PAGE EIGHT TFIE MICHIGAN DAILY FA~~ IGT HE ICIGN AIL ____WEDNEISDAY, JA.NU ARY 14, 1 2) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice t all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th Pvesident until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdayl Volume 5 W'lEI)MAY, JANUARY 14, 1925 Nuiibelwr S To the Deans: There will be a conferenlce of the Deans on Wednesday, January 14, at 10 o'clock in the President's offlce. To Ali. Engineers: Flitins on the testing of guns at Aberdeen will be shown ii the N. S. Auditorium, Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 P. M. Prof. A. H. White will speak on the subject, "Public Ownership, or The Control of Monopolistic Enter- prises."This is an open meeting of the A. S. Do. E. and everybody is invited. 0. 11'. Reed, Ca irnmnu. Graduate Stud lits in Edueation: The next mneeting of the educational conference of graduate studnts in Education will be held Wednesday, January 14th, at 7 p. in, in the offices of the School of .Education, Tappan Hll. All members of the staff and graduate students ar exorted to be present. Clifford Woody. t nivergity Women-House Presidents:. All signing-out slips for the month of December mst lbe brought to the office or the Dean of Women Immediately. Jean IH-111101, IPean o of 1neite. Presidents of Organzations: All organizations must have their pictures for the 1925 MICHIGAN- ]NNSTAN tken durng't be imnth of January. There will be no extension of time. Vt. 1X. Phelps, Jr., Organizations Manager. The Buildin andl Grounds Department desires to call attention of Faculty students 4ud employees to unrestrictedl parking places as follows: At South U'nersty avenue, north of the 'Teachers' Training School. At the corner of Wasitenaw avenue and Volland street. Parking at rear a£ Clonerts Library prohibited. y. . C. Pardon, Superint edet. There wilt be a meeting of the University Committee on Diploma cools at tie President's ofce ou Thursday, January 15th, at 2 P. M. J. 1. B dlonso, Secreary. F'eslluen Engieering Cas: Thle regular weekly assombly wil be feld Wenecay, January 14, at 11:00 in room 348. Engileering Building. Professor William Frayer will talk to thts class. (Sgned) J. ('. Bier, Mentor. Organ BMWtn: The* following program -hCh is complimntary to he public will be givri !A ull A~didtoriun Wednsday afternoon, January 14, at 4:15S o'clock by Mr, Pailzer' Christloin, University Organist: Allegro con fuoceo. (Delleck) ; Evening Song (lairstow) ; Marche Cbainpetre (Doex); -Choral and I_'gu0t (Sonata V) (Guilmant); The Bells of St. Atiho 17fl eantpre ,(tusel); Scherzio (Dickinson); To the Evening Star and _>! rch (Tannhausaer (Waner). Char iles i. Sinik Secretary. - rfhere will be a meeting of the J-H-op conmmttee at 5" o'clock this after- noo0n, ;in room 302 of the Unionr. Charles G. Oknan, Ch i main. Rhetoric 168: The attention of Seniors and Graduate students is called to the omnis- ,ion from; the, Lftera: y- Announcement, of Corse 1 6 in lRhetoric. [he course is offered for the seeond semester, and the announcement of it :hould read as follows:- 4108 Prose Fiction. 2. hours credit. Sec. 1, Tu. Th. at 9; Se. I, T. 'Tb. at 10. Roomn 3227'L. Bi.Professor Scott. Studiesin the structure and fuc- tion-cof the leading types of prose fiction, including the short story. Open only, to graduate students and to seniors who have permission." 1 lai -teservlfst 'Everyonb interested in the Navy or the Naal Reserve is Urged to attend thte meeting of the Uiniversity Unit at 7:30 Wednesday vening, .an. 14th, in theIt. . T, C. 'Drili al AnInteresting illustrated lecture by Prof. Hobbs will follow the meeting in Room 219 Natural Science Building at 8:30 P. Al. ('erer(le l'ra-lticaiS The flrst 1l10t113e of the Ceorcleo ran-al s lecture series will bie given in 203 Ta ppan NIall1 at 4:10 o'clock Th ursday. The sub)ject will be "Tl'ie 1'yarelw'es"' miiiNvill be pn-seznted by P rof. Clavel in French. All mnembers ;,,n a ssocial od memblers arie urged to be p~resent. II Robert V. F inney, D)irect or. Thec (omedy Club will present, the fi rst antlhorizod lproduiction inl Atuor- Ica of (George Bet-n ard shiaw' s "The Adiniira ble Nashville'' thiis evein n;inl Sarah Caswell Angell h~all at 8i:"N oclockh. Meeting of the "Ilala otwQill,"' tonighit at 7:20( in I toom 204. South Whiig. I i'. 'uciedlad I96 i :pal ics l ae,-oc iecld(Ili-pa nh-a will imeat in Poonm 320 [a!nion \ ednesday ight. at 7 :15. Ent ertainment 0of1vin unusual naturiie will lie presenlted i m uia pro gram biy Mrs. Dunning. M1arstaill It. Lev y. Vl(-iest y of' 31 ich iga n I in it ii lRegula r rehiea rsal Ionight at 7 o'clock at thle lbanld headqulariters. All inettibcrs are eseicl. urged to be piresent, at this tinte. A a't i1. mit ~h, c :ta det lgr. Alt#!. Epsilon lIN: 'i'h ore will be aiiwct i: i., 'fhturs da y,Jzmn. 15,-1 925, in Boom 304 A\lichig an Union at 7:39:lo idoc(-h All : i 'tii; 5 111must, lie Pres ent at this time as there issoi S i l )poi't8 t:tLily-' c;,.tito'L t 5;! flsOctOl. Arthur It. Smi,,lwarian. SATAite will speak~ on labior unions and an organization will be eifec ted lto bringeipromninent speakers here, and for the liberal dliscussion of present 1;: ty !ccial problems. unuer the name of the hound Table Club. D)oug'las C'leplume, Chairmtan. i'lli S igma: ! The regulari monthly mteeting will be held in Room Z 242 N. S. at 7:310 P.M1 ., Wericnorday, Jan. 14. The report of the National Convention will he given andl Professor Blunting wvillI speak on "Diet in Rtelation to D~ecay of the Teeth." K. C. hurter, (Cr. Secretary. P'tibliseSpeahin Iaug31l A\Ir. ("rocker's and Mr. llrandit's classes in Public Speaking 31 will meet Pyrenees" in room 203, Ta1ppn hall. 4 :30-S. C. A. C'abinaet uteets in Lime hall. 7:30--('lristiait Science Society ineets, at Lane hall.° Joseph. Conrad, who wvas Poland, was past midd~le hie dliscovered his gift for a native of age biefore writting. toda, 9 'Tyon("sP ' 2l I a i l 1) ' I hu isda y mt('id riay a ft ernoons 1fro1l.1 1:01) toG (0 in N;. ;lvI il ,10111tol' 1111. ('ooze Preliared to give a road- C i11z;" i if'.Nllie Iillc enhoU IQ, Pres .i;:.}tU i - - - - - - -a t "ri scott ( 'ltit)J i 3e la n g 7 :;t Tim t11i nthly 1aieoti nt u heI'esefI(uh will he fheld 'I'hiur'day ('ve- u ning. January T15, ,< t.7:'1it) i., 303 ?('ii ''uilistry llu1ibhiiw. Mr - . 1J. 'Yrault . p I U'seu' -h ('belta i i : i,. I ,,,('o., 1 Xittle (re.:, ill lie the prinicipal 1:3 spleakler. C. C. (.>lol er, Sccretary. C There vwill he io 101iig0of LiSo(Aid ltI spani( a1in Room 3201)1inthe Alich Iigan I T rion tors iht. zt 7.:),0.,alt:i a t tioe arran gemlents will be made - 7 : 0 f le io 0 i i ipi('h0!r. .ll inlbe; stl)Ow 1 e Itheir due's pa i lp helor~e the ( date of the pic lure. L. Walle1 1 ioffluia II. ! 7 :30- i Pi1 1 *i:hxa 'lwf vi'II v bi l ai l an inulpoi'tantt ltsitiess ItIeCtiiv ; at 7:30 1111 EO'clock tonigh~tin the lihrl'Y' of Martha Cook. 7 :30- Presideut31Muriel Fox. ha j ' I'A l S u e t 1tr s : rt l o ci, I O " mMh w ill h ae l e t i ol a, ,_ itl S tt e lts h1,ci'(rvst o iliii so cial anu i l bo r' iniobl eni:s I enigt 7 n P-R )1 i ~12 (oil the 'licrl , :n ii 'nien a7I. 7:11). '1ofe _,or LPAT ME 90 N 19, aM m M ARi no M Ua M EWEE®M 11NGi!a tNestor Johnson Skate Closing them out at reduced Only a few pair left UNIX Upholstery I A ST Fabrics ty at 7:00) in Lane hall.J --------- ----- -- - --- j 8:0-Coinedy club presents "The A d- ! J i mirable B3asliville" at the Sarah (>5s- well Angell hall.! Joices to appear in, this column mus e eft in tihe box at the D~ly offie ITUSA rt'ided for that purpose hefore a II~tIA Occ preccding the day of issue : 1 ~lSt ~11itCO ll- -------- mu Schools meets at President's of- 11EI)NE SD)AY flee.J W1 - (2nfrenefe of the lc -in : 10-Cerele Frucals lecture, "The - esiden t's oficje. l9 - Prof. W. bra yer slieahis to(- osh Engineers in Room 3 t M En-l neering Bldg. 1-6 :t11Y-.-'pen house at Harrids t--fni r ; Ilok hwriters iets inI. (jg Or pu rentl Iby 31r. ( hi'ist ia i 1[Hill audlitoriuii.t --4-ILop c(('lkmnit tee inicts inl room 'HE Insurance C 121, union. ?IAmerica has a numiE }__I? ;iiti~ielicu-( Stnidcnit lul, oganzaiontht ofe 305 I. Liberty St.oraitonhtofet E--Idtucatltinah c-on kre~nnft rrttid- terestingand remunerati aiviin inl] ,.uato n al As the Oldest America lnrus practic~e in Lane hall. Insurance Compan~y, the ---lmScejedad II i-pi~iai eets in 3oi 21, Union. of North America~ has ----eliiisyl vaniaii clnbinsI ets il closest contact with A )rl205, 'Mason hall. and industrial activitie D-itonzmd 1able (e ls nicetys in 001) 302, Union.- Its organization and sc -I'Fils 01 en01 gf ii s at Ab. -world-wide. 'decoi in Natural Science0 aud(itori- 111. Inquiries ar -11'04t4' Ilclb mieets in lHarrisj ill. INSURANCE C -D I3 ohay (ctoeitloii a-t Old NORTH A lasonic temple. 3rIW 11RONtIZE DAILY ADaVERTISE S !Philade price Special f K STORE, We One 'Thousand Pai L O DGE lIImported Fr iagelent 'Half I BYT-IEI LARGE 75c, $1.00, an E ROOMS Sunday Dinnerj I $1.50 and M B NT S ~$2.50, $.00 at MANDOLINS$1 ALAS GUITARS 8 ITARS> GET YOUR SF easy to learn and afford zin return for minimum CTO PAY CASH inued Styles at 4~ I K J sCount South Stale St. 14 Extra Trousers Sale on Suits PHONE 1799 CA1LL FOIL INFORMIAL SIN AP-SHOTS 01F WOMEN A call has been sent out by the M ichiganetisian for informal ko- dak pictures showing the ac- tivities of women on the campus, particularly athletics. They should lie brought to the Mich- iganensian office as soon as pos- sible. Any expenses incurred will be met with., MMMMMMMOIN Pportunities ; ; . i ,ompany of North ber of openings in its opportunities for in- yve careers. ,n Fire and. Marine eInsurance Company enjoyed 132 years of mericati commercial and development. :ope of influence are re invited ;OMPANY of MERICA I1nut Sts. Aphia /f I I1 Le .-...:. +' 0 0 roc".0ax.M.n. 000 Only rof Domestic and mncy W~ool Hiose That will make the old fur- niture look like new. Tap- estries, Velours, Damasks, Mohairs, eic., in pleasing; designs and colorings are display at our store. on II d $1.25 Hosse DAVOIJS h{OJ)A W-4 P. B. Harding .vvac,. MEAL. 218 East H uron St. Phone Reservations for ___ liiPhone21C i The .New The Shampoo Sharr Hair Grown or No Money , y Newu ,poo 520 HoIT(sC .15 i- C La E E R 0 Notice the t b 1e'rdbb i battle. You y .ub the bottle aver y u frowing med- Iieinto the scalp. Onte Mninute a day in ' your owni hiome with Van Ess Li quid Scalp Massage means an abundance Of new hair and the glass and luster that come with perfect hair health. Ask us aort 'the treatment plan. We sell it under mone'y-back suarantee. No No C L E E R 0 l-if,1J jo~il'2 i F. lllt ~I.\l IN S C~rIK TRU tad $3.50 Hos'e .80 BANJOS MANDC MAN D C.-C.EL- LOS HAR P-GU No other instruments are so so inuch- musical satisfaction effoi t and expense. I 51 BIARE E'RLY YOU .DON'T HA VE Rinsing Rinmsing C alkins Fletcher Drug Co. it Depeab~aile Stores--3 324 South State St, Corner E. and S. University Ayes. Corner State aind Packard A few Disconti 25% (/.is COMPANY at William St. ;A.:D SOD)AS j U Jn versity MLILsic Continues Until Januacry 24th A111 the Latest Victor Records Alw'ays 601-5 EAST WILLIAM STREET ,ei1®/ i /SIB.A / dRAl i! dlAlp/ ..M I A4IIAd .,AI e .._._.,....r_. ...., . "rr..rrr. ,r..*,r. ,rv,.rv. e«er. i"r.>, . ..r. .r. rrr, . ..e'. r'.. . . . . . TflNIr~IT! Comedy Club Presents the First Production in America of TU U ff3 I 0 N 5 0 Ron, m 0- E l 7 I