PAGE 1 oTJt THE MICHIGAN DAILY i enl by the 3Ihtiatin A - ~ ~li4Zat'tolI, Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The, Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. i forced to close its Memorial Commons,t! the historic dinning hall in whichf Harvard's- sons have consumed their victuals for many a moon. The rea~son given-such a commonplace one-is that the food was roor and boarding houses and cafeterias have provided too stiff competition. NWe in the We t did not suppose that Harvard's mnen would permit a mere triflle like food to interfere with tradition. Wlhere; can we now turn? Cafete-ria's and the like smack too much of Ann Arbor. There is this one faint light on the' horizon, however. The fact that tho Harvard Commons has given tip the ghost should serve to insure good Food for the lawyers for .:ears to t te. Even though Mich igan traidl- fions are not or th~e ancient -variety Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master (Gener-al. Subscription by carrier,, $3.50; by mail, . $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial. 2414 and rt76-M; "z ness, t;fo. .. , _.___ _ - "f 6 - IL* _ii 9 do not let such a thing as fed bing MANAGING EDITOR oet rtnieyec.i ~cia PHILIP M. WAGNER fCt nnteyen.HMcia ia l b,=n arvard the cookingAould" Editor................John G. Garlinghous5,?- enimrvdtten~(L.n ay News Editor........... Robert G. Ramsay .O eniproe-th oer a City tdior...... .Manning House Disrh of 1":eping traditions. Night Editors ____ George VV . Davis Harold A, Mo~or Thomas 1. Henry Fredk. K. Sarrow, Jr.- SOIET RUSSIA Kenneth C.Keller Norman R ila Sports Editor......... William 14. Stoneman Recognition of Soviet Rusia by ther Sunday Editor.......... Rooert S. Mansfield iz~3St,. nwfel rdce y Women's Editor ......I....... Verniea Moran iod~t~f~ reypeitdb Music and Drama...Robert B3. enderson j;ol1iia' oserers since, the recent Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants itd unepected rsignation of Sere- Louis Barley' ielen S. Ramsay tary of State Hughes, the mos stren-; Marion Barlow Regina Reicmannk Leslie S. ennet. Marie Reed uous objector to such a move. may lie Smt ay )r. Edmarie chr'u'dor Willard edeiItid :ii.:iilto altruistic and a good eo merc"1 Valentine L. Daves C. Arthur S'coi proposition but incldes some vey James W. Fernamnberg Marjory Waut oseph L> Gartner Herman Wise real dangers which ought to hbtn e Maring H-ousewortk hugn(. I. l t elrul.It hrog osdrtinhfr Elizabeth S. Kenn~edy Robert T. Dee;r it hruhcnieainbfr h Elizabeth. Lieermnanu ;tanly- t. trhoI step is taken. Winfield 1a. Line Leonard C. Hall Carl E. Chlmachr Thomas V. lKokka One needs only to recall the incident. William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner of the Zinovieff letter and Great 'Brit- am to see one of the serious angles BUSINSS SAFF whch cannot e overlooked in any TCeephone 961 i sane perusal of the propwoiion Add 1USINES1 MANAGI kR to that the reputed nlttempt to -'11Pr~ci . ....... ........ . l . ;I) !nil;' 1114 15 }J t4 t A 1t.C'4 -t , :" : "".-I14 Advetisinn--------------------1. (., : Advertising...... ............ M. Rockwcel mot, in several Ei~roean couantres Accounts.....................Byron Parke Circulation.................... R. C. Winter to say nothing of similar moves in the Publication.....................John Conlin Tnitd States and anotr view of the Assistants P. W. Arnold WV. L. 'Mullins uiit~ion may be seen. Turn to still W. F. Ardussi K F Mast another fact in the ccusations of Gordon Burris ti. L. Newmann F. Denti Thomas Olmtad Captain Francs MCullagh. former PhilipIDeitz J. D. Ryan Russian newspa~er correspndnt, David Fox. N. Rosenzweig Norman iVrehling Margaret Sandburg that the rle of the deposed Czar was W. E. Hamakr F K Schoenled nvrsodntia hepsntul F'. Johinson 51.Sinclair nvrs eptcastepeetrl L IL Kramer P. 'Taylor of the triumvirate of dctator, a- Smneil' ,Malin andl Zinevicff, the in- iY r"?or-m;:ncd rsidnt of the Th1ird THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1925! Not een the wholehearted espousal D ISof the loqulacious Senator Porah of Night Editor-GEORGE W. - V ltah ought to convince the men in pewer at Washington to recognize TOWARDS INDEisTANI)TSG : such an organization. Homer Heath of the TVnion Isis aar-i nounced that in deference to the Congress has invned a little rond wishes of certain Chinese sttrerts. of its own on this Muscle Shoals portions of the Opera which seaiae i proposition that goes something like Ithis: "Norris bill. Jones bill. Under- objetionable to them will be changed lwton i lt;P Norris bl.*"nd so ad before its final showing during the ; iflnitir-,- as all other arch coIisi- week end of the J-Flop. His action in' tion. so changing the Opera is oflw, i thih _. should assure the Chinese tie- loud I4 t'nnnan Tilman says it is im- fait ofevey on coneced ~iit hdignified to ask U.. S. congressmen if and should be proof to them sihal. ih! hey rnk. He is right and the only is the earnest desire of the Opera thing mroe undignified is the fact authorities to allow nothing to remin that any of them should drink. which proves offensive. ________ It is unfortunate that such a is- A Dtroit detective's life was saved understanding should have occurred won the knife of an assassin struck at all, for Michigan has a reputation his badge. A pocket edition of the in the East, which can be equaled by dew Testament used to be the reco- few other American univrsitie. e ni t~ipl method. of which she should be proud. -4ah _ _________ misunderstandings as th1o ne titdac r The Gran gnvernmo-nt has decd- discussion. have a habit o~ r unw.,oi r_1 to aid the farmrs in g'etting rpdit way beyond their hounds ad (4 i i n the purhasre f frators. vatcrh puting to themselves uwaiegs +bwhtoW for TTcr- 7f Pe rd ahdisiebsinss their practical imiportance .does not ;n i441 merit. It is for this reas~on th,,otot,,_____ Union's action is so much to be co-,- TFTP VNTTITTT1 0O1 mended. It has preserved or. -tl - --.---. --.--M ---- faith in" the eyes of the Chinese stu -_-r--______-_-- dents, and preserved ou~r repirtttin! C (APU OPI1NI N from possible-injulry, nx T in j;zi; Ao'i 'w'A' a will be which would have to ho accoi m,=. t+a. =re;u.i, i:. ' ttA i cn:!4i-~ seious loss indeed: for it is5oiy {A Ice,~li,;,p-ti~ui'rs4ei. through such reputations as Michigan has gained, and the friendships which, 1'11 .;0°, tP' A ! come from them, that the orial ,:-' ;l4\J lations so desired and so necessar '1 lio t v 1.,iw between Occidental and Oriental na- I y1=1,tic 11s of our gneraton has tions can be perpetuated. been gr ndly exaggerated .Every age has its fads, 4ts bizarre proclii- TRADITION ORt INDIGE~STION? ties its darirng. These are but healthy There are those who decry tradi-' :n ntural cypr asins of uwolsonti; tion2. There are those who place it ;and h.),r vyuth.T~tvaecmo on a, lofty pedestal. There are those: to all t snrain . nd lt" triking who create them. and those ci'wt~h lng aoni Um ro! Il:.r nmc ii ds~try ourr m'ot 1hory In (7tit n)i , . 1l rhiY R r,1 +; l tea ; :,;tttS i ll i' n C11101 ' f?3ord . i~ e lar 7!b it i ts 50t ru' a '4 lo- -= e n- 0l\A\l , \:ihysli! a t i. '! OtAS Ii n aL;' i.'I to iyAI 1 2/ if p' io"-.,g. 'N:-.Ie'il1 !".y at su vb tzA I hX Ui ii ita,.S i ll pre- S? ~ iO., 4 'a n t<', i ''. oergy force all that is brazenly modern', by men. Our grandmothers were ac- upon us, supplanting everything that cased of too intimnate contact with theo smacks of the past. opposite sex at their dance. This tale Michigan has not lost all of its tra- of youthful license is an ancient cne diticas, and she has gained recently which in our day ceems to be reach- too mrany new cnes-such things for ing its peaks of notoriety.1 instance as fall gamses, women's smok- We are not dfferent from other gen-- ing rules, etc. All of this is to be ox- eratiois-it is just that with the: pected. for we are but a young insti-; wider publicity given to our doings- tution., hardly a (,entury old, and° by the press we seem more daring .andI western-ah. yes, hopelessly western,: licentiouis to the adult orb. The ptrosy In matters of tradition we must turn l as focuised nrh'lic a tnt ion on youth to the East for inspiration. We have to a degree no other age has k-nownr. always placed such institutions as Consemuently more startling things Ilarvaird and Yale in the classification -,,,re expected from us. of thono who would} preserve the best The scandal a young Victorin from the ages.. In enmulation of themn; lady excited by donning knickerboc'k- Our jazz and our fads are attribut- ed to speed, as though youth couild be M S asp on sble for speed. Who, I ask, U I [l has speeded up the world? Certainly ANDil not youth. Our forefathers are re- 1 L sponsible for bring;ing us into a world i .J . A M A VIt~ of speed, and youth simply makes the best of it. Every age has b~een ac'-1 cased of being speeded-up--"the new "THE ADAIRABLE, BASIVLLE" movements" has been the disparaging OR. ('O VSTA.NCY .REWARDT)I) phrase used to describe this tendency To begin with there were three ball et in man's advance since the earliestj divertissments for which we had not da, ys of our civilization. And always bargained. Capable as we mnay be asa it has been used by senility, arbiter of the drama wie are no judge~ Youth today is no nearer the brinkofteatmdfmusbschn es of stagnation than it was 2500 years1 ago, and in many respects it has ad- asths o!avoaec.Te ier - vancedl beyond the generation which i issments were, however, charming in -- preceded it., their way and we feel inclined to ex-; All this in condemnation of the tend (in our amateurish fashion) the resent tendency, in our bright and pl to the second, Julia Moorhead,' proserig deocrcy, o pace eg who clicked her heels neatly. proserig dmocrcyto laceregla- Having read the script of the play tor;- m~easures on ev-ery youthful act- some years ago and recalling the long ivitv that can in any possible manner and meaty preface, we had counted on have a moral relation to society. bringing in a great deal of information 3There is no need on this campus for in a casual way. Our plan was scot- a rule depriving women the privilege ched some days ago when the tidal of smoking, since it is a question wave of publicity broke. Then the which the individual must decide for 1thought came to us that, since every- himaself. A regulatory measure would thing had been said about the show only stimulate smoking and would ~avne ewr eivd yti simple statement, of further duty. We deny the student the capacity for u would say: everything that can be diciously making a choice. If the I said about The Admirable Bashville qtr active. is as vile as I believe it to has been said. h ', fa e t o p n o n w i l evlu al.k ll s c r a p e gst r a y m o n ngrh eacepe r c e C w l s saC oH T.wless s a idr i h e D il a e ( T e r e tT H A T.ev e , h c h i .~ ther, easure. of student opinion-, none other than a dialogue between few students wax articulate on anvf Cowles and myself, should be read in subject. But the accumulated mass; a loud voice. Or two loud voices if of their silent condemnation will be you want a lavish production.) COWLES : Didn't you think Davies monre e-ffective than a volume of reg- was the best actor in the show? ulaion. Udoutedy te pactce PANURGE: No-that's not the way Nxwill ultimately be abandoned; its! to go at it. You can't say this person's! baseness is too apparent to permit its! best or that person's best. That isn't f~xic'tence. Then too. it has been tried criticism. Now I think IHenderson before and has niot lived. Our genera.- , as best. tion is no baser than any oth er:; per- COWLES: I do not. I think Davies haps, no broader. No student can fail was the best! to see that feminine. smoking is on a PANVURGE: He got out of his part. le,e] with masculine chewing. It is sometimnes OLS. btImwligt about as entrancing to talk to a coprLieSon SpanbutlI'm ewilligeo- (harming young woman whose nico- I cmprmseonS.aglth olc- tine-polluted breath wafts in your PANURGE: All right, Spanagel was I nosFtrils, as it is to hold converse the best but his wasn't a part it was' with an equally charming young man! a bit. 'that means he dlidn't have soI who emphasizes each sentence with a much to do as Henderson. huge, expectoration. COWLES:Well, hie did his bit. Nowv The most charming contrast of.' Minerva Miller! -vhih.Icanconeive istheMadnna PANURGE: A long p)art, Cowles, and i ohitheI cansnceive isoenmonnr-a adifficult one. Very adequately hand- of thfrsn.Amdr ohr led, I should say. young, beautiful, vivacious-she re- COWLES: You imply, sir, that I pro- clines in an attitude of brazen non- nounced the lady's name with a sneer. cha lance-a tiny cherub clings to her !pANURGE: What shall we say breast-with one hand she carresses about Cashel? its downy head-with the other, re- COWLE:S: If you want to praiseI moves a cigarette from her mouth, imyulhaetdoiyurlf scndin,g great rings. of blue smoke; PANURGE: I do and will-to a cer- heavenward. What an insniration tfain extent. I like his voice anti, so! --E. . Ii ., '25. far as I amt able to judge, he carried ,i a part of much the same sort as that ___________________ Iof I ,ydia Carew. - To the editor: COWL~ES: What. about the templo-- The declaration of the Ann Arbor they ran it off in forty-four minutes? 24-HOUR SERVICE . .r. rr. c .rr. r .rrrlr. . ac rr. .rr, ~ .r. , ..r. r. . . , . . . , . .+ . . . , : . .; .. , .. .. . , .. ,s. ~ . , . . .r, . ,. , r, , ALL SIZES. BLUE BOOK K I 1) E K Have your pen troubles taken care of, Rider's pen Shop the place where real pen maker's service is found. Exams will soon be here. Be prepared and know that you are all set. This service costs little, it means much to you. Special Showing of Evening Gowns Jacobson'*' On Liberty just off Stare Flowerday's Flowers Always fresh and Leautiful, will add muchto he ejoyentof any occasion. decorations. Full value and satisfaction guaranteed. Sei attention is given to color bar- mony in all o u floral work~. Flowerday '& Son NCESAi-CADE PHONE, 666J "I"lolPcor5b))Wirc Afin vlire" .. . .o,..r , . rs.s: ,s. .. ......._.r._._.r'+ _.r.,.___.. -r. ..v .. cr.,r..rrrr. cror.r.r. ,. .rrrir..v, .r,. .. .,a.. .. ,srr., , srr. .. rr .. *.r. rrrrrrrrr.r. . rr.. r..rrrr.. r.. r.r.rr,. : -Women's Club, is indeed typical of the range of the Middle-western minde. L. PANURGE: Ohe, tempo COWLES:O mores? r t; I ! ' : a E .ttcu:c li ~c rau - lx..l'a a....: urLainl). M. L.'s worthy attempt in yesterday's*** Daily, to express his (or her) antedi- THE FACULTY C'ONC'ERT luvian viewpoint shows especially the The University Symphony Orchestra under the leadership of Samuel P. characteristics of the petty and in- Lockwood will make its second ap- tolerant attitude taken in these great poarance of the season at 4:15 o'clock open spaces. Sunday ; afternoon in Hill auditorium. He takes the position of the great1 An interesting program of orchestral unwashed and unthinking classes,' selections has been arranged, and the nameiS' that because a thing is new general public with the exception of it is a creation of the devil. His re-I small children is cordially invited. ,marks concerning the terrible effects In addition to the purely orchestralI which would result from the child be- .numboers, two soloists will also par-I ing kissed by the '"'tobacco-tainted"; ticipate, Miss Loraine P~arke of D~e.- 1 sof the mother is especially ab-' troit, perhaps the leading harp player ritd : it appears to me that the "to- in this part of the country, and Mand lea(eco-tainted" lips of the father would " Okkelberg of the 1)iano faculty of the be obnox~ious to the same degree as University School of Music. Miss I those of the mother. Parke is a young nmusician who has1 ortkie\\ icr. sm-oking lips-bring down the holy I Lento-Allegro deciso wrath and condemnation. Andante sostenuto here are a few more "filthy" habits', Molto vivace e con brio (Teaml Miss L. 1M. L., '25, might have men- I russo) tioned: chewing gum, eating "slabs of Maud Okkelberg red beef,"r and-horrible did u-"hot - -- - Only the genuine Zipper has the name Hookless Fastener on the tab - HE -- "Snappy game! Now, how about supper at the Inn and that dance you promised me?" SHE- (laughingly) "All set! II have my dancing slippers on now-thanks to Zippers. And I was warm and comfy all through the game, too." Zipper is a marvel of comfort and convenience - a little pull at: the Hookles Fastener an~d ZIP I it opens wide or locks snug and tight. Sizes for men,women and the kiddies. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY 3 I i I l I i i i I Established 1870 Akron, Ohio (log" withi the skin on, etc., etc. {NOTICE TO PROFESSIONAL P'U- I However, since all these and otherj STERS: Please avoid any reference. l m l AW m a Allma