Feature Section - - -j _ _Ad _ __ j~Iatjt Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 1,, 1925 EIGHT PAGES ALU IN V41A*N ER B. UNIVERSITY More Than $9,000,000 In Buildings, Lands, Trust Funds, Scholarships and Awards Have Been Rec leived From Graduates Of Michigan L $13,000,000 In Itself largest Gift When Completed Will Total More Than - "Intellectual Interest" Present In Alumni By Thomas P. Henry, Jr. %hildings, trust funds, and lands to the. extent of more than $9,000,000 in value have been donated by alumni of the University to their Alma Mater, aided to no small measure by friends of the institu- tion who have had sons or daughters attending or graduated from her halls of learning. It is maintained by J. C. Christiansen, purchasing agent of the University, who has had intimate know- ledge of the gifts received, that Michigan alumni have in all probability contributed more than the alumni of any other tax-supported university in the United States. He estimates that in the past two or three decades, graduates have matched dollar for dollar the grants for building funds made by the state itself, exclusive, of course, of the hospital. "The alumni," says T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, field secretary of the alumni association "have done the 'plus' things for the University. The state has been able to give us good buildings, buildings suit- able for scholastic attainments. The state has given us a good library, a good law department, but the gifts an aumnus has given us in the Clements library the best history department anywhere in the country. The new Lawyers' club makes our law school above that of any other university. The state gives us good, ordinary buildings, that is all they can do, it is the alumni who add to the normal fac:- lities the 'plus' things which have been necessary for Michigan to take the place in education that she has." Mr. Tapping points out in addition that at Michi- gan there has been no precedent, no tradition to prompt the graduates, while schools like Harvard and Amherst have existed only because of gifts of alumni. In the case of Michigan, a tax-supported institution, there has really been no necessity; it has been the job of the state to furnish buildings and equipment. Whatever the alumni have done, has been prompted by the feelings of the graduates themselves. The very ground that the present campus is built upon is a gift from the townspeople of Ann Arbor, dating from the founding of the University. It was due in part to this grant of land that the University was located here, in a spot that was at that time nearly on the edge of civilization, far on the out- skirts of a small town that was itself a long ride from the most populous city of Michigan, Detroit. In commenting upon this establishment of this University in Ann Arbor Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, gen- eral secretary of the Alumni association in his book, "The University of Michigan," says: "There were several candidates among the towns of the State for the honor of having the University. Detroit; Monroe, berry dormitory to the S. C. A., it later being trans- fered to the University. The first of the more than $2,500,000 in trust funds that have been given the University was donat- in in 1876 by Walter Crane, in the form of a per- manent trust fund of 22 lots in Detroit. Since that time 372 funds have been given. Among the numerous funds, perhaps the best known has been the Levi L. Barbour fellowship for Oriental girls. At the present time this represents a gift of $380,813.80 to the University. It was a dona- tion by Regent Barbour in land contracts and it is expected that the ultimate value of the gift will reach the half million mark. This donation was made In 1917 and is permanent. Another of the large funds which have been donated the University has come from Regent Bar- hour also. The Levi Barbour special fund totals $65,000 in addition to the above. A second great donor to the University Trust fund, has been Octavia Bates 'of Baltimore, a lady who has never seen the University to which she has donated so much. Her chief contribution has been the Bates Professorship in the diseases of women and children. On July 1, 1924, at which time all the above figures were quot- ed, the fund amounted to $133,304.65. Another fund from the hand of this same donor has been the Bates General Library fund, amounting to $30,066.42. Her first donation was given in 1898 and the library gift in 1914. Cornelius Donovan, '72E, was the donor of a permanent fund in 1922 which now amounts to $113,- 327.84. He was a native of Ann Arbor, later going to New Orleans, where he was chief engineer in the building of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river. Fourth in size among the donations that have been made in Trust funds is the Hudson Professor- ship in history, a permanent fund established in 1915. This fund, amounting to $75,000, was established here by Prof. Richard Hudson, a former professor in the history department. The Frances E. Riggs foundation was donated in 1924 by a Detroit woman who is interested in the promotion of education. It is also a permanent en- dowment amounting to $53,170.00. Among the seven remaining donations of more than $25.000 the most important perhaps are: The, Charles L. Freer, hon. '04, fund for research and publication, amounting to $60,875 and given in 1920 in the form of a permanent donation; James B. Angell fund of $44,414.85 which was donated in 1905; the Williams Professorship, es- tablished by several alumni for the first teaching professor at the University and now amounting to $34,859.56; Women's Professorship of $33,693.83 donated in 1899 as a permanent fund; Seth Harri- son scholarship of $31,113.15, established permanent- ly in 1895; and the Edward E. Hinsdale scholarship of $27,661.49. (Continued on Page Eleven) and Marshall were menti ouad, iidt an i 'er f' 4.) acres of land by the Ann Arbor land conpaniy, pre- viously offered unsucces fully a a site for the State capitol, proved the most at ract ive1 Ii , an dl lle is- lature voted in favor of Ain Ar!bjor. Tlw tow.n .as then 14 years old and 1boasts 'd*s 21.000ink anaii 0ii. "Two tracts of land were coinusnhered by the hocrt of Regents for the UTniver sity; the choice falling upn the wrong one. The prei,,nt cai,,s wmu v as oh osen rather than the coimalndingti lc(ation c' the hils ovrerlooking the Huron ri -er.I ' m afny yar the present campus renmained what it ws (crig inally, a bit of farm land, vwhere what wa, rw; on the 1n occupied portions and ere fan; illes of the 1our. p-o- fessors who lived on the caompus gathered px'ac(acs from the old farm orchard." The first gifts came to the Lniversity in the form of funds to aid the librar'y in the purC(a:e of books. while the first buildiug to be donated to th:e newly formed University wasO he Det'Oit Lhserva ory, a small structure and one poory e luli ptled as com- pared with the pressnlt O at:ry With itsma!Y additions over the first. FifteEci thssani dollars of the original cast of $22,000 was dona ted by the people of Detroit. Since that tiime more than $5,00 in im- provement of both bilding ;ad is raments have been added, paid in part 1by the peplie of Ann Arbor and in part by the state. he gom E x cse For over a century no total eclipse has been re- corded in the localities which are in the path of totality of the eclipse which will take place Saturday, January 24, and according to astronomers, several more centuries will pass before the phenomenon re- curs in this district. The public is therefore ad- vJsed'to take full advantages of the occasion. The complete path of totality will extend from a point west of Duluth through the northern part of Michi- gan, on through Hamilton, Ont., Buffalo, Poughkeep- sic, New Haven, and will end at a point north of the British isles. The path of the eclipse will be approximately one hundred 'miles broad, and outside of this path it will be visible only as a partial eclipse. Local observers will obtain their best view of the occurrence at 9:02 o'clock in the morning according to word given out at the University observatory. The eclipse will be visible after sunrise, and will continue until 10:15 o'clock. The path of complete totality in Michigan and from which it may best be seen, will be approximate- ly 50 miles north of Bay City, which lies close to the edge. Grayling and Tawas are the two cities of the state lying within a few miles of the totality line. Every one located within this path will be able to se- cure a glimpse of the solar spectacle for a period varying from .5 to 1.8 minutes, and will be in dark- ness during totality. The longest period of visibility of the full totality will take place at New Haven, when it will occupy a space of two minutes. Ob- servors outside of the path will obtain but a fleet- ing view. Astronomers generally have asked individual ob- servors to carefully examine the coming eclipse, and have enumerated the chief points of interest. Shadow bands, which appear a few moments before and after totality, should be watched, and the di- rection of their movement. Astronomers are not a . .--t- rn ofln hnds.'lthowuh thev glass. The early pha sc s can alIso be seen with the simple aid of an old negaitivEor'0 smoxed glass , but these should be discarded at totality, which can best be seen with the naked eye. A telescope is not nec- essary. During the brief period of complete eclipse, stars will be visible in the sky, probably for a period of from 20 to 30 seconds. A corona, one of the most interesting spectacles of the entire process, will un- doubtedly be visible at the inst ant of totality, al- though its form is donitfiul. The corona is composed of long streamers sent ouz y th1 1>tl lonir ell mt the dark spot, of thele nmoon, and may (-,1tfnlId t hree m ilion miles or Imee i:Om the e(1e of th sn. Sun sots affect the cor; ". or the ttii is a:m ' 0 regular in shape :ihyg a ma xi m of th- s n spots, but reasons fr e interaction are n ex- plained. The corona can nat 1 : e n so long a ; a e>'i ge of sunlight remains, and is iest visible from the vicinity of the totality )at. Amote urs particularly interested in this man;leti : ion :e ad vised b as- tronomers to observe fireiim neat i totaity ia'. "A solar eclipse 'occ 'ii' only wh1 n the si n, mnoon, and the earth are in h e samo lan', m jne n' each other, the moon beg lni be right (istn'e: from the earth to cover ' on(ire sK of t a,1 the moon's cone-like ow(I l m; tie pha of totality on the ea-11th. (mtil I oC i laOw bhe~ eclipse is Martial,"' s y b ' vonhi SIy lap, "de- c easing in size aor ,:1n, 1t dlastcI' t'reom ti5 'h ib of totality. "A tot111li soh,;e(ii !uS' a.eauci. loll v o do Ino ia'(f an celi?e at evr W IyI'. I, ; tii IImooni is not :ilways il l thle sia pli'if' with lie sun and earth at tlhat ie '. u on 'It a eget ifb loon';; greatoee distnCE 05 Ii 1ro Wte;; rCit, : dir line with i Sh' son and e rthr . i, Wi: u1. ' ts i, than 3I t ot ihe sun, and whMen o lbe * n's isk 1 lu I lalof sunlight is left shinimir around it. it is 8n anlar Leadiin:; any sineiO gift to the U 'rsity is the donation by William W. Cook, 'S21L., prominent New York attorney, of thte new Lawyer:;' club on State strcet . The present unit of the bnilding cost more thaii $1 ,2000E )0, exclusive of lid. In addit:on, if lilins ar,' ca'rried out, a strU'lctulr, whiicii will occupy tlh w1hole block will he ere td, more than $13,0}},- 000 being represented in the gift. This wviW un- o'?btddfly be the lorgest single gi 'l.that ha.; ever been given tny university. Mr. (CobO is a mnmber of the famous Union League mid XI Vys' chlub and is aso author of Tmny mh-'1to ain'I 511)1(7;oOks u ')n didelelit suhj 2ets of law. Cli*et'e among these are "Cook on Corporat;os"' and "I lower ai Responsibility of the American Par." Ile is also author of several pamphlets on the rail- road problem and is an advocate of regional railroad cosolidations controlled by a federal railroad board, Another huge gilft for which, this same benefactor >.: responsible has beeniiMartha Cook building, given in memory of the mother of the family by her chil- dren ThIs is probably,' says Air. Shaw, 'the most smin ptuons and complete college dormitory in Ani- erica, costing something over $500,000..' Tf,( three other women's dormitories on the cam- pus are also gifts of graduates of the University. Helen I Tandy Newberry, wife of John S. Newberry, '47, has a memorIal in the Newberry residence on Stae street, given by her children to the University. The total cost was $100,000. Alunina " house was also furnished by alumnae of the University at a ('ost of $16,000. Regent Levi L~. Parbcur, '651,, of Detroit, has peen especially liberal in his grants to the University. He is the donor of the $125,000 Betsy Barbour house, in addition to being the founder of a large scholar- ship fund for Oriental girls. Furthermore Regent Larbour contributed $25,000 of the $40,000 necessary 'or the construction of Barbour gymnasium for women. Ranking perhaps second to the Cool: gift is Reg- ent W. L. Clements grant of the library bearing his name. This structure cost more than $1,500,000, in- cluding the books and valuable papers which are kept there. It is this buildin g and its contents that make the University history department outrank that of any other college in this count!ry. William Lawrence Clements wa iLrst named Itegont of the University in 1909 and has served con- uinuously since that time. lie is also a member of the American Antiquarian socicty and the Amer'in -istory association. Prominent among the larger buildings which have been added to the campus through gifts of alumni and others are Hill auditorium, the Michigan Union, and Alumni Memorial hall. The first named was the result of a ldoaition of $200,000 by Iege'nt Arthm 11il, '05E, of Saginaw, madl' pos sible by a aoequ est loft upon his death in 1b0(l. Alumieni hall and the UmTnion were madea ossible by ~maol gifts fromn many alnl ;niumm, I1',000 aidi r;g in the ere(Clon of the In ion alone. T'he former bunldil ; wa erected at the cost of $195,, o000of wich $145, 0 was contributed by the Aluni association. The midon cost $1,200,000 in all. 11) conmienting upon 1wthe n on and i"ts:4 Ound~a- I 01 rAti. ShaO' I, in Un1(-,ity of Micign."l "Of the A; ('ihI gani U n ion hats aecoip1ishied the most towarid promotilgt- th best intrests of the student body since its estab)lishmilent il 1904 as a general ori'anization. The new eclub 1ols), practically completetd in the first molths of 1920, is naturally the obviou:s embodiment of the Union which st rikes the (lbser'er on iri'st acquai- Other small donations have been made by alum- ni, bringing the total donation in buildings and in lands to well over $6,500,000. Among those dona- ticns not mentioned here-to-fore have been the Nichols Arboretum on Geddes avenue, the South African Observatory and the Lamont telescope, a gift of Robert P. Lamont, '91E, Ferry field, the gift of Dexter M. Ferry of Detroit, and Palmer field. In addition the new Women's League building and the Couzen's Nurses' home will soon be completed. The Nurses' home is now nearing completion. The Women's League building will be erected as soon as the alumnae of the University raise the funds necessary. Total cost will be more than $1,000,000, a good percentage of which has already been raised in the nation-wide campaign. In addition the Palmer ward in the old hospital is an endowment made possible by the bequest of $15,- 000 by Mrs. A. B. Palmer. The Ferry field donation included the land and the gateway. The cfty of Ann Arbor also gave the land upon which the homeo- pathic hospital is located. Two other campus buildings, while not the prop- erty of the University, have been given by alumni and friends. These are the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. buildings, namely Lane hall and Newberry hall. The latter was given to the S. C. A. by the New- berry's, who also originally gave the Helen New- It seems paradoxical to say that we must stimu- late and even build up an intellectual curiosity among cniversity students. Yet so many other mo- tives bring men and women to college that such is the case. An inspiring teacher is perhaps the surest guarantee of an eager and interested student. The college will therefore do well to adopt any measures which will provide it with instructors who radiate enthusiasm both for their subjects and for learning in general. A student who sees that his instructor is proud of the knowledge he possesses and senses the latter's eagerness to share it with others cannot lut feel that the older man holds a secret worth knowing. One of the most recent innovations in collegiate education is the survey course for freshmen which gives a bird's-eye view, as it were, of a large field of l';owledge. The aim is to give students enough intellectual food in palatable guise to whet their ap- petites for more. The "Introduction to Contempor- ary Civilization" at Columbia, first given in 1919-20 is the best known course of this type. It has been duplicated at Rutgers. However, the same idea has been adopted in different forms and under different names by several other institutions. Amherst has been giving a general course in "Social and Eco- nomac Institutions" for nine years; all freshmen at Dartmouth take two initiatory courses, one entitled "Evolution" and the other "Problems of Citizenship"; Leland Stanford and Missouri also have courses similar to the latter; Princeton gives one called "Historical Introduction to Politics and Economics"; and Yale, one in the evolution of social institutions. The aim, content and value of most of these courses ir. presented in a careful report on "Initiatory i constitute living and non-living things,' the earth in its astronomical relations, the evolution of plants and animals, and the physical, intellectual and social evolution of man-alone affords the perspective which is indispensible for the proper organization of acquired knowledge for the 'full development of the desire to receive and to contribute advancement to knowledge. Such a perspective constitutes the ideal point of departure for the entire intellectual enter- prise of the undergraduate." The Committee goes on to make recommendations concerning the conduct of the course, the more important of which are: that it be given -in the first semester and that as many hours as possible be devoted to it; that a common text or syllabus be used; that one lecture to three or four quizzes is the proper proportion; and that men from several departments give the lectures. Meeting the objection that such a course tends to be superficial, the Committee says: "It will be in- tellectually superficial if the instructor gives the impression that his swift survey conveys all that is worth knowing about each portion of the field; it will not be intellectually superficial if the instructor makes it clear that he is touching the surface of each portion of the field and suggests somethingof the significance of the material, within each field, which the course cannot examine. Such treatment instead of giving a 'false sense of omniscience' would give a due sense of intellectual humility; and in- stead of 'taking the edge off the adventure of learn- ing' would whet the eagerness for such adventure." There seems to be no reason why a course of this nature, if deemed worth while elsewhere, would not prove beneficial at Michigan. Perhaps the chief difficulty would be in finding room for it in the pro- gram of the average freshman. The demands of his- r. Angell's Report