TI~tR~3D Y, JANUARY 16, 1925 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY -._.....-.... _...._-.- . -~ , - - - -., . . .T, P'AGE IVr (C)t >2f '- U [iR3 .. 'laF.l k Yi63 dr.Hbt7 P 7j^+ i i y -57\-5Z ff &I I !) 0 HOLO v GbNVENTIUN SInternal iiuna IPresident LandIs Iork Accoiiiplisbed by Loal~I ~ OFFICRS ELECTEID r(,[Beers1 -of t1w eWasliteniaw vcounty King's D~aughters ioc iety which were nixn flillslycl J (1at thle im,:'i g ,''Sicon f t ol st \ i('la\V County 'inl' IDaughteris c onv~iition heldyS- f' c,lay at. the Mini iga at Union are as folows: MIrs. \Vendlel PMoore, pras5i- i' (Pill ; Mris.lByr'oni 11ildiiiger, vicei-pie-- i diit.; PAirs. 1 1. C'. Rislii ~chei', secre- t py and t reasuirer; Mirs. C. 1~. Jolin- siton , (crrespiondinrgsecre't a ry. Pobsides tihe re'iorts 01' the variouls c(il'nles of King's )iiutghl cis, a comii- liet Io eport concern(i'n lg thle Illiiversi- 1ty hospital, which is partly miaintaini- 'c' e by thle Ninag's D autghterIs 50(0 Ay, n;aS given. Mrs. Karl Stewa(rt, ens- d ian or hosplital pl 11)is, report ed Hta 2,20)0 garments had been mnade for 11l1e cild ren of Ct Uiversity lhospit- r1 l1this yearm which Was double the .,.mounlt of last yeari; also thait the lux- uiry tfund wvhiell was collectedl at. I a -t (Wnvn IiI'(ad)proved s'fic 1(- iiy~tto fui'iiisli a treat 1fo' the.,'hoiOStal rh i 1(run eacelm Sunday, Mrs.1". G. 1\ovy snake of the purpjose of the T1re asure Chest; conta.in jug unusually finie Itons to be given to thle chiildren before an ors ai 0)00t i Oilor cotbc r occa - ions. Mrs. Mdaryfl'utlingt onz, in c a r-e (or thze educa tionial fund. ret~orted t hat the amount used1 in furthering the ed- ! ucational work at the liospital was $ x2,500 this year' as contrasted to $l,50( c lasit year. Miss Dorothy Ketchmn, ,social service (direc'tor of t e hoslin I:l, rl)oice of the activities of the diff'erent, coutnties in connection with the ho s- pital. At 12,30 o'clock a luncheon was beld tfor those attending. Purple .711( ifiiver, the colors of the organization, Wek Pr resent in the floral decor- ?tions on the tabiles as well as in the "Silver cross5" banners on the walls. An exhibit of the work of ti1e lhasnit a child ren andl hid nines of the school were disp layedl in the corridors after the luncheon. A short costume play, "Books," 'v«.( presented by child rea re*,ne -ion Ii z, 'the htosnital school under 'tlie diireetion o1' Miss Dorothy "Ketchami, soc _al u(j;- rector. Mrs. George Prior, Je wet t C~ l, Conn.," international in'esiden t, WaJS ili- troduced by Mrs. Albert R). ('iiitenl- den. county president. Mr-i. Priom-nlvwd ats the, theme of her talk, "'Conc thiou with uts and we will do thee good.'' Mr s. Prior snokor of the work or 1' h 1Zing's Daughters in America and for- eign fields,, erruhwsizing the fact that fli Morlization inc'ludes 70.000 meim- l'"T3 11(1 is est ablished in 31 states. 111'11' Prior l1- ihly commended the workl of thne Michigan King's D-aught- Th~le newly elected offi cers of thle o- iou izot ion were initiaited by Mrs. I)e- Wit11. Hunt, state nresident, Th'ie iis & ui c RU IllI IAffA[dTXas Wiomnen Form £nIEotflp 1, - Lea u n aimg mst report - r .1Club FIE i]ib t "~c can to (.C odas tanc Bai'r- 4t U1I.LiJIIUI VU iIw [mAthletic ILLUO'bd;al'r't'1l and o',' ' o ntck odyCtlar-. lii l ,,ta i L ),iliih W IT[E PAYLYIGiathlet Iicsplay a large art in the'FOR LEAGUE BUILING NO 1 I E]S.mi si' payrehearsals Will be held ,\i11 tS ln ):;: . 1 o i I Ii hi , a id..I i I c. h o i e a i e U i er i y ,, t j w < : T od a y , ch a r u s 3 a t 4 o' - Icv hulr'. Ail tr;):,;: 08 1 1ho 0;c1 Juow 'l e<' ner,11)I saa ~sd regularactivities ±seven hundred and fifty (dollars intrls aktal1atswl 1ul wr~i .n lyrics for Jo8ils ,lal (il!, ke askuetball and swimming, the wro- wasl pledged Tuesday in mnenbcmsip : horss 4 and BB1 at 4 o'clock in the 1I9lrS) r I'ini' ' .-: I( ib }p' I V vii l~ I8:2~Oi~l !~v--* *i~ T 'f e~'be Ie( l i-' we ais fol lows : 4102/on a 'o Habu ym aim;cou n,2 11) i ill 0 Ito gear . - ' le'Ii o owrye aa iiygio'i(2miot,, (liii lg ~.o te 1111VC15L y o Micigan Lea u(. l~, - 'Cl' tilllll .' '- GI i'f ,f ti"', it[ lY~~~~~~~~today IiT'501 olC ,1! \t1bU ,t0di.' b)11 or es ;CS, 4 411, Irea:445;i) heii- '.oioro !i i.i i nI 1,. a 2 h - i b 1:luiw. 11 l \ 51)1, P~i wo nt an IIIIikeeps ia record ofI building. The organized houses have .m e l:2), se a rs ;11i 8 :(oe 'S 10,Friay, lu - at 4: ,in he alo ;to row 1of - 'v -:I!v 'e-r a r' l O ie,ll : as (Iig2e of0 1) 5 worli, i I;J len)a ru~l ncriise a ndldoes not. atnoyerprtdadwhnhireFos350 ohurE;fone1ad4ofhecsat4V 71 l i u'1'u;r't_: al !I Prot.x £ p? cm I he I uaiihz'a8nL ion, a;d i11w Ye'l W lullm eals, nots yetre ortied a dt he nm ithei e - Il'S , clock in Sarlh Caswell Angell hall 1' 1:il ;..!ll . It2Ii', 1 tOl ivtr-! , 1l''~ 1tle acs ses of fte Woen's lieves that sumn 'ill be greatly in- I(Ii ('lo th e st t :45 in Sarah ntIs- 'Iyp o f 1)1c-sne~ceddibis 1'a i.1%l.-- -Mebers of the Club lea;ules thau- ,C aiweli nel al Vt h(tH'assoalfon, the'Texas Outing creased, The aimn of the committee Is'igcus ilhl etu u lie n i K' oeilinswox it iest-1 oh lii'su!) hi taoorganized, to promote to sc .e 90 pr'cent of the woolei o'clock today in :eberry hall.u's othAlmaasciio - -Oiis~n hifor i~ 1ly l IouId 2(all Mg o'I Ic ih ,!outs as rolleIr shating. bicyc- .on (Campus as life nenbers. Nursesill meet a 'lotuna oitatithe - -,us iiahe' 2B frfot'''itr-IaOnoeig, andl roing. Two cal-! T'e campaign organization cosits All womlen rvork ingfor theWom- Nes' orat ocoky.ih a h Illation '!'iey mol, wv n. l usic tob in; on Lake Astin are supported bay of two groups of 25 women in each; Ii1 J ul )ls vihPv !rGlyPc rt i o,)me's Athletic association Ione group to solicit organied houses X1f.~J3'"19 .0;dIJl/:'Y.. I1,h .+. .A1/ ' fH F U T B t f I L le n m h e y iiii ol } ) 0 ( - e l u nis lr l 11) ' l urI 1 0 v o I 'lr i a y s pe n d w e e k - t h e o t h e r to p e r s o n a ll y c a l l o n a ll u n-'t ,i g l s w ll i t e b ( i i t c u s dr n g f va l e t e .o g n z d wm n . !fled'(2 iiniontal m n xill le se-I 1 -i -ea}'n1t nau nli e ,'1 i) i4 rviouls ,Ii- i Plamis o,' tytie.' ;onimiiIia 'ter 1 ')J! 4( jtl (:huis 17!L;Vh l1:iiis oca ll(('1 I bashetba~l fIu~u I t am c W ' Ilalilin :i av y topt 11e 0ol !cl ;l 1 (2n 1 !,e Inhtu~o~r - 0, 1112-n: c ho'; 1.1oII Pei' h"In;' ius'-tbniuitt 'cI by ther juio r two cn. A For Exam s. ageo , 3( 1toi'iay a12ricuu ;;1 ilit,,o 1n Ii'profeosioonal crib!i.iu't m ca~ll h, :;'; !d u v 12 s ,12 1-5111 (2o1 I li(' 11 I1111- ; "' i er's Master Pen h otP s c ( on , h 'f ol l o w ( i ng amil'c -a o c x o l l I i c t 011 ' l ne t T li h rio d es' se tio n) o f It le Pa c iii Iy ee rF a h0-1 \P -Ill[1"eno ednes'110y, Febt. 1t: Wonens' clIub ill m 1 eet at 8l Ol'l ve F ll I Ibeta 11'i s. l~po iia amma1Uelta, today in 11t(e chtuboo2;e, 22;!i Sotb to- 111a, tonthIaN s xs. .\ ihua (Ihi Cmiea, -- --- _--- _.-1 ReiagnlloPS Vs.Dlia. Zeta, Dellta _______________A_ ammnnuti a vs. Sigma Nppa,Duell a Del- l ys Phi 5>;IlaS IwAloha E !pslon F j 1(hlAlpi vs. G 1 V;1, in Be lii, Ali; iy1The College YY m n' ) 1},ii Dalud: V-, zoo"1u12;i llelAl- ow n \Vs-'tit iox- I-St ('htpielpa Iet, Fashion Creed heion' - .;"tc (tls drew byes for I t My clohesmust be smart. Clohes the firstt II 1)2:Ind ' Aolia Oicr o n Ph 0! make the woman, as well as the man. I b vin1t^ hrt! d ll ive . j"They must be simple. Neat, tail inu1lte ( litnis°,, --(!'11 to the (d-', ' o e pp r l i he o ly ap rop riate i nd $lai ~o nthdhat hn o school wear. land1 lung tests t his sulilur 1miiusl do1 $j"hyms esevcalTee 9 - e cruo 1) >2' ho in the- 't1o 5 'l l t th ( a (r r a,, on sIfore, I xwiii select only those of high - I'I~~eWl 2'ioi ' L1I l ~hr~gtok tsl r~ quality material, for that is true con- li tb( lyes u r~o yll~i-wofrel rcd$95 omy, and I'll buy them' at Hutel's inm, >F1id Plortinig.l to $59.50, are sensationally where they are srart, simple and sr- redgced to this low rice. For vicable!l" t('lcnmpo-liir tlc-'e''l Ixl 111'prayer 1'or b'_street, afternoon and dinner ~ the o rde , li t[- a i nfo-- u ep i o we ar. Select yours early-- I Pe iibei' lih-ie-, o1(e111 , C\. ('.\ JSECONDI)FLOOR- are' past (021n0 Ala wwnwli t211it i' gel to} pa0y Iathe1z' \(a t tr dol ' , an; ac1111_4 an(S o1(10(1, ',1 li '1 a-il 1 O LIrt f/s of 24S~ iMANMAIN AT LIBERTY- Janil: '.ay 1)]-dh'' ; a' , '-n'2s10LiertmW, of S a I i I I f a I mT -a k a.._, , w f . fl fli t n ., _ ._ -._ H ,--... .. _ . . . . t~ ,t .x -0' ', . . . . . . , . . : . ,, . ,. 0. ... .. , . . , . ., ,. b ,- ------ -_____ - ---'JF v 1,i rf. " " uec#u2i.WM' N i-u.. ra nuq lww+ri rraymYtY I .FiP'W W 'iIIMWiMw4A M feptW plf[Y.C Y '. I. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 1' d *y.>ii{'d, h1O iit:, hit - (i''i~i oiiidl. Iz=a0 t.I5l~ {>7l. o $415 THE DE 1!. L ANU - HOp 4 Nia hlc~, Aurlade I LACNDCT Floile Kibalchich, whuose Russian Symphonic Choir made an EUROPEAN PRESS COMMENTS B ASI LE K IRALCIII[IIIA PACKTOYA -11 ##A MI ITaczte)t '13 alr THE KIDDIES WILL.TELL YOU HOW GOOD -1rH TEY ARE./ T w xill tickle ' the hear t ci Kiddie lovers to liear the chuckles that greet our cake, No wondler? GColden birowni cooki(es, lady fing;ers and an endless assor'tmeut of surprises to delight the c iddish Il lt'y! F.4resh every lay. W\e deliver. 2'tii(lt1t A !31SrI r. ,all aeOUL 2n, S,C ,.n I= N w Y r eii-n I. lase Apr, wasr i'owi iul Tcherriigov, Southern Russia, in the center of a region which roiich iii folk-lor'e, folki songs and a popular love for choral singing, iiardly equalled in any other p . rt of the world. NEW, YORK PRESS COMMENTS Il(1 0hous not only sings but hums, and by nmeans of fine grada- tDins (of tone adl accent oftenl suggests a string orchestra,. The sing- iv - Finis 1t)e sincerity and the true munsicality of the Russian nature andl there is the basis of a fine technical achievement. -Olin Downes in New York Times, April 17, 1924. The1re is 11 extmaor'dinary finesse in the phrase treatment and in owi buani(iIg. The dlicate gradation of the dyamnles evoker contin. ual aiufiti'dioii, and the musical managemnent of accent shows the frtinof Ilong I(.rainin~g. - .J. 1-enderson in New Yomrk Sun, April 17, 1924. Th li Rimsign Musical invasion of this city had another delightful