W :DI'NSDAY JN llAfl 14, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PACE S MN DAILY P.a O. I.. PJ:N iiiN 60UMN FIECOLUMN CLOSES ICLOSES IAT 3 P.M. I C ADfVERTISINGI AT 3 P.M. IDelta 8S; Phi Lambda KIxplpa 23, Theta Xi 5; Phi D~elta Thetat 10, Alpha K tp- Jea Lambda 1); igmil a Ku1, Gamma Sigma 1 ; Phi MAu lDelta 21, Alpha Cli' Rho 10; Phi upsilon 2.,rTheta Phi 0; IAlpha.t Tau Omega 9, Phi Elpsilon 1'i 7. - - 3 -.-.. ~ I *~1' Thte amnual all-cantp)us wrestling Imeet will be hldb in Waterman gym- FOfAEiWNE I nasium Jan. 13, 14, 15. I The weights will be 2 TUBES radio set. Gets coast to coastI WATi ED l1- op1 ticket by Jlunior.Very 1115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175, ail l heavy- 2 pair head phones. Complete $15. tt_}entt. Call 2852-J. after 6. ,-eight. Contestants will he ailowed! Call 2299-W.uda oko to wrestle in only one class. RADIO three tube set, portable, long !\TAnoTED All-day Sat R Pusel, Teiengthi of the bouts in the pre- distance reception. At half price, or40GordCossYsln.i R8. Preli ininaries wiuillbe five minutes, and Cr piat-18i eight minutes in the finals. TPo earn $50 ,veren 62 S StteSt. 36.WANTED-J-Hop Ticket. Call AVil-' a de~cision a 30 second adlvantage TW\O FULL dress ,,uits almost- new. , hams 3051-R. will be necessary in the preliminaryI Size 38. A big bargain. Phone 3238 - - --* --- bouts, and a 45 secondI advantage it) before 8 P. M. ROOT.-MATIE wanted. Desirable front1 the finals. In case of~ a draw two ____________________________ suite. Rent reasonable. 610 Tap-r two minute bouts will be wrestled to A ]OR RENT f -_pan Ave. Next new Law Club. dletermine the winner. 'Ph extra final WAHIG-wnt. t,10athmebout., in case of a draw, will be three ONE SINGLE ROOM $4i.50 peer week-R.I minutes in length. <32G S. State. 2{0-l Intramural sweaters with numerals '1') RNT urnshe s11rom ous MIVA1ONS IWANTED. or medals will be awarded to the' Three blocks north ofithe Campus. P~RA'TICAb NURSE. Will take full Wnes $80 per mont)h]Ii.Pone 24:3. 1 (chi, ge children, infants, elderly, any { nre o h.'nulalcmu LA.RGE .,suite wit h two single lbed h ins. Bo2 double. andl single handball tourna- 1509 S. .University. j ment ar now open. This tournament .,.ET-ns1011 om n n NOTICE: ought to prove interesting as a wealth. FO RREN -Ohedoule oom nd ne:of new material was unearthed in the Tor a student who wishe:-;a room- Attention Juniors- recent frat ernity handball competi- mate. Call 716 Arbor St. or 688;-R. Full dress suits for sale very reas-tin Soefthladr fome - -"o-- -' nable. Call 'Mr. Clarke-Utniv. 186 Years haive beeni unseated by eairl *V.R NT--Dbesiratble room for two; ,.by ortreBetde! [,#eic~yltlc, ings andl many upsets are expected it, 1i'1 $hlct~l 1P~m .~ , V~)r~4)fl f A'~''Tf~)~fl Tf~xT~' this tournament. J.ASLOW'S DINING ROOM KOSHER 614 Monroe Street DINNERS LIGHT LUNCHES SPECIAL SUPPERS ON SUNDAYS Reasonable Prices Phone 1 660-W Ann Arbor, Mich. - __. , :, i,; i t .E;. N AT - ~ ~ -: 723N.Nni Erst 21 ouhIn NRhMi -C- -w- ae- abfle rates.('all between) 1-5 tlles- flay or 2:380-4 :00 WednesdY. 1575--R. 1001t RENT---Two large rooms on West: ;;ide cheap. Cood hleat. Phone 1'304-W or c:-.ll 439 Spring St. } t'; 1I 'IltI VY li''.411 I 11l?.;t'ftl{il4Nt1 On) all make's. 4502 S. State. Arnold State Street Jeweler. SPECIAL ON VANITTVS For Co-eds APPLIED) ARTS :pitkels Arcade Opp. Sub-Stationl FOR IENTP For 2ndl Semester. Two l uibh-=-cGcom~s. Oe larp cIi vin" room celleit, lecation . 'all 27 \.be-- twf*,f i 5:830 amid 7 lEveni mgs and 12 'to 4_- Sat orday. 12 I 'RU 9{C SHAMPOOED or thust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carp)et Cleaning Worlos,' Phone 50. 10)1 Ni Lon rto. $8 'perl. A l. CallI Z:1 -1 I 1i I I t I i I- 'I' 11 yI 1, F(J'OItt+:N'"Pi' ilsrciulc su ,rl.;c rat 78 with lirivate ~n1v.mf. (':all 2'7-J. Waffles TE ~f~ Also 0LJN6R, Y IAK Coupon ooks ~ CARTTE f'S LUNCH FOR RENT l oomn for tonegirli ini plea sant student aipart men t. near Cam pus. Rteasona lol(ra~te(, call 2897.1. after 3 1)vi BOARDI? BOA H I) and Room7 in 1pri va I (1 fami'. 1220 S. Friivori-JIp. Plonec 2878--S. I I E F 1 k 1. FLO WERS Our moderate, prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HOME (ROW 3FLOWERS. A2 FLORAL CO. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 El. Liberty. Phone 1630 n. ll.[L II ..1 LOtST ;Silver ring; with Dell a Theta Phi ,eal. IteW,':rd-Please call 2597. a ~vICrt111+]('1l10). No. 10724 "HTONE'ST'AND ? T'LV' IY COLi)1Cli''1 ORC' S'1 RA. Its a 1 ig1,Hh TJo lio Fcat m ed Ai:thieJ-f lop "oe'lave It. Nov"! ~NI'VE'SITFY aMUS1£, IC OtTSE Victor Record No. 19527 by the 01111lisister", You should hecar thiis one UNIVERSITY ?MVUSIC:' 1-lOUSEa Latest Brunswick Record Releasec A Poxc Trot With Vocal ( hornswv }yNick luicats. Ili- o it.'' 1ldif) iOw.T STO)I S1,I+F 'T PHONO 5110OP C;1it; 1 . . I f +l .'I L4. C. snub Ii, I-b'in ut 41, Unlderwovodi, Royal, eb (., 3 monthsix$7.5o)upl. In i- t ia~ll iaYliei 1 of rent applied on the purchase~ of any t ypcwrit er. 0. D. I' ORRILL 17 Ni(,ik;s' Arcade The Stationery& Typewriter Store 2" (1YEARIS (of iielia Iiical experii- onice n114-8215any .hing to you, callj me at 3,10-Al 10r' typewriter repair- .to n 11 e i~--' i 1-1 ' 7i ae j IIAPCTS ROOTERY j\tV uertl h leatrie Arcade. See the Style l'ov' yourself. IntramuralItems (Continued from Page Six) ohbject will be to buring the fraterni-I ics into a closor contact in this sport ad~ to ,timu late ag-,:eater interest inj 1l1w tournament. The tournament will be conductedj one night only, so that tihe entire l i gymnasium. will be available. Each house will be given a (designated ~iunc iji whlich to shoot. Having all ;lie 17 aiternait ics together like this on a I ~' enight will tend1 to ad~d to the < e.ontcst more of the spirit of a social gatrary to previous years each "house can enter as many men as they dvl ,ire and each mlan will be allowed t en- tl'a ws. The scores of the five lug:;, men will lie the total that will count, as thle score of the hourse. The j r; G highest; houses will then be given' n1o0ther round in whlich to shoot, fol- tow a g exactly the same rules as when they shot in thle first round. TheseI .w\o rounds will be totaled andI the hous:e sc'oring the greatest number of bas.e:etsoaat of these 100 shoots will receivec a cup as winner.. Entries shou1(1ld e sent into the In- I raiimnra I office at once so that the thne schedule can be drawn tiiumnb- I and thle schedule will lie announcedl mlediately. The (late of t lie tournament 50114iellw' next week. 1Paistaind tricky play with a good hi-a~Ili of basket shooting - character- ized all of the games p~layed1 by theI Ailt ough the basketball season huas startexl, the entry sheets ar inrepeiorl eat, class, 01hurchI. so Et and bord - in,, club ha sketball1 1eaues are Si ill open. Managers of these teams wh(i are not entereol or pleients of or-- gani~izations which expect to p2 rIP-c plate should sign ify fteir in ent ioi of (t0npetingy within the-nxt few (ays. The freshman wrestling wnt 1:, nehedutled for March. Varity n ur- erals will be awarded1 to the wi! ners. Freshmnen are eligible to on- I pete in the ail-campus meet. " what was the matter -~ with Professor Ilenry tis -~ morning,? I've never seen - him) so !eeved,Ileseemed - to be bo'Jg ever." - Pythias- "Boiling over is good. HeI Was. Didn't you not e -,why? The old boy had Ink-t laid his Eldorado penil th lsl s rdrk, ~ pezdt ''° I 17 leads-all dealers "Educates" A few drops *before school keeps the hair combed 'all *day. Refresh- ing, pleasing. At drug counters and barber shops everywhere (Gloss-Comb)* " THlE ORIGINAL LIQUID HA IR DRESS iReal Men and Boys ". -end for Sample Bottle Mail coupon and 10c for generous trial bottle. Normany Products Co., 6511 McKinleyAv., Los Angeles, Ca. Nam........... X Address.,-.t. .............=:m,=,:.. f Don't Forget to Bring Your Old Books Here. SLATER S w__. _._.. _ - ----.. (( y b - s-- 1 , . BEFORE and AFTER Shaving!' Before shaving, an application of Mufflin Alkohol will soften your beard and remove the skin oils and greases which defy or- dinary lather and water. Then, after shaving, Mifflin Alkohol is soothing and refreshing; it relieves the dryness and drawn feeling; it makes for soft, smooth, glowing skin ! And Mifflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! After bathing, a Mifflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mufflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." Mufflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic Organizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- .arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN--in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. f/ To etBusiness'Direct U s L on g. D ista n eeTEPK N W~, BRIN BEST-RESULTS A, Long Dis ance call always 'gets preferred at ntion -from the busy business man It always gets a hearing from the person with om you wish-to, It is given the c nsideration_ of _3 face-to-face conver ation. It gives you the Opp rtunity to get Syour whole story acr ss, reinforced