of songs, one while on the Con inent, that ma, give ogatist 01' fle Clapme! o~LU ,'b en the (celebraton of' the rcep- them. In America, where our countmry sTO come in of wich is of special interest. This one an idea ol his ])o itioninii the hIle f'it ganined a plaire in ica ' ur-;i; by tihl's the ~irst cf Henrietta' folc shout ot their syncopated, lay YdSbtn is cnandiatitevolunme called, mscworld ofthe tmeu' 10lf: ' in ee'aon itb 's ic tooks place iii 1625 Gibbons wasjold tucs: where the stories they tell Z 'The First Bookce of Aires, or Little 1-earing of a famo::; numsri('ara' the pblirarhing c' a ('1 eeion 0o'vii- I~ to (colmnm( teii~c o h re borrowed fronm ancient civiiza- ha'nee I Short ;Songs, to sing or play to the a cetain cathedral, e Iol'rhliLp hiiim' guna 1priesc(aihlo "P;'l P " oth tcv~'a. Whiiprsentat the eremiony tiens; where the greatest choral as- = A lute with the Base Viol" and was pub- self as a novice to h irtot find Out the , Bvd aucl bull zasistedt ina thii co'oa D at Caterbiury, he contractedl what is capasarutaie vlag chr, ihed in London in 1f60 nI sIrao o i uai. Th sitii, Gibbons cowtl a'iaati n two -i' r nowsutnosed tio have been small o,j we must grant our greatest respect to found one of the few pieces of originalcinafe talking wthian a wbilI ia~r(1, aifasa (of' fou parI- I' ,''lc and died a few drs later. these Russians writh their wealth or Shakespearean mnusic, being an am- led Butll to a room in back of the! Lord of 'dalisbur'y hisra atin. tieme '1' u b 3 ust (1of in mid~le life, one trdtnbfr vreunogoaut= rangement of the page's song "It was cathedral. I-ere he :;howed him a "Cue{tmn ('emaumnd" anid a praliadhn. 1r the gm'at et musicians of the time. I 0n', iwan, hangfnerndoureacin t- a Lover and this Lass," from 'As You song having forty prats and dical- The fantAai of this rroue hs een" Ils Ins> showed many original in- -ian anr, dlavn1h It." lea ed anyone to write another part to i olase~d as oane of the grts uesi wrks ventions, masterly counter point, and! creation and appreciation of beaurty for = 'I g y fn.-. rtoltv rn o~rItv I a'rI*ii(a L-mlorrow, evcning in Itili aony Chorus uandem' the direc- oncert Series. endd (only for the piano, he 'iged for chorus singing. 'ograma, lIOwAeV(1', Uo(os mnot its nov~lty t~rnon this niew fea- ace. Age 01(1 chatrchimusic inued on Page Fourteen) llEEEEE~ltE3EE4EIIEiIIIIIIIIIElIIHI' and get a meal of, tial food. If you ried our food-try l others whj 3know. A 4 r £. :< ; , :, : }iy; , 7:: v9, >. :S '>. r But of all his compositions, and tlhere were many, Morley gained his reputation mainly on a work entitled "A plaine and Easie Introduction to Pxracticall Musicke." This was the first real treatise on music ever pub~-I lished in England, and consistedE 4riiefly of three parts; the first on learning how to sing; the second treating of descant; and the third tdeaching one how to conmpose songs. The volume was received with enthus- qigm in England and Europe, remain- ing the standlard work of its kind for oi'er two centuries. Morley seemed to ha~ve possessed a rare sense of fore- .sight as well as forethought, in re- spect to his colleagues for we read thme following lines in the preface to this last named work. "But seeing in these latter dales, and' doting age of the' world; there is y nothing more subject to calumnie and I back biting than that which is most} true and right; and that there will be many who will enter 'into the reading of my book for their instruction: so, I doubt not that divemrse also will read it not so much for any pleasure or pro~fit they looke for in it. sto find, it. 0'that periiod WY Id le eaty in1ourk townsancities~ it. ~~~~~~~~his baarimoic ifleas were exhibiting Toborpyo aieKblhc Dull asked for nen, in';, and some In 1612, ther' appeal ed f -mma the,! rces of tie influence of the damatic isthe boray of asoflenis,.cHe hosfro 16 i' 1P U -x paper, 'and reqjuested to be locked uia pent of Glibboims, "The Firs oet.(atrms of coamlmositin laeing developed i showed early artistic propensities'; in the room for two or three hours. \idtigals amd Iollets (f live peltfs jii Italy at the tme, !just as hie should have; lhe has a range;- In less than that time lie had added fom'vols anid vores.'' The biacI ials,I Orlando Gibbons closes the. Eliza- of ability; just an he ought. And he - forty more parts to Ilh( song. Whken smmc (of t hew in toumr anid five parts I bethian age. Even at this time the is at ast achieving world wide rec the great mmusician land been called in reantdyI rairir fi Puritan was beginning to get his foot- ognitionm of his art, in his favorite ,n 1 to view the result, lie fell down onm (toss. :Several otfh]Js works re in hold in music and other "worldly 1 field. just s is fitting and right. "'ve been mc ving Ile lbest for eir~ his knees and swore that whioever 1the "Fit'sw'illiim Virginal 1oIC, T~ 'he roises" in an effort to stifle them. The I'This Russian conductor must nces - could (10 a thimng like that muost either lin,"r(duetioi, by Gibbons, of co1poaP- 'g'' producedl mo I laydens, Bachs, or samily have about film something of I be time Devil or D'.. Bull. CThe eoma- r'n wm',viten solely for inst uimrme'ts tilcChlov('is. but it did put Esnglish mu- the spirit of revolt and enterprise..', poser assulredl hits at onceL thiat4 it was ull)eti(d a new field for Eliglishicom- iueon sonic? sort 01 a footing, aftem' For he has broken away from the(= - the latter. pse-s and ultimately re"ulte(d in 110the th smaslafti eomto.anin uia ehd of tchrel;11111o1111111t1 Il .11111ancient musical11111111111methodsIR111of choral1111, 111\.i lUL Vi..l i l 0,.a....n.. a..s..... ,.m ..a. _ .a.,,u,.., sa, Msnr; . _ . .. - I I i I I something whereat to repine or take occasion to backbitinmg; such menI wyarn, that iU in friendship they will I (either publikely or privately) make me acquainted, with anything in the' booke which eith'er they like not or I under.3tanl; I will only be content to i give them a reason (and if I cannot, to turn' to their opinion), but also 4 think myself highly beholden to them. But iflany nman, either upon nmalice, or. for ostentation of his own knowledge or ignorance (as who is nmore bold than blind Bayard?) do either in hug-I germigger or' openly calumnie that } Which lie either under'standeth not, or then maliciously wresteth to his own :sense, lie shall find that I have a tongue also and that he snamleth atj one who will bite again, because I have said nothing without reason, 'at Sunday Dinner Soummp Creanm of Green Pea Wafers Olives Celery I Roast Young Chicken with a,,, a i i i i i I I t . I i S i I C i r P14W VMS sv A 4MW ABASILE CONDUCTOR Y1we( .a xv .nYewrw'av viwnds yy nfsi - M1 J u vxfTYlMt Y1afY.tEIgY[M[SCICJYnFM MIroYIAIA YRYM awraos3r rnYr aecwrv..-nmicar. .a>.rasawu..wrw auYe aYYUUYrY[ YOINnM 4tw yyf YY YiYI IYYI YiiaYP11Y1 - IY IYIIMYYi"- R hk Extra Conc ,j2p4cnu ry i9th, e 111925 -U-- BASILE IKIBALCHICII I1111PACKTOYA a , r: } a ; ' i yz '4 r . .ti liasile Kibalchichi. whose Russian Symaphionic Choir made amn auspiciLous American dlebut in two New York recitals last -April, was a young maezzo of the choir, against a background by tihe other singers. born in Tcherniigov, Southern Russia, in the center of a region which as rich in folk-lor'e, folk songs amid a popular love for choral singing~, h~ardly equalled in any other' parat of time world. NEW YORK PRESS COMMENTS Th1e chIorums inot only sings brut humus, and by means of fane grada- tionts(ot tone andia('cent ofteni sig'gests a string orclie~ti'a. Thie sinag- ing has the sinc(erity and the true musi !ality of the Russian nature and~ there is the basis of a fine technical achievemaent. -Olin Downies in New York Times, April 17, 1924. Tihere is zan extraor'dinary finesse in the phrase treatnient and in thme nuancinag. The delicate gradation of the dy naiMils evokes contin- ual admiaraitionm, amnd the musical managemenit of accent shows tihe fraiit of long training. --.J. Henderson in New York Sun, April 17, 192-4. The Russian Musical inivasion of this city had another delightfual addtition yester'day afternoon when the Kibalceiich Russian Symphonic (Choir' gave its first Amaerican concer't at the Town Hall. -Grena Bennett in New York Anaerican, April 7, 1924. One 'ofthtie most thrilling exp~eriences ive have had in the con.- cu'rt r'ooum this seaisona was thme lper'ormlante of za "Credo" by GIrtch- inmno, thme wordis intonied with a r'esomnant intensity by Miss Ivanov'a, -Irving; Weil in New York Journal, Apr'il 7, 1924. The result is a volmume of tone wvhich might have come' front one SeTI Si I e and4 perfie(tly Ituned inst rumnt except' that these singers add their ownt slii'it of very hmanmii joy and meanchiidoly. -New York World, Apr'il 7, 1924. Altogether lime allpeal mmade lay the Ammerican debut of time Kibl- ('hic Pdmrussianm Syimaphonic Choir ye'ster'day after'aocma was effective and~ instantanmeous. -New Yor'k Teleg-rant and Mail, Apmril 7, 192-1. Tdr. Nihialchich dcaiouistiated convincingly that hieknmew his bmasi- iv-1s. i s co~mpilete control of at fine range of (dynanmics, his iegat'd for v0:-5 I details andl melodic outline and the resrulting product lead to the hope t hat the new ('hoir umay be heard again in time car futum'e. -New York Sun, April 7, 192-4. Aq iofn,~ro bi-h in 'in "i"a- lad stiking0'effets and c iontrasts in EUROPEAN PRESS COMMENTS W e hear d time Russiarn Choir of Kibalchicha and we tink it miaght be envied by the entire wor'ld. -Paris La Conmedia. We have an excellent' choir here in Prague, lint we have never hecard such plerfect choral singing as that donie by the choir (of Kibanlchich. -Prague NarodnUmLsti. The adnmirable ensemble of thme Russian Choir gave a cocert which aroused remarkable enathusiasnm. It w-as a marvelous and~ an tunfor'g'etable eveninag. -lie National Suisse. 'T'heir' pianissinmi are alimost lbrerthmless anad still can lie full of gaiety. -Tributne de G(eneve. riCKETS Season: liiblflhilc I( horops amid two more C'oncerts by thme 1)eti'oi Symphony Ore' lrchestra-$x.00, V31.00, $4.00, $).'0. Sigle ( cei'fs-$.u?, $1.00, $1i.C,0 and $2.00. AT THlE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL1-1OF MUSIC- MIaynard St. 0 Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce Asparagus Tips on Toast I Creamed PotatoesI Rolls Salad Home-made Apple or Raisin Pie Brick Ice Cream with Cake Tea Coffee Milk i F !I I i ~ A" -"~---~*-i --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r