SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 12 IAam R"TN TH-E MICIGAN DAILY i reaari riiva aAi. ~aa .a a va ar . .r { t,:1 in 'n f!{ ro??Page Nine) A7l7. an of makJing stucents re..l- intellectual training and not athletic distinction or a pleasant social life. If a strong effort were made to repre- methods of study, the use of the li- In many quarters uarge numbers brary, etc. Of more value than these ; ,-en to have meant relaxed standards is' a fres ,hman course in "Thinking=- wrTi sun ruaefo -s~ n.lttl If, 'S rd T~-ins rand mittee G of the American' A. of University Professors for ond semester. Professor Coc in charge of the Columbia co Introduction to Reflective by Con- pnt of V ,ir iesix ,c elarahlip. The latter Ire puat more onl their own responsiblityI and tyre brought, into intimate v'ela- 'JIJcil ' ticlnfs with faculty mxembors in their°, ! chosen field, s is fitting for those ri'e- dl ively maztureitellectually. They ,are 1 en',i fie to abisent the mselves from0 IMD chIas 5:' if they see fit andl are 'usually xlcetc :l to keep un 'their work with- c(I' ,lil y prodldings in the form or as r-,- or irobation. Ex-President O \i{_=khejclhn and a. faculty committee at 1ill is ha~ve both gone so t~ar as to .r'n'ne nd that the transition from E ening an anKrto the Senior College ':ouY, be 11ni1rhed by some' sort of a 'vr ing hegist two years t own, 'nrh. lle , in'ol exaniinat ion, revived 'in t 'scoln.ryat the Ujniversity of Cal- "':'T . ti: ccn year"s ago iandsince ;~:iat. Reedl. Harvard, Bowdoin. 1 =i1{ i "' Mmva~rti ilolyoke is the ''Jl'ac c-mipaninient. of a systemi ''-eeriat ion in the la st two years. 'haec t "st (covers only the field of cont- i t:t ieu tihe student, taking the or- ;? i rside 0of his cspecialty. Th1 aim is1fi , compwelhimr to think of a field of I mfoW!(d go, not in t erms of fragments ~ Lbry of~tt te be learned, passed, and forgotten, O iet justofSte t ' ut, a., a vital unity to be mastered, a's a whole and kept as a useful tool. YYMOMa1Iw VI }MnP~^x rb ~.,~ .At. H ar'vard ,C,ili2'' iC!.atyh ends of the earth and the beginninq- ing stamxped 5 Of ;?T ,' a oh<> II of time. Moreover, a student feels Howiever, lican ~>vB' wmlc that he is expressing his own la'llivid- I ' made a hru ,, ft se '; uality to a much greater extent if he thiniks * tl, t'.11,r'SC 1 (1;a''~' is given definite problems to solve-,j are dithr':'e-ul'1o 1i' n Original work such as reports, theses u- -es all ski'c:to "t ':-" Hotor and special investigations, give vaiu- {cCur es o(r- of cu'aan 3 1 a't(? Cn able experience in self-reliane as of the same {lc;n. well as Increasing intellectual interest. f In general, t"'wer le t un :; onl'moi-e In bringing'the work home to the stu- di.- cussi£7n gi'Oii1l wil IinI e'arSo e dent every appeal to the senses which student's sense ofl'seh'Cxpc) ln will illustrate thre matter in hand will 'Tbough theoret i~ily theoist enerh be expedient. 'Brander Matthews ';rmindi should lbe ogn~ the sub- found that a dramatic museum con.- fectim atter o4'thefl'if, ' and thin, taining models of stages, etc., which !be expressilg tsolf , iesntiy, per- he established at Columbia created a hafps usually, th(' ati itue is olwof 0 greater interest in that form of ;art. p assive rceptiV! 7,11C T ins'iilif.V 01' In connecting some Studiesr with, pres- in -titutiom . to p :),J reai.:J:,e£(SOCI 35c Roast Pork, Vjeal or Pot Roast of Beef Dinners for 40c Go odeats The corner of 4 °} 44 " f * 0 C afeteria 699 .East William Forest and South. U .* O " ! And look at our f - Display.s ad the Want Ads staies iniI enters a co learn only his appetit( to attack t notonious r+ If the stud( crences, t meth,'ods of curricularo tory' and deadening would notc hils wady. 100 often a mrrail sent life, however, the manifest dan- teaching staff to ;i::'et tl'x'; .i>: ourse with a keen d,-,Ire to ' ger that teachers will gieIsrCmnahlscin s me;: a'e' to have the &dge taken off tion in technique rather than merely; stiumilink: block. A'N ie; e by his ignorance of how; Indicating the practical application ofe without mierit.; s, Il ale'S e .Ali- he problems or by the me-7 ideas has to be guarded against, dents in a coarse 1oet ; 01, he c }" routine of the class room. Special courses in problems of pres- !fessor in1 a dli.cst'n .;Fltsn' ll 011all('.l ent's preparation and pref-1 ent day civilization aregietofshovrhewktoouhy Toui the teacher's abilities, the men in several institutions in order turn each of theca nice ra' leer .lOi if administration and the; to increase their interest in intellec- oally with a i uiher of 01 he: st udents arrangements were satisfac- tual matters. The initiatory coursesj in a discussion group, the i ; eso properly coordinated, this! given at Amherst, Antioch, Columbia', being pt-ivilegsd to drop inla any of the adventurous spirit Dartmouth, Leland Stanford, Missouri, time. If mren and womown of real occur.l Rutgers and Williams as described in' ability aid fide personlality could be st a{ {. , _ - 1 z { , Y i f' Electrical Repairing W'e ___ _ . . s 1 ... _..._...,. .. _:__,..............,... . .,,., .,_...._. di Quite Have Unless ana until the E~ngneering and Literary College establish a com:--' mon freshman year, as was done at Yale four years ago, student self-ey- pression will sometimes be hc~mpere.' by the failure of freshmen to ehoosn' the type of work best suited to theme. The number of misfits at the p:°esent time Is considerable and any way by which it can be reduced will be dis- tinictly beneficial. Statements signed by, a student's parents, his high' solhool principal and a third party who is a college graduate to the effect that the freshman has consulted thema about his course and that they ap- his choice might prove valuable. Although it would seem as if the secondary schools should teach situ- dents how to study, many college freshmen are handicapped by their 1g. Committee G's report have this as one of their aims. However, that Com- mittee, feeling that the two courses? Previously discussed-the Nature of the World and Man and the course in Thinking-are more important, rec- ommend that a course in present day' problems be given in the sophomore year. Whether it would be advisable to give as many' as three geneiral courses of this nature is debatable. At any rate the successful introduc-! tion of the two fresh'man courses should precede any attempts to set up one in the sophomore year. The desirability of bringing the teacher and the learner into intinmate relationship with one another has been recognized since the days of the early Greek philosopher's. Numbers and lack of funds to provide a sufficient chcSenl for Phis work thle result.'; in igit bec exc!hic :i 1 A. studlent canl nof enwires; himiself thoroughly in his work unles.s hii; sub- jects1 are',o ('boson as to enablehi -i" to en large its grasp in an ordier- ly andI balanced manner. The selec- tion of courses in a hit or miss fashion w- ;hout much regard to previous or subsequent work is therefore highly Do It .Right! Ernest Brothers' Electric Shop 104 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 281 4-M I i The Mazmoia .zpetroeu~m Building, Dallas, Te'xas ALFRED C. BOSSONI, Alrchitct Drawn by Hjugh Ferrs T'he .JwHop Is not far off. M'ake arrangements Now for having Lyndon and Company photograph your House party group. You 'ii want the Pictures after party. The Phone 458 Fatter And %Burr Line told' us th rson' Gmp of Favors , ily good year. I' think SO' r * 9 * nlormnce on this point. Discourage- body of instructors, however, have anent ensues, frequently a fatal blow rendered the realization of this cendi- to intellectual curiosity. In order to tion in our colleges almost Impossible. obviate this, many institutions-Har- Whatever can 1)e done to approximate yard, BDrown, Antioch and other-give the ideal situation will be of assist- one or more lectures to freshmen on ance in increasing self-expression. I .....1... . b Awft rhis. You IMay Too. ~I tha I1 TIE DINNER JACKET- Only in the aristocracy of good clothes rv-ill you find such su- perior formal. evening wear- either in our custom tailored or ready-to-wear models. CAMtERAS CAPERA JSUPPLIES F-l-IIS nk you. "tSheer Height" THE American business building represents a distinct and national I For Sale byI I