'PAGE SIX THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY WF'.I.l\I Sl)AY, JA-N(-:\I',Y 14, 1, 2 . PAGE SIX W1i~DNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1923 I ow ° D P U B DUMC H IGA EF arrellT MICHIGA MEETS LWIESTLERS DRLL oFar Ca n didats NHCKEY TEAM TO PUDE OIHTt _ ' FOR mR.MEFET"At"Pep°MeetingPLAY SSUMPTION, BOWLING4 Becilerniakers' Have VolImi le i e"11115i( Entries are now being received for f iiiines ai~e S alae Team i'I'hlat Los~t !teslpit 35i19 lDefeat by th analAlc pssige an f Wlvre 1-La I h nulAicmu ige n: oWleie 19I~aw'licyes !Doubles IBowling championship andSes. for the class tournament. The class PLAY O14IO SATURDAY teams will consist of five men each jKRBEL ONLY VETERAN I( -The entries may be turned in at the --o Miciga's arsty asktbal tamIntramural office or at the Bowling 'Coch IBarker, Wolverine mlat coach,I will meet Purdue at Lafayette tonightAles sent his men through a long workout . in its secondBi Ten gm of the ; lIL'0' yesterdlay in preparation for the open- Big ame OULSHOOINGing Conference wrestling mecet sche d- season. The Michigan squad composed Approximately fifty teams have en- tiuled with the Michigan Aggie grip- of H-aggerty, Cherry, Doyle, Gregory, 1tered the annual fraternity foul shoot-! piers at Lansing Saturday. Chambers, Landre, Hutzel, Reason andl ing tournament which will get under1 The Agie school boast ocf a teem of Rasnick left Ann Arbor last night, way at nine o'clock Thursday night.; all veterans, having the sarme teiani Trinr ily 1~ ~The following teams will report to! that faced the Michtigan squad Last team whle oac. Mtherwosot Basketball manager for assignment to winter. In spite of the fact that his ed W e Aisconsin-Ohio game at Mad-, courts at the following time: squad is madelC up of inexp)erienlced iscii last night, will meet the squad; 8:00 Acacia, Aluha Delta Phi. Alpha Inn oc ae scnietta on theo scene of battle. Rho Cihi. Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tai his team will be st ronger this season Michigan's five is expected to meet Omega,, Beta Phi Delta, Beta Theta Pi, than the. squad that (defeatedM the Fa'r- vtiff opposition in the Boilermaker; Clii Phi, Delta Alpha Epsilon, Delta mer~s 11-9 last yea-. Chi. Baker is counted onl to fill the quintet, although Iowa took a one Ci 115 pound cla ss in fine rhape . Ktcrbel,! sidled gatne from them last Saturday 8:30 Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Upsi- rih,3- h udesudhsIon, Hfermitage, Kappa Nu, Iarmhda Chi the only veteran on the squad, ;ill 35-19.The Prdue quad aslunoubItedily he a npoint w inne:r in the been slow in getting started this sea- Alpha, rTan Kappa Epsilon, Pi Kappa12 son but Coach Lambert has been work-! Alpha, Pi Lambda Phi, Phi Beta. Delta, 15squladL division for the W1olve rines th ~ adadue iln nPhi Chi. throughout the season. good contlition for the Wolverine 9 :00 Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma t oli~i1N~e r ohsrn game. ThYe long trip before the Iowai Delta, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Sigma Delta, canclda es in the lightweight dfivision , a Ph Sima app, SimaAlpa Fsl-Coach Barker has not dceded as to ., me is also regarded as a bigreda-'PiSgm wpahimaApaopi will drawi the a ,5in ,tief. sn for the Purdune defeat at Iowa Ion, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Clhi, Sig- . ma1. bhi, SigeicNiiSigmaliei. Ct.9:30 Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tan Delta p1111(1 cglass, while Sinclair wvill t Lie Michigan's squad will probably l'. PiTht,;iThtaDet CithTet j I i 8 pound l weight. Laiggu1 P is uip the same as it did in the NavyPhTeaCihtaDlaCihta. anlNrhetr ae.Cpan Xi, Zeta Beta. Tau. slatedl to 'fill the 175 pounid Ijerili. and orthestrn gmes CapainGoldstein, a 215 pounder, is the lone Hlaggerty, leadling scorer for the Mich- candidate in thve unlimited wegli- igan squadl so far this year, will start The fraternity foul shooting tourn--__ at right forward with Ed Chambers, ament will he run on a(different W~estern'2 club members will invoi at. the other forward position. Greg- basis tbis year than heretofore. The at ; ::0 o'clock tonight in hsarris I Ia I!. ory will take the center position analI (Cned on Page Seven) Conii's "Michigan 'Men" will furnish Doyle and Cherry will complete the the music. Quintet. It is also likely that Landre,; The fact that the Purdue defense is -- Ilultzel, Rasnick, and Reason will be; not as good as it might be will give____ riven -a chance to enter the game, if Michigan a,- strong chance for victory. the tide turns in' favor of Mather'si Haggerty and Cherry are both as cap- men. able basket shots as there are in the Purdue's biggest hone of victory B ig Ten and unless the Boilermakers AH over Michigan will lie in the work of, polish up their play considerably, Robbins, one of the finest guards in Cherry and Doyle will hold down they. the Conference, who gave the Iowa; home team's score. Michigan's rec-istp ,d.0s players considerable trouble in their ord in the game tonight will be care-_________ recent tilt. He was responsible for fully watched in view of the fact that two field goals and as many free' Ohio State's powerful squad is due at thbrows and he was one reason why the field house Saturday night. The' the Iiawkeye's didn't run the score# Michigan squad will be given a good 71 North into the forty's. Wright and Wellman, chance to start off the season by es-' 1"'t forward and left guard, are two Itablishing two games in the win col-I University Ave. oither men onl the sq~uad1 who are like- umn while the other more powerful! ly t~o make the going anything but i squads of the Conference are battlingj smooth for the Michigan team. among themselves.------ : f'' i ,t. ,r t' t ,,: t ., iS Ei ,. ,; i. tj i it 77 L t i ( t. f 1 . ! Coach Steve Farrell, MNichigan's vet- eran track mentor, will make his for-j lnal call for' track candidates at the unual track pep meeting ThursdayC ,vening in room: :18 of the U'nion. Each year a meeting of this kind is held inf order to increase the interest in track in the campus andl impress upon the ,u unts the worth of trying for a place on theC team.{ ,1. Vaulan Ilerri-1, '25 track man- ie nd! chairman of the meeting has irranged an intere tingr program. In addiltion to Coach Farrell, Professor larry C. Carver, of the mnaibmatics dep~artmenlt, .1ames K. Brooker ; cap-; t lin cf the 'track team, Coatch Hoyt fi-e liman track coach, and Eghert R. sbell, former Conference cross! eeuntry and ltwo mile chamnpion will seak. Th'lere is no one on the c<;m pus as nt crested in track anmd in tiie ,uc cess (of thle Alich W,-nmI eams as i'ofe:s5(1 ':.lE '.40 iSlaV in his t ~udcit day ". All epom ts paint t~o a be nner year ior track in lie Conference wvith mifore , Sssthlan ever lx .ore ,wiling up a" t ro.rgtln ])Oohi onltenrders andc ii cii igan will have to utilize every je~i a;J)4ity if shle is to0 hi el her place the ltoo PFew 1vtt e:'anTs werelost, by iiry o;' the i;;Ten'ci.ntill depart:-~ lllng;l i ll liaive ,l iccrd nulilwierof rseli g ie for i copet:itionl Alla1i11 i Ftralck ,itiana ger I ryoll s report tis aft ernoon or 1iatronti (eca h \itfield -10 u~e. ' ~~A. V. l >:Cl'[iltl, I llttla";'r. SEASON OPENS FRIDAN M.ichigan's hockey schwdule will be opecned Friday nig ht at A einberg's C'oliseumn when the Wolverine sextet: will mecet thle toe,,- representing; As- sunlption college. 01 Sa.rnia, Out. CThe announcement of the gam e was made yest erday, Ithe cosniracl .Wih the Canadian tears having just been re- turned. Negotiations have beeni under 1way' since late last week. Thimelich igan sq.uad heil snot lier har r(1wkout last iiigt