rAGE EIGHT THE MICH-IGAN DAILY ._ DA ILY OHIL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tha P-evident until 3:30 p. m. (11-30 a. in. Saturday- Voluiz 6 I'llUIIS1IVAY, JAN UA iIY Pi, 192--, ijaaitil. rS3 Uilversity L ,eture:f Charles Grant Robertson, Principal of Birmingham U'niversity amd]1Fel- low of All Souls, Oxford, will lecture in the Natural Science Auditorium Friday, January 16, at 4:15 P. M. on "Principles of British Foreign Policy, 1815-19J14." The public is cordially invited. The Buildings and Grounds Department, desires to c'all attention of Faculty, students, and employees to unrestrictedl parking places as follows: At South University avenue, north of the Teachers' Training School. At the corner of Washtenaw avenue and Volland street. Parking at rear of Clements Library prohibited. F. C. Pardlon, Superin~tedendt. English IDepartmcut : There will be a department luncheon Thursday. Janua ry 15, at 12:10, at the Union. Lous I. lredi old. Imn udgration (Sociology I102) : Juniors who have considered electing this course dluring their1 Senior year are informed that it is not to be offered during the year :1925-1 926. It mnay be elected. for next semester by Juniors who have not already t akens Sociology 51, provided it be accomnpanied by the latter couirse. bt~y 11. 1Hohres. " 1 ycuoogy of Language: The second lecture on the Genesis of Speech will be given by Professor F. N. Scott, Thursday, January 15, at.2 P. M~. in Room 217 Natural Science Building. Thre subject is "The Surprise Gesture." The lecture will be it- lustrated with lantern slides. V. 'N. Scott. -Univeisity SymIphony 'Orchuestra Conceri : The University. Syinphony Orchestra,. under the directioln of Saimuel P. Lockwood, Lorraine Parke, hiarpist, Maud. Okkelberg, pianist, will present the following program Sunday afternoon, January 18, at 4:15 o'clock in hill Auditorium,' to which the general public with the exception or children under ten years of age is Invited: Overture, "Figaro's Wedding" (Mozart) ; Impromptu, Op. 86 (Fati re) Lorraine Parke; Suite in C major for Strings (Purcell--Iuristone) ; Con- certo, Op. 16, J3ll1at (Ilortkiewicz) Maud Okkelberg. Charles A. Sink, Secretlariy. 'oldt.i1el Scletncc 'J1, Jurnal Clij),: There will be a meeting of the Journal Club, Thursday, Januairy 1 5, at 3b 1. M,, 406 General Library. J. S. iteecics. Aronaiitieal Society:t There will be a mneeting, of the Acrofiautical Society in Rtoomn 304 Mlich. Union at 7:301' .:14'. Thursday, Jan. 15, 1925. Rlph . .Graichen. -The monthly meeting of ,the Prescott Club will he held tonight at 7:30) in Room 303 Cheniistry Building. . lr. E. Ji. Traut, lteseiircl (lietnist with Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, will be the prIncipal speaker. C. . Glover, S-Irelary. Pi oni Tuesdlay, Jan. 20. Anyone (desiring to attend the dinner at the Mich- igan Union atIi6:45 11.NI. lplease notify Pr'ofessor A. I) . 1-oore, Boom 274 \Vest EngineeringI Builingt, on orflbefore Saturday, .Jan. 17. kart B~. Rber't son. (oJresJ)oildiiilg Seeretary. s~iueiil in Ao emiol ii e [Aigineering: T Ihe semi-ann aual inltpec't ioii trip to D et roit lantis will be made on Fri- daciy, .1 an ua rty 1 6. W1e will ta~le tli'1w us at, the lEngineering Arch at 8 :00) A. NI. We will call the roll in the main office of the H ighland Park plant of the Ford Motor Company at 9:30 A. Al. 'We wvii1 go through the Ford plant.,('adillac plant and probably the Feder-l Truck plant. There will be no mieeting of 11. E. 29i on Friday. Those who answer to roll call, will be excused for the (lay at the Assistant lDean's office. 11. E. Lay. Orggniza1 ions Planining J-d11op House Parties : lernmission. to hold house parties the week-end of' the 1925 J-iFlop will b 1e refused by the bean of Students until an authorized representative of such organizations signs andl places in the hands of the J-H-op) committee, the rules abed regulations govern~ug house parties, as adopted by the I 101) c:ommflittee. Copies of these rules werte givein out yes~terda1y and wil be given out today, from 1 to 5 o'clock, at. the Union. Representatives of the 1Ho01 commit tee will be presecnt to receive tihe rules after they have been ThIURSDAY, JANU-ARY 15, 1925 l k Visits transferred his account from Paris to i"Ialanchzette" by Brieux, has Been ts country at the outbreak of the; selected1 vs thle play to be ,given by> ---v ar. !the1("Ce rcle Franca is lM ay 6. in Sa::;::;:;;: m nse angu ge eparmentwillgiv anetninlcueb~oc h ~- t1 FIIS 3'EOL jmen's club of Lansing tomorrow on "Joan of Arc in History and in Art." C1.E' YFOUR S11IM T IIETS. 1 for the J-Hop q "'Tailored to Yotji Fantcy" ITheS Craft Typeshop Ic Over line's Sport 'lipp 111ltone :2066-It 1= 3 . i signed by representatives. At least one of the chaperones for each 1101150 party must b~e a parent o o 02e of the ac'tt ire iii:+C':' ;Css i.111('e grou1p o1' a 1morn hel' r ofthe10 l1iver:ity -;ei~ il at lhis wife. Or'ga niz,,t o i' ,lshino 1i 7 l-e hlpolIon'0sCother than ll"se till1literi ahev iC' +1 <'usl ep l o r such -i't;'I Csnrnt') 11t(' i--i lop ('01m- mnitte'e. Allreussn t he in taie.' ands of a 1rienibf10'' of i do coln11nitlf beftore 5 o'c'lock tIodahiy. iCups A wa4rded WATSGONGO lo '''inners o f i Nwr to app;'ar in this colinnmut / y I y cat uin ihe bae at the l)~ly office G (ftC , g)pf(),e3( I>1 t riit i pror1se 7f20re 4 Cu jis xNvere axvo id 6c ( ieIv- o girils 'Ill' bUh)AY wvho xwon first p1izt's for tIii eho ;,Iarf:ot.Jt - Iii irashyi .Vcot11siillee uC 011lillo. and editorial conrtiiiIktiow.io HQ I. ta- i 1ia. 'chl.li_ leets at P resident's of-I "Plcasuris lgi~ven rasthe first pur- !1)ose of this Amlc1i('il. visit by Grand D~uko Boris, brother of -Cy'ril, whoE (;lainifs the title of 'Czar of all the;- Russiaous'' Bioiis is saiid to have $1,- 000,000 in a New York hank, having . 'W'F S411LW.1fe Alli: EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A RE~CENT I PORTRAlf nary inumbler (If CGargoyle ('amuipus 1l imi- Jr imiga aa, at 1the Cai'gt'oy l(statl ba nqluet last nightiniiltIhe 1thni. Al- bc,'ta iP.1 Mrtoin. 'w71 , Woni itmhonior 01'fo10Hiebst; art work, while Am aweil. (1ilbr'etbi, '26, ('aituh e1 cpl U-l tat' InI the tedlitorial ('ontest5. Miss Iorton'n11s hefw'ii'k -w 'fly' Co-ed at 7M~IiganI, ' wilc *Mirs (i!- brd' ~I)m cnI 11to i'Variations of a Th e' In a dditi on 10 the Ganrgoyle staff iind the Boarid in ('0111 ol of Situdent P ubl icat ions, un- ! Ioe \Vwhose (irecfttion the ban lquet was1 hI~imi, t~h :n most lproinent Camn- Aiong; the speakers of thet' even- M ig were Halsey Davidson, '25, man- aging edlitor of the GargoyiM, who pre- sented thle cuips, Carroll BI. Jones, '271 L, stuadent tmeiber of the Board i. 'Contrvol,.1John P. Lee, '27 iieibei' of t he Clit-;ogyle Staff, an~d Walker Ever'- et( , '26, avt. editor of the ma1gwane'. I Prof. F. N. Scott.,(cha-irmflan of Ithe -Board, acted as toastnmaster at thle Puero 0Varas, ('bile., .Iani. 14.---GCen.t JIohn J. Pershing arrived! here Mon. dlay night and left the next day fao 9 s00-4:;)0al'# I' zoiifsfor M :sques in Newheri'y hall and itoriumi. l : l1- Teurve e Franzcais hecl lre, "TheI I y1'Onl e5" iln iroml203, T1app1an f - ~~ 1% L A. Ialnei CC eS in iLunefi aLanhal 7:10) Alpha Epsilon _)In lli(ets in roost :014, Union. 7 :30- -Peo4l t clubisteels iii roomt 30:1, Chemistry bldg. FRID)AY j 8:00) A. 31,.--Automotive sliuletits leave (ngineering arch for IDetroit tour'. 1 i:001-:4)1)- r3outs for Mahsqiuiesin Newbherry hall auditoriumn. 1' <:e oria, Union (of South Aftica, s Jn0 -' ei'metha ked o r n- gt)1( paymnent s July I as the roslt o ' race~hmmend1(Iat i0115by Dri. C. -. ci'm g, priesident of thte Nethe- Ms s I huh of A nesi rdain 'Tokio, .Iaon. i-I .--T eoul, Korea, re- i J) i' s Ithat:3,000100 per'sona are fain- ne-stictken are declared exaggerated. ~IRVI G WAR MOLTS, DES C. G iropodi'st r hopedist 707 N.Unive r'sity Av. Phone 265' Travel Opportunity A great steamship company will ap. point a very limited number of men of high calibre and broad acquaint. anceship as its Student Representa. tives in connection with its Special College Saiings-Tourist Third Class -which will be restricted exclusively to college men and women, teachers, tourists and such congenial persons -to whom Round Trips to Europe will be offered for as little as $155. These representatives will be sup- ported by an aggressive advertising campaign, furnished with attractive literature and given direct leads. They will find the work profitable as well as interesting and their asscciation with this company, which occupies a commanding position in its field and has offices and agencies all over the earth, should be of very great future benefit to them. Applications will be received up to two weeks from today, and in strict confidence. Address P.O. Box 13- Sta. G. New York City. RENTSCHLER PORTRAITS 4 $7.00 to $50.00 The Dozen a I y Ili ' 1 i0s, 1 't l~ rai l, 10(1 i0-110Vt' ia to urs'.tipont J'da it's a nocecssity. For evervyoue sees the deed( of a really >.o~,V5 tle Lil1l0ie0to have it uiadc. L et RehntIschler tmakei it. t Aieoitnients can he phle! 1110 ((by -'1 Loolk for the neOw Rentschler disp~lays, They change each wec,-k! Portrait Photographer 319 East Huron 961-jV~ Thle first lecturo. of the Cercle Fr,-ncais lecture 201 Tappan Hlal nt 4:10 o'clock Thursday. The P'yrenes"; and 'will be presented by Profr. Clavel in anid associated nleilers are urged to b~e present. ".cries xill lhe subjiect will French. Alli given it be ".Ihe mnembers 3, U *EiU E E E PU E E U E E E 5 E~ Robert 'V. Finney, D~irect or. CItaml',er .of tovjnmere Thiere 'will lie a regular business meeting T1hursday evenling, Jan. '15, at 7:30,; Room 302 Union. F. B. Catse, 8(,(. '-lefor!«l. L1 nre Course: Please be in your places at 7:30 tonight. ilihard F ord. a vist to tihe (reat Lakes GErr YOUR SW1IN TICKIETiS. ':-.-:-. :.::.. -.... .:,- ~ estor Johnson Skates -E t Closing them out at reduced pricem 0r~viOnlyu'a f pair le Students' supplies may alw ays be obtained at our Store at a Onl aAew paI leV G subst.AntilI saving. Try us once, and you will be CO-ivinced. UNV~ R I7F WAHRSBOOK STYOR E 1111l Soith t mmte-411 "Aveine Phone10-It Tiekot Mci- Oratorical A ssoc itt ion: You will please repprt at H-ill Auditorium at the usual tinie. If it. is impIossiole to be present ,be sure to senld some one in your place. Noss L., Tayilor., 'To Faculty and Alumit Memnbers of TanuJBetaPiI: : ts'.Alex. I w of the D Detroit Edrison ('o. will be in it jated in to 'laiclIkx. -Europe, Orient, ]etc. To got the betior reservations. It will be vry ncssary that you #rr a~ your plans soon. BOOK A RL~s~sList Ros 1 at, EAR LY5abii or 3rd tMess ALL STEAMSHIPF LINES, TOURS AND CRUISES AEml to+ ot pre 0a oln~r0 . KUEBLER AnnHAbprSt..ih. 4 Licfflstd n l RndeI Seamship ena s,Iiumnee Aget, WE WRITig ALL KIND & Of I*DANCE FRATERNITIES SORORITIES Let CONNIE'S MICHIGAN MEN Play for that Party. For Engagements Call 284 ,. APS ARBOR TOLEDO _ ' IIYi ' I ' Il, u ' _ ._. .._ t Leave Ann Arbor, Chamber of Commerce, 7::30 a. in., 11 a. n., 4 I). in., :30il). in. week cloys. Sundays, leave Anil Arbor 7:30 u.- In., 1 P. in., 4 p . in., 7 :30 1 p. i Phone 46 for infornmlion, IIEI4P LNisII TIlE POOL. - {SET YO)UR SIM 1 TICK ETS. A .r ... .:. :. n1[111 O theC' 'TPnLP MUSIC BY I Tick ts on Sale at I I