PACE TWO }1 z 'l. M~CiIANDAILY_____ ThRDAJANUARtY 15, 1925 DEBATERS SCO TO Northwest erniAlone ("Julleiiges ti b- igan for Honors in Forensie Fie](! ALL NEW MEN ON TIt\M Members 'oft tho nega tive team which will represent Michigvan in tahe Northwestern debate on the subject, "Resolved, 'hat the Pahilippines be given their comnplet e aind immediate independence," will leave for l,1vans- ton today. Trhe affirmative team will'db t th ne ai eN r w s e nt al on the same subject at 8 oclock to- morrow night in Hill auditorium. According to Prof. T. C. Trueblood, head of the public speaking depart- ment, the Northwestern debating teams alone challenge the supremacy of the Michigan debaters. On the' basis of their past meetings hot ~i schools have 11 victories, and t liex meeting tomorrow nig qht will br '),k' .he tie. Representing the negative teamn are W. C. Dixon, '26, J. Dalton filchier, '25, and Albert M. Stern, '271. None of the men have debated on Michigan teams in the past but were selected from the intercollegiate debating class ?which has studied the Filipino que.,- tion since the beginning of the sem'- ester under the tutelage of G. 1. Dcnsmore, who is actively in charge of the Varsity debaters. Of th~o three members oi the team, Dixon and Stern have had consider- able debating experience. Dixon, vice-j president of the Oratorical associa-t tion and president of Adelphi, has had lexperience as a high school debater and has won both the extempore cont- test and the-Atkinson oratorical con- test. Stern, also a member of Adel- phi, was on the Allegan high school debating tean: which won the state chawpionshin in 1922, and is likewise a former winner 'of the extenrmoi contest. Pilcher, a government stur-' dent on the canmus, is lacking in pre- vious debating competition. Prof. W. A. Miller, head of the pub- lic speaking department at Ohio Wes- TODEBATE PURPLE Mil -Year 1 d9 'cal ouauI ( 'iu ieren co t 4;1 I. i16 m d i the "estv,,12will assi Ii, ili 'kl y12and to) 811( ii'lthe 5s'( elth id -ye'1"odluca- ' ioI]l ('onu 1er('Iie('. '21: is ('(JnIe0'.IE t1.L j Eii. }aEol( i CJ l ' (_ll( jt ;it 0(11. 1 r :.t >18(2 - !!I; ( '( '11;: i t li (> in t(} ,tt'.l,eP, itliil Ito 2 l " prf-,"m~lia le..ture at 8 0 liO~k Frday ovening. Cs o p To Enter tioa 1('hluponat the event, lie also has .conq uered itthe 0Olympic champion, Also at the meeting of LInc 0g71 pit ,andl geol ogv Sect ion C15on Jhius n' I tr 01vI 'u'l' i eVn 8:l2i)I .,o e (:1:> a W 1 'i fli j ST A v' I Ia i 0$c see- Dr. 0 ypo10 flia11. 'il Adonvr X 1W, hi (t iai o n ato 2 d bI o r: 1 to l M id e 200 1 (ll ;08n glto ' 11 .t n .a den of To rn !Kue t . [toPC u WAY:e 1lout O t'h t. ~u ?, . et l e1t1,rW l be I vYrvi ' 1A (2'. ; u Prf of 1« i 21 Prot, r'1.1. XXi n>810.o( lop ph0i-jJ at N-fky"X.// sI/ G High Jump Event L NO York, ,Jan.. 14. --h1arold i. OsC7- luorti of Chicago, Olymtpic ch:amprion2 11iil jui)per and(1decatlon 11'tii>L, will appecar in t he high lhurdle event Watho1 le WVilco A. A. gamnes Feb. 7.t tOsborni, who lea ped ti feet 4 i l' fomI Ow 1floor at the recent.Fnns ai\(urienn mect. , will1no1 (nter a cou- 1?it ion-llnets'to himo wh1en ho facest the lane or1 Ihigh t imbe)rs, f101a'ar 1r atgo hI def-aced S. B ari ison nll mp- son, forcm intercollegiate and1 na- Ws.>min~Ion niversity of St. "Louis troliLearnihe ily making prep- a,;±x !t io o ttn the University of I eIWVV~t unrelay carnival ait Phila- l piaII('XlApril.5 Ajal 14.,la. I-Rng Alfonso and ~lt onVi! ooahave completely re- <+, ert r(-- their receont indispos5i- t't~rl. 4M Il e2:.; oul ije negative ton to deb-Jato the atlirntine tji 2. i.o r left to i ght they '271.,, and(1 W. ( . Dixon, '26. dlebatin g team whichl ]( a\'Olt l(('1e . .i: Northxr estr~rn team on the P~hilipino'eo,, rare J. 1Dalton Filcher, '25, All o ri l Ir -1'. - ' W*%.*' DeU ca p ates iDescribes Hug es <11i17FI;''l~ (31 IIE; (*('3]::I 'FfK; (40025:17 1171 1 P 11 FI I " a:O1 S'ti 4 i " tStax< ~ u san lng S ajj~~j ~ 0 0 i 1in iedotod'afin I w i f v hyics;deprt'I .#i t . . 'll°. 1{ r e f' 1o i e 1 a dr 'fl nlt i ll (P oiu 1(1 rtaa~u ~ !alsl;mn nd jO o' te ht te dn vs (1 ht 012 (_11J0l t o A f e uial >u 2of lll '', will owill so'; .xl I li lie(dI~~ clue a: v nliati n.lita 1 Ai -he- Prof. F". N, lScott, ofi Ow 1sa , to' . a"Ci~~~~~~a_ 1 1 1 n i l(X it \V a l wo wilf t- . I? (2.0}E7t i llT 1y _oe, !(IiItaroIofstate by eanllinr . ml ( V:t; 21and cmom o;((1 lof- aintm etr1ofstie byupreme benchu H u g h s o t is 1 O ' c has one y ' the1 C3, i V vl tl 110 t 1 10 i1 O L h ' lII an I 5: tat ilie'a'1.', leading attorneys in the counitry nd i tlLe f Ow. A'm irre""kre ade rShIP B ~ USINESS leadership is a ____ _---- JJmatter of mental training and aiiyplus aknCoueofbs re ssatndBabson erstiaree abilty knwlege f bui- x'eso rragedthat there are ness principles and their practical three times a year at which application to business life, entrance may be made. "Thus the student may choose a i '. his work whxilme a ineinoer of the Su- nrenie court m-erely enhanced his rep- utation in the' legal profession. The keenly analytical mind of Hughes is appal _-nt safter a few minutes con-I vevsatiomi with himt. Wheon in his pres- encde 0n(! slubOcc~insl~5y teels that he is a great figure. j"l1ils successor, Frank B. Kellogg, is an able man, but it is doubtful if he will long retain his position,, in the c:abinet because of poor health which was responsible for the, recent rumor that he was to retire to private life. "In tihe appointment of Charles 1B. Warren, to fill the post of attorney- Sgeneral, Collidge has chosen a man of fI NI 01NUNC almF"M M- la-U4 is t 155 , t:2 c; 4' 3 lltuois 1 t~tin-ld, 2. fel lowshi ps t int e( 000)0)01 0(Ip . ultilities lfor l lv it (.al '. .u ut, I wikishNils ( Ass1ist, "f t I I t d14. ., of $800 a (1(1tch !(.a tIh -A .' ' .: si:p f'l lltv, luir ,; ut 3 t . ,Ahils (SC $4(,,,} 2Uu( .8h N , .. . x denuts., students VWonjug tV. T2jy '.. it axvau'd in ayV d) ' b1 ~o ."..S'YI6.'-$iJ-.G .: u^.tnJ:Jdt .+ 1 ltfio IL-!yo.=y.'6'aZr,..l7w.- r..v_ ""i.ETIa S6'lri+:2. "i: i$.+ ..-. r7 kL n 4 1 n vAre n v.. I Saie i o r r In fou sid tra: ye; bu! tra pri a pi cot By is; of leyan, has been secured as judge of ( a~ 'GSm l tedebate here. Millard H. Pryor, F n yD esB l '25, president of the Oratorical associ- Eve(nt Of Saturday ation, will be the presiding officer. addition to your undergraduate ork, which should serve as a solid undation, it will be well to con- der the advisability of special aining which will help to cut off ears of apprenticeship in the asiness world. Bbson Institute offers an intensive aining course of one or two years --which teaches the fundamental inciples of business and how to pply them in the daily conduct of )mmercial affairs? y laboratory methods the student shown and taught the principles fExecutive Management which ave built many of America's jding concerns. labson Institute is conducted for ie purpose of aiding young men, rho are to occupy positions of asponsibility and trust to fill such ositions ably and with credit to hemselves. InDstitute scientiic Institution organized, not for Profit, under the educational laws of Massachusetts. 318 Welleslcy Ave., Babson Park, Mass. f' time most convenient to. bim. t Washington, Jan. 14.-(By A. P.)-- The Senate today passed the first dhe- ficiency appropriation bill for this1 year 'carrying $159,000,000 of wich i $150,000,00 is to be used for tax re-! funds. A sum of $2,600,000 was added by the Senate to the measure as passed' by the House. Of this amount $200,000 Plans for the annual Fancy Dlress party to bie given Saturday evening by the Womlen's League iln Barbour gym - nasium have been completed and the following instructions offered,: The grand march will begin prompitly at S o'clock, eachi house participating is requested to have a banner or plac- ard stating what they represent, ands T h' 011211Ooai 1..''211 LiDr-.) lea max' Ty d i:'''ttI.Kv,' 119S.MAI S t 12o - , H . i 1 1W - L 6"! Send for this Booklet It explains the a nusualmothodsfectliar to this institution by. which mn#-re fitted at a minimum excpendifure of time for executive Posittons. 'Asl in attached coupon. was approved for, use on the Yumna, the name Of the hou11e, everyone will Arizona, irrigation project on the mo- tion of Senator Cameron, Republican, of that state. Tokio, Jan. 14.-St. Luke's Inter- national Hospital was destroyed by fire. CET YOUR SWLMI TICKETS. enter) by the basement door. No GDne! will hue admitt ed by the ulistairs en- tr'ance, those cont1estanlts coining late ca1 nIot enter' the gu auna march. 1Khies for the besthutse colt (11(4 an d individual cosl 011)05 will E~ awarded (duringI lhe evening'. Babson Institute- 318 Wellesley Avenue Babson Park, Mass: Send me, without obligation. 'c "Trinigfor Business Lq;4cr- sp" and complete pari'tculars ?about Babson I'nstitute. Name ....................... Address ....................:*.._ City .....................*..r. *'State................ ....+.....2 ...u...........................................uaaada* fill it a AAA asIaIAIs IIIslas a$m suit mass OafiiituWiil#ul it c I .1 ro, 7 . _ "x.70 ,S. ...,. .. ,. J [. _ _ ._ , .h sr .u3.ti .ihtr t aa vuar : -l: f- y " iy '. ' Y t , ; re +Yt ' t . y -'_ , .. 7,,,0 -, . _ ., °o :. 3 L 'i-^.aa ' rt ar s3ar °,r rs°1 ' , r3 rti.. .F4:u "" -ir e.t d"h 7.n_.,..t. r /f ht a ,yU p1. tl }iN.R i .. . ' I I _ r ._ _ a -% 1 /7 . ". ._ "FTL/ ' r' rNJ ,\\ y' " '-- ~ t ",9 \~' , t . - ~ q "t \ \\ \$.. '"a. N \ dC^/®g \?n .w a" 5- §;i" '- ," ,°4 'tI , -"'=y ' ." \ a " r,\r -.". - . Vf - : ° r-F.f'k a,< INI-'4". INN CA L MMLI )rsents N y7 ,/ 'Jesesat iotat thriIliInk melodramna - -All ' A W j . 4__ '- \ / F" 7\ ~ .+ -..,E / i'?J'~' If ~ Yi . / '4' l : 'tom t