PAGE TWELVI THE MICHIGAN DAILY Burning Gilded Hyacinths Another of the University's Near-Graduates Enters the Field of Letters. M E wi Pbcihr Pnl ac n Volume of nnretsz This and That SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923 What Price Plumes of Glory? Jonathan Panurge Renews His Vow Against Propagandists But Still Finds Some ntnreain Mr T M r St i MNwv~l i i VA ng s ssLL nU VUIU11V IJUa QVI1 G A1ILCL SI A111 011. n11g1sh w0 The Freeman Associates, 156 Fifth savenue, NYC, consider re-establishin Twenty-Six Sonnets From the Paro- with some new manifestation of his among this select company, not to the Freman inder the editorship ot PLUMES. By Lawrence Stalings. ing concerned with a family of that b nomnasian and Other Languages superlative cleverness. Such are mention a score of somewhat leser its former chief, Mr. Albert Jay Nock. Harcourt, Brace and company. New extraordinary patronymic. Riard!i Commencing With P. by Max Ewing. these sonnets which, beautifully print- notables including Amy Loomis, Faith They begin the campaign modestly York. 1924. $2.00. Plume is nvaded home from thet Conceived with a Bow to Mrs. ed, have just appeared to charm those Winters, Helen Lynch, Lois Whit- by asking interested persons to send Approximately one year ago we Browning and Salaams to Donald whom the author designates "the comb, Albert Carroll, Aline MacMahon, them a list of other interested per- were engaged at reviewing Ludwig reat War with a stubborn and pain-z Evans. New York. 1924. $2.Ot. stall-holders among readers," the con- Frank Bishop and Stephanie Scheh at- sons. Lewisohn's Don Juan and at that time ful injury to the leg. The story is "But it excels in this, that as the noisseurs of rare things who merely owitsch. * ** we solidly resolved never again to about his and his wife's attempt to w fruit read to pass the time. It would be impossible, perhaps, to Arr Of love, it is a book too mad These sonnets are all products of a name the "best" of this exotic colle- About a week before the holidays set our hand to the job of discussing a readjust their shattered ideals to a to read sophisticated writer -,uperbly adroit ini tion. For me, three of the outstanding iaiCmil fteDa rsssn rpgnanvl o, ntefl otwrAeia td eadsopistcaed ritr sperlyadrit n ton Fo me thee f he utsandngus an advance prospectus of the edi.. clutch of circumstance, being forced No doubt this necessary readjust-t Before one merely reads to pass the use of the English language, ones are those for Mary Garden, for s an a e poectu of the Bi-l th of cirgmsntan be. forced Nc the time." fertile in imagination and endowed Geraldine Farrar and for Igor Stra-In heAnol ry a and ts Bublg work, we renew our resolution.alens was and is a real problem with Those who remember the halcyon with a wit and sense of humor seldom vinsky. The one about Mary is, in which Lincoln MachVeagh is pnblishin T e rew ouelin. -r a great many returned soldiers. That days of musical and literary criticism encountered. They are by turns Shakespearean fashion, made to her sin s olo on. t the Ne eis ne i an many of those who were alive to in- in An AborwhenMaxEwig wrte meelyingeiou, cmica, crioslyeyebrows which, Mr. Ewing assuresI Press of London. At the time it was sell, being neither literature nor may o hs h eeaietn in Ann Arbor when Max Ewing wrote merely ingenious, comical, curiously. news and for those for whom it is still argument nor good red-herring. The ternational affairs felt bilked after the for the Daily's defunct Sunday-Maga- cryptic, fantastic, beautiful and dithy- us, "will be mentioned with applause zin, illno begraty atonde t rmbi. omeofthm ae ompet Iwhen Nature and the poor are oso- news lt us quote the collation: author who undertakes to manipulate Versailles fiasco is probably true. The zinc, will not be greatly astounded to ramb. Sonme of them are complete.- this ambiguous form is generally only way to make literature of such learn that his first volume of poetry ly mystifying. To others, one re- lete." Somewhat startled to learn * hampered by some affection for litera- material is to draw carefully, and with has found a publisher; and those who sponds sometimes with a laugh, some- that, "among immortals she will have Three hundred and fifty numbers ture as such (which was the initial some degree of profundity, such a appreciate cleverness in the grand times with a smile of amusement and no seat," it is reassuring to discover only for America. In five volumes cause for making him chose the novel character in relation to its environ- manner that is both recherche and de- occasionally with a conviction that, that, "her lot will to hold a full by twelve as a vehicle.) Consequently, he in- went. Mr. Stallings has only done lightful will hasten to devour the few behind all this inimitable badinage, divan!" La Geraldine's sonnet is inches, printed on mould-made rag variably falls between the stools of this in an approximate fashion, hav- copies of this extraordinary volume there lurks a real poet. from the Pandemonian and is a paper by the Oxford University press,! art and propaganda. Those who can ing sketcher in a general way an now available at local bookstores. The ponderous critic who objects to striking picture of the most beautiful England, from the text of the King recall Mr. Lewisohn's attempt will ancestry of Plumes to account for the This collection of verse should add these poems because they are not woman in America as she appeared in James version in Plantin type. with remember that he made a strong and young man's idealisms. To make the t'amendously to the reputation for serious, or the facetious critic who a New York concert hall last year. title pages and head-and-tail pieces fairly consistent argument for divorce book a thorough-going propaganda brilliancy and versatility which Mr. calls them "paronoic" because they The brutally powerful, insurgent mu- in copper plate engraving by Stephen to the destruction of his work as a novel a far more consistent and defi- Eighsarayaqiebyhs"scof Stravinsky icelbrated ono- innvlprun are not invariably logic lhramskes dt ~ooen. Binding in buckram with novel. Mr. Stallings, pursuing the nite plan of argument should have adventures in other fields. During the entire purpose of the book if, in- matopoetically in lines which anyone Ingres paper boards. opposite method, achieves neither. - advetreys'totheUies ingthe entirekpurpose ofcthedhookifin- his three years at the University of deed, it have any "purpose" at all. ho "Le Sacre du Printemps" I * Plumes begins with a trick title, Michigan, his chief interest was in mu- "You will err if you take them the will not fail to appreciate. . having nothing to do with sartorial sic and no one ever denied his poss- least bit seriously," he writes to a "Stark storms of homination plod Jolly but somewhat de trop lyric embellishments of that name, but be- ession of really marvelous talents 8s friend. They are, in point of fact, beneath by Pierre de RIonsard from the Curtis _______________twihd iP ta i n_____________ a pianist. He also found time to write written solely for those disenchanted The clouds that whirl on hurdy- Hidden Page translation new issued a number of plays of which one, "The souls who are weary of ordinary gurdy heels, by Houghton Mifflin: Vi Falling Star" made a deep Impression reading and whose jaded literary ap- To quench the bony lightening "The earth drinks rain through everyi when produced by Comedy club two petitesdemand such potent cock- where it strikes pore, years ago. In the realmof musical tails. Mr. Ewing does not address the The granite-g-rded clashings grit Through every root the tree, composition he has to his credit a fruit of his labor to "those who re- their teeth, The sea drinks rivers evermore To serve you one0 dozen or more interesting songs, the gard time as an entity to be improved And scratch the skys eyes out with The sun drinks up the sea. sparkling finale to "The Grand Street; rather than passed," but to "the scorching steels; The moon drinks up the sun his light, meat sandwiches. Y Follies" which enchanted all New civilized minority" who "acknowledge My sense collapses on a bunk of All things in nature drink. service-best of all, York last year, and a daring and in- that the cosmos is a bore" and who spikes." I Since drinking is the common right ratt~ay tricate jazz piece for two pianos which sektesntetdu yprut__________________ recate the tasty s, Jhseek to lessen the tedium by pursuit The reader who is disturbed by in- Come, let us drink, drink, drink! will have a Gotham premiere before of things ever new and wonderful. If scrutability will be consoled to know-- - -_ - -______ _ good long. And then there are the Daily you are not one of these extraordin that none of these pieces yields up - -o r o oeo hs etari them with a literary deftness and an W- reviews-dozens of them-without ary people, prepare to dislike the one-half of its significant possibilities insouciance that is quite captivating. exception witty, urbane a'nd pene- book; for this is emphatically a case to the casual reader. There are, of Let us hope that Mr. Ewing will re- Let us suggest that daintiest trating. where, to use the old cliche, "you get course, some penetralia into which member his "small appreciative au luncheon for the Sunday night The strangest thing about all this out just what you put in" in the way only God and the author are initiated, dience" with many encores' supper. is the fact that Mr. Ewing, "a Phoenix of sympathy with the author's pecu- but most of them will gradually dis- on the Middle Western scene," was liar point of view. sove 01 mm w nows sonmethn Daily Afternoon TeasT born and spent his entire youth in an The sonnets are all formally regu- about the tsubjects of the verse. e_ _ South Thiayer S Ohio town of approximately six hun-lar despite the extremely heterodox voudrais n nouve- ami dire des Phone 9-W 440 State St. dred inhabitants. Everything about and enigmatic hature of the contents choses incomprehensibles, said Fran- him belies this origin except the in- They are dedicated without discri m - cis Picabia. He would love Max TilliliElititiiill i;glli{IINti' tensity with which he has reacted ination as to position, age, sex or race, Ewing who says all sorts of apparent- against it. Happily endowed with to twenty-six friends of the author or ly incomprehensible things, but says the means of living in New York with- to people whom he deems worthy of_________ out work, he is now devoting most of literary immortality. Geraldine ar-I his time to the piano under the tute- rar and Mary Garden, the sun and lage of Alexandre SIlota one of the moon respectively in Mr. Ewing's last of the great line of Liszt pupils I musical firmament, are the subjects and a cousin and teacher of Sergei of two of the best. Carl Van Vechten, Rachmaninoff. But not even this Mitja Nikisch, Marguerite d'Alvarez, keeps Mr. Ewing entirely occupied, jMyra Hess, Eva Gauthier and Beatrice for periodically he surprises everyone Lillie of Charot's Revue fame are iBarnum was nh een followed through. The work as t stands is a simulacrum of litera- ire and a miscellany of "editoriali- ation" on post-war ideals. The chief source of interest in the work is the author's evident fami- [arity with Washington at the be- inning of the Harding administra- ion. Various government depart- nents offer a novel scene. -J. P. European Tours For College Men and Women SUMMER 1925 64 Days $395 and up College credit up to 8 hours, if desired For full particulars address "ZW YORK UNIVERSITY Tours Division t °, c I%* East 42nd Street New York. Kuvui 1 y of those barbecued (ou'll like our quick though, you'll ap- sandwich They're 'ecue Inn Phorse 2948.1 t WE HAVE ALWAYS PLEASED T UT T LE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard how long do you want to take care of your wifeI As long as you Ille, or"s long as she lives when he said- 11 a , A Sandwich A Lunch or Fountain Refreshments 313 So. State " A Little Advertising ;Ii I rA q -- ---, ,.w -a. , . .; ) J List P1aire SImpicit: that's all The Varsity Laundry does not claim that you will be pleased because they offer a lot of frills to their service, or that they will give you greater things than y x t is a dangerous thing" A little advertising is a dangerois thing. Big business men will tell you that Successful advertisers have been those Who kept at it. Don't tell the public once-and then Give them a chance to forget-keep Your message before them. The Michigan Daily offers you a paper Six mornings every week in which to do this. It brings your message to the public before Breakfast-at a time when it is easiest to Create an impression. It offers you all the advertising facilities That a large paper can. It is eager to help You do successful advertising. For aid in copy writing or for our contract rates Call r9 L60,71vr L ,.O %rA I you can possibly expect. The personnel of this laundry consists in real honest-to-goodness laundrymen and they know how to satisfy every one of their customers. They promise not the extraordinary and therefore with perfect frankness they expect these promises are to be ful- filled. If you have tried the Varsity Service you will realize too that their claims are well founded and that those claims are based on just plain simplicity ---that's all. PHONE 2076-2077 emen -- - I it. H I I.