ATTEND THlE BAND DANCE SATURDAY EIGHT PAGES '*7r aA ilx MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 84 ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, PILIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS DE[BATERS ENGAGEI GON~bTTONIGHT, 11Y1I I ESUBJirt"I' ()I MILI itIs JUDGE Affiri'tal xe lV ill Itisv ss 4Ques1 imi Ilcre 11i(:iviIiia 's Varsity dt'b;JI ing kaim I w~ill 1engag . e NorthliWest em'l in a dual debate tonight, the negative Michigan1 team dlebating at Evanston andl theI affirmative tee-im debating at b o'clock f 111 Hll]aud itoriumn. The sub~ject for de- bate is, "ROesolvOII, that thelietl1ip- pines he gi vein their conlete alvt 1im- miedliate iiiepelel)cleC.'' Ujnder' the ausp~icecsof the. Central debating league both schlo]s Have lmet brefore, each ha vilig Vrecei ved the decision 11 timels.hin the eivenlt that, both the affirmuative and naegative teanm representing either 5s1h0ool re- ceive the decision thle tie will be brok- en.l Will Debate Northwestern Michigan's affirma tivye debatinlg I cam wxhich. v:ill jH c'rth1 e d r1ia I 01s lrom Nortlixestei n at 8 o'clock tonigh~tin Hili ui ii. The nwod sieii s of the P hilippines, a subject which Ii as arouse,! a.. raolled. polii cal is - sue and one of the planks in seeria parity plaltorms, will be the poinat of controversy Itoniigt.The ment Who xwiiil rI) 'e!scnt 'Iicicl all, art'. left to .-ight, G. H. Baker, '251+d, W. A, D allberg, '25, and E 1Y. Sa Izimma, '271, DENBY EEDD FRTRIISPLAN BYIL[Comm"MITTEEIJISCDSS0,iIUN CPOUPS, I III eipr('I at il ofAign gii sSlai t (vs The three inerni ers comiiposing the By113, Fori(T r 'Sec'('Ia 'y IHriltgN affirmative team are George IT. Baker,, ( rlttvi ; a. '25Ed, W. A. Dahlberg; '25, and IElmf'r E]. Salzman, '7L. Of these Salzmian i FALL IS COND)EMN ED) the only one who hars represented Michigan. in ipre vious dehates, r lt hol-' gh Laker was formerly a Vrars;ity dct- Vasiiinton, Jan. 15.--(B3y A. P'.) hater at North western, being a mom--l While defenidjig 1dwin Dj~cnby a, see-t ber' of the teame for t wo years. D~ahil- retary of t he naivy, a Rlepublican nuan-;t berg, a produnet or tle iiitel'('(lleg;iate ; ant y of t he Senate oil comm litt c, iii a (tehatinig claws from which all momn- I re'por't filedi todaiy, v i: ooai 31y ('01-{ berso£ the tecain have been (hosei demined A bert B'. Fail as ,wcI'(,,ta ry of haw, had adlvancedl courses in public [lthe inter ir fr accepting a loan of sere Acing at the I ni ver sity ba eked" up $100,000 and other favors from led - by two years experience as a teacher wvai'd [.14.loleny , ('all fornia oil ma, ill public speaking. n to~1 whom a ('a it'oi'nia naval oil Salzman, wvho r ebut Is for the affir- reserve was lease'd. inative team, has been active as a de- 't'heQ report, signed b~y Sen atoi'Sm- f t'a fer since Trit en tranc in to the ( 11- ot, of I La i; Stan fielid. of Oreg;on- versity, lhavig been pre05~idot of Al1- 1=i i',z, ,New MiVexino;( Caieron, A riz- phi Nu and a mlember of the Orator- 1 ona, aad Spenlcer, of1'Missouri, was; ical board. Salzman was anl alternate suhbiiitt (SI by 1tle last neained t (lcuI 01' on thre Centrali league team last year l50oitiiiAlit l;bulpresnrte d before sthe t a nd ai member of the M1id-West ena(Oite lprior f the calling 11p for ade-- blating team. soptionii ti( wo. v4(if ol 110(-iri't Y Th'lenegative tetam rwhich left, for j port, 4bis itsitt .,dlat II. last sessi'ei by , E'vantob hye ,t:eday is comiposed of J. .Senaitor' W Isi I)ocrah Mo~i a :.ic D>a tiou Pitcher, '25, Wtilliam C. Dix priosecuitor' iii tlieoilimill iry. "'''L ! e on, '25, and Albert M. Stemn, '271, Al- minority ('onch mmci'l, th elort saidt1 llhmog none of these mren have been "ini the full mieasur'e of criticiinawiclh team cae oe-Mihgn'dbtigte aoit nuie pn the cullemsiih ast, they have been do- duct of a cabinet officer whor is sliowil veloped in the lebating; class under ! o lave' a ecept ed loanl of $1110t),000 f the direction of (G. P,.1Densmrore. TDix- t an1d1 (crtain other'ifavors wliire; lI- on and Stern are both experiened l fiee. '['his actc.!nnotlhe tot''rduted all d high school deb rtel's, is *not to I1ec ocor 01(5.' Prof. MT. A. Mfiller, head of ilwhulpl -; "We agree as well,'' i i''l w, ''W lie speaking depart ment rst Ohlio 'Wes- til>meilajorit y opinion Htt t he on I 'z loyan, has been:secu reil as *judge of pcoss.ille en ti-111 viii mci 4,or Ibt the (debate. Millard I1. Pryoir, '25, Ire , e' 1101Ile(OlU t(fli's den1t ,of It'e oratorical asisociation,xvill it't a 17 ofthI e navy, 11w tI i ln vor of' presidclover fthe debate. Iimiv asso;I anit nSefIn ariy rela~te:; clt r' - - _ _ 7 ly to th e ' ill tr d r J ht' 11 i t f It'l' : frt is Inspect lirlly a1i l1 "~I-.PJ-ifI t ' f 'J 1'1' ai'e no ('~pi'e s stat ut('ei:l" i "'tm at S. ( '.sA.1H a li ht I~:l' As ai'lI T n 'I 4s WILL START NEXT TERM, 'i'O. t'it i or uta '!T in of 51 uitoti- fu's t,': Iit'rcu is Iii1to)becarred oi in I lhe 1)511(1121 y of(iatIi'ikicjs ii te t.a ' ilop5 thlii'(;lout lthe Iii'' i''nug hal Qf i'xt fc5(205 1s .10'-I'XiiS Iii'lii 'lt)('o thle 1ani'u11oheldl at teI.41511 Ioas UN K l lcdir Ithe als'dM;s af'the Stu- (benmt,('hurist ir ~:s-socit ioi. lh'ir' 1;(-tatv s b'Piii 1room' l rmn21) ratrrnmi- itCI(5 w(; 0 ln''selt. h~te .SIidit 'Ihrist11111Assrcilto01 a t, l (' l'v ryP0 Ii' 'iiiy 1to nars"' Borne1 ainia P u of1the ' tyii Ito lhe agamst of il hon.Imti on e' -:a xxoi'h and to lead e. (.sclisseii.foir'an1hor a'iaong the fiadvinfi L V ,1-a i p iThis sstooi "as carie'id oil''eWor't rmolig Mea'ct fia-. U !r 1''5 lawt yeap WIt imSccess i ar j'T( II' 1 elwi in u of ll ^'rimrnitiit; lt' !i(-h illxvii 1V 'chrge of 10l [Jo tai pr. Ilverv fraem'itv will I h y"= t r e i a li t y n a b e " h mh e y' wi.;hu to c 'n l'r lnaim f or se v era l ev e- rig I,112 'h'SI n"l ('r4"'1 Iia1 asv'a- thin '~l I a i MeJo' i'mait V tS) oonsire (n Nl~( 11.; h:.: 'e.A list(of aulty n''vc; ofier' ' faS'r'2=icq 'at the ba11- C'trll last Ii , a suggO r" 11(on) o ' 1110 n rii'-- ' man1101l fa te deim'e'of tis I hi' ' '1'; to i 'I 11511 F .a 'dry' 1 P p, 1 1' :'hn ii ' .i i:,r t r t 1 ~1", lv ('11i -.23'''i ' i '' 1i f! ('N Ia-I 11 ig 'lll 1. 2~~~~~r forts tooi IIx e i:'x ill Jo' lii - pn -'h e 0:0 v t'II hitr. SiHe W'ut th' ughnt-i i f rte ltmtvnli'v rll b\lie 1)1I' tvili -Pr) eIa lit lnt ni'mr I'ote 31IN5flA1EWITES Oil PIMITIVE A - 'r in it vi':' Ma in Mcign'' a I ev E" o O r '-lIal;,~j'al (di'isin ob n" i eq -u of' nls] r _ ni1 Yist;t1'c c :inta' Ttii pablis r Ii. Stllos Ide iased ',40oyr durin10 p Iii, ''.f''A 'ears. ear i lir a' Iii to' publcat ion ac-- i T~ir~tio ') a'. A. C.IuthVe, direct- s'i' o {;i ,1iLni-aIim, aa n'wseries xvii ! i, pil ,'WlTC r .i' l 't'is series, w ich Siv; ry i :1s ie an fomIilfrom ooks bt i t(I e l llin i n f ii li ' past1 %9I1 loprina1.grlop ofi'hald(books oin )iclhi an mlm.t ral history. "''riitive '", ii in Vt lo n" s'is the fist of tie nn ett -m1 '' .rafd t los xilIle anon- Hold 1M104i1gTFor Hop1,Booths oday MenTooxho dto not belog to finatein itie i's wit hold a meeting at :5 o'clock today in rocis 31t3, 319 and 20 in [he [Unmion to sire' themnloplotunity t 1ge ot 0tCher 1fm' thIe parpse of obta in - IOFIIiA IS 15DE 'IOLACK OF VI'BL It' I NTERESTI PRAXISES COOLIDGE 1N tIt ': 1 hi' i.I ,a Iud W'lcui HIIits I ol i ''Air.rnic lans hive almrost. ,mphersti- tims rc: 1(vere'neo for a, man who ('m)i Ce'; rot Iris coniiver'sation,'' and lwithI thia tri bute to the loader of our coup- ; tmy;r, Geo1'rge 'ciset about. inl his owns pec''' hr xNvly to ex plain fiurther why I,. c'sident,('ool idge was elect ed. (Creel - -iihst it atod for the programi originially iinc~ th111f(OIle sulbject, ''Men and At- Iai 3,'i '1 xx' Iwhichi he discoursedl last nigt in hIill audit oriuin. 1 (ot ill in-ill iiiaseriouls strajin('reel hIaised ( oo1 idg e's adttude toxxardl the recemini arlenn t 1)101)11gan ii uwhich he iiox' bl'liever o r fclt ini ig from a people so firi'mier' un1itedl for' xorldl peaIc six yeai's ago. D~igressing at tis . pint Creel itimted hiowexer, that wil.jthe 1 110 (f aenroplanes and poison -ga v, lie n ,xt. war would resolve its4elf it o a bed time story tanlyviay. ''Ied I cos11111,6C4' w' xvouldhI only have 'to joihi'- n'y I broagth th~e counitr'y Seeing that ]10 0114' orrs sleeping oni lie xvmong s5<'o (I m' I ii i e'1athte u'overs off '' In colmaring thle Itwo hun .101'partiles, thI Ii'' I'bi Ilaii a nr 111fthe I emno(l'at 5, ('me'']di!=layed IOIresatirist icIuner xxic ll-iles ;rtt'ect i'd such attention ini his ''i 'ncle Henmr y'' a riles. ''With 1 lepmbl ica as polticls is a. business, with Iithe Ieim ut'al 5 an (emotiionle x- peieince. 1'liu difference bletwoon themn in t thIm t, alhicen5 do what they- me told(1and thelie loerat "Ihlie e[(1be hatdwhatI[theve.'. WVit hi reference to the declinie of in- teri't.t ir e l e is, ('reel pin utecd to -l hiibil l si 'Is 'tni eteria 1factor ill C 'c'i' nleline. '"11ow c(an we expect. IOiw ilrt'ioft' I aoN'to voite'wheni form - em'' r: aI v1 t vtrstiti oat with a i~ttu~gh i' th monin, couldI vote - 1)1 dmi v wit.Ii ill t-turn ing a hair.'' Anm- ''thiel'factor ilii theeliine of interest ino volting, thle speaker stait ed, was [t'e fact, It lpeole doni't. want to becotime al;c05ss'l(5 sto Ithre( crim1e1. Cre b;~ Illamned(lie Airil'crri pabie for this laxity reg;ardilug the men whm i ey allox; to be tplaced ini cx- cc. ii ye 1osi I lels. ''If our puinblie of- £1 cia Is am r, not whatNwe woa nt them to se at1 whose fet (10loes lie fault lie but tul' ow ii?"' 'U. S. Official i I i I E, t , i , t F i :r 1 I i Union And Council Sponsor Dance For Financing Bhand Danmcing asa means of financing a hciicim t daliee since by this mleans tlie bandi xvill he given a trial at thit st udents mlay m'eceix'e a. fahi'rir- 2 (1'c(lock next. Saturday- afternoonIuiiontermey - ''i'' I's ion in givinig thlis tdance be- whemnthe Ulmill withi the Stuldont postast sa f ui: )5ibtle- counicil will sponisor a muatiniee(lance,'(i o iv, mueie fori the band. If, thisjI in tlie 1nioiniBall i-oomu. The cparty s ,,cc I ( (105 n~tt aneswill- wxill last froms 2 to 5 o'cloc. .;bc' givenyo oLi nplet ely erase the deli- I 'lickeUt salIe to [his ([ance opened :cii. a mi 'ais: the han ridlonamore t his mioning at, themei Udesk o1 the; .tado efimnucuial footving.I Uniiion. All IO nion mnemher.,iarc ei-. Alliaw" his (iffer'ed 1(1 fur;.lih a I gihile to attend. Thme tickets xwilt sell - rline itc tx as a spe~cialty no iiihicer. Thle for $1 a couple. 'The total prioceedls ,aim,. ar axwillhiiav', ani accord~ianuen - rrmuthis (dance xwillbe liiided over 1teriner. Refr l'res.._ents xwill be sery- to tihe hanzd to wine out t he deficit c-i at, extria. charge in the small ball of last fall's football seaslon. The :,roo which hmas been f'urnish ed in i 'Uon has furnmished the hlua and the living mi oom style; to accomuimodateo the iimusic to the Studtent council free of!I cro'xds betweeii(lances. chaerge,. Paul Wilson's Union orehies- t Robert A. Camnpbell1, University trea- tr'a will !clay. Stags may attend1. surei', thme "uncle Bob" of [tie Varsity At the mrwent time the band is in ! Band, ceommented oitime dance Satur- deb~t $300 fm-un expuenses inicurredl last1 day as hieing anl excellent way of hav- fall1 in traveling to ltmeOuiio State Ing a good tine andt supporting the game. Riathuer than put oin a tag day b and. "We alp-eciate the cooper-a-1 cm' r'esor" , Io the (o1d1methiod of pass'- tionl of [lie St udent council and thec Sig buckets, the Coucil de4ci~lddon Union in this smattem'," he said. nirnrn I~rTnnI aI nra i fl~i i ~air N I MIU I WILL SPEAK TODAYi VLRI VRT rLRID~ SUM-MER COURSES Belai Thet~a III Leads IWIth ;o 69 aind Alpha. Delta PIl Is Second with, 4 UN ONPOOL 0DRIVE FALLS BLOW MARKI W'ILL END TONIGHT F RATE NI'lIES MAYSELBOONiS TO'DA.Y IN ('()'PFI'li'~'Q FOR CU'("E 6 O'CLOCK IS LIMIT 'hin;2'c t ;.o t~teson, English A uthior ?Jiszziss A dinistra*tion 1School 111111i I1Vh OutlImne BrIsh tForeIgni j (ffer All Firsu1 Year ('lasses Pt1lu'y, 19I11 lin Summer Session HAS LEC:fl'tUtED IN ELAS F TO LAST EIGHT WEEKS{ (I'liiles Grant Robertson, Principal IPhlans for the 1 925 summer session inf Ii iiiighainimuiverslty, who will'- of [tie School of Business Admninis-a spe1ak onl''Prinzciples of British For- !tmatioli were an nounuced- yester'da y by : gn Policy, 1914-:1915" at 4:15 o'clocki Dean E. E. ?ay. Beginning Monday, thuis arfternoon iliithe1 Natural Science Junec 22, the courses will last eight auditornu was onme of a group of weeks, anti vilIe open to all personus eighlt if the mlost proaminent lds toriamus qualified to pursue them toi advantage roI England wvho xwere invited to at- i not, however, making all summneri stua- .tendthtle mrecent meeting of tire Aiuei-'- dents eligible to candidacy for the de-i carl HistoricalI assotiation lieNLi t gree of Al. 11. A. IicimendVa.ill All of the required courses of the Amdleen nNoxv IHaven, Cana- I. hiiidg an tt~crNewEngant coleg1Ifirst -year curriculumi, as well as ai town tive bardaddesse byMr.selection from its iior'e implor'tanit se- ( twmi; so:have h0leadIddrsisebyMet- eondr-yeai' course ,,will t e (iffcreil iii i aj;, hirt. n i 'hmr w 'ill be the .m't tIthis -yearz' hieS1 s a- dmf[n;,ratin stumme r ssn This offering muakes! W >t e re l'n I w iolirl iiu fe i t pliossible for students who have tak- - xist hrelin wllgo on to ('hicago en ia, subistantial part,-liut not all ofI Tb le}wsCty.P cnrbuin [iF I e first-year xxork in business ad- 1 Ilaelecurr'sconribtins o 1111 in~imnlst; ation to complete b~efore Sopl- { ropean history whichm is his specialty, t emaber the reqtuiremnents for adnus-. arme ten hooks c'overn g some (if the iii~stiiuuc'tat aji(:tn o te hstoyion to regular second-.yeam' standing IR~Wi I (f'f II LU~i li~1L1 ~lii -In [lie schedule, there are included itries. Among tbeehietter' known of his tw- ore nbsns atoi Sworks are "England under time [xHanoussin-sneslwtoi oo ~ ms,' 'vlto (fP- i,' accounting, one in mlanagerial static- Vreas EvltoofPuiaan "'heI feo Bsia , tiCes, two in production management, A 'i ameart fx' iscontmi tn Ion 1onle ain ersonal mnanagemnent, two in Jrm Robert sonibas been alp,- 'inarkeling and sales, and three in fin- t'oini Fel loxw of all SoulIs, in Oxford. i n~al no ia~eac -- -____________ -Inquiries concernlg summer xvort(k } - in the School of Business Admints- rlI tQE~r1 at ion shlzd be directed to Dean I i Day 108 Tappani hall. With more than 650 hooks of, ;;im I icektiu sold but [lie quota still not reachted, the comnmittee in charge of the Union pool dlrive decided last night to extendl the campaign for another day. Fraternities taking part in the drive may sell Itickets todlay but must have all their r'eport s turned in to larold hale, '25, treasurer of the drive, at the committee boot h in [ho Union lobbiy by 6 or'clock ttight; Re- ports andl money turned in after Gi o'clock xwill not lie counted in the comipetit ion between. tIhe houses, It i's expectetd that the extension of tlie drive will enable the different houses to make up tue shortage now existing and to fill the quota neces- sai'y to complete the pool. While time repoirts last night showed the cam- paigni to lie situi short of the neces- sary funds, many fratcrnities h ad failed to repllort. Bet ha Theta 1"i was leading last night with 60 )looks sol and Alpha Delta Phi was second with 59. Sigma :Phi followvctd xith a tot'al of I?'. loollowixug are the scores of the various houses a~s they lied been turni- ed in last: night: Beta'I'heta Pi, 60; Alpha IDelta. Phi, 50; Sigma Phi, 89); Chi I Pi, 83); Alpha '['aun Omega, 25; Phi Kappa, 30; I'li 1)illta ''hieta, 20; Sig'nia Alpha Epsilon, 23 ; I)clta Up- silon, 23; lDelta 'fan Delta, 20; Delta Chi, 15 ; Cli hi, 1:3; Alpuha Sigmta Phi, 7; 1 ermutag e, 8: Kappa Sigma, 14: Lamibtda (hi Alpha, 17; P.'hi Gam a Delta. 10; Phi Kappa 11,i, 830; Phi Kappa Tau, 20; Phi Mu. Alpha, 15; P'hi Mu i Delta, no repaort; "hi Sigmat Detfta, 12; Ph7i Sigma Kapp;i t~a, 7:; Psi 1I)Sp1ue, 7; mnh 'lxdmtoi re- port;'theta Chi, 2",; JTheta D telta li 1i, 14; Taxu Epsilon Phi, no rehiort; T1an Dlelta. Phi, no repiort; Zeta Becta Tutn, 12; Zeta Psi, no report; D~elta Kappa Epsilon, noI report; Delta Sigma Phi, 7 ; K{armpa, Nu, no report;;'rrigon, 25. SLELMP QUITS POST 9S PRESIENT'S SECRETARY Autom-tiv( studlents wiltlee ~vi' for .D(rtmhlt (iiaiitour 1of inuspection today aindl bus ses xvillI leave [lie enigimecming' :1ic i'(h t 8 o'clock, going l ivcf ;t ly to tiho Fond Ilbihla mdttIPartk plmit . At. I:301 - tbii~ntie gro illvi go through thme ('aihilac olilt, a I'll .te)0 o'cttock 1ii,.;:ig im l'('cdc,-al1'Truck pilant.Lioll Neill ;w' t;'ki'muon arrivail inIJ) Dtn'I-)j w)ii tire S Iuillcs Iim'et'itwilt b~ee x- ens ed at Itle secretariy's odIic,'. Sofia, Bulgaria, Jan. 15.- -Oiie anam1:'- chlst was killed and txxo xwee vound- ed in a street fight with police' last nuighmt. ('I'YOURIWIM111TICKETS. ____ ----It 'E m m- 3 c l( 'cIlo " xhui Irii >rut i',mu!i'~i' ii i. 1l'i ' ttu ) : n' u-1)I m2il, a' ll iln~ ilpII ] 'solem'i t tin', o,sis' :mm:Ic-- r'p f I lit' Il, ink. vvies .liot I !il'(ligh13r l i 'Jaiia just as lie emnolrg''d frion t in'' ha.;ll vault by onle of' live th1rl:3 xx ho ill flrcild tbItmcm elves tbrr'ougt h e flit: (Jaleil'[11,;'ll xwas alt Iem p1 lag t octh' e Iin uh:i:' 1 y Li Nvtilmian m hiiitil' r'tiheIl ho' V al mini h ii ledits fled. TI' 'y Nwore ii).1' -Sued by policeffitf;irls3. Nsa'' ( Il''' tha'gs hiave het'n cau git y I; INTER-CHuRCH DRIE PPIOCHE IALsuT r I I Lectures On, Coal Industry Washington, Jami. 15.f--Changes in P'retiident Coolidge's official family following eltisely 00oil onthe other brought today the anmnounement; of tT'o. resignration of G. PBsoni Slump of viurina, auth s: reta ry to the presi- I11 d u by 122- ail oInislll ,x'i'stend(i'Y. IiIn lie coarse5 11ti,iol, at, i nhsn thecd le i''ctiiliil- ('Cuban isovereignty over the 1I41(!or', Pins vcr p'es~uedtody vhin h' ;iidi~iiiruni'eGarden, Nov York. :-h tto vt:r01y beetn,,n cf)-?'itl('at iemu of Jan. 15.-- ( By A. 11.) - -Paavo Nurni I nAngeles, Cal., Jann.15.- (lIly A. -.) '1'lamc resignation of Elmfier II. j H entderson as football coac~h of the ti' iI? gat1.mde nI'.1? t'(''111) P li:,0';1to -thl);t:1, ni i mttlr aimagreelit'n: ;,tinrz gstartedeniaisal ullInsweek end racing iUniversity of .SouthmerinCalifornia was o'.ng~r'et;: tii icli a:; x'. i' ie e not. befen 'for at IinaigIvot e this sessitliu. Imingi's in victoriously tonight when Ilie naccepteid ttday, according to an anm- released ftor pulication tr y tI 'ItloUse Sn-inat.(m' Swansocn. of Virginia, tmt k- conquered Willa Bitola, his rival coun- I nlouncement of t1la',om Warren I)obardt, (f lineprmentatives. I j IineDnmotmat oni lu-a iforeign relations'trrazadtreOhrrnesi onrle fteisiuin lUEe '"in thehingwith HI hm'coal sit utla.lin,"%('onmii ttI t"°vi gor'ouisly urged l'a~tice - I''a nitreohrrnes n controleso tiearnedtotinthy.e deaclared ; Iz'. lDevine,'' we are fzce i Lien (Of t}lie treaity insisting [lie U. 5 hie 8000 inAtme i lccialrace featuring imgE reslandtay E wxith xtwo distill(t h}iol'itis -the a111- 1o'wed t[hi Isle to Cubla under an atag'ee- time Municipal A. A. games and na- F'3 7 ru S e k I .Iitei pr1obilemirand Iii e hi Iumimsinins -nmlt'n i ch gave to thAmiericami tienal junior' indoom' claznipionshli fs.i"E,. r u S e prtiolmi. ''Ath u'ecit e min fling, iini'- '- navy a. coalig stat ion at Guantan amo. Nutrnul not only won easily happing IT r sotC u ;ly ahlI of whiil is cent eredilIll (els"mu ' if he agrleei txva s assailed as tun- io Irs ttCu iPearnixtyvani'n, !in'iilted (litst, J irutn- i"ntitt tional by Seniator ' Ralstoin, Ii- 'Ill of his mival; excet R itola,- who {_____ gli r zo lumln '-r r1 "'tooey of ,tq £'i-al1diana, Deor'at, who dlayed coinlile'-)filaished inl second place. 65 yards be- V . J. Tpraul, research chemist of the 121 lriils nW 'mis induistrmy is; stable; tion of a. lengthy ai'gutnent until to-iblt, but shattered three, world re- Kellogg company of Battle Creek, wasj little varintion is exid'' nt. firmi ye-r ; morrow. Ile lield that title to [lie Isle !orals at tis".tances of 1 3-4 milles, 3900 [lihe priflolipal speakem' at [lie meeting to yeam' in I t:e output. or in tl)t: sennos blonltged to this government by act ion! metres, and 1 7-8 miles, ( of the Prescott chub lielti last night in al1 selhiing pi's. of Cuba, and Spamn in(d[lihat it could Thie uhantomn Fimnn was even in inore tho' Chemistry builoding. In his talk lie I lfuinmui c wl(t~i l nii nt, on t1n line trans~ferred only bmy Congress. 1 wr'mvelcdis foi'iu than when hie mnue do lt wt h rbcm hc h E ot huer 'huandl, M'. Devi ne shoxvel to lie I - ------his spectacular debut hert last week yautg withisthzee hinaftdrugraduhich nl. in I a far dhifIfer'entState, --irmega ii P tlli-s for lie ran his mnost feared rival, RI-_________ ste hizle, andcl id o i hooni accou nt of thne ; II~ IPIIWH told, into the ground early ini the race !I laa~umaa, Nicarsavx'ean. 15. -It. i- oiverdex-n~ltwient(of Itlie indlustrmy, H911111 I IRiI f INlTiLI antI unctorkedI a brilliant flash of speed ai "iti~tAunc' Mrnsx l be wh ic'h thier't'is lit)umonnopoily, hut~, i:-OFat [lie chose [to slice secondls off the lwithdrawvn bueforo e cb. 1and thme Un- s'lead, o'utt [Iit ont 1(11 tit ion. CH HIIAIor [A MANY formmer worlds mark all of whichz were itetl t[Soct,, soon will rcgiethe ne Thi' mconincidmt ins iad' h: tun.U LI ~held by ,Joie Ray of Chicago. government. ' uo msonxxee h oefod.V rtl,- ---- - ! Nurmi set [hue new 1 3-4 nmark ati- thle group uz'ge( that znes uin.s bhof Belnin, Jam. 15.- (By A. P.4-- -I r minumtes 55 3-5 secondts as compared ___ - t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Hn ak~ i i'gvmunett mfli L'musIther, Fom'ner' lortl mzayor of xvwith R'ay's former standard of 7 nun- I I e puic f t he' piroI~lins Lind(ltliffi- i ' - tes 5938-5 seconds and was chockedI' I ISSUE CALL FOR. LIST'S (lt ,traiin mlounetoi ih[u in te i ai u'oo sen muner bimnet' lat the81000 metre finish umark in 8 ini- ! OF' 111?&USI many phlas('s of coal mning. P1ihl ic tx'ii litsec-ndm'xasrcst'man cabinet-i xass'ogyeommdeioidrthe nexw Germian chancellor'. Ite re-,tes 21G 4-5 pco=ts sson u el l o(oaayWD n :erc n the 1y(ivd his app~lointmenit this afternoon ij with [li e foruier ue of 8 minuf~htes 1 Faente n(rauin I t ouexvy ~ y foiu Ebrt fte li ha asurtd t 311 1-5 secontds. Nurmi then carried ' having house parties aind booths' coal 1intlustry.ifo br fe i hdasrdte zis Soemmdy, li' cunnissomirecin-President that lit: hadl evolved a wxork-i his spaeed1 alomng to the 1 7-8$nmiles 'j over [lie J-l lop xvcek-enolms Sumuey le c m sin col-t h v th i li t f gu s s a 't n leelthat a liffei'cntlal tax lie iii- ablen'solutiomi for' tle ltng draxwn out - uinot where his [inue xmas 8 nminutes 290av h ir lst o uetIa h ' . osed onu coal, so thal sioe of thle ' cabinet. crisis. - seconds as against the old record of '! lDaily offitce yrThursday of next enuormious profits expaoseul by 11w a clmi-! I The new govermnent, .time first; 8 nminutes 84 3-5 secontds. All of I week in order to get thuem into -(mission's investigations might 1)e straight away conservative bourgeoisei Ray's oltd mam'ks were set in 1923 i [lie J-I-lom extra of The Michigan t ,,-_ .---,+1------------------ f.,,n INa rSnt:huDily'. witW ~'uut bu ln oh ACETCBNTET --__________ -I'hmt, antzi tle sehejpcimg of Everett San- I'~ha tomn inn dr , uemiubem' of (lieIHomuse fromi hat t'el~c nc!i Aoul tlc? Cal NCINT i ictzzxaas Mm, .Slempl's suocessor. "t ry'' xv 3S s iii' so hjcft of ..a llere _______e_______ twni